
Shiver and Shake

Sea - Lorikeet



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-13-2021, 09:37 PM

Winter was hardly Perseus' favorite season out of the year. Spring was muddy and the weather variable, but new growth was always a welcome sight. Summer was hot, bringing droughts and wildfires, but it was in the end a fat and easy season. Autumn boasted beautiful colors, crisp respite from hot days, and the bounty of the harvest. It's only downside was that it meant winter was right around the corner. And Percy didn't like winter. He grumbled to himself as he trekked aimlessly, paws kicking up puffs of snow as he pushed his way through low drifts. The endless crunching beneath his paws was nearly enough to drive the young male insane. Gods, spring couldn't come soon enough.

In fact, Percy was so focused on his pity party that he barely noticed the terrain beneath his paws changing. Still snow of course, because it was an inescapable frozen hell, but more shallow and flat. Ears perking he looked up to take in his surroundings and found that he had ended up in the middle of a vast open space, unnaturally flat and free of trees or other desiccated vegetation... Weird. He scuffed one paw against the snow beneath him, pushing it out of the way until his claws scraped against... ice?

Oh, that made sense. Apparently, he'd been so caught up in hating winter that he'd wandered onto a frozen lake of some sorts. Well, good thing it's so cold, otherwise I'd probably drop right through! Percy's mood flipped like a switch, from grumbling discontent to gratitude that he'd stumbled onto his amusement for the day, never once sparing a thought for whether or not the ice was actually thick enough to hold his weight. With a running start he launched himself forward, taking a few strides before locking his legs and falling back on his haunches, skidding through the thin cover of snow with an echoing whoop.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.