
Oceans are less fun with ice



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-14-2021, 10:18 PM

Outlaw had made his way back to the landbridge.  He had only been on it the one time when he’d come through with the pack to their new home.  The land bridge had been such a neat spot and they had passed on by with almost no time to just stop and enjoy the surroundings.  

Now Outlaw was back and on his own!  The grey and black dog ran in a carefree manner for ways on the bridge, the hat on his head a bit wobbly with the fast motion but staying on top.  The bridge was icy so that at points the dog found himself more sliding than running, at other points the ice cracked and made crispy sounds as it wasn’t thick enough in areas to support the weight.  The water on either side was icy for a short distance out but eventually became water.  Outlaw had never spent time around the ocean with ice around it.  This was amazing!  He walked out past the ground to where the ice had water below it, though he could see sand still farther down under the water.  It seemed to be holding his weight.  

The dog took another step, then froze as the ice around him started to crack all about, bits of water slid onto the icy surface and Outlaw backed up as thinner bits of ice floated away from the sand.  Now Outlaw loved swimming but the water that had ice on top he imagined was colder than he’d enjoy.  It was a shame as he really did want to just run to the ledge and leap into the water.  Even now as he looked across the ice and farther out into the water the temptation remained.  The crisp cold winter bit through the dog's fur, shorter by far than a wolf's coat, but with his imagination was in the waves and the winter couldn’t beat past that.

A seagull was higher up in the sky, gliding along overly cold currents of air.  Outlaw imagined his friend wouldn’t stay aloft very long but it was nice to see it still thought to check in on him.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby