
Beating Heart



6 Years
09-16-2013, 09:02 PM

Azalea ran. The stiff desert breeze running through her fur, giving it lift. The cool sand caved under each step and it was a challenge of her endurance to keep going without falter. She pushed to keep her pace even as the clouds began to roll in overhead. Most likely they would pass over this land, it was yet time for the desert to take on water. She was in a wash, it was wide and shallow but that slight decline made all the difference. Rather than hard packed dirt the soil here was made up of fine granules of sand.

The trees were strange here , tall thick trunks that shot straight up. What they looked like were storm blown palm trees, with rough bark and messy tops. Night had fallen, the moon full overhead. The pretty she-wolf slowed her pace, wobbling over the uneven sand before plopping down under a palmetto. Tongue rolled out as she panted, muscles burning. She was well practiced in walking long distance but running on sand was a great test for her and a perfect way to train her muscles.


09-16-2013, 10:05 PM

The desert was a place he had come to know with a sort of fondness. Though he had been born in snow capped mountains, for many months his home had been towering plateaus and dusty chaparral. He didn't yet know where home would be here, but he was fine with not knowing just yet. The magic in life was found in the unknown, after all. Well, at least he thought so. Besides, the freedom that came with being pack less was in many ways refreshing. He was learning so much about the world, and his way of thinking was constantly shifting in a way that would have never been possible had he stayed around the same faces for the rest of his life.

Somewhat parallel to him, a bright flash of white and crimson made its way across the flat ground. He paused his brisk trot to watch the wolf as it ran, able to distinguish very little beyond basic physical appearances. His curiosity piqued, Solaris changed his angle and gave chase. The other wolf was pretty fast, but he maintained the distance between them with ease. She'd likely been running a lot longer than him, he thought, testing then scent on the breeze.

Minutes later he watched her disappear down into a random wash, and slowed to a walk. He didn't want to make it seem like he was following her. Well, he was following her, but that didn't mean it had to look that way. He could just casually walk up a few minutes later like it was a total coincidence. And from the opposite direction! No, wait, she would have seen him in the distance if that were true. Hmm.

Peeking over into the small ravine, he looked the palmettos over before his gaze landed and lingered on Azalea's form curled beneath one of the familiar trees. "Hi! I mean--uh, greetings, miss. I didn't think I'd run into anyone else out here in all this space."




6 Years
09-17-2013, 05:45 PM

"Hi! I mean--uh, greetings, miss. I didn't think I'd run into anyone else out here in all this space." The voice took her off guard, her head whipping around to look over her shoulder at the male. Amber eyes were wide as she looked upon the charcoal brute. His golden eyes stole her attention quickly, standing out from the blackened lenses that surrounded. The same color decorated his legs, socks.

He had a strip of white up his nose and bots that splayed out from his eyes on either side. Large paws and slender legs added to his look and Azalea took it all in quickly so not to stare. "The world tends to be smaller than we think," She stated before her eyes ran over him once more.

There was a motion offered to welcome him closer. He could join her, if he wished, and revel over the beauty of the stars in the desert sky. "I am Azalea, and you are?"


09-17-2013, 06:54 PM

Wincing at the manner in which she reacted, Solaris simpered and pulled his ears back in an apologetic gesture. He hadn't meant to scare her, though he definitely should have thought twice about his greeting. It was a little sharp. Long legs swayed like reeds in the wind as he shifted from paw to paw, nodding his agreement. "Yeah I guess that's true." Though he hadn't come across hardly a soul before he came here. Actually he had, but he'd stayed away from any territory markers, so the populations had seemed scarcer than they were.

She was inspecting him closely, and he felt a little self conscious about it. Even though she wasn't staring and her gazes were quick, something about her look made him nervous over the whole thing, wondering if something was wrong. Still, he took her offer to come closer, picking his way down the small slope as carefully as he could. He slipped a little, sliding at least half the way down flat on his bum.

"Solaris Lucerius. It's really nice to meet you, Azalea," he said brightly, a warm smile on his face that easily reached his sunny gold eyes. "So what brings you all the way out here, anyway?" He inquired, sitting down beneath the palm a respectable distance from Azalea, but still companionable. He leaned gently against the palm, the rough surface scratching an idle itch on the blade of his shoulder.




6 Years
09-19-2013, 10:09 AM

The sooty male pulled back his ears and looked rather sorry to have caused her alarm. Azalea wasn't too surprised by him though, or else she would be on her toes by now. "Yeah I guess that's true." He replied to her words, shifting his weight in an almost annoyingly persistent way.

The sand slope gave way below him causing him to take the decline on his rump mostly. A half smiled touched her face and she tried to hide it, a giggle bubbling out of her throat. "Watch your step," Her words came out, low and she wasn't even sure if he heard them. It was a tease and she made sure to look extra innocent when his eyes found her again.

"Solaris Lucerius. It's really nice to meet you, Azalea," His face lifted, something that automatically made Azalea smile back. Her tail waved lightly in the sand. She nodded her head in an earnest greeting. He seated himself, leaning into the trunk of a palmetto. Azalea blinked at him, not seeing how he could stand to lean into the uncomfortably rigid surface. "So what brings you all the way out here, anyway?"

At this her auburn colored ears twitched up, bobbing to show their attention to his inquiry. "Nothing in particular really. I am often where I do not belong." Did she belong in the desert? Definitely not. Azalea was not suited for such an extreme climate, she needed the steady change of seasons, green grass, flowing water.



09-19-2013, 09:12 PM

Waving a paw in an almost dismissive manner, a big, toothy grin splayed out across his muzzle. "Big paws, long legs, not a very happy mix for a lot of things." He wasn't bothered by the teasing, taking it as little more than that. Besides, his clumsiness had gotten her to smile, so that was a win in Sol's book. Smiling was all he ever wanted to make anyone do. Everyone just looked better with a smile, and it was after all the best thing you could possibly do for your body, to laugh and smile. Maybe that's why he was so healthy? Well, it was food for thought, anyway.

Staring at the stars, he watched them twinkle overhead, picking out various constellations as he saw them. The sky, at least, was the same wherever you went. "Oh? So you're not here for the meadows and elk, then. Bummer, I thought I could recruit a hunting partner," he joked somewhat dryly, fully aware that meadows and elk existed far from here. "Where do you belong, then?" He wondered, looking her over as if it might give him some clue. He gained nothing from it, having too little knowledge of the land to know by scent or sight where she might be from. She did look somewhat delicate though, as though wherever she lived was a much more mild place than this.

"I just came from a place a lot like this. I never thought I'd look at a palmetto fondly, but it reminds me of home. Funny how that happens." How even the most trivial of things could suddenly draw such emotion. Leaning against the tree like this reminded him of Taejin, and the sand of Avani. He liked the sense of familiarity here, though he doubted he would stick around long after he parted ways with Azalea.



6 Years
09-19-2013, 10:15 PM

"Big paws, long legs, not a very happy mix for a lot of things." His reply came easy and she smiled lightly. So he had heard her. "I would know nothing about it." Her words were simple, casting a look down at her legs that sprawled before her. As a relatively small wolf her legs weren't overly long and her paws were of an average size.

His disproportions added to his look.

"Oh? So you're not here for the meadows and elk, then. Bummer, I thought I could recruit a hunting partner," She grinned, watching him stare up at the night sky. "You've seen one too many mirages!" She said with an airy laugh. "And what if I were a terrible hunter?" The light in her eyes danced.

"Where do you belong, then?" Her ears pricked up and she looked over off into the desert. "Valhalla. That way. A place with lush plains, vibrant rivers, and pockets of forest. Home." Her eyes had closed as she imagined her home in her minds eyes. "I just came from a place a lot like this. I never thought I'd look at a palmetto fondly, but it reminds me of home. Funny how that happens." Her eyes opened and she blinking, glancing over to him. "There are no packs in the desert so I take it you are not from here." It was a statement, not a question.

"So, what are you looking for? If you are not in a pack now... unless you lost your pack and are trying to get back." She shut up, trying not to get too ahead of herself by attempting to analyse his life.


09-21-2013, 01:07 AM

Solaris ran his sunny eyes over her pallid form, admiring the neat proportions and symmetry of her shape. She definitely didn't have any of the issues he did. Even though many of is ancestors were perfect examples of warriors, Solaris had inherited only fragments. Big features had the potential to be threatening, yet with a scrawny trunk and lanky legs, he would never build the muscle required to spin it into something more suitable for his lineage. "Lucky you! It's impossibly difficult to look like an overgrown pup."

Her joke brought another of his easy smiles to spread languidly across his muzzle. "Well in that case I suppose I'd have to go at it alone and valiantly take down the prey! And then share with the delicate maiden, of course. Unless she would be a suitable distraction, I'm sure anyone can herd prey. That would save me a lot of effort." She was easy to talk to, andhe found himselfmcomfortable. perhaps that was due in part to the almost-pep talk Renesme had given him back in the North. He didn't need to be so self conscious. What was wrong with having a friendly conversation with a female? Gender should make no difference, and he wasn't trying to impress anyone. Besides, he had to face it, Solaris Lucerius was no lady's man and never would be. Forever doomed to be a class clown, but that was okay. He was him and that should be good enough. Perhaps it had been difficult with Renesme because she seemed much more unyielding, less open.

He looked off in the direction she gestured too, wondering what sort of place Valhalla might be. The way she spoke of it sounded so appealing, so quixotic. Nodding his assent, Solaris turned his gaze back to the great swath of silver across the sky. "That's right. After we moved from my homelands, we ended up in an area called Taejin in lands known as Aethelis. My parents brought our pack there, and founded a new one. My brother leads it now." The dusty chaparral was nothing like what she described, much as it was a far cry from where he had been born. But the wolves he surrounded himself with made if home, and he missed it regardless.

"Ah. What I'm looking for, I guess, is a new start. I've spent my entire life so far in the company of family. I don't really know how to survive without them, I'm still learning how to be more independent. I mean, I can take care of myself. I'm a great hunter and I'm independent enough, it's just... Life is, was, easier around them, you know? There was never that fear of rejection or anything, and if I ran into trouble I had help. But I guess certain events made me see how short life is, and how your family can't always protect you from everything, sometimes they can become the issue." Squinting his eyes, Solaris was silent for a beat, before breaking the quiet with a chuckle. There he went again, unravelling as easily rotten vines in front of a stranger. "I'm sorry, I talk too much! To really answer your question, I guess I really don't know yet, specifically. I'm taking it day by day."

(( sorry this took so long, it got erased twice before I got smart. ))



6 Years
09-21-2013, 10:45 AM

"Lucky you! It's impossibly difficult to look like an overgrown pup." Her eyes lit up, lips curling into a catty smile. "I apologize, I shouldn't find your strife so funny."

"Well in that case I suppose I'd have to go at it alone and valiantly take down the prey! And then share with the delicate maiden, of course. Unless she would be a suitable distraction, I'm sure anyone can herd prey. That would save me a lot of effort." She tipped her nose up, ears flipped back and then rushed forward again. "You are fortunate, I can hunt." She restrained herself from stabbing a comment at his disproportions again.

"That's right. After we moved from my homelands, we ended up in an area called Taejin in lands known as Aethelis. My parents brought our pack there, and founded a new one. My brother leads it now." She nodded, not even attempting to pronounce the name of his pack for herself. She could taste the word vomit on her tongue and knew she would butcher it if she tried.

When he spoke again his words were long and thoughtful. As he spoke of how life was short and family could not always protect you she became thoughtful too. "I'm sorry, I talk too much! To really answer your question, I guess I really don't know yet, specifically. I'm taking it day by day." She smiled, lacking effort. "No worries. Everyone always says how life is short. I prefer to look at it as 'life is for the living.'"

Azalea stood up now, stretching out her legs. "Getting out and exploring the world is the only good way to learn to stand on your own. I do the same as you only I return home." She didn't think her family really enjoyed her independence (or rather her freedom), they would much rather she stay in Valhalla learning to be good and gracious to her pack mates and how to hunt. How to become a leader.


09-22-2013, 08:37 PM

Solaris shrugged off the light hearted apology, waving a paw in a cavalier manner. "I've had eight siblings, do your worst." It couldn't have been any worse than when Imber and Astley were younger. Those two were perhaps worse than he and Servia on their best day. Well, those days were long gone, weren't they? Ah, but he shouldn't be so broody! Gods, it was ridiculous. He was never like this. But bottling it in was getting harder to do. Still, he would persevere, and keep facing life with all the joy in his soul.

"You're right. It's for the living. But it is short, so you have to live as much as you possibly can in the time you're given, no matter how insignificant something may seem. My mother always said if all she could do was stop one heart from breaking, or ease one life's aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin up to his nest again, she would not live in vain. I always thought that was really something." He'd never met a wolf more wise than she. At least in the manner of wisdom she possessed, there were all kinds of wisdom in the world. Someday he wished to have that same calm assured ness, that steady outlook.

He tried not to be offended by her last statement. He'd had other travels that eventually led him back home, it wasn't as though he abandoned his family. "When you leave for good though and travel beyond the point of no return, it's a whole new lesson. You can never truly fly if some part of you is always bound." He supposed, though, if he were like Astley, obligated by duty to stay, it was different. But he did want more for himself than to be overshadowed by his more mature, talented siblings. He wanted to know, just who was Solaris Lucerius, when standing alone from those who wouldn't care what he did?



6 Years
09-23-2013, 09:42 AM

"I've had eight siblings, do your worst." Her ears jumped at this and she wasn't sure how to react. Azalea would not want that many though she did have half that number currently. Gael and Soleon. Guinevere and Solaine.

"You're right. It's for the living. But it is short, so you have to live as much as you possibly can in the time you're given, no matter how insignificant something may seem. My mother always said if all she could do was stop one heart from breaking, or ease one life's aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin up to his nest again, she would not live in vain. I always thought that was really something." She smiled now, her tone a bit chiding, "That is what I said, but rather in the cup half full sort of way."

"When you leave for good though and travel beyond the point of no return, it's a whole new lesson. You can never truly fly if some part of you is always bound." A single ear went side ways and she nodded, considering his words. "Yes, that is true also." She moved toward him, her eyes once more flicking up and down the front of him. When she halted her approach , little more than a foot sat between their noses, though his had much more height than hers.

She tipped her head back to look at the golden eyes wolf, "You're rather like my brother, though he is more properly put together." Azalea blinked at him, "I have four siblings. Gael, who you look much like in build, Soleon, who I haven't seen since we were pups, and then my two little sister, Guinevere and Solaine. You would fit right into my family, with your name and coloration. You could be my father's son." It was idle banter really but she was clearly thoughtful when she spoke.


09-23-2013, 11:45 PM

Sol found himself vaguely amused by the younger's reaction. Eight siblings was a lot, to be sure. It felt like his entire life was spent around puppies. His brothers, then the four new ones, and then of course his niece and nephews. He wouldn't have traded the memories for the world, though. Not even the bad ones, they made him who he was. The bad times gave him strength, and the good soothed his soul and gave him the confidence to smile.

She moved rather close to him then, and Solaris found his eyes widening. What was this, then? She tipped her head back to meet his gaze properly, and he fought back a smile. He was somewhat fascinated by Azalea. She seemed so aware of herself, aware of what movements and words would affect whoever she was speaking to. But it wasn't unnerving, in fact quite the opposite. He felt drawn, and hoped that he would see her again after they parted. To call her a friend would make him glad.

She said he reminded her of her brother, though the tail end of the statement sent his ears back in indignation. "More put together? Impossible. These legs go on for days, that's quite attractive to most, you know, and coupled with my dazzling personality, I'm a knock out!" A well timed sniff, and he tipped his head up to the side, as if refusing to spare another second on such petty rabble. But a beat later, the eye facing her peeked through, showing he was still listening, as she riddled off details about her siblings. Well, the last bit was funny enough. Fit right in, huh? "Funny, I was just thinking about how you sort of reminded me of my sister, Servia. She was so easy to talk to, kind of made everyone feel right at home."Smiling wistfully, he again tipped his crown skywards, visage intent as though searching for something.

He peeled his gaze away after an extended moment, laughing suddenly. "I guess you're right, the world is a lot smaller than you think. I'm glad to have met someone who isn't completely different from what I'm used to. It's nice." A far cry from Renesme indeed, who he still didn't know how to feel about. She was so strange to him. But this conversation, the unintentional way that it reminded him of home, made him feel like perhaps his decision to leave wasn't completely stupid. He could make it out here, somehow.



6 Years
09-24-2013, 06:47 AM

Solaris's reaction to her approach was a rather wide-eyed one. Perhaps a bit surprised by her proximity. Azalea's white plumed tail rose, streamline with her spine. It was not a domineering act, in fact she hardly noticed that she had done it.

"More put together? Impossible. These legs go on for days, that's quite attractive to most, you know, and coupled with my dazzling personality, I'm a knock out!" His ears had folded back tight against his skull, his posture straightening as he spoke. She he finally opened an eye to her again, she shrugged at him. "Hey, I never said you weren't attractive." And with that, she moved back. Two, three, five steps. There was now a mischievous smile on her face as she waited for him to realize that the words she spoke were serious. This would be an interesting reaction.

"Funny, I was just thinking about how you sort of reminded me of my sister, Servia. She was so easy to talk to, kind of made everyone feel right at home." These next words made her smile broaden,, "And here I thought I was just offending you>" With that she sat down again. She looked around idly while he stared skyward. Who was she to question what he was doing? Maybe his siblings could fly or maybe he just liked stars.

"I guess you're right, the world is a lot smaller than you think. I'm glad to have met someone who isn't completely different from what I'm used to. It's nice." She shrugged. "If you've found me then surely you'll found another. Well... okay, maybe they won't be a cool as I am but, hey, you can't have everything." Now she was the one with her nose in the air, acting high and mighty.

"You know, if you need somewhere to stay, you can always come to Valhalla. You would fit well there and Ashtoreth would surely love to have you as a hunter." She smiled lightly, looking at him to gauge his reaction. Did he even want a pack or did he just want to roam?


09-26-2013, 12:53 PM

Okay, now he was really confused. She raised her tail in his face, and his automatically went down, used to consenting to another's rule. And then she complimented him, and his ears burned. Was she flirting with him or trying to assert dominance?! Sari above, why were women so confusing! Okay, just keep cool. Keep cool. Don't look her in the eyes. Even if they're really bright and kind of very obvious and her face is like a giant red magnet screaming "look at me! I stand out!"

She backed away, and he felt air floor back into his lungs. So apparently no, he was not yet completely down with the whole 'play it cool' thing. But that was fine, he was improving! Right? Yes. Right. Of course he was, everything had been going well until she started acting like... Well, like this. Yup. Not his fault, he was the picture of calm. His ears wiggled a bit, acting like he was listening around to the crickets and whatnot, really trying to cool the heat of the blush. At least it was dark, and she wouldn't see the pink tint.

"Nah! I'm not easily offended. I try not to let negative emotions into my life, you know?" She sat down and he felt a lot better about the overall situation, feeling himself relax in her presence again, thankfully. "Oh, of course not. You're a pretty cool gal, Azalea. But I'll try to make due with whatever else I find in Alacritis. I'm awesome enough that I can counteract lame, I think!" His eyes warmed with amusement, glancing at her from the corner of his eye as she thrust her nose into the air in a haughty sort of way, mimicking him.

"Yeah? Well, maybe I'll stop by sometime if I happen to be in the neighborhood. How you described it earlier, it sounded really nice." And usually individual wolves were a good indicator of their overall pack mentality. If that applied here, Valhalla was probably going to be a place that he would find himself enjoying. Only time would tell what the road had in store.



6 Years
09-26-2013, 09:29 PM

Her words had the anticipated effect, dazed and confused. His eyes looked everywhere but at her and she smirked at him, tail waving almost in a silent taunt. Solaris attempted to play it cool but Azalea didn't need to be an expert in these things to know that he was anything but fine.

"Nah! I'm not easily offended. I try not to let negative emotions into my life, you know?" His words came off a little forced, at least she thought so. Was he still a bit on edge after she offhandedly called him cute? It wasn't even like she really meant anything by it. She had enough guy problems without starting anymore! "Oh, of course not. You're a pretty cool gal, Azalea. But I'll try to make due with whatever else I find in Alacritis. I'm awesome enough that I can counteract lame, I think!" She smiled like a puppy, ear to ear and practically buzzing with happiness.

"Yeah, I am cool, huh," She told herself. When he spoke of himself though she frowned, "You're an idiot, Solaris, you do no counteract poorly. We've had a perfectly healthy conversation and interactions." If she had been standing next to him she would have bumped shoulders like good friends were. She assumed him a friend at this point, she had no reason not to.

"Yeah? Well, maybe I'll stop by sometime if I happen to be in the neighborhood. How you described it earlier, it sounded really nice." She nodded to him. She would be more than happy to see him in Valhalla though part of her mind told her that would be a poor idea. Sarak might get the wrong idea if she went hanging around with some strange wolf.


09-27-2013, 12:12 AM

Solaris felt really happy. How long had it been since he made a friend who wasn't a part of his family? Too long, he was pretty sure. It was pretty cool, actually, and he hoped he could meet many more wolves like Azalea. A social creature, life on his own so far had been a little difficult, and he wanted to make friends with as many wolves across Alacritis as he could, whether he joined a pack or not.

"Well thanks! I'm trying. It's kind of hard when you've been mostly around family. You can't really treat strangers like you do them, you know? I definitely am an idiot though." Bursting out in a laugh, Solaris grinned fondly at Azalea. At least he admitted it. In many ways, it was more fun to be an idiot, as long as he wasn't stupid. He had more fun when he didn't care about what others thought if him. His father had never appreciated that mentality, but that had never bothered Solaris too much. His relationship with his father was a little complicated, and he'd always felt closer to his mother, though he knew he had been babied fairly heftily because he was her firstborn, the first kid she'd given birth to. He'd always been spoiled.

"So what's your rank in Valhalla, anyway?" It was probably a fairly decent one, judging by how she had acted earlier, lifting her tail up the way she did. Or maybe she just had a domineering personality when she was away from them, around strangers who didn't naturally have any rank. Who knew, they were still only a little aquatinted.



6 Years
09-28-2013, 09:15 AM

"Well thanks! I'm trying. It's kind of hard when you've been mostly around family. You can't really treat strangers like you do them, you know? I definitely am an idiot though." She thought about his words, though externally she frowned as he called himself an idiot. Family was to be dealt with differently but did Azalea really treat the bulk of her family that different? She didn't feel like she did but then there was Gael and she knew she treated him outside the normal. As her elder brother he was subject to all her games.

"So what's your rank in Valhalla, anyway?" His question pulled her from her thoughts and her ears popped to attention. Would her rank matter to him? Why did she suddenly feel like it might? "I am Azalea Adravendi, Heir." She spoke slowly and carefully, waiting to see his reaction.


09-30-2013, 12:26 AM

There was a small pause between his question and her answer, which puzzled Solaris. Was she an omega or something? He couldn't think of any reason for her to be ashamed or worried, unless perhaps her life in Valhalla was not all she made it out to be, yet she'd given him to reason to believe that might be the case. After a couple of beats, she told him, her words slow and cautious. Grinning ear to ear, Solaris laughed. "Wow! That's pretty neat, Azalea. Gee, you really say it professionally. Azalea Adravendi... Heir to Valhalla." he quoted, with a fair bit more grandeur than she'd actually used, providing himself with a little artistic license.

"I was the default pick for heir, being the firstborn, but when we got older, before my brother was born, Pops had been thinking Servia might do it instead. I guess that's just one other way you remind me of her. Are you sure you're not like an incarnation or somethin'?" Squinting his eyes suspiciously at his new friend, he swept his gaze up to the sky and hummed thoughtfully. "Nah, you'd have to be a lot younger. Kinda funny though." He took it all in a stride, like so many other things. So much so that he didn't even really notice her inhibitions about mentioning her rank. Not many things bothered him and very few things would change his opinion of someone he already considered to be a good friend.

"So your parents own the pack then?" He inquired, tipping his head to the side curiously. He wondered if she liked being the heiress, but refrained from asking that part. If she didn't, it might be a sore subject, and it wasn't really any of his business anyway.



6 Years
09-30-2013, 08:03 PM

Brow spots seemed to jump as the wolf before her broke into a goofy grin. "Wow! That's pretty neat, Azalea. Gee, you really say it professionally. Azalea Adravendi... Heir to Valhalla." Her eyes narrowed a bit, for a moment suspicious of his tone. Was he being serious or just harassing her? Then she remembered who she was taking about and her eyes popped back open. Surely Mr. Positive wasn't trying to goad her.

"I was the default pick for heir, being the firstborn, but when we got older, before my brother was born, Pops had been thinking Servia might do it instead. I guess that's just one other way you remind me of her. Are you sure you're not like an incarnation or somethin'?" She shook her head firmly. "Nah, you'd have to be a lot younger. Kinda funny though." She didn't really see where it was funny but instead of saying anything on the point, she remained silent. He appeared to be thoughtful and it didn't take long for him to speak once more.

"So your parents own the pack then?" His head tipped one way and then hers fell the other. "No. Well, they did... I suppose it is kinda complicated. My aunt currently runs the pack, before her my other aunt... before her my father, and before him my grandfather. So, the shift of power is a bit different than what you seem used to." For how easily it would be to be pulled of her title, Azalea had never really considered the "what if" involved. She held her title like she was bound to be the next queen regardless of change.