
disloyal thoughts.


07-28-2013, 09:37 PM

It was painfully easy to lie. So many wolves just ate up anything Tyberius told them, without stopping to question if it was truth. Perhaps they wanted to think the best of him. If that was the case, they were dead wrong. Lying efficiently was both a game and a way of life for the three-legged wolf, although he wasn't always that concerned when someone saw through him. He'd always had the deformity to use as a crutch. Most wolves wouldn't dare hurt a cripple, especially if he told them he was born that way. Sometimes he'd say he was addled. That was even more fun for him.

Today, however, he'd found a quiet place in the Red Forest, somewhere he could spend time alone. On days he wasn't being a pest, he needed to be alone so that he could recharge. He wasn't particularly fond of the company of others (unless he was making the exception to bother them) and sought solitary walks whenever he felt the need. Medusa hadn't yet realized that he wasn't as reliable as he acted and that was relief in itself. He wasn't ready to manufacture more lies. He was already hock-deep in enough.

Newt appeared to trust him, as did Medusa. Knowing that his cover had not yet been blown was reassuring. He had taken the opportunity to lay underneath a rather large tree, resting his head on his paws. Sleep was threatening to take him under her wing but he wouldn't allow that in such an open place. Only his den was acceptable, even for napping. The wolves that he didn't want to deal with wouldn't dare enter his den. Most of the time, they didn't want to be near him anyway.

The thing that bothered Tyberius was that he hadn't had the chance to prove his worthiness to his alpha. He could do so much for her, if he wanted. If he didn't, he could tear down her newly-built palace with no remorse. His loyalty lay on a fine line. He could go either way and be happy. Trustworthiness and loyalty were not in his nature. The white female with the purple eyes had earned the rank of lead scout and, although he'd never admit it, he was bothered by it. I could do so much better. This is her job, but this is my lifestyle. He blew air out of his nose, annoyed by the thought. Maybe he could do better. Maybe he could lie.

The thought was enticing. Very enticing. He would have pondered the questions a little further if he hadn't heard a noise from somewhere nearby. The faint scent told him that it was lupine. Unfortunately. It was unfair to think such a thing; living on packlands meant that he'd eventually run into other wolves that lived there.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 471 . NOTES: none.



11 Years
Athena I
07-28-2013, 10:52 PM

The soft, ivory form of the fea moved quietly through her pack lands. It was a strange thought for her, thinking that this forest was now her home. She had never been one to stay in one place and being part of a pack had never been an option. And yet here she was, not only a member of a pack, but she held actually held a position within it. She was strangely proud that she held this spot among them and that she had been able to find another use for the skills she had learned as an assassin. Certainly her days as an assassin were far from over, but for now they were on hold till a job presented itself.

She padded along nearly silently, the only disruption to her gait the ever so slight limp she still had from the injury she had gotten to her shoulder. It was almost completely healed how thanks to the job well done Tiresias had given her. She only had a slight limp every few steps as the still weak muscle ached. She had been on her paws as much as possible since it had begun to heal, trying to work the muscle back into its original strength. Her thoughts flashed back to the healer that had saved her life. She wondered how Tiresias was doing. She hoped that wherever he was he was well. That brought up the thought of the three-legged spy that was the healer's brother. She really needed to speak with him, seeing as how they were the pack's spies as of now. She supposed it was necessary to at least touch base with the brute, create some sort of relationship with him should she need his help.

With her new goal of finding the brute on her mind, she trotted forward, searching the air for any trace of his scent. Soon she caught it, following the scent to its source. Sure enough, she found him relaxing under one of the many large trees. She slowed to a easy walk once again, stopping a few feet from him and nodding to him. Taking a seat and curling her tail neatly over her forepaws, she said, "Hello, Tyberius. I'm sorry if I've disrupted your rest. I just wanted to touch base with you a bit, get to know a little about you and your skills perhaps." It had occurred to her before that maybe he would have valuable skills that she did not possess since he was a true spy whereas she was not. "I feel like there are many things we could learn from each other and I would enjoy sharing information with you if you would." She rolled her aching shoulder and let out her breath in a soft sigh, more than ready for the healing process to be over. Her cold violet gaze rested on him as she waited for his reply.

ooc: btw, I don't think she's technically the head scout yet lol but her and Ty are the only candidates it looks like -shrugs-



07-29-2013, 12:54 AM

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Of course it would be the one wolf he wasn't looking forward to seeing. She'd snatched away his position, and if she hadn't already, she certainly would soon. The female didn't look as if she'd meant to interrupt his leisure time and said as much. Tyberius noted that she had a limp as well, a slight one that was just barely noticeable. He lifted his head from its resting place but didn't attempt to rise to his feet, his green gaze trained on the white fea.

He was amused that she'd actually sought him out. Earlier, he had taken great care to hide himself from passersby, so he knew that she wanted something before she'd even spoken. Her words irritated him. In a way, her manner of speaking reminded him of his brother's. Spare me, he thought, suppressing the growl of displeasure that threatened to rumble in his chest. She was hoping that they could share information and get to know one another. He kept himself from rolling his eyes as he contemplated how to answer. Maybe he could use her to get information. Maybe he'd feed her all the wrong things. It all depended on how he felt at that very moment. "Alena, he said, dipping his head in acknowledgement of her much-unwanted presence. Feigning politeness, he said, "I wouldn't mind that at all. What do you need to know?" His imitation of his brother fell flat in his eyes, although he wasn't really trying all that hard. He didn't care if she could see through him. He'd just try again later.

Feeling as if he were at a disadvantage by remaining lying down, he shuffled himself into a sitting position. His tail was wrapped loosely around his haunches, revealing the scarred stump. He didn't care much at all, really. She would leave soon enough. He'd just have to try to keep his sarcastic tongue in check until then. She could be useful. I don't think I can sway her to my 'side' of things but I can plant ideas in her head, maybe. Or, maybe she'll just hear my information and find the job too trying... but that would be too easy.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 372 . NOTES: he should never have it. xD



11 Years
Athena I
07-29-2013, 01:13 AM

Alena could easily tell that the brute did not enjoy her being here. That was fine, she wasn't here to make friends. She was here for pack business and nothing more if he wished it to be as such. Her ivory ears flicked idolly as she considered the male, keeping in mind that spies by nature were liars and manipulators. Those traits made them good at what they did, but in the end made them untrustworthy. Alena knew that much. She herself used manipulation on a regular basis to bring her targets close to her so she knew how easy it was for a wolf to hide the truth.

She considered his question as she waited for him to sit up and settle himself on his haunches. Keeping her amethyst gaze on his green gaze and away from the stump of his missing leg she decided to try and learn more about him as a wolf before she decided whether or not she could trust him for information about how to do this job as a scout. "How long have you been a spy? What made you decide to do it?" She was mildly curious about this, wondering what kind of circumstances would make a wolf want to spy for their whole life.



07-29-2013, 01:28 AM

Once her questions were asked, he wrestled with the idea of telling her the truth. It wouldn't harm much of anything at this point, plus he was sure that she'd know not to trust him due to his duty. Smart girl, he thought idly before making his reply. "I have been a spy for a good part of my life, a little over a year now. I cannot run well, nor can I hunt large game with ease. This was the best choice for me," he said calmly, all trace of his irritation gone. He bounced between emotions so quickly, it was difficult for him to keep track of what he was currently doing.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said, watching her carefully for her reaction. He had not chosen to become a spy, although in the end, fate had made the right decision. Tyberius knew that Medusa had bestowed the rank upon the female, that she had not chosen this for herself either, but he would wait for her response. He didn't need a reason to ask. He would ask questions as he pleased.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 188 . NOTES: sorry it's short.



11 Years
Athena I
08-02-2013, 07:55 AM

Bone-colored ears turned forward to listen to the three-legged spy, her head nodding in understanding at his reasons. It was a fairly logical decision with the set of skills be possessed. Actually, it was a very good decision, if everything he said was true and she felt like it was. The sudden disappearance of his irritation at her presence was surprising, but it only confirmed to Alena that his emotions were flighty and just told her that she couldn't always know what to expect from him. But perhaps she could earn his trust? She didn't so much care about what Medusa thought or even what he thought about Medusa, she only had the pack's interests in mind and needed to know if he could help her with and do the duties that this position as scout entailed.

She couldn't help but draw comparisons between Tyberius and his brother. They seemed to be complete opposites in every way she could think of. It was almost hard to believe that they were related. But she pushed the thought aside at his own questioning of why she took this job. She had nothing to hide so she spoke with complete honesty. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. The skills I developed as an assassin translated over well to being a spy so I decided to branch out a bit. Besides, there isn't a lot to do in a pack for an assassin. Packs don't exactly make friends when their members go around killing wolves after all." The fea smirked at the thought. She had never considered herself a cold-blooded killer. She had always wanted a justified reason before she took a job or killed a wolf. Almost all of her targets had been rapists, murderers, and the like. Wolves that had done serious harm to someone else. But that didn't mean that Alena was bothered by her killing. In fact, she kind of enjoyed it from time to time.



08-04-2013, 10:19 PM

An assassin? That wasn't something a regular wolf saw every day, especially disguised as an innocent white female. Instantly, he was intrigued. He'd given some thought to the act of killing other wolves and had come to the conclusion that he would have no trouble doing so if given the chance. It hadn't messed with her brain, so far as he could tell. She could be interesting, that much was a given. "Interesting. You don't seem the type, by far, although I suppose it helps with the job at hand." He wasn't the socializing type but it would probably do him well to have at least one wolf on his side, if something should happen.
TAG: alena! . WORDS: 115 . NOTES: sorry it's short. also, sorry about code laziness.



11 Years
Athena I
08-13-2013, 11:51 AM

"It does help indeed," she replied with a smirk, her violet gaze resting on him. "It's always good for lulling my target into thinking I'm harmless." She chuckled, thinking back over her career, how easily her targets had trusted her. Little fea with fluffy white fur and captivating violet eyes that just so happened to come to take their life before they knew what was happening.

She looked at him curiously, Tiresias's warning about the three-legged brute ringing in her ears. He didn't seem so bad to her, but of course, she reminded herself, spies were tricky and hard to read by nature. She moved the conversation back to Tyberius, wanting to test his skills a little. "So, lets say that Medusa wants to know more about a pack. For example, Glaciem. She's heard they're under new leadership or some change like that and she wants to know more about it. She asks you to find out who their new leader is, what their numbers are like, if they seem like a threat to us, that kind of thing. What would you do?" It was a very generic scenario, but one that might very well come up. As a scout, he should know easily how to handle that. Alena just wanted to be sure he at least knew what steps to take.
