
All A Game




5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
12-21-2020, 07:42 AM

The dropping temperatures of the north had affected not only Kefka and Relm themselves considering they had come from the east and Kefka had avoided the north for the most part at least in the winter time. But the prey had become scarce as the colder months moved in and the demand of the nearby pack and other loners threatened the supply of meat for them.

Kefka had stuck to himself mostly, he and Relm at least. They didn't live in the forest with Lurid and he honestly didn't see the gain in hunting for her and her family when he had himself and Relm to look after. He also believed they had Alastor to provide for them, therefor, he had no interest in breaking his back for them especially given Lurid being injured.

He did however do regular patrols of the woods at least when he and Relm were up north opposed to when they were out and about traveling Boreas. So when he spotted a deer inside the red wood and it didn't bolt off from the far distant noise of him, he instantly turned from a relaxed stroll into a crunched stalk towards the meal. Kefka was never good with blending into his surrounds given the fact that he was vastly different from the colors of trees, or grass, or water. But he always made do and learned patience for his kill if anything else.

He thought it a little weird though that as he grew closer to the tiny deer, it wouldn't sense his presence at all. It didn't raise it's head from the forest floor and paid no mind to the drifting scent change of it's predator. Oh well, it must have been slow or dumb. Kefka wasn't one to ponder on silly things relating to an easy kill. He wasted little time before bolting from behind a tree to go and grab the little deer, but luckily for Kichi's pet it would startle from the incoming attack and Kefka wouldn't made contact with it at all. Still, he would go to chase it because surely he could run it down in a matter of a minute.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
02-02-2021, 08:36 PM

The little deer certainly hadn’t seemed concerned about Kefka when he first approached but once it was in flight it was certainly quick.  The little deer didn’t look behind it and it was deft at dodging around the trees and hopping over roots to make sure Kefka was working at it.  The small creature made a barking sound to call for help but who would save a deer from a wolf?

Kichi hadn’t been sniffing the ground as he worked at finding prey but on hearing his deer’s call he took off a snarl already in his throat.  The boy remembered he’d seen this wolf before talking with his mom and even greeted him but there was no time to politely ask what was going on or ask him to stop.  That wolf had the nerve to try and harm his Torch?

Kichi ran so that he’d insert himself between the two, stopping to face Kefka as he charged forward.  Kichi would have his hackles up and teeth bared in a warning.  The young pup had grown with the passing of time but still wouldn’t reach a year's age until spring.  That aside he seemed fearless facing an incoming larger wolf.  If the wolf stopped he’d talk and warn him not to hurt Torch, if the wolf didn’t stop it would quickly become a fight.



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
02-08-2021, 12:13 PM

The deer was certainly agile as expected by it's small and thin size. But Kefka still sought after it, it would at least be a good meal for Relm if anything else. He wasn't going to let the chance slide to catch the meal anyhow. He leapt over the tree roots and slid along the frozen ground as he took turns after it. He may have come close here and there, but the deer seemed to get a little spring in it's step each time.

It would come to great surprise as Lurid's little not-son came to stop Kefka, though, Kefka didn't know he was getting in the way of him hunting the deer. Sliding to a halt and just barely stopping before wiping both of them out, "Hey, kid," Kefka could barely remember Kichi's name, but it wasn't necessary at this time anyway, "Either help out or move out of the way, we can't let this deer slip away." He attempted to move around Kichi, and was not expecting anymore fighting back. Maybe it was just Kichi's young age that made Kefka see him as... little? He didn't care much for why he was defensive, thought perhaps he wanted to practice a spar or something of the sort. Certainly not because he was protecting the deer.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
02-08-2021, 01:05 PM

The door was breathing heavily with each leap being a matter of one that spelled freedom or death.  Torch was alive so far and thus winning!  It saw Kichi coming but didn’t dare stop.  Once Kichi halted the other wolf the deer would slow, glancing back to see if it needed to speed up again.  This was giving it a chance to breathe and hopefully, Kichi would make it so Torch didn’t need to run anymore.  Didn’t that wolf know he wasn’t food?

Kichi had already felt a rush of agitation at the idea of anyone hurting his deer, as well as a deep drive to protect it.  Now Kefka was treating him like a child and telling him to either get out of his way or assist in killing with his friend pride and rage both rose to the surface.  This wolf knew his mom and would dare to treat Kichi this way?  The young wolf was around an entire 9months old and how dare anyone treat him in such a fashion!

“It’s Kichi, not kid and that’s mine!” His already boiling anger wasn’t going to take any more of that!  As Kefka moved to get around him Kichi would spin around furiously to bite at the top part of Kefka’s back leg with a snarl in the back of his throat.

Kichi vs Kefka for Dispute
Round 1/2
Age: under 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Armadillo skin armor
Companion 1: Water deer, Male - Battle
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Hunter
Specialty: N/A



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
02-08-2021, 03:36 PM

Who's gonna stand up, who's gonna fight?
Who's gonna break these chains and lies?


Though Kichi wasn't really getting out of the way, Kefka would still move past him maybe as if he was better than him. Though that wasn't really the case. Kefka was simply older than him, therfore, Kichi should have known better. Or something of the sort. Kefka really meant no ill will to it. Funny how he saw Relm as nearly a goddess and here he was pushing Lurid's son around.

Kefka would squint as the deer was just standing there staring at him now, and it did get him to slow and question why the heck the deer was not on the run now. He didn't understand that when Kichi said the deer was his that it was his friend or whatever. And just as he was all confused and thoughts going through his head, Kichi would bite down on his hock. Kefka would flick his leg backward to the small bite, twirling around and looking down at the young man. Kichi wasn't too terribly small compared to him, and though he was still young it was apparent he was a bit more hefty than Kefka for sure.

Kefka didn't even know how to react. This was after all Lurid's son, so he couldn't just take a giant bite out of him. So instead he would lazily try to swipe his paw towards Kichi's left shoulder in order to put him on the ground. "Hey now, chill out." If he could pin him there would be no harm done, and maybe he could teach him a lesson.

Walk "Talk" Think

Kefka Abraxas vs Kichi for Dispute (actually nothing)
Round 1/2

Age:  Over 1 Year
Size:  Extra large
Build:  Medium
Skills:  Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty:  N/A


!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details: