
Eclipse - aw



09-03-2013, 08:11 PM

She slithered into the battlefield with a sickening grin upon her scarred lips. The warmonger let her paws fall to the dirt below her as dust swirled up her body. The demon was ready to battle, but this time it would be a spar. Soon she would get her skills much higher and be able to kill like she use to. The woman got soft while in Alactritis. She hadn't removed a sole from a body in ages and that saddened the demon. Yet here she was, ready to practice more and more. She rolled her marred shoulders and licked her scarred lips. It seemed rumors of her ongoing at the Antox were getting around and she wanted to be more notorious. She wanted to be feared by more then just the weak. She wanted to be feared by packs and kingdoms. Like a witch, hunted and hated.

With that, she flicked her head up and let forth a horrible song, beckoning the fighters. She was ready to fight. For fun, of course. Her knees bent and her hackles puffed out. The woman let her lips curl up to flash her jagged fangs. Her ears flicked back and her eyes slit. The woman also let her tail tuck in for protection, she was ready.


Round 0/3

___ days left


Defenses:Set. Ears flat against skull, eyes slit, tail tucked, hackles raised, lips curled up, knees bent for balance.


Comments: Anyone welcome!

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun


09-11-2013, 11:35 AM

A twisted, lustful song would echo among the battle field, her cry something of an amusement as it would prickle against the delicate lobes. Gliding towards the noise the ex princess decided she needed to get more practise, if war was to come to glaciem what better way to learn then by a spar? The mystical siren would rise, her lean legs pounding against the earth to reach the call until a large figure would set upon the orbs, with the defences all set and ready. Slowing down the pace the oracle would twist her lips into a smile, looking the woman over, her muscles rippling and her frame huge. " Im sure your here for the same reasons as I my belle? a spar." Even if the brood was to loose, she'd gain experience for the future, either way it will benefit.

Renesme would tense, staying approximately 7 meters away to observe the reaction and to be sure no unexpected attacks would be announced, before tucking in the tail inbetween the hind legs, ears pinned backed to prevent them from getting torn away while the twin pools would turn into slits. The ivory dame would make sure to spread out the weight evenly upon all four ligements to secure the balance before curling the lips. " You ready" The words would shudder beneath the breath, the tiara would slowly dip down to tuck the chin upon the chest. Renesme was set and ready.

Renesme vs Canttina

Round- 0/3

Attacks- none

Defenses- ears tucked, balance evenly spread, eyes slit, lips curled, chin tucked.




09-13-2013, 11:40 AM
The demo ness stood in her defensive stance without a care. She waited for her opponit and rolled her marred shoulders. Her legs remained sturdy with knees bent and ears flat against her skull the woma let her tail to stay still tucked in and her hackles were raised. Slit eyes flicked to a white wolf in the distance. Canttina tilted her head and those horrible lips curled again. The woman let forth words and Canttina nodded lightly before her muscles rippled in strain. The beast darted forward and faked left. Her paws dug into the earth and moved to the right of Renesme. A deafening growl was heard as her jaws attempted to connect to the white faes left shoulder (cants right, ren's left). Her paws dug deeper into the dirt and she attempted to push the enemy forward by attempting to press her body against Ren's.

Canttina vs Renesme
1/3 rounds
7 days left
Defenses: set. Lips curled. Ears flat. Hackles raised. Tail tucked. Eyes slit. Knees bent and legs sturdy.
Attacks: canttina faked left and moved to the right. She attempted to bite down on Ren's left shoulder. Canttina would attempt to also push against Ren with her paws dug into the ground.
Injuries: n/a
Anything else: phone post :(


09-13-2013, 12:04 PM

It would all happen so quickly, the beastly fae would charge, no words would pass Canttinas lips. Renesme's forest green orbs would stay locked, watching her every movement until final a false move was made- instead of going to the left she'd fake and instead jolt to the right. If it wasn't for the snowy dame's concentration Renesme could of been easily taken down. Pushing the front two paws back to drag the body away the oracle would try to avoid contact of cantina's ivory fangs piercing her shoulder, but instead the fangs would scrape down- slicing of some flesh upon the left shoulder blade and letting the open wound bleed. While the sandstone beast was at it Renesme would push forward once again attempting to grab Canttinas scruff to get a firm grasp upon the oppoinments thick scruff while sending the right paw to hopefully thump down onto the fae's left paw to initially brake a delicate bone in one of the toe bones. The opened wound would throb, yet whimpering about it would get her no where. Anger would boil I her veins and growls would be heard amongst the two, the fight was now on.

Renesme vs Canttina

Round- 1/3

Attacks- Attempting to grab at canttinas scruff while she had aimed for the left shoulder. while doing this Renesme would also attempt crushing a bone in the paw.

Defenses- Ears tucked, eyes slit and weight evenly spread.

Injuries- open wound on left shoulder.



09-13-2013, 01:26 PM
The woman was face to face with the other. Her mind was racing. Lust, anger, rage, and horror filled her brain. Growls would rip through the air. Their furs mingled, as well as their pain. The demoness would continue to have nearly perfect stance. Her ears pinned, eyes slit, tail tucked, knees bent, legs spread, lips curled, and hackles raised. Canttina's attack on Ren's left shoulder would be part success part fail. Her naked fangs would scrape along the tender flesh of the ivory female, no lock was made. A growl of complete anger filled the air as she was pushed back as well from Rensemse. They pressed against eachother causing some brusing in Canttina's chest. Renesme would attempt to grab a hold of Canttina's scruff and the attack would work to an extent. The ivory fae grabbed a hold of just enough of her scruff to latch on. The mahogany demon snarl and shook her neck in attempt to shake her off. It would only result in more ripping of Canttina's flesh but she did not mind little stings of pain like that. The next assault from her enemy would come to a surprise for Canttina. The ivory vixen would attempt to stomp on Canttina's foot. In doing so Canttina let forth a gurgling roar, one of her toes had been crushed. Her paw instantly went through horrible pain but she kept it bent and on the ground. Though, it was very weak and vulnerable. Her balance was slightly off because she did not wish to put to much weight on the paw. With another horrid growl and an attempt at a shake of her neck Canttina would attempt to bite at Renesme's right shoulder due to the positioning and lock on. The demon would attempt to press forward, as well. Her whole left leg shook in horrible pain but the woman pressed on. A whimper was at her surface but nothing came out but seething growls.

canttina vs renesme
7 days left
defenses: Her ears pinned, eyes slit, tail tucked, knees bent, legs spread, lips curled, and hackles raised.
attacks: canttina would attempt to shake off Ren's hold on her scruff by shaking violently. She would attempt to push against Ren and then attempt to bite/lock onto Ren's right shoulder.
injuries: bite would to left shoulder. broken toe in left paw. brusied chest. offbalance.


09-13-2013, 02:07 PM

Renesme would be successful, crushing some bones in Canttina's paw, it only made the dame want to go further to cause more damage and see where it would lead. Snarls and yips would surround the two and with Renesme having a fair grip upon the womans scruff- she had nothing holding her back, attempting to deepen the wound Renesme would shake the cranium violently her jowls staying as secure as she could manage. lifting up the left paw would Ren attempt to scratch along the oppoinments chest to try to stop the heroic shaking to be free'd- Giving one final pull Ren hoped she would be successful with making a mess on the scruff- Canttina's attempts at getting free finally worked as a sharp pain to the right shoulder would send the glaciem member back, the sudden lash backwards causing flesh to rip free from the frame, about 2cm wide. Ren would move back quickly as Canttina's body would push against her to catch her of balance, there bodies colliding. For now Canttina would be in pain in her left toe, and with that Renesme would lunge to the right side [canttinas left] and turn 90 degrees to be in a position where hopefully the sandstone wolf would be in to much pain to move swiftly to go head on. only Time would tell. Lowering the cranium Renesme would open up her jaws wide to try to successfully bite down on the left hind leg, aiming to tear the top of the thigh where the muscles would lay. Her claws would lay firm onto the ground, keeping her balance as sterdy as possible. The tail would remain tucked, incase it would be torn of in complete anger

Renesme vs Canttina

Round- 2/3

Attacks- Renesme tries to keep her grip upon the scruff to cause further damage and possibly tear in half While trying to successfully claw on the womans chest.

Defenses- Ears tucked, eyes slit and weight evenly spread to prevent from being knocked down. Tail tucked between hind legs.

Injuries- open wound on left and right shoulder. Small bruising on the chest due to cantina ramming against Ren

I hope this made sense, I have limited time as ive gotta get of my laptop and head of to work<3



09-13-2013, 03:32 PM
The demoness was in horrible pain but would not give up. Canttina put horrors of pain and trauma on her body when she did this stuff. With her eyes still slit the woman enjoyed the taste of fae' flesh within her fanged mouth. Her attempt to lock on was a success for the moment. Ren shook her head in order to cause mare pain on Cant's scruff, which she did. The flesh tore and ripped, blood dribbled down her back and off her shoulders as they scattered about. Canttina snarled as Ren's paw came up for a good swiped at her chest. The mahogany vixen attempted to back up but the claws nicked her chest, causing a minor scratch wound compared to the chewed flesh upon her scruff and broken toe. With flat ears and a tucked tail Canttina let forth another round of deafening growls. The ivory female pulled back quickly. Both Ren's and Canttinas grasps on eachother were broken. A chunk of fur and skin remained in Ren's mouth and Canttina's mouth was full of ivory fur and flabs of extra skin. Both of their shoulders were torn to bits. Canttina snarled as she applied more pressure to her broken foot, bending her knees and remaining a balanced stance, without one leg. Her slit eyes followed the white female before she struck again. The other female darted for Canttina's left hind leg and attempted to grab on. The brown demon grunted as fangs held onto her hind leg. With a roll of her horribly screwed up shoulders Canttina moved to where she could get a hold of Ren's hind right leg. She attempted to get a good hold of the upper thigh. Canttina's left paw would come up and attempt to slice Ren's right hind bum area, even though the pain of a broken toe was horrible and nearly to much for Canttina, she tried her hardest. They were in an odd postition, no doubt. With a tail tucked and her lips curled Canttina hoped she would win the battle, though she doubted it.

canttina vs renesme
7 days left
defences: set. eyes slit, lips curled, knees bent, tail tucked, ears flat.
attacks: attempt to pivot over and bite/lock onto Ren's hind RIGHT leg due to position. attempt to swing her left paw up and slice Ren's upper hind right rear area.
injuries: broken toe on left front paw. open flesh wound to left shoulder. bruising to chest. off balance. bite to left hind leg. scratch to chest.
anything else: i just wanna clear up that i am not godmodding canttina in the fact that she isnt expressing to much pain, though she is in definite weakness because of her various wounds. canttina is someone who will fight until they die. she could be missing three legs and all her teeth and still be wiggling about and fighting :3


09-13-2013, 04:17 PM

It was all nearly over, they where both in pain yet there lust would take over, the jaws would be successful, clasping onto Canttina's hind leg, it was a complete pleasure to see the blood oozing, but before long Ren hadn't had much time to think much about it as the large woman would pivot round attempting to aim for the thigh, it was instinct and instinct alone that would make the dame release the beasts leg and avoid the entire bite by jolting into the complete opposite direction.[FULL DODGE USED] attempting to get a distance of a good few meters between the two Renesme would snarl. Her eyes would dart over, the woman would seem to not care about the pain and with that, Ren would have a hold of respect. By know they where back head to head, with perhaps only a few meters to spare. A growl would ripple from the throat as the dame would charge and run towards her oppoinment, not straight ahead yet aiming to run in line with Canttina's right shoulder. Pushing the pain away Renesme would attempt to duck her upper half to the ground and grab the centre of her right leg to possibly click a single bone out of place.

Renesme vs Canttina END

Round- 3/3

Attacks- Aiming to do LITTLE damage to the right leg by running towards and dipping down the upper half in the last few moments to try to successfully grab.

Defenses- Ears pinned, weight evenly spread and eyes slit.

Injuries- open wound on left and right shoulder. Small bruising on the chest due to cantina ramming against her.

OOC: One thing, I personally think in your last post you got some positions wrong that doesn't make sense in wolf ic fighting, so Im sorry if certain things don't make sense, great fight!

The Judge


09-14-2013, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2013, 09:04 PM by Isardis.)

CANTTINA vs RENESME for Practise

Round 1

8/ 10 for clarity- more detail could be given in regards to your attack, eg. What angle does she approach, exactly what injury does she hope to inflict?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

8/ 10 for defenses. flat ears, narrowed eyes, tail tucked, sturdy limbs, gripping toes, bared teeth, hackles raised.

6/ 10 for attack. A false attack left, then darting right to attack the left shoulder whilst attempting to falter her balance.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one CANTTINA Total: 42/50


10 / 10 for clarity- Clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. No power playing.

0/ 10 for defenses. Unfortunately no defences were mentioned in your post. Simply listing them in the summary does not count, they must be included in the round post itself.

6/ 10 for attack. Grasp to the scruff, then attempting to break opponents toes via the force of her paw.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round ? wound to left shoulder.

Round one RENESME Total: 36/50

Round 2

9/ 10 for clarity- More clear, but what is Canttina aiming to achieve with her bite?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

7/ 10 for defenses. flat ears, narrowed eyes, tail tucked, sturdy limbs, bared teeth, hackles raised.

5 / 10 for attack. Single bite attack to the right shoulder.

5/ 10 for injuries. Broken toe in left foot, scruff wound (?), bruised chest.

Round two CANTTINA Total: 36/50


10/ 10 for clarity- Clear post.

10/ 10 for powerplaying. No Powerplay

4/ 10 for defenses. Balanced weight, tucked tail, gripping paws.

7/ 10 for attack. Attempting to worsen damage to scruff, then making an attack to opponents left hind thigh. She also attempts to swipe Canttina?s chest, however wolf paws do not do much damage so this is virtually disregarded.

6 / 10 for injuries. Chest bruising, right shoulder wound

Round two RENESME Total: 37/50

Round 3

9/ 10 for clarity- Again, what do you hope to achieve with your attacks?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

5/ 10 for defenses.
5/ 10 for attack. Bite to the right hind thigh, scrape to the rump. Attacks with wolf claws are very weak.

4 / 10 for injuries.Serious bite wound to left hind thigh.

Round three CANTTINA Total: 33/50


10 / 10 for clarity- Clear post.

10/ 10 for powerplaying. Post contained no powerplaying.

0/ 10 for defenses. No defences mentioned.

4/ 10 for attack. Attack to the right hind, aiming to dislocate? I don?t think there was enough force for this to be likely.

8 / 10 for injuries.Renesme dodged. I?m not a fan of dodging, but it wasn?t exactly unrealistic so I?ll let her have it; however, I will deduct two points for the two wounded shoulders, as it would have been painful for her to move this fast.

Round three RENESME Total: 32/50

And the winner is...

CANTTINA! (scoring 111) Renesme (Scoring 105) must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CANTTINA- Broken toe, serious wound to the thigh will be slow healing and potentially scar.

RENESME- Slow healing shoulder injuries may scar or be prone to infection without treatment.


Good job guys! Tyr you?d do so much better if you incorporated defences into your posts. That was what let you down. Canttina, watch your clarity. When planning an attack you should also consider hat damage your wolf hopes to inflict.

- By [Y u m p y]


09-15-2013, 06:56 AM

A growl would escape her lips as she would submit so suddenly, fleeing a few meters away before dipping the tiara. What happened? Where her defences lacking or perhaps the size difference did take a toll. The Pain in her both shoulders where agonising as they'd throb. Canttina was lucky, perhaps next time would be different. " Alright! You win wench! it must of been your lucky day. you might need t get you toe checked out." A sneer would escape and poisen to the ground before turning away to walk back to her homelands.

OOC: Great fight Canttina!

[Renesme Exit.]


Also yumps thankyou for giving me tips in the future, first spars are always the worst.



09-15-2013, 08:02 PM

As Renesme gave in Canttina was filled with a sickening joy. She had won the battle. She tore the white wolf's shoulders to hell and back. Though, Canttina was also in great pain due to her broken paw and ripped up shoulder. The mahogany demon was rough and could live with pain. At that moment it was no so great, of course. Words spewed from Ren's wretched mouth and the shadow woman laughed horribly. "Dont be sad my little whore. Next time I will just end your life. Run along now." She snarled and fumed with anger. She wanted to pounce and rip the woman's juggular our but decided she just needed to get back home. As the ivory Wolf left, so did Canttina. The scarred woman limped off to the ship.



the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun