
Love Can Hurt



07-14-2013, 12:31 AM


.ooc. Ocena, will you be on a lot on monday?

Song pretty white paws moved slowly through the grass, her body moving awkwardly as she carried her growing brood. They were starting to get heavy, and even though she was not even half way through her stomach bulged considerably. There had to be more than just a couple of pups developing in her womb. She wanted Cherokee to feel and see how many there might be, it wasn't an incredibly accurate option but it would hopefully give them an idea.
She thought about each one of them, wondering how many they'd get and who they would be. She was incredibly ready to meet them, and especially ready to expel them from her body. Pregnancy was not glamorous and she thought it possible she had finally found something that she hated. She was always uncomfortable and she could hardly keep a single thing down. She heavily relied on her mate's help, and had she not had him there for everything she needed there wouldn't have been any way that she would make it through.
Cherokee tried not to let her out of his sight, he was incredibly protective now that they had pups on the way. She was pretty sneaky though. If he found her she imagined she would be in the company of Silent. The older she wolf was Song's wonderful stand in mother. Deep down the question of Novel's feelings towards her daughter's decisions made her itch. She wished desperately to know if the older she wolf would have approved of her new grandchildren. It saddened her greatly to know that she would never see them.
With great effort the pregnant she wolf set herself upon a large round slab. The surface was smooth and baked to the perfect warmth by the sun. She sighed happily as the heat radiated into her skin, relieving many of the aches she collected. Her toes curled in happiness as she let herself enjoy being pregnant for the first time. She placed her head onto the rock and closed her eyes blissfully. Enjoying the alone time with her children.

Tagged: Ocena | <3: Wolfie

Silent I


11 Years
07-14-2013, 03:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2013, 03:44 PM by Silent I.)

Silent's green eyes looked around at the unfamiliar landscape. The only parts of Alacritis she had been to were around Seracia. Now, as her curiosity peaked and stretched, she wasn't surprised to find herself in another part of the world. Restlessness was something she had grown used to after traveling with Bronze and Alione, but as she aged, it didn't show up as often. Another reason she didn't venture out very much was because...well, the evidence was on her person.
It was indeed a miracle that Silent's body was still in working condition. Wrapped inside of her womb were unborn pups, growing and subconsciously learning about their mother and father. The personalities that would shine from each baby would be combinations of their parents. Silent was ready to meet them, and she wasn't even close to her due date. This was why she appeared a tiny biy more cautious than usual.
So, on this beautiful day, Silent was found walking across unfamiliar terrain. The atmosphere was quiet, yet filled with a soft atmosphere, an aura that made her want to be there. She halted, closed her eyes, then inhaled the air around her. Song's scent, surprisingly, came to her and her eyes quickly opened. A smile broke out on the fae's face and she headed in the direction of the white wolf's scent.
After a few steps towards the northeast, Silent saw a white fae, sprawled across a rock and napping. Her eyes moved over the young woman's body, taking in surprise to the bulging belly of her adopted daughter. Ebony tail swept behind her in excitement and she eagerly padded towards the sleeping beauty. In the back of her mind, Silent kept track of the slight bump that was evident beneath her, knowing that she wasn't as far long as Song. Yet, that didn't stop her from being as excited.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-15-2013, 02:19 AM

.ooc.I'm assuming Silent and Song don't know about each other's babies.

Song's consciousness was not compromised while she sprawled upon her perch, she was much too comfortable to waste the feeling on sleep. A delighted smile danced on her lips as she gently moved her tail up and down in pleasure. Even with her best efforts she couldn't help but to let a yawn slip quietly from her delicate muzzle. With ears tilted back in a most relaxed fashion, she was almost surprised by Silent's presence.
Her nose wiggled as the pleasant scent wafted to her unsuspecting sensors. Her smile widened as she pushed herself grudgingly from the blessed heat. Ivory audits swiveled slowly towards the direction she could now hear foot steps coming from. Her beautiful bicolored eyes blinked open shades of gold and sapphire glistening in the sun. She whined a greeting to the she wolf she had come to respect so much. Her eyes took in a sight. Silent looked, and now that she had a visual to confirm, smelled like she was pregnant.
Song's tail beat faster against the rock, her grin unmistakable. Silent was pregnant too! SIlent! My dearest friend, can I even believe my eyes? They would be having their babies at around the same time it seemed. She wondered how close they would be able to be once their children arrived. She wasn't even sure of Silent's love interest. Song knew next to nothing about the older she wolf's mate. How did this come about?


Silent I


11 Years
07-15-2013, 05:08 PM

The way Song carried her surprise made Silent chuckle. She knew that her pregnancy would be a bit of shock to others that met her, given her age. It was just more special coming from Song, only because of how close the two faes were. Now, as Song approached her with her own girth of pups, she knew that this unexpected blessing was meant to happen.
"Yes, my dear Song, you can believe them," she gently chided. Her tail wagged behind her in a steady wag with each step made towards the white female. "I was actually going to ask you the same thing, but I know for a it is more possible with you at your young age. Being married doesn't hurt it, either." Silent slipped her a wink and finally stopped walking when the distance between the two was closed. She nuzzled Song in a loving manner and playfully nipped at her cheek fur.
"When did you find out that you were going to be a mother?" Silent asked. She knew that for a first time mother, the news of being pregnant could either be surprising or scary. Sometimes, it was both combined into one reaction. The former slender fae waited for an answer for Song as she pondered how the young female's reaction had been.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-15-2013, 08:07 PM

Song happily met up with Silent a few paces away from her resting place, the heat that had been applied did nicely to keep the pain away from her body. If this was what it was like just normally carrying them she was sure she would not be looking forward to when they would actually leave her. She needed to stop freaking herself and worry about it as it came about. For now she could handle aches and pains.
She was slightly amazed to see that Silent too had children growing inside of her, she wasn't sure of the she wolf's age but she knew she was getting older. There really shouldn't have been a way for her to bear young, but she had been blessed with little ones. She failed at holding back the giggle that escaped her maw as Silent's words came to her ears. She supposed newlyweds had a bad habit of ending up with babies quickly. She couldn't help herself though, he'd just been much too desirable. She was ready for these babies and she would be the best mother she could be for them.
The nuzzles were returned as the she wolves met, their reunion joyous and loving. Her tongue found the side of the she wolf's muzzle as the question slipped from her lips. Well, a few days after we had... She turned a light shade of pink she the words stuck for a moment. How to put it politely.. Spent some time alone I felt kind of funny. I'd been trained fairly well in being able to tell early and I gave my best guess with the clues I had. Turns out I was right. She smiled happily, I had a flashback that day. I gave Cherokee quite the scare. While I was working with my parents one of the she wolves had her pregnancy turn horribly wrong. Those images have been haunting my mind since.



07-16-2013, 08:30 AM

With a litter on the way, Ocena probably shouldn't have been wandering around anywhere, but it was difficult to stop the female from doing whatever she wanted to do. After all, soon their life would be spent on the move, wandering wherever they wished whenever they wished. Living the life of a nomad couldn't be that bad, however, not with a family in tow. The only reason that Ocena had ever left her life as a wanderer was simply because Ocena had grown lonely swiftly. She needed to be in the company of others. But with two litters of children and Gargoyle, along with the rest of their pack; Crusade and Cifer, Mercianne and Awaken, Kaala, Thaddeus Rogue and Mahniya, Ithurial. There were so many of them, so many wolves that she adored, that Ocena knew that she would be all right while they wandered. Perhaps Kaala could stay up to date on her training while Ocena was bound to her den by hunting for food for Ocena and her children to eat.

It was certainly a possibility, one that she might bring up with Gargoyle later. But for the moment, Ocena was simply enjoying her wandering, padding through one of the many strange places that Alacritia had to offer without a care in the world. All around her, massive rocks climbed towards the sky, but Ocena paid them little attention. Stone was not particularly interesting to the black and white female. She cared little for rocks. What could rocks do, after all? They could not move with them when they wandered, creating a new home wherever they went.

It was only when the sound of chattering females reached Ocena's ears that she came to a stop, head tilting slightly as she picked out words. "Hello, ladies." Ocena greeted the two with a slight wag of her tail, hoping that they would not be startled by her appearance. Neither of the two looked familiar, but if Ocena was correct, the younger one certainly boasted of a slight stretch to her stomach. She refrained from commenting on that, however. She could only imagine how upset the female might be if she were wrong. Ocena knew that she would have been offended. Ah well. "What brings you two out here?" The talkative female wagged her tail as she padded a few steps closer, turning her head slightly to keep her good eye on the both of them. Either one could be a threat if Ocena had upset them.


Silent I


11 Years
07-16-2013, 11:06 PM

Her brows furrowed into forward slants as she listened to the story that unfolded from Song's lips. She made a soft whimper towards her, ears perking and tears evident in her own eyes. Since the pregnant hormones kicked in, everything was more sensitive for the black fae. She nuzzled Song's cheek in reassurance and gently spoke. "I can see why you were afraid of being pregnant in the first place. Believe me, love, I will make sure that nothing like that happens to you." It was a truthful promise that Silent made the young fae. Having her own share of pups over the years, she knew that the complications could arise. But, if she had been by herself, the fear of having them happen to her would have been higher. She was one of the lucky women to have her family there, wrapped up in the moment and not afraid to step a paw in if she needed them.
"The birthing process can be hard and make you want to scream and howl, but the end results are so worth the pain and being scared at first." She reassured Song with her words and her smile widened as she remembered all she went through with her own births. Now, as she lowered her gaze to her belly, slightly bulging from the growing pups within, she knew that she was meant to endure all of it again. Her memories were sliced in half as another voice welcomed itself to her ears. Silent's gaze rose from her black stomach and turned to the black and white stranger advancing towards them. Those familiar emerald green eyes danced and she nodded to her, taking note of her own pregnant belly. It was amazing how many females were mating this time of the year. The fae's simple question brought a wag from Silent's tail and gentle-toned reply. "Hello to you, dear. Only the beautiful atmosphere that surrounds us. The birds, warm sunshine, and the company a fae like myself can keep and feel blessed because of them." My, she was feeling poetic today.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-17-2013, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:24 AM by Song.)

She knew it was easier to trust Silent's words than to worry herself sick. It was too late to think about the consequences of a birth gone wrong, wether she liked it or not they were coming. It was wise to take the advice Silent had for her, the experience she held was enough to promise Song's relaxation. As the tension in her shoulders rose the aches in her body returned. She took in a deep breath and released it slowly, again trying to keep her emotions in check. She needed to release her fears, they wouldn't make anything better only worse.
They were suddenly both aware of the presence of another she wolf. By her scent, it seemed that she was expecting too. Song smiled at her approach, she seemed quite friendly so far. A simple greeting was called out to them as the distance was closed slowly. Song moved closer to Silent and leaned into her side lovingly, listening to their words patiently. Greetings! Her voice was pleasant and excited, These rocks lured me here actually, the warmth they radiated cleared up the aches these pups have given me. She smiled at the thought of her unborn young, no matter how scared she was incredibly excited, I'm Song, a healer from Ludicael. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.



07-20-2013, 01:12 PM

Luckily enough, both females seemed quite friendly. Ocena felt herself relaxing slightly as time passed, her tail wagging easily in the air behind her. "It certainly is beautiful out," Ocena agreed with a slight nod of her head as the elder of the two females spoke, "I do love spring," Ocena observed, her ears swivelling slightly to try and pick up all of the sounds in the air around them. The spring of these more temperate eastern lands were a far cry from the spring that Ocena was so used to in the northern expanses that she had lived in for so long. Oh, she missed Glaciem. But soon, she would be able to go where she wished, with her family in tow.

The other female spoke then, introducing herself and mentioning pups. Ocena smiled, "Oh, that does sound wonderful. Pups are a pain." Literally. Her whole body would be sore before long. Ocena remembered that much from her first pregnancy. "My name is Ocena. Currently Chief's Mate of Tortuga, though I don't suppose that'll be lasting much longer." Would they have heard of Tortuga's plight? That the pack had been disbanded, only to have been claimed by claimed by the ex-Glaciem wolves, who would soon be leaving once more. It wasn't likely that they would have heard much of this, but Ludicael was not too far away from Tortuga territory.

Settling back on her haunches, Ocena wrapped her tail over her paws as she examined the two females. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," The female observed serenely, inclining her head slightly in the direction of the two females.


Silent I


11 Years
07-29-2013, 08:33 PM

The news of Tortuga being disbanded left Silent in oblivious bliss. She wasn't aware of all that happened in the world of Alacritis, mainly because she was still a new inhabitant. It wasn't something she was ashamed of, for it was what it was. Pleasantly na?ve of the rest of the outside world, she replied with, "To be completely honest, I had no idea such a thing was going on, Ocena." Her tones were sweet and gentle, proof that there were no emotions toward the situation that was going on for Ocena's pack. "I hope that wherever you, your Chief, and the pack go will be lovely and not too dangerous." After all, what was life like without a bit of excitement?
The black female took notice of the belly that was bulging beneath the tiny figure. She remembered those days when she was a younger female, carrying her babies that were threatening to pop out anytime. The agony of having the swollen belly, cramps that never stopped in her upper legs, not to mention the mood the end, it was always worth the pride and relief of having the new lives curled next to her stomach fur. Silent looked down to her own belly. It wasn't as large as either female in front of her, but the bump was evident enough to prove that she wasn't lying about being with children.
A light sigh escaped the fae's lips as she rubbed a paw against her stomach, making the unknown number of pups squirm from her touch. Silent smiled with a misty look in her emerald eyes, happy to have such lives inside her again. She raised her gaze to look at Ocena and then Song before commenting on the season. "I agree with you wholeheartedly about loving spring, Ocena. To have a wonderful part of the year where the world is full of life and the weather is just perfect is definitely a blessing that doesn't have to be recognized by words." Poetry of Nature's works flowed from the older dame's mouth, but she didn't mind it if her words became lyrics. Looking over at Song with a loving gaze, she then said to both females, "Song and I are both expecting around the same time, actually. Summer is our due dates, despite not knowing the exact date for each delivery." A light chuckle left Silent's lips before she said, "I guess that's another one of Life's mysterious acts." Curiosity silently peaked in her eyes as she looked at Ocena and asked, "When are you due, my dear?"




08-01-2013, 01:24 AM

Song was in the same boat as Silent when it came to the goings on outside of her life. She hardly talked to anyone who lived outside her borders, Silent was one of the very few. Not that she didn't like to socialize, but it was just so much safer for her to be inside the territories borders. Especially while she was with child. Song let Silent speak for her, only nodding her agreement to the words. The name Tortuga had not found its way to her ears. She felt bad though, being homeless was difficult.
Ocena seemed to settle down as they exchanged a few more words, Song felt the need to follow suit. Her joints were beginning to ache again, with some effort her hind end touched the ground. Spring is my favorite season. she said quietly with a smile. Her tail patted the ground slightly as she let the two of them get their words in. She found little to add to the conversation but, I'm glad to meet you, Ocena
