
Find your comforts



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-31-2021, 10:29 PM
Tamsyn giggled softly as Kane draped one strong forelimb around her shoulders, more than willingly being pulled into his embrace. She still loved how easy it was to tuck her smaller frame into his larger form and the low rumble of his voice when they were laying close like this made little shivers run down her back. She hadn't thought that he'd have any objections to coming out here with her or with indulging some of their desires and lusts with each other, but it still made her feel good to hear him agree and make it clear that he wanted that with her. His gentle fangs and nibbles on her ear only reinforced that fact and pulled a pleased murr from her as she shifted even more tightly against him.

Before she could start teasing and kissing him in return, she head his quiet, sincere whispers against her ear and she listened to every word, blinking with surprise as his sweet, considerate words tugged at her heart. She had never felt as if he was taking advantage of her, but it just served to show how thoughtful he truly was and it pulled a warm smile to her lips when he said that he liked her and that's why he was doing this. "I like you too," she admitted softly, nuzzling into his neck while her heart beat against her chest, a flush pulling across her cheeks. "I don't want to use you either. I genuinely like being around you." She hoped that she had made him feel like that was the case already, but just in case she hadn't she wanted him to know.

She chuckled and grinned as his embrace tightened around her and he pulled every inch of her skin against his, making her shiver lightly against him as their coats mingled together. For a moment she just let her gaze close with a delighted hum as she leaned into him, burying her face into his fur and breathing in his distinctly masculine scent that was hinted heavily with the woods he clearly spent his time in usually. It was so uniquely him and was nearly as intoxicating as he was just on his own. She was still getting used to being so forward with her desires with him, but as he stoked that fire and fed into her need for him even that started to get burned away.

Tamsyn blinked her eyes open when he spoke again, a sly grin of her own pulling at her lips at his suggestion and another shiver running across her skin as he nibbled at the side of her neck, her body naturally pressing into him as he sent electric tingles across her skin. "I would love to..." she replied in a breathless whisper, her paws tracing his shoulders and chest with her claws combing through his fur and following along his scars. She could tell that she was steadily growing more comfortable and bold with him, especially now that they were out here with no one else around and a far smaller chance of anyone coming across them at this time of night. She grinned and slipped her paws around his neck as she nuzzled into his neck before beginning to trail kisses and nibbles along his skin, drifting off into the haze of desire and and need for this gentle giant.


Tamsyn Carpathius



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

06-01-2021, 11:35 PM

At no point in their very short relationship did Kane feel like he was just being used by Tamsyn, but he appreciated her reassurance that she didn't intend that and that she genuinely liked spending time with him. All he could do was smile and hope that trend continued. He was attracted to Tamsyn, for her beauty of course, but it was so much beyond that too. She had such a pure soul, a kind and loving heart that carried the weight of the scars, both physical and emotional. As a healer, Kane wanted to mend her, to make her feel better and restore the vitality to her life that had been stolen. But on the flip side, as a hunter, Kane also savored the game and the chase, getting to learn more of what made up Tamsyn day after day. He'd had a small taste of the fiery passion that lived inside the jet black fae and it had scalded his soul, leaving him with a yearning to be immolated by her entirely. This was the beginning of an addiction, he could feel it, but he refused to stop. He didn't want to stop. He wanted Tamsyn and the feelings of relief, happiness, and affection that she brought with her.

Every little giggle and smile she made while he squeezed her in his arms, the way she looked up at him and grinned, her scent, the feel of her fur... It was all too good and made the dire brute wonder if maybe he had actually died in the fight with the saber cat and this was his heaven, that Tamsyn was his own personal angel. He held her tight in his arms, possessive over his little blackbird, while she buried her face in his chest and took in his scent. The sly grin on her lips at his not-so-subtle hint of what was on his mind was all the answer he needed.

As her body pressed more into his side, Kane shifted to turn more towards her, allowing her smaller form to fit into the crease of his frame. His paw draped across her ran up her side, tracing each feminine curve between planes of athletic muscle and silky fur, handling her the way one would an exotic fabric. Low rumbles of delight started in his chest while her paws ran over his chest and shoulders and through his fur, finding his scars with soft paw pads. She seemed fixated with his scars, but he didn't mind in the least. Tamsyn could touch him wherever she liked as often as she liked.

All alone outside in the quiet summer night, away from any prying eyes and perked ears, the two wolves could lose themselves in one another all night long. Tamsyn was becoming more confident and bold in her touches and advances, pulling a wider grin from Kane. He returned her nuzzle to the top of her head while her face disappeared into his neck, feeling little feathery kisses and nibbles along his neck sending little electric shocks through his system. He murred and shivered, lowering his muzzle to let his saber fangs graze slowly through her scruff, parting fur to find warm, tender skin as she spiked his pulse and set his blood on fire. With her taking the lead, Kane felt his mind slip away into the warm, heady ocean of desire, ready to give all of himself to his little blackbird once more.

— FADE —


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.