
Everybody's Looking For Something

Severine - Seasonal


04-09-2021, 09:35 AM

Auri was struggling with a lot of feelings inside, and though she knew nothing of her past or who she once was, she knew she wasn't quite herself. A sad, lost soul didn't seem fitting for her, as much as her emotions went the opposite direction. She needed to find herself again, or start a new which she was already doing. Finding her place in The Armada was hard, since she wasn't entirely sure what she would have preferred to do on a skill level. It seemed she was in tune with more basic things, hunting, den making. She knew there was a part of her that wanted to be social, but how could she when she didn't even remember her own name?

She ventured out of The Armada, trying to find her roots on how to repay them for giving her a home in these harder times for her. It was time she moved out to do something, it was better than hiding away in her den. She wanted to feel useful, not like a bump on a log. It wasn't in her nature to be lazy or rely on others or so it seemed. Though maybe that was because she couldn't show how grateful she was to them.

She found her way into the soulless forest, surprisingly not as spooky to her as it may have appeared. She tried to go back to basics in what she knew with hunting, it seemed to just come naturally if anything. She was sure she wouldn't find anything out today, prey seemed to be scarce around the surrounding lands and the stores looked like they were dwindling. But she had to try at least. She wouldn't be happy otherwise.

Her nose ended up catching an odd scent, though that was pretty normal for her these days. She wandered along the foggy forest floor, but it seemed the scent was high off the ground opposed to a walking trail of the creature. She eventually found herself back and forth at one of the trees, and she discovered by looking up, an odd creature she had never seen before. She wouldn't put it past her, but she had seen the prey brought into The Armada, and they seemed to be the same types. This one was huge, it had long claw like fingers that reached up into the trees, looking for leaves or buds to feast on. It as a herbivore so, prey? She wasn't sure herself, but it didn't really matter either way. It moved real slow up in the trees, though only it's arm was moving for now. She didn't know how she could get to it if at all. She needed to figure out some kind of plan.

Hunting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 458 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
Extra large
04-11-2021, 02:34 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2021, 02:35 PM by Sévérine. Edited 1 time in total.)

After reuniting with her siblings, and eventually joining the pack they resided in, the girl had decided to make a trip south. While her muscled and well furred physique could handle the harsh colds that the north brought, she wanted to see how the rest of the land was faring. To her dismay, the rest of the lands as she traveled south were just as snow covered and bitter. Maybe less so, but still devastating to the ecosystem nonetheless. Spring would have brought about leaves and bugs and the like for the prey animals to eat. Instead everything seemed to bare and grey and she honestly missed the life that spring brought. Instead, every where she looked all she saw was life struggling to survive. They would really have to buckle down and do their best to feed everyone in Incendium if they wanted to outlast the extended winter with everyone intact.

The forest didn't bother her either, much like the wolf she'd soon find in the forest. Sev believed herself to be big enough and capable enough to handle whatever life could physically dish her way. She couldn't quite handle loss as well, but those weren't thoughts the woman was willing to get back in to. She'd accepted the death of Avalon for what it was and she needed to stop dwelling on it, but it was easier said than done. The silence right before she went to sleep was often her worst enemy. She wasn't good at getting rid of thoughts that plagued her, but dammit she was trying.

She padded further into the first and easily spotted the shorter tan and white woman staring up at something. She padded closer, waving her tail in a friendly greeting. It'd been a while since she'd gotten to enjoy some company with a stranger. Maybe she would know why winter seemed to reluctant to loosen its hold on Boreas? "Hey there, I'm Sev..... what the fuck is that?" She had started her greeting off so innocently, but her gaze happened to wander upwards to what the other woman was looking at. It was the weirdest creature she'd ever laid her eyes on. It had long limbs, was larger than she thought it should be allowed to be, and moved about as slow as a snail. Her wide orange eyes stared at it for a moment before she looked back to the other woman hoping she had an explanation.

Word Count: 408 Words
Total Word Count: 866/1500

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-11-2021, 06:43 PM

Auri tended to be more a creature of flight, at least with the way her memories were lacking since she arrived at Boreas. The woman would startle her, but would introduce herself so she wouldn't run off immediately at the sight of her. Her language however was a little off putting, but she tried not the let it keep a sour taste in her mouth. "Hello," She nodded, greeting gently.

They looked up at the strange creature, really just an over sized sloth. But how it got so big was the wonder, and also how it wasn't dead from the lack of plants for it to eat. "It looks like a sloth. I think it should suffice as a hefty meal." Auri's eyes scanned along the tree and branches the sloth creature was hanging on, trying to see if there was any way for her to get on higher ground so she could knock it down. The woman's help though would be appreciated. And she wouldn't mind splitting the meat at the end. It seemed they both had packs to provide for. "I'm going to see if I can get up in the trees and knock it down. I could use the help if you don't mind finishing it off. We can split the spoils afterwards."

She give the woman a moment to agree before running off, but she would be able to figure something out had she rejected the offer. Either way was fine with her. She went out of view from the woman while she looked for rocks, roots, hills, anything to get her up in the trees. Once she was there, it would be easy. Eventually she found a root that lead her to one of the smaller trees, and she carefully hopped up along the branches until she was high and in the direction of the target. Finally she made it back to the woman, though up above her, and carefully made her way over to the sloth creature. She felt kind of bad when it looked at her, it looked so sweet and innocent. It didn't even try to hurt her. But food was food, and the winter was too harsh for her to just let the easy kill go. Her paws pushed the creature downwards, and eventually she was able to unhook it from the tree trunk, and it was sent falling downward toward the woman. She hoped she was up for the task. If not, Auri would have to find her way down quickly, though sloths were pretty slow so she knew she would have some time to.

Hunting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1301 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
Extra large
04-25-2021, 10:25 AM

Sev didn't often pick up on emotions as well as she should so she certainly didn't notice how off-put she'd made the other wolf. She stared up at the creature again. It seemed way too big to her to be normal, but at this point she was starting to grow accustomed to strange things lately. The extended winter had brought along too much change so it was either get with the program or fail. She certainly wasn't going to choose the latter option. It wasn't in her to fail at anything. So if feeding herself and her pack meant hunting this strange creature then that's exactly what she was going to do. "Yeah I can help finish it off. It doesn't look that tough." She agreed. She wasn't sure how this lady was going to get in a tree, but if she could hold up her end of the bargain then Sev would deliver the killing blow for her. Tit for tat and whatnot. She wasn't going to admit it, but she was skeptical about those claws. It helped that the creature seemed to move extremely slow.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

She called out as the woman began scaling the tree. She watched her progress until she came to the branch the sloth thing was hanging from. Even in the face of a predator, the thing didn't move a muscle. It didn't try to attack her or scurry away to get away from the wolf. Just hung there as Argonesa unhooked its claws from the branch it clung to. She moved out of the way quickly as it plummeted to the ground. It landed with a sickening thump and Sev grimaced slightly. She almost felt bad for how easily this was. It was like it wanted to be eaten. Still not one to give up on a meal, she quickly darted forward and clamed her jaws down on its throat. Its bones crushed easily beneath the force of her teeth and blood squirted from its neck as it bled out quickly. Once she was sure she'd crushed the life from it she let go and her orange gaze immediately began to search to see if her hunting companion had climbed out of the tree or if she needed help getting down.

Word Count: 382
Total Word Count: 1683/1500

Walk, "Talk" Think