
Love at First Sight [babies!]



08-02-2013, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2013, 11:27 PM by Song.)

She shouldn't have been traveling. She knew she shouldn't have left her den in the first place. The decision was made, and she would live with the consequences. She needed to be with Cherokee though, he had to be with her when the pups came and that was why she was so far away from home. Song had left the den in good spirits, the sun was setting on a beautifully hot day and she had foreseen little trouble in her way. Her pretty white paws had easily retraced her steps back to Dimenticato, and back to her family. That was where her husband would be found, trying to reunite his wife with her kin.
He was late though, he should have been back by now. The pups would be born any day and he was still gone away from her. So she trotted along, trying to get to where he was so she wouldn't have to bear their pups alone. She had not accurately remembered how far away she was really going however and after only a few hours of travel she thought she might faint. She had grown so big since she had found herself to be pregnant. Now that the effects of the day had caught up to her it was becoming difficult to continue. She was incredibly swollen, and she was unsure but thought she might have felt the start of contractions.
If she didn't find her mate soon she knew she was going to be in a heap of trouble, so onward she pushed herself. The heat from the summer atmosphere was weighing her down, her tongue rolled from her lips in an attempt to keep cool. She needed a drink, thankfully she was still able to follow the river. With great care she picked her way down the river's bank, dipping her heavy head to the surface. Great laps of water were drawn in with her salmon colored tongue, careful to keep herself from drinking too much.
When the last bit of water dribbled down her throat she was tempted to take a rest. The journey was wearing on her and she knew it. If she was to have enough strength to expel her little ones she needed to find a place soon. That was when she smelled her salvation. The lightest scent of her newly found friend, Bronze wafted through her nose. Where Bronze was, Silent was and Silent would be able to help her. She was a close second to Cherokee on the list of wolves she wanted with her during the trying task of birth.
Bronze had mentioned they lived in Seracia, could she hope that the territory was close by? As her feet carried her away from the river she had a glimmer of hope that things would become easier for her. It was quite crushed when she heard the thunder. A loud crack startled the pale she wolf, and almost instantaneously the sky opened into a downpour. The clouds had rolled in with quiet malice and now Song would feel its wrath. Seconds passed and she became soaked, going from impossibly hot to becoming colder with every step. She needed to find the borders now.
With a whimper she felt the real pain of her first contraction. It stopped her in her tracks, almost taking her to the ground. She had felt little pain close enough to describe that moment. With great effort she pushed herself onward, knowing that to ensure the safety of her children she would have to get out of the elements. If they were birthed on the ground now they would surely die. She begged her paws to move faster, even in the pouring rain she could tell that her destination was looming closer. She was sure she would perish in the storm if she could not find the territory.
The pains grew closer and more intense as they passed. Her first child would be born in moments. Song snarled in agony as she forced her body to continue onward. She was almost there!

With a great howl of pain Song collapsed onto the ground, her paws would not let her move farther. She needed help, and she needed it now. With all the effort she could muster a painful scream for help left her lips, right as Dhiren entered the world. A labored gasp escaped her lips as she turned to tend to the small boy. Her body was numb, her brain was in shambles. Somehow instinct was able to find enough control her movements, she would shield the helpless whelp from the elements with her own tired body, while licking him and stimulating him to cry. She had to know he was okay...




08-03-2013, 12:44 AM
ooc: Permission given for tiny pp.

Grey orbs looked up to the sky, watching with interest as the clouds quickly moved in. It was unlike any storm she had seen before, one moment it was hot and she was baking, and the next a chill sliced through the air and darkness fell upon the land. Brows came together, jaws delicately holding a herb she had just picked from the earth. Ears swiveled around, catching the roar of thunder here and there, a single bolt of lightning striking the ground in the distance. Then suddenly rain.

The shewolf sighed heavily, her coat becoming soaked within seconds. It wasn't too bad, at least Loccian was near the borders so she didn't need to be out in the rain long. A leg crossed over the other, turning her body to head back, but she froze. Ears moved, catching the desperate howl just over the pouring rain. She turned her head, brows together as she listened, looking out across the land to see if she could see the source of the howl.


Without even thinking the shewolf took off, the image of an injured wolf popping up before her eyes. She didn't think of this possibly being a trap, somebody waiting for her to show up then ambush her and either kidnap or beat her down. She shook her head, getting water out of her eyes, closing the distance between her and the being. Closer, closer. A couple feet away and she could see the wolf wasn't physically injured, but there was something it was licking.

"What's-" Her sentence was cut off when Loccian was close enough to see what the wolf was licking, a small body, a just born pup. Her heart stopped. Why was a mother out in the open in this kind of weather knowing she was heavily pregnant? She shook her head, gulping and quickly standing beside the mystery woman. "Your insane for being out here at a time like this." She grumbled, dropping the herbs and looking at the pup the woman was licking. It seemed fine, but was it alive?

"I got this. You just keep breathing and focus on pushing out your pups."The shewolf lowered her head but suddenly stopped before touching the pup, turning her grey gaze on the shewolf. "I'm Loccian, a healer of Seracia. Your pup will be fine Miss." She waited for a sign from the white wolf to let her know to continue with what she would do, and with a nod of her head Loccian turned her attention to the pup. Carefully she grabbed it in her jaws and moved it over to the woman's belly, lowering her head the grey wolf started to lick along it's body, removing the juices and warming it up trying to get it to take its first breath and start squealing.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3



08-03-2013, 01:09 AM

Why wasn't he making any noise? Song could feel the panic in her, she was out in the middle of nowhere giving birth in a thunderstorm. It was no wonder that Loccian thought her crazy. She should have been at home, in her nice warm den with Cherokee beside her. That wasn't possible, there were still better options though. This was the most horrid place for her children to decide they wanted out. It was only moments after his birth that the healer was by her side. "Your insane for being out here at a time like this." She looked up at the she wolf, but continued fussing over Dhiren.
"I got this. You just keep breathing and focus on pushing out your pups. I'm Loccian, a healer of Seracia. Your pup will be fine Miss." She knew she was right, and even though she hated giving her child over to a complete stranger she nodded her head as another contraction grasped her. The pain was awful, she lost focus on anything but the misery her body was experiencing. A snarl was wretched from her lips as she endured the wave of pain, as her fears came to life. A pitiful whimper followed as the pain subsided for a moment. She wanted so bad to fall asleep, she wanted to be dry again and warm. She would have lost consciousness were it not for the wonderful sound of a pups squeal.

Labored eye lids open as she pulled her head from the ground, her firstborn! Her tired eyes took him in, his rich pelt matching that of his fathers, Oh, thank you Loccian, She gasped for breath as the words left her maw. I.. gasp, Am, Song a healer from Ludicael. she took another moment to breathe, And this, is Dhiren. She motioned to the boy at her side as the pain of another contraction took it's hold on her, she needed to get out of the rain. With effort, and through pain she cried,Where is Silent? She pleaded the question. That was where she needed to be.




08-04-2013, 12:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2013, 12:27 AM by Dhiren.)

ooc: Sorry for lack of layout!
The first bit of the world that he experienced was wet and windy. Cold air struck his body and he had no idea where he was or what was going on. Blind, with hardly any thick bits of fur to support his body warmth, and he was completely lost from the home Song provided him for so long. Her womb had been it, the one place that had food, safety, and warmth. It had been crowded with his other four siblings, but he didn't know where they were! All alone in the big world without his sisters...what was he to do?!
The lack of warmth from his mother's body made him want to quiver in fright. Feelings of unknown names - panic and fear - were settling in, making the newborn scared in his newly working mind. It wasn't until he felt the tender licks of a tongue across his forehead and back, covering his body in kisses, that he began to feel soothed. The warmth from the tongue made his body shake, vibrations spreading through his muscles and lungs. Oxygen was supplied to him then, bringing more life to his body. Another tender lick from a foreign tongue with a different texture to it made him shake. Then, it happened.
The unnamed pup began to whimper, cries of panic and silent wants evident in his noise. His stomach began to growl, empty all this time since he had left the womb. What was only seconds for the grown wolves felt like a lifetime to his helpless new form. He wanted food, but he wasn't sure what it would be. For now, he was content with his cries. Maybe they would help him get what he needed.

Bronze i


12 Years
08-04-2013, 09:53 PM

A familiar call reached Bronze's ears. Initially the sound was entirely foreign to him, and yet with a few moments of consideration he realized that it was a woman he had met merely weeks before -- Song. Immediately he felt concern for his mate's friend. Silent was so near to her due date... surely this woman was as well? Why wasn't she home, with her mate? A sigh escaped his lips, a rumble that echoed from his chest and slipped from his lips effortlessly. He couldn't judge her though, for her too was not with his mate -- but he was certainly near enough to find her within a pawful of minutes if she did happen to need him. Briefly stretching his limbs, he set off in Song's direction. He was surprised when the sky, which had been overcast, suddenly began to pour rain. His pace quickened considerably, ears perked attentively atop his skull.

It was a surprise to him when the familiar form of Loccian came into view. If it wasn't for Song's sake, he would've considered avoiding the situation entirely -- he'd offered to be the healer's friend, but she seemed to reject his offer. All or nothing, he supposed. He heaved himself forward, approaching the duo. Surprise etched itself onto his features as he grasped what was happening. Song was giving birth, in the pouring rain, in the midst of a thunder storm. Already a tiny pup wriggled at her belly, and his eyes locked onto the boy. He was small, but very much alive, despite it all. Loccian had begun to tend to it, so Bronze kept his distance. He was not stupid enough to intrude on a woman giving birth.

"Loccian, Song," he greeted them both, but his attention was fixated on Song. Without hesitation he lifted his own muzzle towards the skies, letting loose a fierce cry -- for his mate, for whoever else could help. Surely his cry was more audible than Song's pained voice. When his call ended, he slid back onto his haunches, waiting. Worry welled in his brown eyes as he watched, finding himself thinking about his own future children, hoping desperately that both Song and Silent would give birth with little trouble and no fatalities.



08-05-2013, 01:01 AM

.ooc. I'm thinking that we take them to SIlent's den where she can finish up the birthing process

She was relieved incredibly when the cries of her child reached her ears. She had become incredibly worried after his arrival, when no sound came from him she thought the worst. Song knew she had to keep focused, she had to keep herself from falling into the blackness that threatened to encompass her. She had to stay awake and aware for her pups, Dhiren was not her only one, and if she were to go by the pains that continued to contort her body she was far from finished.
Before Loccian could answer her, another form materialized into their presence. It was of one she had not seen for a couple of weeks but she would have been able to recognize him easily. Bronze found himself in the middle of her predicament, quite willing to help as much as he could. Which wasn't a whole lot considering. "Loccian, Song," his head tilted back to let out a cry that was much more impressive than Song's pitiful one. She nodded her head in greeting, but her attention was quickly pulled away from him. Another contraction ripped through her, and with it a moan of pain through her lips.

Maybe it would be okay if she slipped into unconsciousness, just drift away and forget about everything that was happening to her. She would sleep through the storm and the awful pain that would not go away. She almost listened to the voice telling her to just let go, but then the soft whimpers of her newly born son woke her from the daze. She just couldn't let herself lose sense of reality, her babies needed her to stay strong. With effort she looked to the pale being seated only feet from her, Bronze, please I need to get out of this rain.. Her hoarse voice was barely audible, she longed to be in a dry place. Where is Silent? Please take me to her...

She summoned her strength, which was draining quick. With considerable amounts of effort she pushed herself upright once more. She was determined to find a better place to birth her children. Preferably in the presence of her adopted mother. Silent would help, she would comfort her and give her the strength she would need to finish the birth.


Silent I


11 Years
08-05-2013, 01:30 AM

The weather wasn't enough to bring down the spirits that Silent showed that night. Rain and thunder were nothing compared to the storms that she had faced as a younger wolf. Now, as she watched the entire show unfold from the safety of her den, something didn't feel right. Bronze had been out, either hunting or patrolling the borders, but he hadn't returned for some time. It wasn't until she heard his howl, filled with urgency, that she began to act.
Her pregnant belly was beginning to feel swollen, looking larger everyday and definitely the strain everyone quietly assumed she was dealing with. It was not like she hadn't had the weight of pups inside her pull her towards the ground before, but it wasn't that pleasant. Her slender limbs proved their worth as she walked out into the rain, taking the chances of slipping across the wet ground that was beginning to stop soaking up the descending water. The urgency that had been in her husband's call was enough to keep her going, even if she began to have labor pains.
She pushed the idea of having her pups early from her mind and tried her best to sniff the air, searching for some leads before they were washed away completely. Alas, the results were grim, but she could see from afar three beings that appeared to be moving in her direction. One of them she could tell was her beloved Bronze, leading the way through the pouring rain. Another was the darkened form of Loccian, the Healer that had been at the pack meeting a few weeks ago. The third and final being was..."Song." Her voice let the one word escape and be caught with the wind that increased in its wrath. She pushed on, feet becoming slightly heavy from her swollen belly and her muddy paws, but she trudged through the mud nonetheless.
Silent's sharp mind began to run into overdrive as she realized that her adopted daughter was already having her pups. This experience for her first litter was indeed something to worry about. She continued to walk until she met the three wolves, nuzzling her husband briefly before she turned her emerald green eyes onto the white female and the one small black and white bundle. "Come." Her voice was solid, filled with a calm urgency that was evident in her eyes and the way she moved. Despite being pregnant, Silent moved as if she was in her glory days with her slender form and strong will. Looking into Song's eyes, which were fading with light from the pain, she breathed in and out deeply, hoping the young woman would do the same. "Don't give in to the pain, my young one. You are strong, you are able, and you will get through this!"
Her black maw rose and her gaze then met Loccian's, emerald green stones gentle and sharp. "Our den is not far from here...if there is anything I can do, do not hesitate to ask." Silent's voice, warm and giving, reflected the gaze she shared with Loccian. Taking one more look at the struggling Song, she said to the new mother, "You don't have too much more to go, my lovely. We will make it soon and I intend you to be awake to see all of your sweet babies born in the safety of our home." She then padded to the unoccupied side of Song, waiting to help her up and have her lean on her form if she needed to. Even though she was about due herself, Silent's caring nature spoke in how she eagerly anticipated the next few actions that would safely procure Song's journey to their home.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



08-05-2013, 08:38 PM

It would be a difficult thing to do, to believe some stranger while doing one of the most important things in your life, giving birth to children. But what other choice did this woman have? She was alone, in a thunderstorm in open ground and giving birth, she needed to trust somebody. And it seemed like the mother realized this, nodding her head so Loccian could tend to the pup she had pushed out.

Licking the pup Loccain's ears swiveled towards the shewolf who thanked her and introduced herself as Song, a healer form Ludicael. Ludicael, that was Seracia's ally towards the north east. "She came this far while on the verge of giving birth?!" Now the grey shewolf really thought the woman was crazy, stupid even for going so far on her own. What if she had starting giving birth someplace else where nobody was there to help or something terrible heard her cries? She wouldn't stand a chance if something tried going after her then the pups.

Song's voice brought her back, introducing Loccian to the pup beneath her as Dhiren. Then she started asking for Silent. It seemed like her body had a mind of its own, not caring about the situation going on. Brows came together, and lips couldn't help but pulling backin a low whispering growl. Silent, Bronze's mate. Whimpers broke her from this, lips falling back in place, brows raising and grey orbs looking down at the pup, momentarily stopping her licking. He started crying and moving around, and wasting no time the grey woman gently pushed the little thing up to it's mothers belly, standing over her and him slightly enough so that she could block most of the rain from reaching his vulnerable little body.

"Loccian, Song." Bronze's voice reached her ears, but she would not react. Loccian ignored the feelings running though her body, just watched Song going through her contractions, the next pup moments from coming out. The girl needed to get out of here, she needed shelter or else the pups would quickly die from the cold. Parting her jaws Loccian was about to say something about shelter but Song about needing to get out of the rain, that she needed silent.

She wanted to say something but held the comments back, stepping back when the woman tried standing up. Then sh arrived, Silent. Loccian lowered her head after the black wolf spoke to the white one, gently grabbing the pup i her jaws when she brought up how their den wasn't far from here, and if there was anything she could do then ask. She simply huffed to herself, setting the pup down for a second. "I will help Song walk, Bronze should help you since it looks like you will give birth any moment." She said in a plain tone, picking up the pup gently and walking over to Song's side, ready to help her on the little walk to the den.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3



08-05-2013, 09:18 PM

Silent's arrival was exactly what she needed. She could see the strength that she still held, as well as the puppies that had yet to find their way out. She smiled through the pain, no matter the circumstance Silent made her smile. "Don't give in to the pain, my young one. You are strong, you are able, and you will get through this!" She had traveled so far already, the relief of knowing her resting stop was only a little further gave her hope.
"You don't have too much more to go, my lovely. We will make it soon and I intend you to be awake to see all of your sweet babies born in the safety of our home." Song's muzzle found her cheek for a moment, not letting words interrupt her breathing. How she adored this woman. "I will help Song walk, Bronze should help you since it looks like you will give birth any moment." Her attention was pulled to Loccian as she gently took the pup into her jaws. Song let herself be supported by the she wolf, amazed at the sweet kindness of this perfect stranger. She readied herself to make the walk, and turned her head to the other couple. Ready to move as soon as they did.


Silent I


11 Years
08-05-2013, 10:16 PM

Silent could detect the slight change in Loccian's manner after she approached. Her gaze shifted to Bronze, pondering why...but no matter. She perked her ears to Loccian's words and after seeing that Song was leaning against the dark-furred fae, she pressed on through the rain. Her bulging form met Bronze's and she began to walk back to their den. Silent was eager to get there, despite the rain that was continuing to beat down on her body.
When they got near the entrance of the den, it was then that Loccian's words came true. Silent began to feel the earth-shattering contractions. They came at once, causing her to gasp from surprise and making her eyes widen from the shock. Her legs buckled, but she regained her stance before she did anything else. Looking down to her stomach, she saw the ripples in her muscles as her body was preparing to deliver her last litter of puppies. "Bronze.." she said, voice quiet against the rain and thunder that boomed overhead. "They're coming."
She looked back up to Bronze, but her face automatically squeezed from the next wave of contractions that seeped through her abdomen. Slowly, she pushed herself towards the inside of the den, barely reaching her front paws into the wide entrance as another set came to her. Silent's ears flattened on her skull and her struggle became harder as she heavily stepped inside and towards one of the inner walls. Her black form turned and rested against the wall, slowly sliding down until she reached the floor on her left side. Emerald eyes pleadingly searched the outside rain, hoping that Song and Loccian had made it in time for the white fae to start delivering her next few pups. Another wave, this time closer than before and faster, shocked Silent's body and she turned her head to face the womb from where her pups would come. Sniffing, she knew Bronze was nearby and she softly whimpered for him, hoping he would respond before their children decided to make their entrances.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥

Bronze i


12 Years
08-06-2013, 07:52 AM

The brute was not at all surprised when Loccian failed to even note his presence. He did consider her a friend, and felt vaguely perturbed by her rudeness lately; but alas. His eyes followed Loccian, watching as she licked and nudged the pup, making sure he kept moving and stayed warm. He was not affected by Song's contractions, and the obvious pain that rippled through her with each one -- he had been there when Silent had given birth, not just once, but multiple times. Even still, concern shone in his normally empty gaze, for the woman that he knew his mate was so close to. He, too, was beginning to grow fond of her. Song asked for Silent -- no, pleaded for her -- and he could only hope she would arrive as requested. There was little more he could do than wait for her.

Silent seemed to appear out of nowhere -- his gaze shifted to her, warmth overtaking his expression, albeit only briefly. He watched as she urged Song on, knowing as a male he had little to saw or offer in terms of verbal support. He knew nothing of giving birth to whelps, and never could understanding how taxing and painful it was. He knew it was a huge sacrifice, but just how big of one... no male could ever understand. Silent then offered to take Song to their own den, and he nodded silently. Loccian suggested he help Silent -- and it seemed she was helping Song walk her way there. He kept his distance from the two, leaning alongside Silent as they started the short journey back to the safety of the enclosed den. It was a strange dynamic of wolves who had gathered to help Song, but he only hoped Loccian could see through to find the beauty of the situation -- of new children.

As though by some great act of faith, almost instantaneously as the group found their way closer to the den, Silent began to whimper. How was such a thing possible -- that Song and Silent were both giving birth at nearly the same time? Maybe the two women shared a connection deeper than he realized. Shaking his head, he nudged Silent's neck, unable to keep the smile from breaking over his lips. It was both exciting and terrifying; Silent was not as young as she used to be, and giving birth at such an age was a risky gamble sometimes. Briefly he turned to scan the entrance of the den, before returning his attention to Silent, licking and nuzzling her muzzle with fervor.



08-07-2013, 06:43 PM

Silently the shewolf helped the woman walk, making their way towards Silent's den. In a way it felt strange, both for even being able to think about such things in a time like this, and just knowing she will be in Bronze and his mates den. Uncomfortable would be an understatement.

Loccian would hold back the thoughts though, not let it get in the way of something wonderful that was going on. It seemed where a soul was lost, her precious Reficul, new ones would be born, these pups. A sigh would slip from her, gently shifting the squirming pup in her jaws, walking alongside Song where their fur brushed against each other. And it seemed like in no time they had reached the place, but then Silent buckled and moved further in to lay against the wall, telling Bronze they were coming.

Grey orbs went wide, not only were Song's pups coming, but now so were Silent's. Not the best timing!

With a low growl she continued helping the shewolf inside, helping her down on the opposite end of the den, placing her pup against her belly. "You guys sure pick a good time for this." She said with a nervous and forced chuckle, making sure Song was comfortable before turning and standing near Silent, sniffing at her pelt. Of all wolves why did she have to find them?! Loccian barely had any experience with birthing, this was too much. This was when her gaze finally met bronze's, narrowed in thought. He was the black wolf's mate, they had children before, surely he knew something and could help.

"Your gonna have to help me. I can't do this on my own." She told him, pulling her gaze away and turning to Silent then Song. "Keep breathing, try timing it and it should help." Her voice clear, loud. She quickly turned around and went over to Song, licking the pup quickly, trying to get him dry.


Awesome table by Briena <3



08-07-2013, 07:17 PM

With effort they trudged through the downpour back to the place Silent and Bronze called home. Song had never been to Seracia before, but she was sure if it were any other day she would be enjoying the surroundings. Instead she was ding her best to focus on her breaths and keeping herself from falling into slumber. There was much more to be done before she could meet the rest of her children. Loccian was able to guide her safely into the den and into a semblance of comfort.
It seemed that Silent's pups had thought of the same idea, it was time to come out and meet everyone. She settled into her spot, close enough to Silent that she could feel her strength radiating. Silent may have been much older than Song, but she was made of tough stuff. With her encouragement, Song knew she'd be able to make it through. Another wave of pain shook her fragile frame, with it came into the world another child. A beautiful white pup found her way into the world. Song's tongue found the newly born child, ripping open the birth sac and welcoming her into her new life. She let a small cry utter from her small lips before Song could introduce her to the food source. Welcome to the world, my little Novel. She had no time to concentrate on the new pup, as quickly as she had come another was there to follow.
Two more pups would flounder into existence, both of them finding themselves outside of the womb almost at the same time. Two more girls. As she used her tongue to stimulate their brand new bodies she would name them as well, Canta, for the darker she wolf, and my Fal'Dara. She thought herself finished, surely there were only four pups kept cramped inside her womb. Something was wrong though, there was still pain. Was there another pup still to come? She looked at the four that were already nursing. They were beautiful
As her last contraction swept over her, and finally her last pup found her way into the world. Another white baby, almost completely identical to Novel. Lakota.. She breathed with satisfaction. She was done. All of her children had made it safely into the world. She wished she could celebrate, and be able to see her new "brothers and sisters" but Her body was tired. She would need sleep before she would be introduced to Silent's litter. With all of her babies tucked neatly by her side she let her head rest upon the floor of the den, falling quickly into her much needed sleep.




10 Years
08-07-2013, 07:24 PM

Something was different about today, there was something brewing and it upset the unborn pup. Change was on the horizon, and she was hardly aware. With little effort on the part of little Novel she was suddenly thrust into the world from her small dark home. Blinding light and cold fresh air consumed her tiny form. With a gasp she took her first breath, greeting the world with a soft whisper of protest.
Her body was quickly cleaned, and her mouth filled. Contentedness took over her as her small mouth gently suckled the nourishment provided from her mother. As her belly filled her ability to keep herself awake lessened. Sleep beckoned her tiny form to join it. Forget about the new sensations she was experiencing, and just rest her weary body. Knowledge would come with time and age, for now the small pup would embrace her rest and begin the journey to puphood.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Silent I


11 Years
08-07-2013, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2013, 09:47 PM by Silent I.)

Song giving birth to the final set of pups was fast and smooth. Silent smiled through the pain at the sight of all five newborns, now safely wrapped in their mother's warmth and drinking the milk they needed. Such a miracle - or a set of miracles, rather - was enough to make anyone gaze on them with true love. It was a thought that lasted for only a few seconds, for Silent's contractions began to start up again. She gave one last loving look to Bronze before she closed her eyes and let the birthing process take over.
She knew that Bronze was at her side and Loccian was hovering in case anything became complicated with the delivery. Silent mentally appreciated having them nearby, telling her to breathe and keep the pace up. It wasn't hard to do, but when the contractions hit again, they were the toughest and most painful. She broke the pattern and began to feel the puppies move around inside of her. Silent didn't utter a word or cry out in pain as her muscles contracted and moved the first set of puppies from her womb.
Two beautiful babies - one black with a splash of white across his face; the other with a silver pelt that seemed to shimmer - arrived on the warm den floor. She allowed Loccian to look them over, making sure they were crying and in perfect health. There was no hesitancy in the black female's contractions as the other puppies made their way out. Another newborn - black with white across her chest and face - slipped from the safety of her womb and settled next to her siblings. One final contraction was sent through Silent's body and the fourth and last pup was released from its warm and secure home. They were all there, alive and well. It was enough to make Silent happy.
After the delivery, they began to cry for their first meals and warmth. She securely wrapped her tail around the bunch and brought them closer to her form. They found her stomach and hungrily began to suckle from the nipples that provided their food. Tears gently fell from Silent's emerald green eyes, looking up at Bronze before she sighed happily at the sight of their final batch of children. In the same order they came out of Silent, they were lined up against her stomach, eating their fill of the milk that was provided. She lowered her head, tenderly licked each pup, and whispered their individual names. The names that she and Bronze had picked for them came from her lips like the rain outside falling from the sky.
"Mercury..." she said, licking the forehead and whole body of her firstborn son. A tender nuzzle and lick came for her second born, causing her voice to break as she gently spoke, "Faolan." Snuggled between the closer nook of her hind leg were the two girls, each hanging onto her for dear life. "Ara.." Silent licked the dark and light pup before snuggling the baby of the litter closer to her siblings. "Jendai.." A lovely name indeed, one that she hadn't thought of, but rather, came from Bronze's mind. All four were named, getting their fill of dinner, and she was content with the little beings in front of her.
Sleep then wanted to overtake Silent and she decided to let it without a fight. Looking up at Bronze again, she gently sighed and said, "All of them...they are perfect...and I have you to thank for the joys that we have brought into this world..." Silent tenderly licked his cheek before she turned her gaze to Loccian. Her gentle green gaze met the Healer's and she said, "Thank you..for making sure our pups came to us safely." With the manners slipping from her mouth, Silent then lowered her head onto her front paws. She watched her babies nurse before closing her own eyes and letting the sleep take her away for a few hours.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥

Mercury I


4 Years
08-08-2013, 12:06 PM

He didn't know what was happening, the sudden expulsion from his warm home came as a half surprise to the brand new pup. There was something going on, he knew that a big change was coming. He was quite blind and deaf, but he knew that something was incredibly different in his life. He could feel the pain of hunger in his stomach and the cold air on his skin. This was a terrible place to have found himself.
With great care his fur was cleaned and his mouth became full. Mercury's muzzle clung to his mother's side, the nourishment she provided filled him with contentment. His fullness became apparent as his stomach bulged. He was as happy as could be, and when the beckoning of sleep called him he did not resist.


Bronze i


12 Years
08-09-2013, 06:43 AM

Everything had begun to happen rather rapidly. Loccian insisted he needed to help, that she couldn't do this on her own. Though he had witnessed Silent given birth before, he was rather clueless as to how to help. He'd never been trained in the art of healing, and their first two litters had been guided along by their pack at the time. The birth of Alione had been much less easy, but only having one child had been much easier than an entire litter. Bronze couldn't help but whimper, ever so softly, as he leaned to lap tenderly at Silent's muzzle. Silent was as strong as ever -- true to her namesake, she was quiet as she delivered their babies. Eyes danced to the children as they began to wriggle free, watching them ... one ... two .. three ... and four! His heart surged, and he moved to lap tenderly at the pups, wanting their first memories to be of warmth and happiness. If children so young could feel such a thing.

She named them each, and he wanted no more than to lather them in love and affection. Brown eyes gleamed with unshed tears of joy as they wriggled, seeking their mother's side, beginning to feed greedily from her. He settled down on his belly near them, cleaning them, and ensuring their warmth and comfort. Briefly he glanced to Song, seeing her children had made it into the world as well. He couldn't help but smile.

The women would sleep, but he would remain awake, rolling to his side and letting his attention be captured by the tiny things. It was beautiful ... so beautiful, and he found himself falling in love with the four children, his heart surging with love and joy as he watched them.


08-09-2013, 11:49 PM
Without even realizing it, the silvery pup was sent free from the womb and to the outside world. Alongside his brother, he felt safe because he knew that he wasn't alone. Now, as he struggled to get used to using the little lungs and heart that both pumped to provide him with oxygen, he was swept over with the chill from the rain that pushed its way into the den. Blind like a bat, he struggled to cry out, eventually hearing his own sad whimpers leave his mouth. If anyone heard his weak voice, then it would be a miracle.

Indeed, a miracle did happen for the newborn. Shortly after crying out in pleas of being cold and alone, a couple of tongues and the security of a furry blanket grabbed ahold of his tiny form. He didn't have to worry; he was safe. Warmth took over and he immediately began to realize that an intense hunger roared from his very tiny stomach. As he tried to struggle to find a reliable source, he was gently pushed to the warm underbelly of his mother. With the sense that was needed to find it, his toothless mouth found a nipple and he began to eat.

The unnamed silvery-gray pup was in the middle of his first feeding when he felt a warm lick across his whole body, followed by the gentle whisper of "Faolan..." He knew that such a word was his name, meant for him to use for the rest of his life. The newly dubbed Faolan didn't falter in his life's first mission: to eat until he was content. Having that small stomach, the mission was completed in a matter of two minutes or so. A loving nuzzle and lick from Bronze concluded the first fifteen minutes of Faolan being awake. He fell asleep shortly after, curled up between Mercury and Ara, and lathering in the warmth and love that surrounded him.


08-10-2013, 12:10 PM

like no king was before

He had heard the call - known it to be strange and foreign. Unfortunately, he had been too far off to reach the caller before she was quickly swept away to someone's den. The stench of pregnancy and birth was heavy in the air. Whoever it was was pregnant and birthing children within Seracia. Bronze's scent was there, along with Loccian's and Silent's. It seemed this stranger was known. He followed the mingled scents to where they were most concentrated, a den site. It smelled mostly of Silent and Bronze, so he assumed it was their chosen home. The scent of birth and new life was strong in the air, strong enough to be from two wolves. Had Silent and the stranger both given birth at the same time? Curiosity brimmed on his features as he let out a low bassy note, alerting them to his presence. He would not enter the den and face two post-pregnant females, so instead he let his voice drift inside. "How many?" Seracia had just grown in number, and he was eager to know what that number was. The stranger's information could wait, though he wanted to eventually hear about her situation as well. He rocked onto his haunches a yard outside of the den, ears pricked to hear anything that should happen inside. He hoped Loccian or Bronze might come and explain things to him. He wouldn't linger long, but a King needed to know what was going on within his Kingdom.

{Table coded by Lu}



6 Years
08-11-2013, 12:52 PM

The shock of the outside world came down on the tiny gray pup, air and cold a sharp contrast from the warm safety that the pup had grown in. She breathed in air into her tiny lungs for the first time, letting out her first breath in loud cries. Her voice was loud despite her tiny size, certainly an omen to how the pup would be later in life. Her cried out, unhappy to be sent out into the cold. Her calls were quickly quieted as several licks covered her, warming her and comforting her. Suddenly her mouth found food, stopping her cries completely. As the last of the pups she took her place at the end of the row, her one side pressed to her sisters. Soon enough her stomach was full and she was content, more than ready to drift away into dreamland with the warmth of her mother around her. With the whisper of her name in her ears, Jendai fell asleep, as happy as a pup could be.
