
The New Normal



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-23-2021, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 02:11 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)

Aliana sat silently and obediently while she waited for Chimera to finish up his personal time with Siren. It hadn't gone unnoticed the way he disregarded the other slave's existence entirely, seeming to look straight through Dalila as if she didn't exist, but she knew better than to dwell on it for long. Her purpose was solely to fulfill whatever needs and demands Chimera had of her. That seemed easy enough in theory. Naturally, she would learn more of what was expected of her the more time she spent in service of him, but Dalila had given her some basics. Don't talk too much, come when called, obey whatever he commands, and above all else do not upset him. Oh, and watch out for Viper.

Once Siren had departed with Dalila in tow, Ali would rise to follow Chimera, looking to the taller man like he was a giant among wolves. Up close, he was even more shockingly large, and while he'd seemed strong and fit from a distance, closeness permitted her to see exactly how powerful the brute's body was. It was like he was built to fight and hunt and build and destroy. She didn't know what he had in store for her life from this day on, but whatever it was, it had both Siren and Dalila apologetic and guilty for bringing her into it. Nervousness turned her stomach, but she tried to quell it and remain hopeful. Nothing could be as bad as sitting in a cage all day, right? Waiting for her new master's next command, Ali stood still presented before the monochromatic man as Siren had left her when she'd first introduced her to her brother. She was ready to begin her new life whenever he said so.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-23-2021, 11:16 PM

Well, it would seem that Dalila got exactly what she wanted. She'd twisted his little sister right around her paw and had made Siren beg for complete ownership of her. In compensation, Siren had purchased a new slave for him. The whole situation was irritating and he hated it. He hated Dalila. The bitch should have just done her duty. Instead, she'd incurred his wrath. Chimera wanted to sink his teeth into her. He wanted to remind her of her place. Just because Siren was a weak, fluffy, emotional thing, that didn't make Dalila any less of a slave. She was still purchased with goods. The woman was an item. A belonging. Just like this new one was as well.

Chimera barely spared a glance at the woman. It was partly a test and partly because he didn't feel like it. Would this one be as irritating as the first slave? The only reason that Dalila wasn't dead was because Siren had taken a liking to the woman. This one though... if she mouthed back or forgot her place, Chimera would be only too glad to remind her. His teeth were itching to sink into flesh anyway.

The giant, tri-colored brute motioned the woman to follow. He led her into the giant den that he'd crafted for himself and Viper. Chi took her into the spacious main chamber and pointed to another chamber off to the side. "For now you can sleep with the dogs until I figure out what to do with you." He didn't ask her name because he didn't care. She was nothing. You didn't give baskets names, so why name a slave?

"I expect you to be obedient, respectful, quiet. I expect you to anticipate my needs and give in to my every whim. If you do that, you'll suffer less." He still didn't look at her. Instead, the man wet his tongue from a dish of water on one of the shelves that he'd dug out. "There is another that lives here. Viper. You will obey her as you obey me." Now he fixed her with his mismatched gaze, only the pink eye seeing. "Do you have any questions?"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-24-2021, 12:15 AM

Chimera wordlessly beckoned her to follow him, and as she had been raised to do, Ali dutifully fell into rank just behind him, slightly behind his left hip. She kept her head lowered and tail tucked partway between her legs, an instinctive sign of submission. The fact that Chimera didn't seem to care for or want her wasn't lost on her, but she didn't let that discourage her. It didn't matter whether he regarded her or not, she was born and raised and bought for a purpose and she would fill the role as was expected of her. Still, it did confuse her a little. When she had been held by the slavers, brutes would salivate over her looks to the point where the cell had become as much for her protection as to keep her in. Chimera didn't even want to give her the time of day. He didn't behave like the other men that had perused the slave market day after day. But whether that was a blessing or a curse had yet to be determined.

Ali followed him silently into the expansive den, blinking aquamarine eyes a few times to help her vision adjust to the dimmer light inside. She peered around the main chamber, getting a general lay of everything, then followed his pointing paw to a side chamber. Her sleeping space, he explained, with his dogs. The room seemed small and it would definitely be a squish, but it still didn't seem any worse than a large empty cell with a cold stone floor. Chimera listed off his expectations and demands of her. Obedient, respectful, quiet. She would need to anticipate his needs and be prepared. She would have to give herself to his every whim and desire. His passing threat that she would suffer less by following these rules sent a chill of worry through her system. Suddenly the soft and gentle Chimera she had seen down on the beach was long gone and she was seeing a whole new side of him, like the two contrasting sides of his black and white fur.

She watched him while he drank, learning the places of the bowls and the contents of each. If she was to stay ahead of his needs, she would need to know his routines and what was normal in his life so she could fit in seamlessly. He continued, bringing up the one hard warning she had received from Dalila. Viper. Was she Chimera's mate? She supposed she'd learn in time, but if she was someone to watch out for and serve, then she had to be someone close and important to her master.

Chimera turned to face her and Aliana went alert, catching sight of his mismatched eyes for a split second while she turned her gaze down to his chest so as not to challenge him, but it had been enough for her to notice the milky haze over his right eye. Chimera was half blind. The reddish-pink left iris was his window into the world. She made a mental note to remain on his left side when she could.

He asked if she had any questions and Ali shook her head. "No, sir," she answered, speaking to Chimera for the first time in her mellifluent voice. Already she was feeling anxious to get started on whatever he wanted done first. The last thing she wanted to do was provoke the ire of the hulking brute on her first day in his ownership.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-25-2021, 01:08 PM

The great brute growled low, the sound reverberating through the den. At the sound, the trio of dogs rose, slowly and inconspicuously tiptoeing out of the den. It was almost comical. They slunk off as though their master would let his ire loose on them, but Chimera had never raised a paw to them. They simply knew that he wished for space when he was angry. But why was he angry? Maybe he wasn't. Who could really say? Having this new woman here, ripe for the picking. It was raising something in Chimera, and it wasn't all ire.

The girl had no questions and that was good. He didn't like women that spoke too much. As he stared at her, the behemoth wondered what her flesh would feel like between his teeth. What would her blood taste like? What would she feel like beneath him? Would she struggle? Would she stay silent and take it?

"How much did they tell you?" Chimera took a step towards the monochromatic woman, his massive frame threatening and imposing. "Did they tell you what to expect or are they letting you go into this blind?" His voice was a low, quiet growl. He wanted to intimidate her. He wanted to smell her fear; taste it on the air. He could hurt her. He could kill her. Not one wolf would raise a paw against him for doing so. This girl... he didn't even know her name... she was property. He could break her to a thousand pieces and he was within his rights to do so.

"If you ever try to run away..." Rows of wickedly sharp teeth were right beside the woman's ear. "I will hunt you down and make you suffer." Maybe he would snap her legs and throw her in the ocean. Watch her drown and get eaten by the deep sea beasts with whom he shared his teeth. Maybe he would throw her in a deep, dark pit and watch her starve to death. Perhaps he would bury her up to her neck and cover her face with honey so that all manner of insects and beasts would take little bites. Just thinking about all of it brought heat low into Chimera's belly.

"It will not be easy and it will hurt, but if you're a good girl, it will hurt less." With his maw still next to her ear, the beast inhaled the woman's scent, learning it and filing it away within his mind. She was his and she would never, ever be free of him now.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-25-2021, 02:43 PM

Chimera's growl sent a little thrill of genuine fear through her heart, but Aliana did her best not to let it show. She just had to remember to do what he asked of her and everything would be fine... right? The sound of scuffling paws behind her made her glance back just in time to catch the dogs slinking out of the den. Her eyes turned back towards her master, keeping them turned down to his massive paws, realization coming to her all at once. She was now alone with Chimera. Without realizing it, Ali's eyes turned up to find Chimera's again for a split second, just to see what he was so focused on. As it turned out, the answer was her. Ali was swift to turn her eyes down to his paws again, debating if she should apologize or if that would make things worse.

Chimera spoke again, his voice low and threatening. He asked how much they had told her. Ali's breathing picked up with each step he took closer to her, alarm bells ringing in her head at the danger she suddenly felt emanating from the giant of a brute. "They didn't tell me much, sir," she spoke honestly, more afraid to tell a lie than risk what the truth might provoke. "Lady Siren only said I was to be yours, and that..." Her words faltered as Chimera came right up on her now, so close she could smell his strong, masculine scent with every breath and feel his presence looming over her like a tremendous, lethal shadow. She swallowed back the fear to finish answering her master. "...and that she'd try to patch me up when you... got too rough..."

Aliana kept her aquamarine eyes turned down to her paws, gazing at the size difference between their feet alone. He absolutely dwarfed her, and she was acutely aware of how easy it would be for him to break her permanently, drag her lifeless body into the woods and bury her in some unmarked grave on the island all by himself. A shiver shook her dainty form when she felt and heard his breath right beside her ear, making it flick on reflex and fold back to her skull. She couldn't see his teeth, didn't know the danger he truly possessed with them, but even without them he was an intimidating man. "I will hunt you down and make you suffer." "It will not be easy and it will hurt, but if you're a good girl, it will hurt less." Ali uttered a soft gasp from his rumbled promises, knowing they were too real to be threats. Her tiny sound of fear was followed by another tremor while her tail flicked anxiously and tucked further between her legs. She had never felt real terror like this before. Chimera's predatory nature had her fearing for her life, and nothing Siren nor Dalila had said could have prepared her for him.

Swallowing back the fear with a shaking breath, Aliana gave another small nod of her head. "I understand, Mast-" Her words broke again when she felt the behemoth brute inhale her scent right beside her ear, sampling her like a predator studying his prey, drawing another quiet gasp from her. Her legs quivered and toes flexed as that flight reflex started screaming at her again. She ignored it, overrode it, and remained where she was, though her discomfort was obvious. "...Master Chimera..." she finished once she'd gathered her nerves back about her, the nervous churning of her stomach making her feel a little ill. Siren's cryptic warning had implied pain would be part of her life with Chimera, but nothing could have prepared her for the fear. She just hoped her first day of duties didn't involve being torn to shreds by the gargantuan brute.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
06-25-2021, 08:04 PM
Viper knew little of the deal, or demand in the heat of the moment that Chimera gave Siren and Dalila along with the fact that Siren had asked for full possession of Dalila. It was all pointless to her. Didn't make her like either of them more. She didn't care much for Siren, she hated Dalila, but she would follow Chimera's requests. It wasn't like she actually had to live with them.

As the day was getting later, she arrived back on the island to start getting comfortable for the night. She kept herself busy most of the day so it was rewarding to come back to island to unwind before it was time to sleep.

She was unaware, or rather ignored the scent of the new woman as she approached the den, unstrapping her armor in her steps just before entering the den. Chimera took up a large amount of space just inside, but she wouldn't push him aside to get him out of the way. She was small enough herself to squeeze around him. Her tail wagged at the sight of him, but she was instantly faced with another new woman. Chimera's dominance over her was again overlooked or ignored, and Viper only stopped in her tracks to squint almost irritably at the woman. Her eyes looked briefly at Chimera with a raised brow before she moved around the both of them and finished removing her armor and placing it where it belonged. Without looking at the two of them again, she went to move around and back out of the den and to the beach. She actually really didn't want to wonder why the woman was here, and instead decided to avoid the confrontation entirely.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-05-2021, 12:18 PM

Chimera listened to the woman's gentle voice as she reiterated what she'd been told by his sister and her slave. They hadn't told her anything. Only hints at what her future held. Cowards. "They weren't wrong. You do belong to me." He continued to stand overbearingly close, forcing his proximity on her with the desire to make her uncomfortable. "Until I tire of you or break you, you belong to me." If only he could know how she felt. Did she feel the hopelessness of her situation? Would she try to make the best of it? Only she would know, but he deeply wished to know how his words and his presence made her feel.

Motion from the doorway of the den brought Chimera's deadly maw away from Aliana's vital areas. The half blind brute saw the approaching form of Viper. For a moment, there was a smile on her face, but as soon as she saw the slave girl, her expression turned sour. He was so tired of seeing that pissy face. She knew what he was like and if she didn't, then it was because she refused to know.

Viper pushed past the pair of wolves, deposited her armor, then pushed past again and slipped out without a word. No 'hello.' No 'how was your day'.' Nothing. Irritation flared in Chimera and he turned, stalking out of the den and after the tiny woman. "Stop," he ordered, coming up behind her. "What's the problem now?" It seemed like she always had a problem lately. They used to get along so well and now he barely understood her at all.

Chi found his lips pulling back as he stood behind Viper. Why couldn't she just relax? And why did he feel like he had to explain the slave back in their den? "Siren is keeping Dalila to herself. Aliana is my slave. Our slave, if you want to use her. She'll do whatever you tell her to do." His lips lowered and he moved towards Viper again, his chest pressing against her side. "Are you going to come back to the den?" His brow was furrowed as he looked back down to her. He just wanted this to be easy for once.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-05-2021, 04:40 PM

At no point did Chimera give her a moment's reprieve from his domineering presence looming over her like the reaper of death itself. He growled his words out, confirming what she had been warned about. She belonged to him, from now to the end of her days, whether they came naturally or at the ends of his dangerously sharp teeth. The way he said "break you" made her flinch as she recalled what Siren had said to her. When he gets too rough... When, not if. Pain was the one certainty she had living under Chimera's control. But to what degree of pain she would have to endure, the little monochromatic fae had no clue. Only time would tell.

He reiterated once more that she belonged to him, and all Aliana could do was give a frightened nod of her head, biting her tongue to keep from whimpering. Chimera didn't like unnecessary noises. "Yes, sir." He was going to be so radically different from all the other brutes the slavers had said she might end up with. Nobody had warned her about someone like him.

The sound of paws coming into the den caught Ali's attention, but she didn't dare to look away from her new owner until his own head had turned. She lifted her muzzle a fraction of an inch and turned her head to see another unknown woman step inside, only ever so slightly taller than she was. The woman didn't say a word, just made eyes at Chimera, leered at her, then stripped of her armor and headed back outside without interacting or addressing what she had come across. Ali reasoned that this must be Viper, the other wolf Chimera had mentioned.

Aliana remained silent while the event played out, and once Viper was gone, she noted how irritated Chimera had become. The monstrous brute stormed out after her, and without a second thought she followed behind him. He hadn't dismissed her, and although she was glad he was no longer towering over her with his jaws near her neck, she still had a duty to him and so she followed.

As soon as she made it outside, Ali found Chimera confronting the small woman, demanding she stop and tell him what her problem was. Aliana hovered just inside the den entrance, half in and half out, trying to make herself as small and unassuming as possible. She wasn't trying to direct anyone's ire her way, but from the way Viper had glowered at her, that seemed almost impossible. Chimera informed Viper of their new living arrangements, claimed ownership of her once more, then offered Viper use of her if she desired. That had indeed been part of Chimera's orders; if the other woman desired something from her, she would have it.

The tension between the two wolves was palpable, and suddenly Ali began to wonder what sort of dynamic she had been brought into. She'd thought Viper might be Chimera's mate at first, but judging by their body language and the way they interacted, that seemed less and less likely. For now she remained quietly on the fringe, watching and waiting for this to play out to know what she should do next.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
07-05-2021, 07:42 PM
As Chimera came back after her, a low, quick growl left her as he asked her what was wrong. The growl was quiet, but there was no doubt it was loud enough for him to hear, perhaps the new slave girl too but she could care less. Care less that either one of them heard her. "Nothing." Her voice was surprisingly soft given her second of immediate flare for Chimera coming after her, making her feel like she was a problem.

Her eyes glanced quickly to the slave as he mentioned and pushed into her own side then glancing to the ground and back at him. "K." She went to take a step back from him, wanting to turn away and head off to the beach as he asked if she was coming back to the den. "I can't relax first?" It was definitely more snarky this time. She actually didn't walk on eggshells while around Chimera because it wasn't in her nature to do so. It seemed like everyone else did, and with the slave watching, this could be either a lesson or an eye opener. She had just never really done anything so severe for him to hurt her.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-11-2021, 02:00 PM

Anger flashed through Chimera as Viper spat her coarse words at him. She was usually more respectful than that. The giant brute's mutely striped pelt bristled and his teeth flashed. Already in close proximity with Viper, Chi's hind paws pushed off of the sand and he slammed his massive body into the small woman. Never before had he shown such aggression towards her, so she shouldn't have been prepared for it. And now that his temper had been let loose, there was no holding it back until the flames of his ire died out like a house fire in the rain.

Chimera placed one paw upon the slender throat of the woman in the sand. He applied pressure, but not enough to crush her windpipe. The giant brute's lips peeled back from the rows of jagged teeth within his maw and he snapped them in Viper's face, his voice laced with snarling growls. "Do you want to see what happens to the slaves while you sleep safe and comfortable in the den that I dug for you?" Spittle flew and ropes of saliva stretched between the demon's jaws. Chimera's vision was shaking, as though there was an earthquake within his skull that wouldn't allow him to focus completely on the trapped woman.

Chimera released his hold on Viper's throat and with his other paw, flipped the woman onto her stomach. He expected her to fight, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered right now. Nothing except for teaching her a lesson. The paw that had once been on her throat now pressed her face into the sand of the beach. With no preparation on her part, no word of warning, Chimera mounted and slammed his hips home. As he did so, the beast curled his neck downward and sank his teeth into the side of Viper's neck and shoulder. He didn't spare her and he gave the small fae the same treatment that he'd given to Aliana and Dalila. Maybe even rougher. His giant body pummeled her small frame and his teeth stayed locked in her flesh, fresh blood filling his maw. The blood only served to heighten his rage and lust. He would not let Viper free until those urges were sated. Maybe then she'd learn to show some fucking appreciation.

--Must fade for stuff and things--

It didn't matter to him that the slave woman might be watching. It didn't matter that anyone might have been watching. Viper had been disrespectful and obstinate for too long. She had needed this lesson. He'd bitten her not once, but twice. Once on the side of her neck and shoulder, and again just behind her skull so that he could hold her still while he made her pay. When he was finished and they were able to part, the behemoth pried his teeth from her flesh and pushed her away with one paw, not caring how hard she fell into the sand. "That is what those slaves have been shielding you from. When you're ready to stop being so fucking moody, you know where I'll be." And without another word or another care, the massive brute, blood coating his maw, stalked back towards his den.

At the moment, Chimera didn't give a flying fuck about what he'd done to Viper. It was no different than he'd done to the two slave women. The only reason that he needed those fae's around was to spare Siren and Viper the brunt of his lust and rage. If she was too fucking stupid to realize that even after her lesson, then maybe he'd do it again. And again. Part of Chimera had loved treating Viper like a whore; like a slave. If she came crawling back to him, repentant and apologetic, he would forgive her though. They could go back to the way things were. They could hunt together, battle together, live together, sleep together. If she didn't come back... then things would get a whole lot worse for Aliana. Both options held their appeal.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-11-2021, 05:52 PM
From her position in the entrance of the den, Aliana quietly observed the two wolves. She was flabbergasted by Viper's standoffish demeanor, her snark and backtalk to Chimera. The girl's mouth hung open in a silent gasp while she watched the rage contort Chimera's features. And then it happened. In the blink of an eye, Chimera had Viper on the ground and tossed her over onto the sand, showing no regard for the comfort or safety of the woman Ali thought was his mate. Clearly she had been wrong as she watched Chimera choke the smaller woman, then roughly mount her and proceed to fuck her like an animal. Aliana flinched as she watched, wondering if that was what she had looked like when Chimera had taken her. But being the dutiful servant she was, Ali did nothing to intervene, nothing to impede or try to assuage the raging dire wolf. She dipped her head to avert her eyes, only peeking up every so often during their rutting partly out of morbid curiosity and party to see the spectacle of Chimera's unbridled fury and violence come to light.

Once Chimera had finished and uncoupled himself from Viper's body, Ali watched him ruthlessly discard the ravaged fae and storm his way back past her and into the den. Ali made sure to slink out of his way when he came in, staying out of his way. She didn't need any of his excess anger spilling over to her, though there was always a distinct possibility that might happen anyway. Turning aquamarine eyes back over to Viper just to make sure the woman was still alive, Ali swallowed hard and repressed any of her thoughts on the matter before slipping back into the den behind Chimera. She had work to do, and maybe if she kept herself busy and tending to Chimera and his home, he might calm down a bit. He was her owner after all, and this was her purpose.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
07-11-2021, 06:51 PM
Viper couldn't really say she was expecting Chimera to lash out at her because he never had before. Though in reality as much as she wouldn't see it, Chimera was much bigger, stronger, it was easy for him to dominate her whether she knew they were facing off or not.

His paws held down at her throat and she struggled under him, her paws pushing up on his own legs as if she could just push him off. The usual sounds of the birds and other resident animals of the island had grown completely silent to her as all she heard was her body against the sand under her. But she had absolutely no fear in her expression. She wasn't scared of what Chimera could do her, or that he could even kill her really. Her eyes and emotions read through her were much more challenging than they were submissive, probably what was leading even more to Chimera's punishment he already had planned out.

When he turned her, she actually knew what to expect because this is how they had it every time. She growled aggressively at him as he started, and she wouldn't grow comfortable as he went on. There was a part of her that didn't want this, kind of felt like it wasn't right, but she she wasn't traumatized at all by what was happening to her like the slaves could have been. There was a fine difference of what she enjoyed and what she didn't. But Chimera doing this didn't simmer her more harsh nature that made most of her. Him saying that the slaves were shielding her meant little to her. Because as much as she knew she didn't enjoy it, she would have done it time and time again for him.

When Chimera was done and left her, she picked herself up rather quickly, probably less expected for what happened to her. She looked right at the new slave, lifting her jowls showing her teeth as she growled much lower than she had previously under Chimera. She was quick to move forward as Aliana started to slink back into the den with Chimera. If there was a door to bust down she would have done it. She quickly swung herself in a small swoosh around the slave girl, going to slam her chest into hers and trying to push her backwards out of the mouth of the den, "OUT! OUt-!" Regardless of the sleeping arrangements of he had already put out for her. She didn't know, but she also didn't care.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-28-2021, 05:00 PM

Chimera entered the den and he could hear the soft, hesitant steps of a woman behind him. They weren't the thundering, cavewoman steps of Viper, so he knew that it was the slave girl. Those thundering steps came a moment later and the tiny fae began releasing a raucous screech. Chimera's vision shook as he watched Viper order the slave out of the cave. This was his space and he was kind enough to share it with her.

"Don't fucking go anywhere," Chimera stared daggers at Aliana before moving towards Viper. Pressing his chest against the fae, he pushed her backwards out of the den. "You get out. Come back when you stop being fucking insane." Viper was almost pushing Chimera to his limit. It didn't matter what he felt for her. If she kept pushing, he would snap and it might mean her life. "Go. Away."
He spoke crisp and clear, trying to hold back the anger that was beating down the door to his mind.
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-28-2021, 06:48 PM
Aliana had not known what sort of life she might be brought into, but she certainly hadn't been expecting the dysfunction or chaos that Viper seemed to embody, or the rage of Chimera as he dealt with this other woman in his life. Ali heard the scampering of paws rushing toward her, but thought nothing of it until a blur of browns, blacks, and whites came shooting in front of her, and then she was being pushed back. Aquamarine eyes blinked wide with startled surprise as she was shoved back again, almost stumbling out of the den as Viper pushed her back with keening screams for her to get out. Confusion muddled her thoughts; wasn't she told to serve Viper too? Why was this woman trying to get rid of her?

Her unspoken questions were interrupted by the growl of Chimera's words as she glared at her, but despite the rage in his eyes, the petite fae didn't feel the anger was directed at her, and she didn't feel afraid. She did as she was told, holding her ground against Viper's chest bumps until Chimera came and forced Viper out of the den instead! Ali pressed herself against the wall of the den to keep as out of the way as she could, watching the scene between the two wolves she'd thought were a couple unfold before her. Chimera kicked Viper out, demanded she get her shit together. Aliana stayed quietly tucked behind Chimera, letting him be the shield between her and whatever the hell was wrong with Viper, watching all the while. With no idea what to do in this sort of situation, she just kept her mouth shut, watched, and stayed by Chimera, waiting for his orders.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
07-28-2021, 07:05 PM
Chimera had thrust forward, separating herself and the slave and pushing Viper out of the den instead. While it could have been suggested, she wasn't acting this way because of what he had just done to her, but the way he was acting in general. Viper was jealous, maybe. But she chose to ignore her thoughts and feelings which was why she had intended to just move around them while they were in the den together and go about her day. Like everything was fine. Like nothing was happening. Like she didn't care.

She did growl when Chimera pushed her fully out of the den, nearly yelling, "You treat them too kind!" She backed up away from him, as he had instructed her to leave. She may have been arrogant, and may have considered that she could win a fight against Chimera, but she was kidding herself. While she turned away to leave, she spoke again more quietly but still harshly which was the remnant of her inner feelings in sharing their home with the new slave, "I didn' get a den." Viper got a pit, and scraps. Nearly starved, always out in the rain and other elements. Humiliated, could have been considered left for dead honestly. What had gotten her out of it? Man, her big fucking mouth did actually. Irritated the fuck out of Fireside's Alpha until he let her go. So she really did think that Aliana and Dalila were getting special treatment. Viper would have slept with the dogs if Chimera asked, everything was better than where she came from. Fireside, Ruina, Dauntless. Everything she wanted to forget, everything she acted like it never happened. Her parents abandonment, Jupiter. She didn't know how to express herself other than exactly what she was doing right now. No one could really understand her.

-Exit Viper-
