
Finally taking flight




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-16-2021, 09:35 PM
Ulric slipped out of his room early in the morning as he usually did, but it wasn't to go on his usual patrols. He made his way to the first floor of the castle, winding through corridors and hallways until he landed in the wing that held their guest rooms. He lingered outside of the door of her room for a moment before he moved past it, walking out to the common area by the main doors of the castle. As he laid in bed the night before, thinking of the brief kiss they had shared, he couldn't help but think about how differently that moment had gone than other similar moments before it. There had been a restraint, though slightly unwillingly on his part, but he respected her deeply for that. It might have stung to see her walk away in that moment, but the morning after felt better and less conflicted than it probably would have been otherwise.

Now went to one of the windows that looked out toward the castle gates and lingered there, settling back on his haunches while he patiently waited for Eska to rise, not wanting to disturb her sleep. He was eager to show her more of the pack, an excitement bumbling in his stomach. He had realized that she was the first wolf that he had personally welcomed into the pack since taking the role of Aegis and that somehow made him all the more excited to show her around, even beyond his own interest in her.

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 09:51 PM


Eska had slept deeply and she'd slept surprisingly well for someone that had just lost their mother. Perhaps it was because Ulric had consumed her thoughts, even in her sleep. She'd stayed up for a while thinking about the possibilities and the different paths that she could have taken, but decided that she'd chosen correctly. Leaving was the best thing that she could have done for both of them. She was even happy about her decision when she woke. The fires of lust had died down considerably and she was quite thankful for that. The previous night, she felt as though the flames could very well have consumed her.

Rising late in the morning, Eska stretched and groaned. Her head was a little achy, but she would live. She just needed to get some water into her system. Rising, the silver rippled fae gave her body a light shake before pushing out of the room and going out the front doors of the castle. She was ready to get to work and aimed to become a highly contributing member of the pack. Her very first pack, actually.

In the courtyard, Eska stretched out her long legged body, ridding herself of the stiffness that sleeping sometimes brought. Noting some barrels of collected rainwater to the side, she went to wet her tongue. Her first day as a member of The Hallows. Perhaps she could hunt a bit. Show her usefulness. She had questions though and wondered when Ulric might be up and about. Her skin tingled a bit just at the thought of him.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-16-2021, 10:57 PM
Ulric remained lingering by the windows, looking out into the world as he started thinking and planning about the future of the pack, his children, how he was going to go about training Artorias to fill his place when the time came... All sorts of things. He didn't often have time to sit and think and usually when he did it was clouded by darkness and doubt, but this morning felt different. Today he had something to look forward to, a hopefulness that he didn't often get to feel. He was excited to bring Eska into the fold, but he was equally as excited for other parts of his life and that was a shift in his mindset that he hadn't been expecting. He tried to cling to that positivity as he continued to wait for Eska to appear, a soft smile lingering on his muzzle.

Apparently he had been too lost in his thoughts to notice Eska walking through the castle's main corridor maybe a dozen feet away because he saw her come into view outside, blinking as he watched her stretch out her sliver brindled form, the lighter hairs in her coat catching the morning light brilliantly. Seeing her again stirred up that same warmth under his skin and it made him wonder how much of that had been the wine and how much of that had been his desire. Giving his head a shake, he turned away from the window and went out to join her, smiling as he trotted across the open space to where she was standing next to some barrels of rainwater.

"Good morning," he rumbled as he slowed to a stop near her, offering her a warm smile. "Sleep well?" Every time he saw her in a different light he thought perhaps he had seen her at her most lovely, but somehow she was more beautiful each time he got the chance to be around her. "I was thinking I could show you around, give you a proper tour, tell you more about the pack, if you'd like."

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 11:13 PM


At the sound of someone approaching, Eska turned. A dusty blue tongue protruded, lapping away droplets of water that clung to her lips. Sulfur eyes rested upon none other than Ulric. A smile pulled involuntarily at the woman's maw and her gaze seemed to brighten as he stopped before her. The man greeted her and she gave him a gentle nod. "Good morning," she purred in her smooth, yet slightly husky tones. His presence was still so welcome. So comfortable. No alcohol necessary to stir the feelings within her, it seemed.

Ulric asked how she slept and the first reaction that came to mind was to say 'like the dead' but the thought of the remark instantly sobered her. Her mother was sleeping like the dead. The grin faded and Eska merely nodded. She had slept well, after all. The woman searched the umber brutes scarred face for a moment before he went on, suggesting plans for the day.

A tour was on the agenda, it seemed. She could sense Ulric's happiness, his eagerness. Who was she to deny him? Besides, Eska wanted to learn all that she could about the pack that her mother founded. She wanted to know what was needed so that she could fill in the gaps. Make herself valuable. "I would like," she assured him. There was an urge there to kiss him again, but she bit it back, though she did bestow a long, lingering look at his smiling lips.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-17-2021, 12:08 AM
Seeing how her expression seemed the light up when she turned to face him made that lingering attraction from the night before sneak back into his mind, making him feel as if he could feel her lips on his again. He noticed how her expression seemed to shift and darken after his question about how she had slept and it made him curious what had crossed her mind. He thought about asking, but he wondered if perhaps it was better to not bring up things that were troubling her. At least not right now. There had been so much of their time together so far that had been dedicated to darkness and grief. He wanted to make her first day as a member of the pack a pleasant one.

He smiled again when she agreed to his plans and he gave a small nod toward the castle and replied, "Lets go then." The slight longing in her gaze didn't slip past him, but he forced himself to ignore it. He respected the restraint she had showed the previous night and he hoped that he might be able to follow that lead. It was something that he had clearly lacked in the past and it had only landed him in one bad relationship and situation after another. He felt like his attraction was obvious and he hadn't done well in hiding it, but he wanted more. He couldn't just continue to give into his lusts and hope to get a better result. It felt like he was thinking clearly for the first time in a very, very long time and he wondered how much credit he needed to give to the woman in front of him for that.

He led her back into the castle, leading her first to the main meeting hall since it was the space closest to the main doors. "This is where we hold our meetings, feasts, gatherings, the like. We've held a feast each season, though we haven't gotten a chance to have one for Summer just yet." He paused, looking at the empty space in front of them thoughtfully, remembering how the tables had been filled with food each time Resin had called them together here, how wonderful it had been to see them all together for a joyous occasion. Even though he had been going through his own turmoils at the last feast, it had been heartwarming to see Resin officially give Tamsyn and their children a family name here. Perhaps that was one of the places where he was going to feel Resin's absence the strongest.

"I was thinking... and I'd like your thoughts on it, but..." He turned his gaze down her hers as he spoke, curious to see what her opinion would be. "I would like to dedicate our Summer feast to Resin. She was our founder, a friend to all of us... I feel like she deserves that much. Each of the feasts has had a bit of a theme to them. The Snowfall Feast, the Feast of Rebirth... I thought about maybe going simple, calling it the Carpathius Feast since that's the name she shared with her mate and their children, but I don't know... What do you think?"

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-17-2021, 06:01 PM


Eska noted the dark look of interest in Ulric's gaze but also ignored it. They had things to do. The wolves couldn't spend all day making eyes at each other. It wouldn't be very productive. So, as the massive man turned and began to lead her back into the castle, Eska walked beside him. He led her to the main hall, a giant space with a long table. At the end was a raised dais. An impressive space, to be sure.

Ulric explained that this space was used for meetings and feasts. He seemed a little put out that they hadn't been able to have a feast yet that summer. When he continued speaking, his voice was a little hesitant. Silver eyes met golden and she listened with rapt attention as he ran an idea past her. He wanted to hold a feast in honor of her mother since she founded The Hallows and had been a good and just leader. Eska thought about it for a long moment before she began to speak.

Giving her head a slight tilt, she pulled her gaze away to look around the spacious room. "It's a very lovely sentiment. All that I know about my mother came from the stories of a family friend." The brindled woman seated herself next to the brute, their shoulders lightly touching. Very strategic seating on her part, but she found that she wanted to touch him. "From what I was told, my mother never wanted to be the center of attention. Perhaps, instead of just honoring her, you honor all of those that have died. A remembrance feast of sorts." Eska gave a little shrug, her shoulder pressing into his before she turned her gaze back to him, wondering what he might think about her idea.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-17-2021, 06:58 PM
Ulric let her take her time in thinking over his question, his silver gaze shifting to look around the long, empty room once more while she pondered it, returning his attention to her when she spoke. He watched her as she settled beside him, her shoulder brushing against his. It was a simple thing, just a casual brushing of shoulders, but it still managed to pull a small smile to his lips. He naturally leaned into her without consciously deciding to, gravitating toward her just as he had since the day they met. Once she pointed out that Resin had never wanted to be the center of attention he smirked, nodding in agreement. That was true. He had wanted to do something specifically for the leader they had lost in remembrance of her, but that wasn't really Resin's style was it? It was hard to put his own loss aside to think about what Resin would have wanted.

But the idea that Eska thought of in its place felt right. A feast for them to remember and appreciate those that were no longer with them. A time to celebrate their lives. His eyes met hers as she looked up at him, a small grin pulling across his features. "I love that idea. I think a Feast of Remembrance is perfect." It was general enough to fit whatever happened within that year, but would still be a special occasion to honor Resin as well, at least for those that knew her. It was strange to think that as the years passed, as long as The Hallows remained as strong as it was, there would come a time after all of them were gone that there would be a whole new generation of wolves that had never met the founder of this pack. It made him wistful as he glanced around the dining hall again.

"Come on, we can keep moving," he told her, dipping his head down for a moment to gently and affectionately press the end of his muzzle to the top of her head, standing and starting to walk out of the room without really realizing what he had done, too lost in his thoughts to think it through. He led her down the hall a ways, pausing in front of another wide doorway. "This is the infirmary," he explained, pushing one of the doors open so that he could motion inside to the room lined with cots, dividers set up in-between them and shelves of supplies along the far wall. "Gwynevere is usually around here somewhere. She's practically lived here since we set it up. Though I'm glad she has a dedicated space for it now. She was doing it all out of her room." He looked down at Eska, adding after realizing that she wouldn't know the name, "Gwynevere is one of Tamsyn and Resin's daughters."

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-17-2021, 07:13 PM


Their casual touches were comfortable and quite welcome. Ulric leaned against her without a second thought to what they were doing. He simply touched her and mulled over the suggestion that she'd given. In time, he decided that he liked the idea. Eska's lips lifted in a smile, the corners of her yellow eyes lifting as well. The Timber woman was glad to have helped. In fact, she found herself wanting to help the man even more. There was a lingering sadness in him that always seemed to cling like dust on glass. There was a slowly growing need to wipe that glass clean.

Having decided on the nature of the celebration, Ulric prompted them to the next location, but not before sliding his muzzle between her ears. A tingle of electricity shot down the woman's spine and it was all that she could do to keep her cool. Rising, she shook the sensations off and moved along beside him once more, keeping pace with his longer strides. By the gods... the affect he had upon her.

The pair moved into another room which turned out to be an infirmary. It was an impressive setup with cots and dividers laid out. The far wall had herbs organized upon shelving. Ulric told her that the owner of said infirmary was Gwynevere, whom he later informed her was the daughter of her mother and Tamsyn. The woman's ears tilted back for a moment before she tentatively asked, "How many children did they raise together?" She had been meaning to ask her mother's lover if she would mind if Eska stayed, but she'd been so distracted by Ulric that she hadn't gotten around to it before accepting his invitation. "Do you think Tamsyn will mind that I've joined the pack? I don't want to make her or their children uncomfortable." She brought her gaze to his, a mix of questioning and sadness within their depths.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-17-2021, 09:43 PM
Ulric saw the shift in her demeanor when he mentioned Resin's other children, the statement bringing about a question. "I believe the final total was seven," he informed her, keeping a close eye on the silver brindled beauty at his side. He wasn't certain yet how she felt hearing about her mother's other children, but she had asked and he was more than willing to answerer any questions she might have. He was an open book for her, hopefully able to fill in some of the gaps for her. "Tamsyn birthed five - Gwynevere being one of them. Then Resin found and adopted two more." A large portion of those children held fantastic promise - though he was particularly interested in seeing how Artorias flourished in his new role as Baron. He was very confident in his choice of heir and the boy had impressed him several times over at this point.

Her next question genuinely surprised him and he was sure that showed in his expression while an obvious sad, questioning look was held in her lovely golden gaze. "Of course not," he insisted with an encouraging smile. "Tamsyn is genuinely one of the kindest wolves I've ever met. If anything she is just going to be happy to bring you into their family. I think the same will be true of many of their children as well." He couldn't speak as confidently about how her children might react since he wasn't as close to all of them since some were more present than others, but he was certain that at least Artorias, Rudyard, and Gwynevere would be welcoming. Perhaps he could be wrong about that, but Tamsyn's sweetness had certainly rubbed off on her children.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why do you worry that they'll be uncomfortable with you here?" he asked gently, settling back on his haunches. He didn't want to press her on something that made her uncomfortable, but if it was something that was going to make her joining the pack more difficult on her he'd like to alleviate her concerns where he could.

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-17-2021, 10:24 PM


Seven. Seven almost siblings. It was a large number of children to raise. There was no jealousy in the woman that they had received her mothers care and she had not. No one had control over the events that had befallen them. It was a lot for anyone to handle, but if the stories were true, her mother would be the one to do it. Stories... that was all that she had. Stories of her mother's deeds and accomplishments. Nothing seen with her own two eyes, unfortunately.

Ulric seemed surprised at her question and asked why she might think that way. The smoke and shadow fae wrinkled her nose slightly and gave a shrug. "I look enough like my mother to be a constant reminder of her absence." She wouldn't blame her mother's lover if she didn't want to see her. The children either. Though Eska's pelt held the wavering striping, she shared the same grey, the same mask and the same eyes as Resin.

Since she was assured that Tamsyn was a very kind wolf, Eska gave her head a shake. "Perhaps I'm thinking too much into it. Please, continue your tour." The woman waved him forward with one silver paw. She'd do her best to forget her previous concerns.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-18-2021, 10:10 AM
Once she pointed out that she looked like her mother Ulric could better understand why she was concerned. "Ah," he said softly with a nod. He still couldn't picture Tamsyn being anything but hospitable at the very least to their newest member, but Eska couldn't know that. She really did carry a strong resemblance to Resin - something he had immediately noticed when he first met her. When she mentioned that she might be thinking into it too much he smiled and gently nudged her shoulder with his. "Even if you are, all of your concerns are valid. Never feel like they aren't." He paused for a second before adding, "You should really meet Tamsyn. She's a wonderful woman. Obviously devastated by everything that happened, but... I think she'd be thrilled to meet you."

With that he let the topic drop, giving her another smile as he led her out of the infirmary, leading her down a different hallway and pausing by a set of stairs that led down deeper into the castle. "This is the way to the cellars. It's nice and cool down there so that's where we keep any meats from our hunts so they're easily accessible. That's also where those bottles of wine are if you're ever wanting for some." He chuckled softly at the memory from the night before and kept going, leading her in a loop around the castle, pointing out different wings where some wolves lived like the wing the Carpathius family had claimed, where some empty rooms she could claim for herself were, and the corridor where his room was. "All of my children have rooms through here as well," he mentioned and then suddenly realized she probably didn't know about his pups.

"I have fi-" He stopped himself, his ears flicking back against his head and silver gaze glancing away. "Four. I have four children... The fifth went missing a few seasons ago. Along with my fiancée." At this point he had come to accept that they were truly gone. Whether they were dead or just never returning he would never know, but when he glanced at the empty room at the end of the hall that had been saved for Everlyse, knowing that her first birthday present that would most likely never be used was tucked away in his room, it still hurt. Azariah no longer crossed his thoughts very often, but his little brindled girl did. He sighed and pulled a smile back onto his lips before he looked at her again. "I've accepted my fiancée being gone, but something about thinking of my daughter still gets to me."

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-18-2021, 11:43 AM


With Ulric's continued insistence on Tamsyn's kindness, Eska would make it a point to seek the woman out later on to introduce herself. For now, they would continued their tour. The cellar was pointed out and Ulric casually mentioned that's where the wine was. The silvered woman couldn't help the faint grin on her maw and nodded gracefully. They'd had a rather enjoyable time with the wine in their systems. She wouldn't mind doing it again. Sooner rather than later, honestly. The more time they spent together, the less time she wanted to spend apart from him.

Next they came to the corridors that led to the various wings that had been claimed for personal living space. The Carpathius wing was that way. Ulric's own wing was this way. He mentioned his children's rooms and Eska tilted her head slightly, a curious smile crossing her features. She had nothing against a man with children. If he had a mate though... she had crossed a few lines, as had he. Dark ears shifted towards him, eager for an explanation.

Ulric started speaking, telling her how many children he had. He balked though, changing the number and she could feel the wave of sadness wash over him, and over herself as well. He elaborated, sharing with her that a child and his fiancée had gone missing. Well... he answered one of her questions, but the result wasn't one that she would have wished on him. He was single, but it hadn't been by choice.

The obvious pain that Ulric felt when he looked at the room that she supposed belonged to his missing daughter was thick. His words brought her stepping closer to him. Eska rested her cheek against Ulric's neck, seeking to bring him a bit of comfort. "I'm sorry for the loss of your family." They'd both suffered loss. She could feel what he felt. With her beside him, at least he wouldn't have to feel it alone.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-21-2021, 05:45 PM
He wondered if he'd ever get over the loss of his daughter and at this point he just hoped that maybe the sting wouldn't hurt quite as bad as time went on. Moving on from Azariah had been hard, but it didn't feel impossible. He remembered how devastating his father's death had been on his mother, how it had crippled her to the point of not being able to care for herself much less them. He often wondered if Azariah had ever been the right one for him if he hadn't broken down the way his mother had. Had he only fallen for her because of how deep his loneliness had run and how sure he had been that he'd never find love? His thoughts seemed to battle themselves constantly, but a bit of tension fell away from Ulric's shoulders when Eska leaned into him with her cheek on his neck, his expression softening with gratefulness at her comfort. It was difficult to let himself share his troubles and worries with anyone else, but with her it seemed easy. There was no fear of ridicule and even though she was sympathetic she wasn't over bearing with her condolences. They each knew what loss felt like and shared it together. He found himself leaning back into her touch, tipping his head down so he could thankfully nuzzle the top of her head. "I appreciate it," he said softly, standing there with her like this for another moment before finally leading her back out of the castle and into the courtyard.

"This is a training yard I set up," he told her, leading her past a few large rectangles marked off on the ground with rocks with a shed that stood off to the side. "There's all kinds of training dummies, a few weapons and spare pieces of armor in the shed there so feel free to use any of it whenever you wish." He nodded to the wood and glass structure against one side of the castle and added, "That's a greenhouse. I think the healers are hoping to get some plants growing in there now that the weather is finally starting to warm up. We moved into the castle in winter and it's been cold ever since so we haven't had a chance to take advantage of the greenhouse yet." A thought occurred to him and he glanced down at Eska again with a curious look. "I just realized I never asked what your interests are. We have ranks loosely broken into fighters and hunters or healers and crafters. Anything in particular you prefer?"

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-06-2021, 06:01 PM


With the earthen man leaning back against her, something flared within Eska. A flash of fate. Something in her knew, in that very moment, that she would never be free of this man. The woman blinked, stepping away as he began to move again. He was entirely unaware of the strange epiphany that she'd had and that was just fine with her. The silver streaked fae shook out her coat and followed, hoping to shake the strange feeling along with it.

Ulric showed her the training field, offering her use of the various items there. He then showed her a greenhouse and spoke of the healers that hoped to fill it with greenery. It was an odd structure. Something that she may have never thought to craft, though to be fair, healing wasn't exactly her strong suit. She could tend to small wounds. Basic care, but that was about it.

The big man looked to her and she met his gaze. His words brought a soft chuckle from the fae. "I'm a hunter first. A fighter second." Traveling on your own, one had no choice but to be a hunter unless you wanted to fill your belly with grass. "Are there many hunters in The Hallows?" One obsidian brow arched in question. The food stores were full, she knew. "If there are ample hunters, I wouldn't mind learning a new skill. I can be whatever you need." Her gaze never left his.