
Keep Holding On


07-29-2013, 02:13 PM

Golden rays of sunlight cast themselves amongst the land, the light flickering upon an ebony figure that made her way seamlessly into the clearing. The smell of war, blood, and fighting was strong here and it intrigued her. Since the disbandment of Tortuga under Desdemona?s rule she had generally been wandering around aimlessly. Her weary and weak paws had led her here, though in her weakened state it was admittedly not the place for her to be. A sigh peeled from her jaws, and she slipped onto the group with a thump, her legs giving out- giving way to the tide of exhaustion and hunger that had weakened her so.

Juno wasn?t weak by nature, rather she was relentless. May-haps that was what had driven her so far, pushing her bodies very limits. Chest would rise and fall lightly, as she blinked slowly, her lids growing heavy over her oculars. She wondered who would take advantage of her weak state, she only hoped that they?d kill her quickly- rather than drag it out in some meaning of torture.

Sigh would escape her, her eyes drifting shut as her audits flicked with passing sounds. What would happen to her now? She wasn't foolish enough to hope for a savior, rather more honest to hope for a murderer. A martyr. Someone to end her suffering once and for all? The fleeting hope for a home... seemed to good to be true....



07-29-2013, 08:39 PM
even though she was just in tort lolol

Thank you Chesh ♥

? Don?t ever leave me again, my dove. The scent that wafted through her flared nostrils and writhed through her olfactory system triggered ill memories of venomous words and poisonous intentions, and even though the rancid stench was one just barely caught on a whiff, the recognition was still present. The ice queen?s dainty skull descended abruptly as she inhaled, her leathered nostrils quivering with brusque breaths as she attempted to feed her memories and seize the trail laced with the familiar aroma, capturing the track in little time. Sinewy muscle rippled beneath the pristinely pallid coat embellishing her figure and dull clicks were made audible as her nails raked against the weathered surface of the earth, her strides lengthy and her pace atypically quick; this was an imperative mission, and one she would not allow to slip from her clutches.

In due time, she approached the all-too familiar tainted landscape of the infamous battlefield, her pace growing sluggish as she neared the God-forsaken coliseum where many a gruesome battle had been waged, cautious and curious all the same. Any emotion that had plagued her countenance prior to then vanished as she adopted a vague fa?ade, settling into her defenses while her immaculate poise slackened and the stance of a juggernaut dominated her physique. Her paw-pads kissed the arena floor, permanently stained with the blood of the fallen, and her mercury eyes scavenged the scene in search for the behemoth form of the adversary she expected lingered near, unaware that it was not she who was present. Disappointment struck the ardent viper as her pupils fell upon the sable and contrasting figure of a foreign wench, causing the queen to halt in her tracks on the outskirts of the area the emaciated creature occupied and her skull to elevate as she examined it. This was not Desdemona, but why did her faded stench adorn this woman?s coat?

Aren?t you a sight for sore eyes, the viper commented curtly as she strode nearer to where the unknown lurked, her metallic gaze never straying from the bitch?s figure. For all the white witch knew, this creature was an ally to her enemy and could aide her in a mission to eliminate Morphine, so she could never be too careful even though the malnourished canine appeared to be a minimal threat in comparison to her toned and healthy being.

Speech. Thought. Words.


07-30-2013, 06:08 AM

allowing herself to succumb to her own misery, the black fea felt the once bloodstained ground's cold life draining force seeping into her. ragged breaths escaped her, hunger having driven her farther towards death's door than she ever dreamed of being. not to be confused with a whine, a low growl left her jaws as she heard the paw-steps of another approaching her. the scent, was not one she recognized, which didn't palpate the fear that was steadily tightening her chest. Breathe, focus, now. Her mind commanded her, as her eyes snapped open, to land on the ivory dame who spoke. 'aren't you a sight for sore eyes.' the womans voice reached her.

a dark chuckle escaped her as she struggled in a vain attempt to at least sit, and glared at the woman. juno wouldn't die laying down, should she be her last face to see. legs, collasped under her, out of their own volition, and a growl slipped from her jaws as she hit the ground with a hard thud. gasping from her efforts, she spoke. "admittedly, i've felt better." eyes fluttered, the effort of her attempt at rising taking it's toll.

"who are you?" A strained whisper escaped her, ebony lips barely moving. More importantly why are you here... she wondered fleetingly.



08-10-2013, 12:58 PM
/pumps out more ipad posts bc she has too many threads to catch up on

Thank you Chesh ♥

Steel eyes failed to stray from the emaciated form of the unknown creature, triangular ears swiveling forth as an effeminate and dangerous chortle breached the stagnant atmosphere, satisfied that her brazen comment had not been greeted with hostility from the sable babe. Her own defenses slackened slightly as the other canine gathered her draining energy to pull herself up, allowing her own mass to rock back onto her haunches to both mimic the woman's seating position and to indicate that she was not present upon the battlegrounds to contribute to the increasing amount of bloodstains that adorned the earth, but rather to engage in a more pleasant encounter and stock up on the information she desired to obtain. But she would refuse impatience and the temptation to be blunt and question the stranger's relation towards her missing adversary and instead ransack any knowledge she could whilst remaining discreet -- if such a feat was even possible for the ardent viper whose stock of adrenaline was increasing by the second as curiosities continued to flood her diseased mind.

She registered the enraged gleam upon the bitch's fading cerulean eyes but chose to disregard the hint to the stranger's displeasure, instead observing the amusing display the woman was performing as she buckled beneath her own weight and landed with a hard thud upon the weathered earth. The ice queen decided against aiding the woman in regaining her footing, truly apathetic toward her weakened state and aware that approaching the stranger would ensue discomfort. A singular brow quirked upon her forehead as the dark creature desperately scrambled, curious as to how anyone could manage to grow so malnourished and so dangerously close to death. And yet you choose to show up here, so vulnerable? Cannibals lurk in every corner, my dear -- be thankful that it was I who crossed your path first. Solemnity lingered within her vocals, accompanied by the vague expression that so frequently wracked her immaculate countenance to portray her seriousness even though her words could be contorted into a lie depending on how the encounter went and the crippled canine's relation towards Desdemona.

Inquisitive vocals were next to taint the air, plush appendage embracing her haunches as her routine response reverberated quickly from her gluttonous jaws: Morphine, Imperial Queen of Tortuga. A pause in her words was made present as her pupils raked over the entirety of the disheveled creature's form in one last attempt at recognition, failing to gather any. And you, dove?

Speech. Thought. Words.


08-19-2013, 04:37 AM

a scornful chuckle exited her maw, her body quivering with the movement the sound contributed. ebony form, straining under the weight of her half siting form, damn, did she need rest, a meal, and to be anywhere but here. "Cannibals? I fear nothing, I'm sure spite alone would keep them at bay." Tone would be light, almost joking. Damn... she was joking about her own fate? when the ivory wolf before her introduced herself, an eyebrow would raise, nearly giving precedence to her disbelief of the wolf's title.

"You're Morphine? You were pretty infamous, when I joined Tortuga, and to be honest, I pictured you to be a bit taller." Her tone would be light, conversational, her height comment not meaning to be antagonizing, rather, giving light to the defiant persona that hid underneath her dark fur. On her own, at good health she stood at about thirty four inches, she wasn't huge by any means, but larger than the ivory dame before her.

"Not that your height matters to me one way or another. You could be a damned runt for all I care or a giant. That defines little about you, and little do I know of you, Morphine Imperial Queen of Tortuga." A flick of her ears, and she would open her jaws a final time to introduce herself, "Juno. I'd say prematurely it's a pleasure, but I'd say time would be a better guess as to whether meeting you is a pleasure or not."
