
need you to stay


07-09-2013, 06:36 PM

Night had claimed the lands of their new home, revealing them to be something entirely different from what they were in the day. Angeal had found his attention captured by the glittering lights of the water. What made them do that? He hadn't seen something like that, not even in the vast expanses of his old home. No, these were strangely different. They were beautiful, for sure, but different from anything that Angeal might have expected. He had seen them before, but tonight was the first time that he was truly sitting down to appreciate them.

There was only thing missing, the black male thought, though perhaps to be more accurate it could be said that there was only one wolf missing. Liste. The lovely female that he had joined Ludicael with. With that on his mind, however, the male tipped his head back and let a howl escape him. It was fairly quiet, in respect for the fact that it was the middle of the night, but it clearly requested Liste's presence. She could chose to come or ignore it as she saw fit.

Meanwhile, Angeal would wait, his black tail wrapped easily around his paws as he stared thoughtfully out at the glittering waters. They were lovely. But what had he done to deserve such luck? Nothing. Angeal was a monster. Just for tonight, though, he was going to try and put that aside and pay attention to Liste as she deserved.



07-10-2013, 04:55 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Everything had been perfect. Liste had found a place she was comfortable in for the first time in her young life. She had met a few wonderful wolves - well, one in particular had really captured her attention. Most importantly, she had found a family and a home. Between Angeal and Ludicael, all of her dreams had come true. The ebony she-wolf couldn't have been happier. But of course, that happiness could never last.

What had happened the other night was devastating. It frightened Liste to her core, caused her to wake from sleep trembling from the nightmares that felt so vivid and real. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, listening for threats all around her. She hadn't told anyone yet, for fear that she had been imagining it like before. It had been a week, though, and the fear was stronger than ever. She knew it was true this time. He was here.

Angeal's call came at the perfect time. She had been seeking him out already, needing to tell him what was happening, needing his comfort and safety. His voice made her job much easier, and she moved swiftly through the mangrove to come to his side. Liste was a nervous wreck and it showed plainly in her eyes as she approached the male, then buried her face in the fur on his shoulder. She choked on the sobs that she wouldn't let come forth - he didn't need to see her so frightened. He didn't need to carry her burden.

Tagged: Angeal | Word Count: ?


07-10-2013, 07:36 PM

I can't take them on my own, my own,

Oh, I'm not the one you know, you know,

I have killed a man and all I know,

Is I am on the run and go.

He noticed immediately that she wasn't right. That something was wrong. He was in tune with her emotions, or as much as he could be, anyways. He read her better than he could read any other, and he could tell that she was upset. Angeal was on his paws in an instant, ready to close the distance between them should she not approach. But she did, and so Angeal simply twisted to nuzzle her, pressing his nose against her fur and pressing himself against her as well as she could, offering her all the strength that he could spare.

For a moment, the black male was silent, just taking in the way her body shook, shook with suppressed sobs, grappling with what to say, how to handle this. Suffice it to say that females were not his specialty. But one thing Angeal knew was that he would do everything in his power to destroy whatever had made her so upset. Once upon a time, he had been a soldier. He would do what he had to do. "What's wrong, darling?" The affectionate term rolled from his maw without second thought as Angeal nuzzled the female gently.

He would fix it. Or he would die trying. There were no other options in Angeal's mind. Though to be fair, they were both a little extreme, and Angeal would probably balk at death, but he meant it. He didn't like seeing wolves upset; he had caused far too much pain in his life to enjoy it. But when it was Liste? When it was the female that he cared so much for? That was even worse. It tore at his own heart, making his chest ache and a vicious anger that had before only been directed at himself and at the wolves who made him this way began to focus its attention upon whatever had upset Liste so.



07-29-2013, 08:27 AM


and i ran, i ran so far away

She struggled to compose herself and, for a moment, thought it would be impossible. It took a long while standing there so close to Angeal for Liste's sobs to finally subside and deep, shaky breaths to replace them. She struggled with what she wanted to say, how she would tell him, but the words seemed to refuse to come forth. It had seemed so easy, so simple in her head. Everything with him was supposed to be simple. But this was different.

How would he react when she told him? Angeal was gentle and affectionate with her now, seeming to only seek to comfort her. But would he go after her father once the words left her lips? Would he put himself in that danger? She didn't know for sure, but she had little doubt that he would. Her only worry was that she wouldn't be able to stop him from doing so, and that his life would be threatened because of her dark past.

She took one final breath before raising her head to look him in the eyes. While she feared for his safety, she needed the comfort and knew that he would want to know. She couldn't keep this from him. Liste sighed as her gaze fell to her feet. My father... I think... I think he's here. She raised her head again, a pleading look in her eyes. I caught his scent several nights ago and I didn't want to believe it, but... Her voice trailed as she could only manage to say one thing.

Please don't go.

Tagged: Angeal


07-29-2013, 06:08 PM

It took her a while to calm down, but when she did, Angeal breathed an almost silent sigh of relief. But the sense of relief faded almost immediately as she spoke, her voice broken. Father. Her father. Angeal thought carefully, but he couldn't remember her saying anything about a father. But her words were broken, her voice sad, and Angeal figured that this was a bad thing. "Where did you scent your father?" Though he did his best to keep his tone nonchalant, Angeal examined her carefully. She was worried and she was fearful, and Angeal would do his best to fix that. Even if she didn't want him to go.

But he had been a killer once. He had been a soldier. He could handle himself. At the same time, however, there was the fact that she had asked him not to go. That she had asked him not to track him down. "I only want to talk to him." Angeal elaborated with a twitch of his ears, "Whatever is going on with him, I will make sure that he doesn't hurt you." Would that soothe her doubts? Angeal hoped so. Because he would not go against her wishes, but Angeal was not remotely interested in allowing anything to hurt her.

Liste was too important to him for him to let anyone hurt her. He might not be able to erase his past, but he could damn well do his best to build a better future for himself, and he certainly hoped that Liste would be a part of that. He wasn't about to let her get hurt. Not if he could help it.



07-31-2013, 12:29 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

The brute's relaxed tone seemed to calm her, allowing her head to rise again to look him in the eyes. All she found there was concern, which flooded her with relief and a familiar guilt all at once. It was the same look of concern he had given her when she had told him her story during their first meeting, but on the whole the issue had been short-lived. They had only briefly talked about it before moving on to discuss happier things, friendlier things. She wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't remember, but it seemed not to matter regardless. From the way she was acting now, he was clearly in tune enough to know that everything was not well. She took a deep breath as she recalled the near encounter she had with the devil. It was near the edge of the pack lands... I was with Aria and Ramelia...

Liste's voice trailed off, allowing him to speak again. She wasn't sure how to react to his words. Here he was, wanting to protect her, and all she could think to do was to trap him somewhere to save him instead. She wasn't ready to lose him to that monster, and yet... Angeal was strong, she could see that clearly. Was he prepared for such a fight though? He had only showed her gentleness and the most aggression she had seen from him was hunting a deer. She shook her head vigorously.

No, no... He'll kill you. He doesn't care about anyone or anything... He has no heart. The look in her eyes was pleading, as it had been before. I can't let you get hurt because of my cowardice. I... I can take care of it... But the only way she could take care of it was with her death. She knew this well, and feared it all the same. Oh well. If it was what she had to do to protect those she cared for, so be it.

Tagged: Angeal


08-06-2013, 09:21 PM

Near the edge of the pack lands? Angeal filed that away immediately, biting back the snarl that longed to explode from his body. He would find this male. He would make sure that the wolf stayed far, far away from Liste for as long as that was what she desired. He was a monster, and he would damn well put that to use. Ears twitching slightly, when Angeal spoke, his voice was thoughtful. "How many nights ago was it?" The wolf asked absently, trying to keep the interest from his voice. Had the trail gone cold already?

Kill? Please. Angeal wasn't that easy to kill. The fact that he was still walking was proof of that. There had been plenty of wolves who tried to kill him, in his life before Liste and Ludicael. "I'm tougher than I look," Angeal twitched his ears, but he couldn't deny that his heart was melting at the look in her brown gaze. She feared for him, and Angeal didn't know how to explain that he was far harder to kill than she thought without telling her everything, and he balked from that.

Even now, there were some secrets that were meant to be kept. "I don't want you to handle this on your own." The male spoke carefully, "I do not think you are weak, but I just... I've been involved in many battles. And if he is dangerous, perhaps it would be best if you had a . . . seasoned warrior to back you up." This was one thing that he had sworn he would never go back to. No more fighting. No more. But he was going to do it anyways, because it was Liste and that was how things worked with her. He would do anything for her.

She deserved it. She deserved a wolf willing to do his best to help her, and he would do his best to be what she deserved. He would try to be better than he was, and maybe one day, it would outweigh his many sins.



08-07-2013, 05:01 PM

Keeping her gaze focused on his was the best way to keep her calm now, Liste had decided. The gentle, caring look in his eyes made her heartbeat slow down just a bit, cause her legs to stop shaking. It felt safe. She took a deep breath to steady herself before responding to his inquiry. She wasn't keen on giving him the information he wanted - she knew he would investigate - but she couldn't stop herself. She felt the pull to give into defeat. "It was maybe four nights ago? I can't be sure anymore, it all has sort of blurred together."

Her answer was honest. The panic she had felt, the lack of sleep in the days since the incident, everything had become confused for her. Time just seemed to blend. Being with Angeal was slowing it down, though. She was comprehending now. What she couldn't comprehend, though, were his next statements. Liste hadn't doubted that he was tough, but a seasoned warrior? Brow raised, she shot him a piercing golden look, all panic and nervousness replaced by curiosity. "What do you mean? Why have you been in so many battles?"

Something told her that he wasn't telling her something. She wondered nervously what it could be, but there was little worry in her mind. Whatever he had to tell her would matter little. It had been in his past, and in the present he was nothing but concerned and caring toward her. "You know you can tell me, Angeal," she murmured quietly, only a tone of adoration in her voice. No matter what, she would stay by his side, and maybe even let him help her.

i may be running, running , running !


08-09-2013, 09:54 PM

Four nights ago. Perhaps the trail would still be fresh, though Angeal had his doubts. It would have to be enough, however. If he had to track down this male alone, he would have to rely on a four day old trail. He would have to be able to make it work. He had never been much of a tracker, not compared to some of the other members of his pack, but he would have to be able to make it work. "And you didn't say anything for this long?" He hesitated, examining her carefully, "That was very brave of you." Brave, but unnecessary. He would handle it, with or without her.

Ah, that was what he had been worried about. Angeal's ears twitched almost nervously, and he drew his tail closer to his body as she spoke. It didn't matter what his past contained; all that mattered was the present and the wolf that haunted her so. But if he could tell her of the many battles that he had survived, and even triumphed in, well, perhaps she would trust him to help her. And if she didn't, well, no harm done, right? She wouldn't hate him for it, would she?

The male exhaled softly before he spoke, "I know that I haven't told you much of the past, but the truth is, I was one of the best warriors in my pack. My two friends were perhaps better, though they fought constantly with each other. I was their peacekeeper," Him, the warrior, a peacekeeper. It was a funny though. "Between the three of us, we trained other wolves to one day take up the mantle of warriors, just like we had, and we destroyed those that our pack wished to see gone." Angeal snorted softly, "Many innocent wolves," Including his mother, "Lost their lives at the paws of myself and my two companions. We were their best fighters." Twitching his ears, Angeal looked thoughtfully at Liste, "I left that life because it was not meant for me. Because I wanted peace far away from the knowledge of how much of a monster I was." He let his voice fade into silence with that, waiting for her judgement.

She would surely not wish for his help anymore. Well, he wouldn't blame her. He was a monster. The perfect monster. He had been bred to be the perfect monster, the perfect warrior. And if she understood that, she would get away from him. Far away. He wouldn't blame her for that.



08-11-2013, 01:46 PM

As Angeal questioned her waiting so long to tell him what had happened, her head drooped slightly. Though he called her brave for it, she felt as though he was gently scolding her. She sighed, then murmured, "I just didn't want to burden anyone else with it." Her eyes found his and a calm washed over her again, just as his body language shifted. In response to her question he seemed to become slightly uncomfortable, which encouraged her to tilt her head slightly in confusion. Liste listened intently to his story, her neutral expression never wavering.

But a million thoughts ran through her head as he spoke. First, she tried to imagine what life in such a pack would be like, but couldn't come up with anything definitive. She wondered if deep down Angeal was a heartless monster, but the idea was quickly tossed. It simply wasn't possible. So why hadn't he told her sooner? It was best not to ask, so she kept the inquiry to herself. Besides, it was easy enough to guess at the answer. He probably feared what she might think of him. A small smile spread across her lips as she let loose her gentle reply.

"Of course it wasn't the life for you. You are much too good of a wolf for that." She paused, giving him a quick lick on the cheek. "I wish you had told me sooner... Regardless, I have little doubt that you are a strong and capable warrior, but my father is as well. The thing that divides you both is that he is cold and unfeeling, you are not. It makes him that much more... ruthless." While she had no doubts that Angeal could defend himself, she worried that his having a heart would be his downfall in a battle with one who had none. She still couldn't bear the idea of such a loss.

i - s t a y - r u n n i n g - f o r - t o m o r r o w


08-13-2013, 08:37 PM

The male twitched his ears slightly, examining Liste as she spoke. "And that makes you very strong," The male murmured, half to himself as she spoke. Liste was truly a fantastic female. He wasn't sure where he would be without her, but she reminded him that he wasn't truly terrible, that there had been times where he had helped out a wolf. And even if she deserved better, she had settled for him, and that was what mattered, right? As long as she wanted him around, he would never leave. To him, it was that simple.

But he couldn't force the soft snort that escaped him when she called him a good wolf, even as his skin prickled where her tongue pressed against it. Her body so close to his brought a sensation of peace to the male, and he found his blue gaze locked on her form as she spoke. "I am not a particularly good wolf. And I will do whatever I have to do to protect you, should things come down to that." His heart would not stop him from doing what he had to do. Nothing would. Angeal would make sure that Liste was safe, even if it was with his dying breath.

Of course, he would really prefer to avoid that whole dying thing. Life was too good for it to be cut short, especially right then, in the presence of Liste. "I am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner..." This was hard for the male to admit, but he forced himself to say it anyways; "I . . . I was afraid that when you realized what I was that you would leave and it was selfish of me, but I didn't think I could handle that." She was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time.



08-14-2013, 05:18 PM


Standing so near to Angeal, something steadied her but also shook her to her core. His gentle tones and looks calmed her nerves and kept her from panicking, but something else wracked her body with a need to be close to him. The feeling sent shivers down her spine unlike anything she had felt before, yet she had heard of an explanation and was sure of what the force was within her.

A scoff escaped her as he reasoned that he wasn't a good wolf. Liste simply shook her head slightly, but did not engage him further on the topic. It still raised her spirits exponentially to know just how devoted he was to protecting her. Liste had never imagined such caring was possible, not that imagination would've helped. The happiness was unlike anything she could have thought up in her head.

His words cut straight through to her heart. She moved instinctively, stepping close and pressing her body close to his in a sort of hug. I would never leave you... I couldn't. Angeal had become everything to her in the time that they had been together. She couldn't imagine not having him with her.

talk, think


08-16-2013, 09:09 PM

Angeal was content to ignore Liste's doubt. She didn't realize the truth, but she would, in time. Or she wouldn't. Perhaps he was wrong and it was her who was right, but that Angeal doubted. After all, he knew himself better than anyone else ever would. Angeal knew every thought that had flickered through his own mind, every time he had been ready to kill another wolf. He knew everything that made him a monster intimately, inside and out. Some day, he would show her unequivocally, and she would leave. But until then, Angeal would damn well make the best of every moment.

So when she pressed her body against his, Angeal didn't pull away. Instead he twisted his head to nuzzle her neck, breathing in her comforting scent for a long moment. "Good," The male snorted softly, "Because I need you." It was more than that. It was far more complex than the word 'need' implied. You needed air to breathe. That much was simple, straightforward even. But it was harder to explain what Liste was to him. She was an intrinsic part of him, one that he couldn't function without.

How did you explain that to a wolf that surely didn't feel the same way?



08-21-2013, 05:23 PM


The breath caught in her throat. She had known how she felt about Angeal since the day they had met, and her feelings had only grown stronger over the months. She had never expected that he felt anywhere near the same about her, that he ever could, but his words pierced her mind like an arrow shot from Cupid's bow.

He needs me? The thought was foreign. Having been without anyone who cared for her for so long, the idea of someone needing her came as a shock. Liste leaned into his hug as she grappled with the idea, fighting the denial that threatened to push through and ruin her happiness. No, it wasn't fake, it was real. He was real. And he wasn't leaving.

A sigh escaped her as she released the air that had been frozen inside. She closed her eyes before speaking words she never thought she would say. I would give you everything, if you wanted. The meaning was easy enough to be implied. She wasn't sure if it was due to the influence of her heat that she had given herself away so easily, but she didn't care. Liste doubted little that her opinion would be changed much from here on out.

She would be his forever, regardless of what happened now.

talk, think


08-26-2013, 12:26 PM

tonight i'll need you to stay

He hadn't been stupid. He had tasted the beauty of her scent, but Angeal had lived around females for a long time. He wasn't a male who could be controlled by the scent of a female's heat; no, Angeal had been raised by a woman who would have destroyed him had he taken a female as his own without her own consent. He had alwas been raised to treat wolves with respect, and when he became a warrior, that had not entirely left him. He would not be ruled by his body, as much as his body desired her.

Her words painted a tempting offer, one that Angeal would have had to be insane to resist. Still, he hesitated, examining Liste carefully. "Everything?" His voice was soft, but there was a teasing note to it as he examined her, "And what if I wanted you?" Examining her, he waited to gauge her reaction before he continued, "You are far too beautiful for me to resist." The male added a moment later, twitching his ears as he spoke, trying to pick up any sounds from his surroundings.

For the moment, they seemed to be alone. That was good. That was exactly the way that Angeal wanted it to be.



09-10-2013, 08:26 PM


His words cut to her heart again and she couldn't help the tiny smile that plastered itself on her muzzle from the excitement. She buried her face in the fur on his shoulder, trying to hide the flush in her face from only herself. She couldn't believe this was happening this way. They had each finally come to a point of admitting their feelings to each other - but Liste hadn't truly done that.

It was as though they were dancing around the truth. Liste knew she was simply afraid to say it. The word invoked the fear of loss in her. It was something she had never felt - or said - about anyone. Her mind continued to question whether it was worth the risk, but she knew the answer regardless.

The ebony she-wolf found herself unable to respond to his questions. She couldn't form any words. She could only step back to meet his gaze, amber orbs full of longing. The words that did come forth in her whisper were simple, yet they explained everything better than anything else could.

I love you.

talk, think


09-17-2013, 09:42 AM

racing shadows in the moonlight, through the desert on a hot night

The words that spilled from Liste's maw were more beautiful than Angeal could have hoped to explain. It was like a final piece had fallen into place, one he hadn't even been aware that he'd been missing. For a moment, everything was pure and perfect and he was hit by a single thought; This must be what heaven's like. He could imagine nothing happier than the words that echoed in the air. I love you. They were so short, but they meant so much.

A smile crossed his maw as Angeal moved to nuzzle Liste adoringly; "Oh, Liste. I love you too. More than I could ever hope to describe." He loved her. It wasn't anything he hadn't known before, but it was the first time that he had let those words been spoken. Perhaps it was cowardly to wait until Liste said it first, but Angeal hadn't wanted to chase her away. He couldn't imagine a life without her, and hadn't his mother always told him not to move too quickly? Gillian had given him more wisdom than all of his training, and he trusted the wolfess that had raised him implicitly.

Her advice had never lead him wrong. And right here, right now, everything was perfect. This as perfect.
