
take that step with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-23-2021, 06:41 AM
They had probably stayed in the Hallows for longer than he really needed or intended to. He felt like at this point he was taking advantage of Ulric and his hospitality it was far past time to set out on their own. They would leave now at the end of summer, they could start gathering enough materials to get along until they found a more permanent solution to their travels. He wanted to find some goats soon, they would be essential to what their goals were. For now he would shoulder the weight, their supplies were few so the man could easily cope. He spent the day previously packing and preparing their supplies and the wolves he was going to be taking with him. No one was going to be taken off guard, before he began anything he gave Ulric a heads up that the eventuality was closing in.

Packed bags and supplies were gathered and waiting in the courtyard that morning with Indigo standing over everything as the sun filtered down on his vibrant pelt. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air before he called for Ulric and the wolves that he would be taking with him. Today was the day they were setting out on their own as a family for the first time.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-23-2021, 08:00 AM

Having been told the night before that they would be leaving in the morning, Gypsy was up and ready. She didn't have any belongings. Nothing to pack. So, in the morning when Indigo gave the call, the tiny woman only brought herself. She was up and sitting in the courtyard at first light. Rays of sunlight filtered down upon the dappled fae's white and purple coat. It warmed her as she sat alone beside the wall of the castle. Gypsy still didn't venture off too far on her own. Just in case.

The small, blind woman followed the scent of Indigo to where he sat. She seated herself nearby, not wanting to be in the way of everyone coming and going to bring their supplies. Turning her attention to where she knew he sat, she spoke softly. "I can carry something if you help me," She didn't want to be useless. This was a journey for all of them and she was determined to help out.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
06-23-2021, 08:36 AM

Duchess hadn't minded the extra time spent in The Hallows. It was where she started her journey with Indigo. But if she was really honest with herself, she was a little worried about leaving the safety of the castle. Not for herself, or Cosette, or maybe Segin. But mostly for Gypsy. She knew there was a lot they had to cover to ensure her safety particularity, but with all of them they were sure to all protect each other. Emersyn put her mind at ease for the safety of all of them including herself. She may have been lightly training but really only to defend herself. She wasn't confident in her ability to really protect anyone against any danger. Most of them seemed to have a threat to them outside the walls of the pack.

She was still putting together some supplies for herself when Indigo called. She wouldn't let him carry everything, she was sure everyone felt the same way. Grabbing the small pack she started to head down the stairs to Indigo. Gypsy was already there, and she went to join them with a smile. Her head went to bump into Indigo before she found her place beside him and near Gypsy, looking at Gypsy for a short few seconds before relaxing and waiting for the others.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-23-2021, 10:32 PM

The night before they were set to leave, Cosette slept closer to the castle, abandoning the little spot she’d been sleeping in for the last several months since Indigo’s group had gotten so large. She had no belongings to pack, no friends that she needed to say goodbye to, so when she heard his call she moved to join him and the others. The idea of going off had been exciting to her and she was thrilled for Indigo, but reality was beginning to set in that she didn’t know most of the wolves she would be traveling with. When they were on their own there wouldn’t be borders to keep them safe. She wouldn’t be able to go off to the farthest reaches of whatever land they were in to hold herself at a distance from the others anymore. Ir would be for the best, in the end, but the thought of suddenly being thrown into the mix after watching them all from afar for so long made her feel anxious.

Duchess and another small girl who she thought she’d heard referred to as Gypsy were already there, sitting side by side. Cosette wanted to sit beside them, but she still couldn’t help but second guess her place among them and sat to the side on her own. It felt like her stomach was twisting in her abdomen as she thought about the others they were waiting for. She wasn’t even entirely sure how many others there were. She should have tried harder to meet them all before now. Maybe if she had she wouldn’t feel so nervous now.

"Speech" || Thoughts



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-24-2021, 12:34 AM

Segin didn't really know what to expect from this new chapter, but he was genuinely a bit sad to be leaving the castle behind. It had dazzled him so much that first day he was here with Indigo and it had become his first real home of sorts. After wandering aimlessly for so long, it had felt nice to have a consistent place to rest at the end of each day. However, he knew that his heart truly resided with Indigo and the other members of their band so it was far easier to leave The Hallows than it was to imagine not leaving with them. He helped pack up the few things he had - mostly just some remaining berries and grapes from his gathering and some herbs - and then waited eagerly for Indigo's call, hardly able to sleep from his excitement.

As soon as he heard the call for them all he pulled the little satchel over him and trotted out of the castle, hoping down the stairs once last time, till he made his way down to the castle doors and out into the courtyard. The others that had gathered so far weren't hard to find - their vibrant purple coloring standing out among the greens of the grasses around them. He grinned a little as he looked at his new family from a distance, still amused that Indigo had found so many purple-hued wolves. The only one he didn't see yet was Emersyn, but he had no doubt that she'd be here. He came over to join them, reaching up to press his nose to Indigo's cheek before doing the same thing to Duchess and then coming over to Gypsy's side. He whispered to his little friend, "Would you like a strawberry?" before pulling one out of his bag for her if she wanted.

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-24-2021, 12:54 AM
The day they had all been waiting for finally arrived. Emersyn knew ahead of time that Indigo had been planning to take their merry band of misfits on the road sooner rather than later and had tried to be as prepared as possible for the day he decided to pull the trigger. As nice as it was living in the castle, they were all beginning to take up so much of this generous pack's space. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to repay the kindness of the wolves that had taken her in and healed her when she'd been on death's door, but somehow she hoped she'd get the chance.

The nice thing about being a fugitive on the run was you didn't have anything to pack. Emersyn had arrived with nothing but the fur on her back, and she would be leaving the same way. Of course she would help carry the bags of supplies or take a turn guiding Gypsy if she wished, but for the most part, Em would be their rear security, keeping them safe on the road. She was the last of the group to arrive, going through each of their rooms to make sure nothing had been left behind or forgotten before coming to join her family in the courtyard. Her family. Just thinking that while seeing the loving faces of the wolves that had saved her lightened the darkness in her heart. She did a quick head count, pausing beside Segin to sneak a little kiss to the small brute's cheek, then headed up to greet Indigo. She regarded the larger man with a soft smile and shy eyes, the memories of their recent night together still fresh in her mind and her heart.

"Everyone's accounted for, nothing's left in any rooms," she reported to their de facto leader with a proud smirk to him. "We're ready to follow you anywhere, fearless leader."




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
06-24-2021, 08:51 AM
Ever sense Indigo told him his intentions of taking the wolves that he had gathered out onto the road he had simply been waiting for the day that they would decide to start their journey. He had tried to prepare as much as he could, but he wasn't sure anything could prepare him to lose a group of his most productive members. Still, he was excited for them and when he heard Indigo's howl he knew the day had finally come. He quickly snuck down to the pack's food stores and loaded up a bag with a few pieces of meat and a whole selection of dried meats that would travel well before he went to meet the group in the courtyard. Walking up to them, he could see the closeness among the group, the little affections they shared as they gathered around the giant man that had brought them all together. A smile pulled at his lips around the bag he was carrying and it just warmed his heart to see the young man pursuing something he had been working toward so hard.

He put the bag of food in front of Indigo, giving the man a grin. "A little parting gift from me and the pack," he told him. "If you ever need anything don't hesitate to come find me. You and your band will always have a place to stay in The Hallows." He stepped back, looking at all the wolves colored in various shades of purple. "Safe travels to all of you. I can't wait to see what you find and I'm looking forward to trading with you in the future." With that he gave Indigo another grin and a nod before stepping back and letting the band go on their way, officially seeing them off from the pack and into their new lives.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-24-2021, 05:45 PM
The soft sound of Gypsy’s paws brought Indigo’s features up to meet her sightless gaze. He grinned despite her not being able to see it. Instead he offered a pleased rumble at the sight of her, aiming to place a kiss on her forehead as Duchess appeared next. ”I’ll find something for you, Gypsy.” He promised softly as he looked to Duchess and returned her affection, nuzzling into her neck gently. Cosette appeared on dainty feet and tried to sit a little further from the group. Indigo grinned at her and aimed to grab around her shoulders before he pulled her closer to him and invited her into the group.

Segin was swift to make his appearance as well and Indigo leaned into his affection as he visited Duchess and settled near Gypsy with his bag of berries and grapes. Indy had a container of honied strawberries stowed away for the right moment. Emersyn was the last to make her entrance but Indigo had no doubt it was because she was going through and double checking their previous residence. He mirrored her expression as she looked up at him shyly, the corners of Indigo’s lips had pulled back into a smile just for her. The grin on her own features made his heart skip a beat and he was reminded just how privileged he was to be going through with this right now. Every one of the wolves here was an important part of a dream finally realized. Emersyn said it best as she seemed to speak for the group, everyone was ready to follow his lead.

Before he could say anything one more presence appeared. Ulric came to see them off. Indigo was struck by the missing presence of his grandmother and his eyes misted over as he tried to stand tall for Ulric as he offered up his well wishes and a gift for the band. ”Thank you, Ulric. That means more than you could know.” He blinked back his tears and tried to ignore the ache in his heart at all of the wolves that should have been standing there with him but were not. Indigo shouldered the bag Ulric offered as well as the bigger one that was waiting at his feet. He offered Gypsy a tiny herb pack, he figured he could also teach her about what was inside as they traveled and added to it.

”Alright, this is it. We’re the Nomad Band.” He declared as he lifted his eyes to the sky, wondering what they would all think if they saw him. Resin, Azure, his mother, Rue… He looked to the wolves around him with deep respect and adoration before he took the first few steps into their future.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.