
only whispers can tell



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-29-2021, 06:31 PM

After his talk with Sirius Indigo was eager to find Aslatiel and reunite with her again, he desperately missed her now more than ever. Despite the support, love, and adoration he received from every member of the band he still felt the true missing piece. The key to himself, his happiness, his other half. The woman who guarded and held his heart now, then, and forever into eternity. There was no one that could make him feel like he was soaring. He was fully himself when he was with her, and only her love and her beautiful smile could complete him.

Indigo traveled old path she’d once known, everything was the same but different at the same time. He took little time to make it to Asla’s den. He preferred to meet her outside pack lands so he could fully show her how much he missed her, but for now she needed to know his band was finally formed. His massive form appeared before the entrance and he called out her name softly. "Aslatiel?" He took a deep breath in, savoring the scent of her as his skin tingled and his heart beat heavily against his chest. He missed her so much that it physically hurt.

Finally being able to reunite was always a tsunami of emotions. Relief, love, and dread as the inevitable goodbye would forever waver over his head. Indy ducked into the den, wanting nothing more than to take her into his arms and hold her to his chest. Sapphire eyes blinked back the darkness as he searched for the features of the one that he loved. The wolf who held his heart and he was forbidden to love like he yearned to.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-30-2021, 08:34 AM

With the pups weaned, Aslatiel had been working hard to get rid of the excess weight. She worked hard to get her body back to it's natural leanness, but it seemed that she would never look the same. She was by no means fat, but her hips had taken on a womanly swell and there was a feminine plumpness to her form that she kind of liked. In fact, Aslatiel didn't think that she'd ever looked this good. It was a girly thought, but she was a wash of emotions anyway, so it didn't bother her.

Having the pups would never be a regret. At first she wasn't sure how she felt about them, but as time moved on and they became little wolves rather than unspeaking blobs, she grew to love them. The pair of them were perfection. Satira was quick and bright and Arc was loving and protective. She couldn't have asked for better children. What they brought with them though... that, she could do without.

Sadness. Deep, unending, life draining sadness. It consumed her every waking moment. Asla fought to put on a mask like she had when she was younger. She tried to act normal around everyone else and especially around the children, but she knew that they saw. Arc mentioned it here and there and the pups were extra loving when she was noticeably sad. What could she do about it other than wait it out and hope that eventually she would go back to normal?

The pups were with their respective father's having sleepovers. Asla would be all alone when she went back to her den. So lost was she in sadness that the rich scent of the one that she loved didn't even register. Entering the den, the woman's galactic gaze rested upon the giant, purple form of her brother. Surprise struck, but so did other things. Tears instantly filled her eyes and Asla launched herself at Indigo, crushing herself against his chest. Everything she had been holding in since the pups were born came rocketing forth like a tidal wave. She felt safe showing Indigo this emotion and so, pressed against his chest, Aslatiel sobbed violently.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-30-2021, 11:38 AM

Indigo entered the den without a real welcome, he realized quickly that Aslatiel was not home. Indigo padded into the main room, taking in the scent of his beloved along with those of her children. He had no doubt they were incredible. He only knew them as beans but everything Aslatiel did was exemplary. He knew they would be amazing pups. Indigo ignored how much his chest still tightened at the thought and forbidden dreams swept through his mind. He sighed softly, but was blessedly distracted when he heard paws at the door.

The massive Fatalis man turned to find his dearest rushing towards him. He wasn’t given much time to react but opened his arms and accepted her embrace as she collided with him. Indigo wrapped his dark arms tightly around her shoulders as she buried her features into his thick fur and began to sob uncontrollably. Indigo wrapped his head over top of hers, blocking out the whole rest of the world. He didn’t know where her tears came from but he wouldn’t let her go, he’d hold her forever if she needed him to. "Asla," he rumbled her name as he nuzzled into her neck and left daring kisses there, only barely able to hold back his affections as she cried against him.

"I love you." He whispered to her, the quiet tone of his voice desperate as he uttered them. He squeezed her more tightly, unwilling to release her especially as she bared her soul to him. Indigo held her carefully, like the most precious light she was in his life.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-05-2021, 12:56 PM

He held her and it was exactly what she needed. Aslatiel continued to sob, no doubt soaking her brother's thick purple coat with her tears. Indigo held her and assured her that he loved her. That made her cry even louder. Gods, she was so, so sad! Sorrow had been her every day companion since the pups had been born. She didn't know why and she couldn't explain it, but she also couldn't beat it.

Pulling back just enough so that she could breathe, Asla spoke through her sobs. "I'm so sad," she blubbered, still holding tight to him. Her purple eyes went wide and she gave her head a shake. "I can't beat it. It's the only enemy I've ever been defeated by." She couldn't tell Indigo that she'd considered throwing herself in the ocean or off of a cliff just to get the sadness to stop.

"The children are fantastic. They're the only reason..." she trailed off, burying her face in Indigo's chest again. "They're old enough to stay with their father's for a while. I need to get away from here." She gave her head a shake, but still wasn't ready to extract herself from his embrace. At least the crying had died down some. She had desperately needed that release of emotion.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-09-2021, 06:00 AM

Indigo held her tightly, caring not that she was soaking him with her tears. He hated that she was crying and so overwhelmed with emotion, but she could wet his pelt as much as she needed. Indy couldn’t even guess the why of her tears, he didn’t know she had been plagued by the emotions since the puppies were born. She pulled away just enough that he could see her sweet face and she sodded, her words broke his heart right there. He held her close, both arms wrapped around her as she sobbed against him. She shook her head as she explained she couldn’t shake the feeling and he moved one massive dark paw to the back of her head as he willed all of the sadness from her. He held her close and shielded her from the world but he couldn’t protect her from the storm inside.

She spoke softly and confessed her horrors to him as her face was buried back into his mane. His heart was broken for her but the thought of losing her to her own paw shot a feeling of terror through his whole body. "Come with me." He told her quietly as he nuzzled against her ear. He wasn’t about to let her go, he could feel her sorrow and wanted to soak it all into himself. His band was real, he could offer her escape right here and right now. Wherever she wanted for however long she needed. He was hers forever and always. Indigo was a healer but he didn’t know how to soothe her sadness beyond this. Beyond holding her tightly and soothing her as he was now, he could take her away from it all if that was what she needed from him.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.