
Odd one, I wish I was you



10 Years
Athena I
07-22-2013, 10:57 AM
Cael Amestades

The druid sighed with relief as he padded in between the trees, their draping leaves brushing his sides as he passed. All around him was sweet silence, the only noise breaking it was the occasional chirp of a cricket or buzz of a fly. He really did love his brothers, but after awhile he needed to get away from the pair and reconnect with the nature that he loved. They had been searching for their sister for days now. They were close, but they still had not laid eyes on her as of yet. They had caught her scent out in the battlefield and had been following it for quite a while now. It was hard for the pale brute, being away from his sister for so long. He cared for her deeply and hoped that she was well, wherever she may be.

He slipped through one of the many curtains of leaves and looked up at the roof that the draping willow made over him. He sat back on his haunches, a gentle smile touching his muzzle. His two-toned gold and sapphire eyes traced the long streamers of leaves around him. His thoughts drifted back to his past with the lessons his mother, his adopted mother, he corrected himself, on herbs, remembering what she had told him about the willows and the helpful properties they had. It was one of the first things the lovely woman had taught the young wolf when he showed interest in the nature and herbs around them. Adoptive or not, his parents had been wonderful and had taught him well. He dipped his head in respect to his parents as he thought of them, his heart still aching from losing them. It had been a hard for all of the siblings, seeing the wolves that had raised them so torn and beaten. Sometimes Cael still woke up in the middle of the night as images from that day flashed through his dreams.

He stood and slowly walked out of the protection of the leaves, padding over to a nearby pool of rainwater and looking down at his reflection. His saw his pale, ivory fur and the gray, four pointed shape on his forehead that formed a softened star, along with his striking eyes, the left being sapphire and the right being gold. He wondered how many traits he shared with his real father, the wolf the group of siblings was on the hunt for. He lapped up the cool liquid, giving a content sigh and she sat down again, his tail curling neatly around him over his paws. Cael knew he would have to return to his brothers soon enough, lest they start worrying about him as well as Claire, but he wanted to just take a moment and enjoy the beautiful nature around him.




07-27-2013, 10:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2013, 11:04 PM by Imena.)
(Ooc: please ignore this ^^')


07-27-2013, 11:05 PM
Pale reddish figure limped through the western lands. Blood caked her side from long deep scratches on her left side. Head hung down low from the normally spirited small wolfess. Her first time wondered here and she got in a fight with a stupid mountain lion. Yes, she shouldn?t have fought to keep her kill, but dang it, it was her's! Paws ached from running and walking over tough terrain. She wasn?t used to it, being used to the lush forests. She was still slightly alert to what was around her, but not by much. Willows brushed along her body, making her skin flinch. She needed to find water to clean out this wound. The pain was starting to increase as the adrenaline left her body long ago.

With a grunt and forced herself to keep going. Her body screamed for her to stop, to lay down and sleep. But she couldn?t, it would mean death to her. She'd be lucky if she just got a fever from this wound. She needed that water badly. Everything depended on it. The fear of what might happened to her, picked up her speed. Bi-colored eyes squinted through the pain, jaws clamped down with lips pulled back. "I it.." She growled out to herself. It would not be too much longer till she saw someone else. At once she came to a halt and watched him. Tongue darted out to lick her lips as she watched him drink from a pool of rain water. She needed that water. But she couldn?t fight him over it in her state. She would just have to wait till he finished. Hopefully he would just let her be. She didn?t need anymore trouble today. She needed water food and rest, lots of rest. Paws shifted as she grinded her teeth together from the pain.



10 Years
Athena I
07-28-2013, 11:16 PM
Cael Amestades

The metallic smell of blood caught the attention of the bone-colored brute. It seemed to come out of nowhere, jarring him out of the peaceful contentment he had settled himself into. He blinked with surprise and whipped his head toward the spell, his two-toned gaze finding the bloody form of a reddish fea. His ears stood alert and he quickly got to his paws and rushed over to her. "Come over here," he said calmly, leading the fea over to the pool of water. He immediately went into his duty as a healer, not taking no for an answer. She was injured and he needed to care for her, simple as that.

He motioned for her to lay down next to the pool as his mind raced, pulling up the memories of the herbs he would need. He rushed over to a nearby willow tree, carefully taking off a segment of its leaves and bringing them back to the fea. "Chew on a few of these, they'll help with the pain." He lifted his head to smell the air, searching for the herbs he would need for the gashes on her side. They were some fairly nasty gashes so he hoped he would find what he needed. The lessons that his mother had taught him came back to him with a little thinking and when the sent of marigold touched his nose he sighed with relief. He ran toward the smell, finding a patch of them nearby. He carefully picked several of the flowers, giving a silent thank you to the earth for its gift, before turning to go back to his patient. Before he took off, he happened to glance to the side, spotting a flash of purple flowers. Lavender! He couldn't believe his luck. He trotted over to them and picked several of these as well before running full speed back to the red-hued fea.

He took his place at her side and began the process of gently cleaning the wound. He scooped up mouthfuls of the cool water and let it slowly pour out of his mouth to wash over the slashes on her side, having the water rinse away the worst of the blood before gently lapping at the wounds to finish the job. He knew licking at the raw flesh would hurt her so he tried to do that as little as possible. Once he was satisfied with his work he quickly took his finds into his paws, pulling off the flowers with his teeth and chewing them into a paste, careful not to swallow any of the precious herbs. Cael then set to work pressing the paste into the wound with his tongue as carefully as he could, not wanting to hurt the fea any more than she already was.



07-29-2013, 05:16 PM
Shock was the least way to describe how Roxana reacted. She simply froze. She did not expect the mle to rush over to her aid, she was used to others just turning blind eye and walking away. That was the life of a loner. A loner only looked after themselves and no one else. Your problems were your, and yours alone. It was how she grew up, always fending for herself. So wh was this guy helping her? It baffled her. She stumbled forwards though towards the water and proply flopped down on her good side. Muzzle went rit to the puddle to take in long drinks of the much needed water. By the time she had her fill he came back with plants, telling her to chew them. She turned her silver and lavender eyes on him weary now. It would seem unlikely for sme stranger to poision her, but one could never be sure. After all, she was a huge flirt, maybe breaking hearts here and there. A ghost of a lover, there for a while and disappearing before thing got too serious like fog vaporating in the sunlight. But something about him said he knew what he was doing, to help her of course. She snatched up the willows and chewed them silently all the while keeping her eyes on him.

Again he took off with nose in the air. The willows seemed to work abit after a moment. Even so Roxana wasnt one to complain about pain. She was a grin and bare it kind of girl. Life of growing up with brothers and a father only made her that way. With a sigh she took a look at her wound with a frown. "Well..that'll leave a scar..." She muttered in a strained voice. It was then the white male returned with more plants. He set to work next to her, washing out her wounds. The water felt heavenly against the burning gashes. So cool and comforting she closed her eyes head placed down on her paws. But it was short lived. His tongue carefully finished the rest, making her lips pull back but no noise came from her. It took all her will not to snap at him to keep away from her wounds. So far he proved to be trying to help, something new to her. "Why...why would you help a stranger?" She asked hoarsly as she stared up at him. Pain was still evident in her eyes, but other than that she kept a close lid on it. She just coldnt understand why he would help. Maybe if they were pack mates, but not total strangers.



10 Years
Athena I
07-29-2013, 08:46 PM
Cael Amestades

Cael sighed and stood as he finished up his work of pressing the paste of herbs into the fea's wound, examining his handy work. He wished he had some aloe to seal the wound with, but he didn't think he'd be able to find any around here. Otherwise he thought it looked pretty good, all things considered. Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he turned his gold and sapphire gaze to meet her eyes. He blinked at her question, not quite understanding what she meant. "You're injured. Why would I not help you? I could not simply leave you like this." His lilting, Irish accented voice touched with confusion. His parents had raised him and his siblings to be selfless, especially when others were in need, so it was a strange thought to him to think that someone would actually leave an injured fea alone in this state.

He sat back on his haunches, instructing her, "Let that stay on the wounds for a while. Try not to get it wet also. That will help keep out the infection and speed the healing. It should also help minimize the scarring as well. It will fall off when it is ready, no reason to rush it." His tail curled around his haunches and over his forepaws neatly. His wise gaze traced over the wounds again to make sure the paste he had applied was covering every part of the open flesh. He lifted his eyes back to hers once again once he was satisfied that he had truly done a good job in taking care of the wound. "I apologize, I didn't properly introduce myself before. I'm Cael. How are you feeling?"



07-29-2013, 09:40 PM
She stared up at him, utterly confused. They obviously saw things differently. Not only was she confused but it was now that she noticed his accent. These were the reasons she loved meeting new males. Everyone of them had a quality she just fell in love with. His accent was no exception. It seemed to roll over her smoothly, making her want to feel all girly and squell, how silly was that?! It was odd how she never met a male with all the qualities she liked. Sure Kypsis was a total sweet heart, but she needed to know if a male could be that and a total brute when needed. And here Cael, with his accent, could swoon her off her paws. Maybe Roxana was never meant to find her match or perhaps her problem was that she left before she could ever truely get to know someone. Maybe she wished she was somehow special in some way. Maybe that's why she loved certain qualities others had were as she thought she lacked in any. In truth Roxana's fur was rather unique in its color along with her eyes. But no one ever told her, nor did she ever see herself that way. It had only been recent, when she met Kypsis, that someone commented on her eyes in a positive way.

Roxana blinked her eyes a few times and turned to look at the puddle. "Normally loners do not help another. It's every loner for themselves. You ..only have yourself to watch your back. That is simply..the life of a loner. Or so i have lived it as such.." She replied back softly. She listened to his instructions on how to care for her wounds, making her think he was about to leave any time now. Again, the life of a loner. Sure meet someone new, but then quickly they slip away, probably never to meet again. It was a cycle she was used to, one she thought only existed for loners. But in the end that suited her antics of flirting with the males and causing trouble. After all, what else did a girl have to do?

"Roxana. I'm..fine now, thanks to your healing paws. I'm not sure I would have made it another week if I didn't run into you." She said as she looked back up at him. His eyes held her for a moment. Much like her's only a different color. Maybe her's weren't so special after all. Not that it matter, or at least she was in denial about it. She was the flatterer not the males, or so it was how it happened. "You know..I've never meet anyone with an accent like yours. Its" She added softly, looking up at him shyly.



10 Years
Athena I
07-30-2013, 09:16 AM
Cael Amestades

Cael gave a soft smile when she introduced herself and was happy to hear that she was feeling better already. This was the first time that he had gotten to heal a wolf other than one of his siblings or his parents so he was happy that he had done well for the russet hued fea. "I'm happy to have helped. And Roxanna is a lovely name," he commented, his gaze intently on her. Her compliment caught him off guard, her telling him that his accent was "sexy". His ears folded back and his face warmed as he blushed furiously. He gave a shy chuckle and glanced back to her eyes, suddenly feeling very shy and embarrassed. It was the first time he had really had a whole lot of contact with a fea that wasn't his sister and it was certainly the first time he had received that kind of compliment from one of them. He stumbled over his words, his accent thick in his flustered state. "Oh, well, u-um... thank you." He cleared his throat, still blushing through his pale fur, but there was a little bit of a smile on his muzzle all the same. All of his siblings had the same Irish accent so he had never paid much attention to it, much less thought about it being attractive, much less thought about it being attractive. It was kind of flattering in a way.

He looked up to her eyes again, noticing their coloring for the first time, two-toned like his own with silver and lavender. It reminded him of Claire, except where Roxanna had lavender Claire had emerald. He thought the color was quite unusual, but still quite lovely. He thought the same thing of her coat, thinking that he had never seen fur on a wolf that was quite that shade of russet and certainly not covering their whole body like it did Roxanna. "Your eyes are lovely, miss," he complimented, more of a passing comment than anything. He didn't think much of the comment, being used to the supportive life of living with his siblings. It was normal for him to speak his mind and to compliment things that he liked. "Are you from Alacritis?" he asked, trying to get his mind off of her comment on his accent.



07-31-2013, 04:04 PM

A smile grew upon her lips as she watched him. Was that a hint of pink among his skin now, blushing? There was something she just loved about seeing a male blush and put in a uncomfortable, though not disliked, situation. She believed it allowed her to truely see who they were inside. "I'm happy to have helped. And Roxanna is a lovely name," Ears perked up slightly. She never thought her name was lovely, different sure, maybe even common depending on where you were at. But not lovely. Did she think of herself so lowly? Well she certainly never thought of herself in these ways. She wasn't one to dwell on how she looked or anything about herself. As he stumbled over more words, his accent heavy, "Oh, well, u-um... thank you." she let out a laugh. Soon her soft laugh turned to a gasp of pain. So apperntly she couldn't laugh, not till these wounds healed up. She wanted to turn her head and lick them. But seeing the herbs pasted on there, she simply sighed.

How was she going to carry on with these wounds? Certainly hunting would be painful, to run and chase down prey. Paws flexed, claws digging into the earth as she thought for a moment. She would not realize she was staring at Cael, as he looked at her eyes. But something about just looking at him made her think better. So running was out of the question, what about fishing? But surely she couldn't get the paste wet. Ears twisted back slightly at the puzzle of how to do things. AH! I know! I could just ask how to make this paste incase this stuff falls off... She thought. Jaws parted about to speak but he beat her to it. "Your eyes are lovely, miss," That was twice now that she had heard it. Was it possibly just coincidence? Or what was being said true? "Are you from Alacritis?" At once she was ready to reply but stopped. She couldn't remember if she was. Those memories locked away in her mind held that answer. She wasn't sure if she was. From what she did know, was that she had spent all she could remember here in Alacritis. I..dont really remember. From what i do remember i've always been here in Alacritis.." She replied uncertainly. Her eyes dropped down to her paws. Was it possible she wasnt? Explaining her eye and fur color maybe? She just couldnt remember, it was simply blank. Just like trying to remember her mother. She could remember her father and brothers but that was mostly it of her puphood. "Hey um..Cael..could you teach me how to make this stuff? Incase I need to apply more or this falls off." She asked looking back up at him. With great care she gathered her paws under her to sit up. Slowly she had herself in a sitting position, but not without feeling light headed. She groaned softly and closed her eyes till the dizziness would pass.




10 Years
Athena I
07-31-2013, 05:56 PM
Cael Amestades

Cael saw the hesitation in her answer, wondering what that uncertainty came from. Before he could ask about it, she had moved on, asking him to show her how to make the poultice he had used on her wounds, if she ever needed to remake it. With a smile he nodded and replied, "Gladly." He got to his paws and hesitated, watching as she slowly sat up. He almost stopped her and told her to lay back down, but she was sitting up before he could stop her. He hurried over to her good side and rested his shoulder gently against hers and looked at her with concern when he saw her close her eyes, most likely dizzy from blood loss. He kept his shoulder there against her, welcoming her to lean on him should she need to. "Are you alright?" genuine concern touching his voice. He didn't move till he was sure she was stable. "Alright, you stay here. I'll be right back. I have to get some more herbs."

He padded away, searching out the patch of marigold he had found before. He found it, but there was only one flower left. He looked at it sadly before lifting his gaze to search for a substitute. He smelled the air deeply and smiled when he caught the sweet smell of mint. He followed the smell and trotted over to the plant, whispering, "Thank you..." before taking several of the fragrant leaves. This would do for a demonstration. He padded back over to Roxana, setting the leaves in front of her. "I used marigold and lavender on your wounds, but mint is a very good herb to use if you can find it. Sage is also a very good one. I wish I had found this mint earlier. All you do is chew up a few of these leaves till it's a paste and then press it into the wound. You can use any combination of those herbs, whatever you happen to find." He licked up one of the leaves and began to chew it up, pressing the paste onto his forearm with his tongue to demonstrate. "Like that!"



08-01-2013, 09:08 PM

She was more than glade he hadn't asked more about why she couldn't remember things. Even she wished to know why. All she had was bits and pieces, perhaps it was best she didn't remember. Surely it was for some reason she was like this. Maybe her mind had done it to protect her from something.It had to be it. If that was the case, then she would just let it be. Why dive into the past when it was already in the past? No use in living in the past, it got you no where. As she at up, she felt his shoulder press against her, offering support. At once she took the offer and leaned into him, even bowing her head towards him. Her nose twitched, pulling in his scent, memorizing it, letting it wrap around her mind. "Are you alright?" His voice sounded so far away when he spoke. She grounded her teeth together, forcing the black wave back. It took a few more moments before she could open her eyes. She looked up at Cael, noticing how close they were. Her eyes searched his before nodding to him. "Yes...just dizzy.." She answered.

He didn't move away till he seemed satisfied she would be ok. "Alright, you stay here. I'll be right back. I have to get some more herbs." He said before leaving her. She watched him go to gather herbs, allowing her time to think. For a while her mind was blank, just sitting there and relaxing. Why is it that there are so many males that i like? Why can't i just take them all and squish them together to make one perfect guy for me? Or...i could just collect them.." The very thought was so appealing. She wouldn't have to search for just the "one". No she would have all the males that she loved a certain quality about them. She could gather them, make them like a nomadic rogue pack. But she would need specific females to help her hold it together. No way would a bunch of males follow her if she was the only female. No..she would have to select a few qualifiying group to join her. Lips pulled at the corners in small smile. Kypsis was a lovely male, young and sweet, Cael was a healer, they would need him. But first she would have to find more males, meet them, befriend them, before gathering.

It wasn't long before Cael came back, making her head snap up to his direction. She watched him as he placed the herbs infront of her. "I used marigold and lavender on your wounds, but mint is a very good herb to use if you can find it. Sage is also a very good one. I wish I had found this mint earlier. All you do is chew up a few of these leaves till it's a paste and then press it into the wound. You can use any combination of those herbs, whatever you happen to find." As he spoke she took a good whiff of each plant, trying to remember their scent and appearence. She sure hope she cold remember this. She watched with keen interest as he chewed up the plants and made a plaste, licking it onto his leg. "That's amazing! Did you learn that on your on or did someone teach you? Your lucky to have that skill, i can only hunt and cause trouble." She replied and winked at him warmly.




10 Years
Athena I
08-01-2013, 10:51 PM
Cael Amestades

The healer couldn't help it, when Roxana winked at him he blushed yet again, his cheeks turning pink under his ivory fur. It was the first time he had gotten any kind of real attention from a fea and he didn't know how to react. Pushing on, he answered her question about his skills. "A little of both, I suppose. My mother... er, adopted mother, taught me a lot when I was really young. After she taught me everything she could I did a lot of experimenting with techniques and things on my siblings. They were all the time getting into trouble and sparing and getting hurt so I had plenty of practice." He thought back to those days, a soft smile forming on his muzzle. Those were good times, back when it was just him, his siblings, and the only wolves they had ever known as their parents. It made him happy to think back on those days, before everything got flipped upside down.

Bringing his mind back to the present, he nudged two of the remaining mint leaves toward her with an ivory paw. "Here, eat these. They help keep away infections." He was a big believer in being safe instead of sorry. Besides, mint was one of the few herbs that actually tasted fairly good. He was sure she needed something tasty after eating the bitter willow leaves. He bent and licked up the last mint leaf and ate it himself. He hated to waste herbs. They were gifts from the earth for him to use and every one of them was precious. Maybe if he had a way to carry them with him it would be different, but he didn't so he finished them off. He padded over to the small pool of water that he had used to get water to clean her wounds from, sitting down at its edge and dipping his paw in the water to wash off the herb paste he had spread there.
