
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-01-2021, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 03:53 PM by Manea. Edited 3 times in total.)
ooc: To anyone that might be reading this thread besides Joe, Resin, or myself - this is going to be extremely graphic and mature! You have been warned <3

It was late in the evening as Manea laid at the mouth of the cavern that she and her mate had chosen to stay in for the night. The rocks that lined the cave shimmered with any glimpse of light that peeked into it and after some water from a high tide washed away she was able to find a good selection of fish left at the back of the cavern. She was lounging in the dark sand that led up to the shore side cave, listening to the waves rolling in while she peeled back the skin from one of the fish to remove the scales and expose the tender flesh underneath. It certainly made for a pleasant place to stay and offered an easy meal so she couldn't complain. The only thing she could complain about is the fact that her heat had fully taken hold her own stubborn plans kept her from indulging in the one thing she wanted and needed.

She thought about just giving in, having her way with Alastor and just forgetting the build up she had been creating for their honeymoon. Any wolf she happened to cross paths with had some kind of pack scent on them or was too young or male or some other qualification that they didn't meet for what she needed. While she wasn't necessarily afraid of the packs, she also didn't want to tempt fate when she was preparing herself to start their family in earnest. She steered clear of pack wolves for their purposes because of that, but since so many damn wolves seemed to be members of packs around here it made her job difficult. She nibbled at her dinner while she waited for Alastor to return, considering her options and looking out over the ocean. She had sent him to find berries to go with their meal - mostly just to get him away from her and her raging desires for a moment.

The sound of paws moving across the sand made her ears flick toward the noise. She smirked, speaking as her turquoise gaze shifted to see who she expected to be her mate, "Back so soon? I thought that-" Her sentence cut off as her gaze landed on a woman, small and plump, with a plain white coat from what she could see. Manea raised a brow at the stranger, eyeing her curiously. "Hm. You're not who I was expecting." She glanced between the fae and the pile of fish that she had clearly thought that she could stupidly take from. She looked back at the unassuming woman, studying her for a moment as she rose to her paws, sauntering toward her till she was towering over her.

A large, feline paw grabbed the woman's jaw, feeling her soft flesh give way easily. No hint of a pack's scent on her, no traces of any wolves at all. No one would come looking for her then. She wasn't exactly the prettiest thing to look at, but at this point Manea certainly wasn't picky. A grin slowly pulled across her features and she chuckled deep in her throat. "You'll do." Without another word she grabbed the girl's scruff between her teeth and lifted her off the ground till just her back legs were dangling and began dragging her into the darkness of the cavern, hiding her away from any prying eyes.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


07-03-2021, 08:09 PM

Starving. Alyce was starving. Yes, she'd eaten earlier, but it hadn't been anything more than a rabbit that she'd stolen from a stoat. The damn thing had bitten her nose really good too. It had made her bleed and the sight of her own blood made her both angry and nauseous. She'd smacked the thing with one chubby paw before taking the rabbit and running away as quickly as she could. Alyce made short work of the rabbit, but a few hours later she was hungry again. Her stomach protested loudly and she groaned, ready to gorge herself on grass or leaves or something.

Alyce's parents had always kept her fed. For two years they'd made her plump and spoiled and then... without warning... they had kicked her out of the pack. According to them, she needed to learn to fend for herself. She needed to learn to contribute and not be so lazy. The pale girl was furious. How dare they kick her out? Didn't they know that she would starve to death without the pack? She didn't know how to hunt because she'd never cared to learn. Why bother when she was never going to hunt anyway? The food just kept on coming to her. Her brother's and sisters had all gone off to do their own things, but at two years, the small, portly fae just wanted to stay home forever and be fed.

As the girl complained in her mind, the scent of fish struck her dark nose and Alyce instantly began to drool. Without realizing it, she had altered her path and began moving towards the scent. Eventually she came to a cavern and she crept forward. There was a WHOLE PILE of fish! One white paw moved up to wipe the moisture from her mouth before she tried to stalk silently forward. A voice sounded and Alyce froze, blue eyes going wide. A moment later there was a giant woman striding towards her. Danger lights flashed in her mind, but Alyce couldn't make herself move.

"F-f-fish..." she stuttered out as the purple fae grabbed her chin. Fear struck her in her empty gut and the young wolf weakly tried to struggle, but soon there were teeth in her scruff and she was being pulled towards the dark mouth of the cavern. "Wait, no! I'm sorry! You can keep all of the fish! I was just hungry!" Alyce weakly kicked out, claws trying to grab onto the stone floor of the cavern, all to no avail. Soon the darkness claimed her chubby, pale form.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-04-2021, 01:43 PM

Fucking berries... That was what the monstrous brute of black and red was currently out picking in the early evening. Fucking godsdamn berries! Black eyes were narrowed into frustrated slits and a low growl continued to grumble deep in his chest as he carried a hollowed out stone he'd found as a bowl, filled to the brim with an assortment of wild berries, such as blueberries and raspberries. He didn't want to be out picking any berries right now; he wanted to be back at the cave on the beach fucking his mate's brains out like it was his last night on earth! As the late summer days had seamlessly slipped into early fall, Manea had gone fully into her heat, her scent and pheromones driving him absolutely wild, and that was on top of all the teasing, denial, and edging she'd been doing to him the past few days. Manea was refusing him any sort of sexual contact now, and between her season and all the prey genocide they were doing, the brute was hornier than he'd ever remembered being in his life.

Still giving irritated grumbles to himself, Alastor stalked his way through the forest back towards the cave near the beach, already contemplating what sort of trouble he'd get in with his wife if he just let loose and had his way with her to relieve those pent up urges. So far this honeymoon had been more frustrating than anything, with his beloved mate promising him the greatest night of his life once she found a suitable present for him, but all it felt like was a constant torture. Tensions and desires burned low in his belly, the pressure of arousal carried heavy between his legs. He wanted to sink himself so deep into Manea that she screamed, to dominate her and teach her a lesson for daring to deny him and make him struggle like this. He had behaved so far because she had asked it of him, but his patience was rapidly wearing thin. If he didn't get some relief from Manea soon, he couldn't be held responsible for the animal he might unleash on her.

Prowling down the beach with the gentle washing of waves keeping the silence at bay and lulling his mind into a sense of ease, Alastor returned to the cave at the end of the black-sanded beach. His eyes peered up at the full moon rising over the sea, a slightly pink hue coating its normally pristine white. The closer he got to the cave, the more his ears began to pick up on the faint sound of a female voice screaming. Alastor's eyes widened, ears radars atop his head turning to catch the sounds. Was Manea in trouble? Giant paws moved quicker across the sand, bringing him to the mouth of the cavern when he realized the screaming voice definitely wasn't his mate's. There was also a lingering scent mixed with Manea's that he wasn't familiar with.

Cocking a curious brow, Alastor strode into the cavern, following the sounds until he found Manea fighting to subdue a small, plump girl he didn't recognize. The girl looked very young and absolutely terrified, fighting with all her might against his force of a wife, though her efforts weren't much to speak of. A fighter she was not. Actually, she didn't seem like much of anything. Lacking in muscle, her coat dirty and unkept, she looked like a runaway that had bitten off more than she could chew. Poor dear, what had she stumbled into? Her struggling and sounds of fear raised that heat in Alastor while his inky black eyes studied her, nostrils flaring while he took in the rich scent of his mate in heat and this new woman's fragrance. She was utterly underwhelming in every way, a nobody, nothing unique or special about her. He didn't even know her name, but he was sure it was something mundane. It also meant she wouldn't be missed or her absence from the world noticed.

"What have you found here, darling?" he asked in a smooth purr as he set the bowl full of berries down to the side of the cavern, rising to his full height above both women. He gazed down at them with a feral lust in his eyes, the desire for both sex and blood smoldering in obsidian irises, and he didn't care which he got from either fae. Maybe he'd take both from both women. He wasn't yet sure what sort of mood the animal inside him was in tonight.  


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-04-2021, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 02:53 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)
This soft, helpless woman felt like less of a wolf and more of a lamb. A deep, dark chuckle rumbled in her chest as the girl cried out about how she was only hungry, that they could keep the fish, while fighting against her with the most pitiful kicks and attempts to get away she had ever experienced. There were prey animals that fought harder than this - but, then again, what more was this girl to her than a prey animal? She'd be their entertainment tonight, just a plaything to break when they were done while they conceived another demon to unleash onto the world. Her pleading and the sound of her claws scraping futilely against the stones echoing around the cavern along with the taste of blood coating her tongue as her teeth cut into the girl's scruff aggravating and intensifying the deep, gnawing hunger and pressure in her core. She had already made herself pent up even before her heat fully set in, but now that it had she was ravenous. It had been painful to deny her mate what she also wanted so badly, but it would be worth it now to see her monster of a brute rip this squishy little fae to pieces. She was already shivering with anticipation at the thought.

Once she got their little honeymoon present into the cavern, she let go of her scruff, letting her fall with a thud to the stones below only to flip her easily onto her stomach with one massive feline paw and press down hard between her shoulders to keep her pinned there as she took another look at her prize. She really wasn't much of anything. A small woman, round with no muscle to speak of. She did notice the small bands of brown across her hips now that she could see her from another angle, but it didn't too much to give her any kind of pleasant interest. Manea frequently enjoyed sampling women from time to time, but even she couldn't find much attractive about this fae. However, it did at least keep her from feeling bad about breaking her since she wouldn't be destroying anything beautiful. Keeping one paw pressed between the struggling girl's shoulder blades, her other paw traced down her side with a single razor sharp claw, slicing thorough the soft flesh while she continued to ignore any of the fae's pleading or screaming, watching blood well to the surface and create a vibrant red line through her pale white fur.

She chuckled again and brought her muzzle down to a soft, round ear catching the delicate skin between her teeth and letting her fangs slowly and painfully tear through it till her ear had a ragged tear nearly down the middle of it, causing more blood to spill down across her cheek. "At least blood looks lovely on this white coat of yours," she told her "guest" with a sultry purr to her voice, a wicked grin pulling across her lips. The girl started to struggle and fight more and she scoffed, letting the claws of her paw holding her down slice into her flesh to hold her tighter, and pull more of those delightful squeals from her. "Now now, you can't go running off. My husband hasn't even arrived yet." As if on queue, she heard the sound of claws on stone behind her and she turned her head to see Alastor's form silhouetted in the moonlight. She grinned and let him come further into the cavern and put down the berries he had collected - which would be a lovely desert once they were done with this little dumpling.

"A chew toy for you, my mate," she replied with a chuckle, looking at him with nothing short of pure hungry, heated, furious lust. With a flick of her paw, she rolled the soft fae toward him, smirking when the girl ended up laying sprawled out at his paws. Manea stalked forward with a sauntering sway to her steps, pressing a paw to the girl's throat to keep her still for a moment while she pressed her lips hard to Alastor's, kissing him over their treat for the night with a low growl. When she pulled away her teeth caught his lip and she fixed him with a fiery took. "A soft little thing, isn't she?" she purred, glancing down at her find. "She'd just end up dying out there on her own, poor thing... We might as well put her out of her misery, don't you think?" She smirked and sat back onto her haunches, leaning her back into the wall of the cavern, as she hooked her claws into the back of the unnamed girl's neck, flipping her back onto her stomach like she weighed less than a hare. She pulled the girl closer, her claws scraping against the bone of her skull as her claws gripped her head and pushed her muzzle where she wanted her. "You were hungry, right? Then eat," she demanded with a growl to her voice, a snarl pulling at her lips. She left the other end of their little play thing free for her husbands uses, watching him with a salacious grin.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


07-05-2021, 07:04 AM

What was even happening right now? No one had ever handled her like this in all of her life. Alyce continued to kick and squirm but the big woman was much too powerful for her. As she was pulled into the cave, the purple fae's teeth began to cut into her flesh and Alyce squealed, struggling anew. "Wait! Ow!" Terribly eloquent, the plump, floppy fae's words would have no affect on her captor. Alyce's claws scraped against the stone floor as she was pulled deeper into the dark hole in the earth. Once she thought she had a good grip, but the woman continued pulling her right on through.

In time, Alyce was thrown onto the stone floor, a gasp pulling from her as a paw pressed her into the ground. Her neck burned from the bite and soon there was a stinging on her side to accompany that bite. Why would someone do this to her? She'd never done anything. Nothing at all! Alyce tried to curl in on herself and doing so muffled the giant woman's words. Hiding her face wouldn't do much as soon there were teeth in her ear. Those teeth pushed through flesh and cartilage and Alyce screamed loudly, white hot pain reducing her flaccid form to gelatinous tremors. "P-please... don't!" Once her ear was shredded and the blood poured down the side of her face, Alyce tried once again to curl her body into a ball, protecting her face. She squeezed her eyes tight as though that would make all of the bad monsters go away, but it had the opposite affect.

A male voice joined in with the horrible woman's and Alyce was able to control her manic thoughts long enough to hear what was being said. A chew toy? Horror cut through Alyce like cold ice and the pale woman began to struggle again, looking for a means of escape. Her brilliant blue eyes could see the light of the cavern opening and she had it in mind to make a beeline towards it. Her paws began to scrabble over the stone but the woman had a hold of her in an instant, slamming her back onto her stomach. This time she was facing... what? The insane fae told her to eat and Alyce didn't understand at all. There was no food here. Besides, starving or not, she didn't want anything from these wolves.

"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone that you're here. Just, please... Don't hurt me anymore!" She still didn't understand what fate had in store for her. She couldn't have wrapped her dull little mind around it anyway. Lust, love, mating and all that... it had never meant anything to her. For Alyce, it was all about sweet, sweet food. Would she ever get to taste a juicy apple again? Would she ever consume a haunch of deer all to herself? That thought in itself brought a wail of sadness from the young fae, tears filling and falling from the only pretty feature that she possessed.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-10-2021, 02:10 PM

Alastor drank in the sight of his beautiful lover subduing this barely passable excuse of a wolf while Manea introduced her as a chew toy for him. Dark fire lit in his abyssal eyes, wicked recognition and understanding fueling its brightness. Ah, so she was the honeymoon present she had promised him! Manea rolled the wriggling girl over to him and Alastor stopped her tumble with a single large paw, feeling her soft warmth beneath calloused pads. He gazed her over, appraising her. She was quite a dull little thing, but not everyone could be as exorbitantly beautiful as his mate was, he supposed. The poor dear looked terrified and was already bleeding some from where Manea had to use violence to subdue her struggles. Alastor ate it up, the faint perfume of blood mixing with the overwhelming scent of Manea's heat and turning his blood to lava as the primal animal in his brain bashed itself against the cage of his mind. It wanted out, and it wanted out bad.

Alastor watched Manea saunter over to him with an exaggerated sway to her hips, hypnotizing him and only breaking the spell once her lips crushed hard into his. The giant wolf rumbled with delight, kissing her forcibly back while they pinned their prey down. A tremor of raw lust shook his body to his molten core, that deep, gnawing ache in his belly returning in full force. "Soft indeed..." Alastor ran a paw along the girl's fur. He didn't even know her name, nor would he ever. She was a toy for him to use and to break. Toys didn't get names, nor did they get empathy or mercy. She would serve her purpose tonight, and then she would be no more. "Misery? Darling, she should be delighted to get to play with us! She's never going to have another worry for the rest of her life thanks to you!" Of course, Alastor had neglected to mention that her life would only last another hour or two, but what use were details to the simpering little bitch at his feet?

Obsidian eyes followed Manea's movements as she reclined back against the wall of the cave, looking positively comfortable as she spread her legs and pulled the fae's head between them. Alastor's heart stopped as sinful fire raced through him like an electric shock. Just as Manea loved seeing him in his element, so too did the demon brute adore watching Manea behave as she did, demanding the girl get to eating. The vicious smile on his face grew to a malicious grin as evil, lecherous intent flooded his mind. Manea had spent the past week denying him any sexual relief, and now she was indulging with this woman, no doubt to tease and arouse him further. Well, two can play at that game! Growling under his breath as a ringing filled his ears, Alastor positioned himself behind the whimpering fae, hooking a hip bone with one massive paw to hoist her rump into the air like she weighed nothing. He was going to make Manea watch as he ravaged his new toy, make her lust for the girl's position beneath him.

The fae begged, pleaded, all but screamed for mercy, claiming she wouldn't tell a soul they were here. Alastor frowned. She wouldn't tell anyone? But then where was the fun in that? "Oh, my dear, don't you understand? We want the world to know we're here. We're leaving a mark burned into this life, and you get to be the start of it all!" Laughing to himself, Alastor mounted the small woman, having to hoist her up til her hind legs were off the ground to find his mark. Razor sharp claws dug into her fleshy thighs so hard he felt her skin tear, his other paw reaching forward to grab the back of her head while he leaned down to growl directly into her remaining good ear. "Don't cry, dear. You should be smiling! You're about to be part of something incredible! Now, I do believe my wife gave you an order. So be a good girl and start licking." Placing his paw on the back of the fae's skull, Alastor shoved her head harder between Manea's thighs while his claws bit into her waist, holding her steady while he began.

After a week of being left frustrated and pent up, Alastor was far from gentle. He wanted to break this woman, to make her cry and beg and scream. The animal inside him was finally being set free, released from its cage and set off its chain. This girl would take the brunt of it, but he was also letting Manea get a glimpse of what waited in store for her. Empty black eyes shifted between the girl and his mate's aqua eyes, gazing at both women like he was moments from devouring them both. At some point during their mating, Alastor reached down to sink his teeth into the back of the girl's neck, tearing through flesh til he tasted blood, his head above hers and so close that all he could smell was Manea's heat, her perfume draining away any last bits of sanity the monster had in the back of his mind.

- fade because reasons -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-11-2021, 05:17 PM
Manea flashed her mate a grin with a dark chuckle as he reframed this girl's participation in their honeymoon as freeing her from any worry for the rest of her life. He just conveniently left out the portion where her life wouldn't last to the end of the night - if that long. Any worries that might possibly have floated around in her dumb little head would no longer be of any consequence soon enough. As she leaned back and demanded this little play thing that she held in vicious claws to begin eating her out, the pale girl revealed just how hopeless she was as she begged and pleaded, saying how she wouldn't tell anyone they were here if she could go. A snarl pulled at her lips as the girl denied what she wanted, but before she could do anything more to force her to do her bidding, her mate spoke up, summing things up perfectly for the smaller woman while he hooked a paw around her hips and pulled her into him. Her focus was pulled back to her mate, watching him mount this soft, useless wolf and taking what he wanted from her with a twisted glee in her heated gaze.

This is exactly what she wanted to see from her demented husband, this ruthlessness and power over the world around him as he tore through it and took what he wanted. This little fae just so happened to be the target for this aggression and lust she had built up in him over the last couple of weeks, but who it was pinned between them didn't really matter. This fae was little more than a warm body for them to use. A murderous grin pulled at her lips as she sank back even more against the gently gleaming stones of the cave's walls while Alastor shoved the girls head harder between her legs. Her feline like paw continued to grip the nameless girl's skull to direct her where she wanted her, but she barely paid any attention to her once the real show began. She watched every moment of her husband ravaging this girl, feeling a bit like they might be pulling her apart with how he was pulling her small, plump frame back into him just as she was yanking her head back to the position she wanted her to be in. The scent of blood on the air was delicious while she let Alastor have his fun, reveling in knowing that this demon belonged to her and only her and that soon enough she would get to replace this little toy under him and feel this vicious strength for herself.

- fade cause reasons and stuff -

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


07-16-2021, 07:53 AM

Screams and wails filled the cavern as every touch that the pair of giant wolves bestowed upon the girl brought pain. Alyce had never felt pain until the hunger pangs began, but they were nothing compared to this. At every turn either her claws or his claws were popping through her plump flesh. With each bite of pain, Alyce struggled. With each struggle, more pain was delivered. She just couldn't win.

Interspersed with her screaming was a barrage of repetitive begging. "Please, please, please! Stop! Just let me go!" And if you thought she was screaming before... the moment that the giant, black and red wolf slammed himself inside of Alyce's virgin body, the bellowing wail that exited her agape jaws threatened to burst her own ear drums. White hot pain tore through the girl and she felt as though she was being disemboweled. Her body went rigid as every muscle tensed and it didn't help the pain at all. If anything, it made it worse.

Throughout all of it, the pair were talking. Alyce didn't hear a word that they said. Shock was quickly taking over the little veal wolf's mind and body. She still didn't understand what was expected of her when her face was once again shoved against the woman's nether regions. Her mouth was open because of the constant screaming, but she didn't actively participate in the desired action. Alyce couldn't actively participate in anything. With the teeth of the man lodged in the back of her neck, she had little choice but to shove her nose and maw against the woman's body. The pale wolf was just a puppet.

--Probably should have faded up there? Down here? All fade?--



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-16-2021, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2021, 10:24 PM by Alastor. Edited 1 time in total.)

Alastor had reveled in the girl's screams, her tears, her pleas for mercy and freedom. Her body, previously untouched, had been ravaged beyond recovery as the giant brute held nothing back. Manea had kept him horny and frustrated for over a week, and now she was receiving the brunt of his lust and violence. The sensations of her body breaking beneath him had been orgasmic and the taste of her blood in his mouth was intoxicating like a rich merlot. But despite how badly he ached and wanted it, Alastor didn't finish. No, he wouldn't waste his seed on this pathetic being, unfit to even be thought of as a wolf. She had been used merely as a means of pleasure, to get himself aroused and ready for Manea. His mate would receive the unbridled affects of his lust and violence, and every potent drop within him would go to her, to quench her heat and relieve his frustrations and create their family. But by that point, this squirming marshmallow would long be dead.

Above her, the dire wolf grunted and snarled, panting hard, pink tongue hanging from an open grin of satisfaction. He noticed after some time that the girl, in all her struggling and screaming, wasn't giving in to Manea's demands, leaving her frustrated and unsatisfied. He grinned wider; good, now Manea could have a taste of her own medicine. Ah, but what would his wife do if their gift wasn't playing along? Would she simply break the little creature? Alastor gave an especially brutal thrust that slammed his hips hard to the pallid girl's, then held himself there while he grinned down at both the ladies, glancing to Manea with a curious look in his obsidian eyes, questioning what she would do about this little bitch that was so flagrantly disobeying her. He was far beyond words at this point, but the expression on his smiling face and gleam in his dark eyes said everything he needed to.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-16-2021, 11:38 PM
Manea patience wore thin as this girl that was innocent to the point of idiocy still refused to give her any kind of relief while Alastor ravaged her smaller frame, breaking her from the inside out and using her so throughly that even if they didn't murder her outright when they were done with her she would likely die from blood loss and shock. An irritated snarl pulled at her lips as she looked down at the squealing, screaming girl between her legs, a deep growl rolling in her chest. She had experienced plenty of lust and desire in her life and she had been eager for pleasure before, but this was on an entirely different level. The fire and deep, gnawing, instinctual need from her heat mixed with the pent up desires she had caused over the last week or more made her far beyond even what the word desperate could describe. Her mate took out his frustrations on this girl while hers only continued to build.

Alastor seemed to notice how their little toy wasn't playing along and with one heavy slam of his hips held still in her. She lifted her aqua gaze till it connected with the salacious obsidian gaze of her demon, the curiosity in those dark eyes making a grin creep across her lips. Without looking away from Alastor's gaze, her claws released the top of this insolent girl's head only to bring her paw around under her head to grip her jaw firmly in one large, feline paw. Bringing her gaze down once more, she lifted the girl's head till piercing aqua met sky blue. Her gaze darkened with the dark, murderous thoughts and possibilities that flickered through her mind, her grin growing wider with a vicious gleam of fangs.

Her paw shifted, deadly claws extending till they pressed against the skin of the plump girl's throat, just barely pricking and breaking skin and letting blood dribble down over her paw pads. After a few savoring moments, letting the girl get out her last pleading cries, she fully sunk her tiger-like claws deep into the girl's throat. A pleased growl left her as her claws easily sunk through her flesh and tore through her throat, slicing clean through to her trachea. The long slashes she left in her wake as she slowly drug her paw let blood spill freely onto her stomach, the struggling and choking of her prey sending a delightful shiver down her spine. She kept her claws hooked at the top of the girl's throat, letting her bleed out and choke on her own blood over her as she looked back up at Alastor with a furious hunger that demanded to he satisfied. "Finish having your fun," she warned with a seductive purr to her voice, "As soon as she's dead I'm taking her place."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


07-17-2021, 10:41 AM

Why was this happening? What had she done to deserve this? The whole time that Alyce was being ravaged it was a constant mental string of 'why me?' There was no explanation that she could come up with as to why this was happening to her. Pain was a constant now and she could feel her skin begin to itch as her own bloody drifted down between her white furs. It was almost funny that her mind chose to focus on the uncomfortable itching rather than the pain in her guts. Almost.

The rough slam against her body brought another blood curdling scream from the small woman. Her vision was getting shaky and her body was threatening to check out. Unconsciousness knocked at the door to her brain, but it seemed as though she wouldn't have a chance. The claws in her skull shifted to grab her throat instead and Alyce looked up at the very moment that those claw cut through her flesh and into her throat. Tears filled those oh-so-blue eyes and her mouth hung agape. Her body began to quiver uncontrollably and her limbs began to kick spasmodically. Alyce lost her balance, only held aloft by the... well... by the man behind her.

Blood seeped from the plump wolf's maw, though most of it trickled downward into her lungs, slowly drowning her. Those eyes stayed wide as she kicked and struggled, but her strength was quickly waning. Oxygen... she needed oxygen! With a shredded throat, breathing was impossible. She would never take another breath again. The kicking slowed, but Alyce's body still gave involuntary twitches. Just like everything else in life, she took her death for granted. Why me? She wasn't thankful that the pain was over. She wasn't happy to be delivered from the paws of the torturous beasts that she was stretched between. She didn't even realize that she was dead until after it had already happened. The whole time it was just, 'Why me?'



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-18-2021, 10:12 PM

Alastor hadn't known what Manea's plans were when he gazed into those maddened aqua eyes. He could see the pent up sexual frustration and anger in her gaze, but he had no clue what was going on behind the curtain of her mind. The girl wrapped around him gave another scream, and then Manea's paw had moved to her throat, quieting the girl while the two ladies made eye contact. Alastor saw the malicious grin on his mate's face, then he heard the wet gurgle come from the girl as Manea's claws silently cut through her throat. There was a fleshy ripping as Manea tore her claws up through the girl's throat and Alastor saw the waterfall of blood cascade down all over his wife while she held the girl's head up and watched her slowly die. Alastor grunted as the girl went limp and her body gave a few spasms and kicks, enjoying the feeling of her body going through its death throes around him. Each squirm or struggle she made just felt oh so unbelievably good! The pleasure made the brute's eyes roll back, and at Manea's seductuve command to finish his fun with her then fuck her, Alastor uttered a guttural grunt and returned to his work.

Despite the fact that the girl was slowly dying, Alastor continued to ravage her warm, limp body while her heart was still beating. He intended to fuck her to the very last second of her life, using her as a sleeve to get himself aroused for his wife. The demented brute savored every little spasmodic twitch her dying body made, his grunts and groans being the last sounds she would ever hear. Could she even still feel him inside her, or was she too far gone at this point? Alastor drooled and slobbered like a feral beast across the broken body that would soon become a violated corpse, shuddering with macabre ecstasy as his sense of smell was flooded with fresh blood and Manea's heat. He felt like a junkie overdosing on all of his favorite things and he was loving it!

It was only once the girl's body gave its final twitches and fell still did he cease raping her, withdrawing with a wet smack and letting her bloody, lifeless body flop unceremoniously to the ground. Oh, but Alastor wasn't done just yet. The animal still raged, craving more and more violence, even as his arousal pulsed and ached for the relief he'd been denied for weeks. Alastor hooked a paw around the girl's body and tossed it aside like a rag doll, his black eyes fixed on his mate still reclined against the cave wall while he approached her with a deadly growl under his throat. If she tried to say anything to him, he didn't hear it. Alastor instead shot a massive paw up and caught her by the throat, slamming her head back into the wall while he pinned her there by the neck. He slid her delicate windpipe between his toes, pressing down hard, not enough to crush her neck but definitely preventing her from breathing. Heaving hot breaths, Alastor watched Manea choke for a few long moments before he claimed her mouth in an incensed kiss, shoving his tongue as far into her maw as he could once she started gasping for breath. Rumbling growls of satisfaction echoed in his chest while he tasted her, still keeping her from breathing while he made out with his beloved galaxy.

Only once he noticed Manea's squirming body begin to go limp and her eyes roll back as her brain shut down did the dire brute relent. He released Manea's throat from between his grasp, only giving her a second to swallow a breath of air before he dug his claws into her hips and spun her body, planting a forepaw between her shoulder blades and pushing her body firmly to the cave wall. Alastor snarled with sinful demand, wanting nothing more than to unleash all of his pent up sexual frustrations and violent unhinged lust on her, to make her feel every painful and pleasurable moment as he took his relief from her and gave her what her body demanded. Up close, her heat scent was even more intoxicating, creating the rush of testosterone that muddied his brain and drove his baser instincts farther.

Lifting himself up to smother her body with his against the cave wall, Alastor bit down hard into the curve of Manea's neck where her shoulder started until he tasted her blood. His pupils dilated, his voice a lethal snarl while he caught her tail with a paw and held it out of the way while he slammed his hips hard into hers, claiming her body as his for now and forever while he slid into her and they melded into one. That first surge of pleasure felt like a hit of ecstasy, and while the brute groaned and growled in euphoria, he ravaged Manea the same way he had done to the unnamed girl, tearing at her body with teeth and claws while he pinned her to the wall and satisfied his needs and quelled her heat. Each slap of flesh on flesh shoved her harder against the cave wall, keeping her pinned against him until he was fully satisfied. The cave reeked of sex and blood, and heavy grunts, moans, snarls, and cries echoed around its empty tunnels. Outside, high in the night sky, a bright red blood moon hung over the world as howls of ecstasy were sung from the mating wolves intent on creating new life and bringing their family to existence.

- glorious, bloody fade for those with delicate sensibilities -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-18-2021, 11:03 PM
She had gone into their honeymoon night with ideas, plans, and hopes for how it would go and even though not all of her plans had worked out there was still so much that played into every malicious, bloody, salacious thought she could have imagined. As she laid there leaned back into the cave wall with her claws hooked into the throat of a nameless shell of a girl while her husband ravaged her body and her blood drained out across her stomach, Manea basked in all of it, watching her soul mate in his most vicious form. She had never wanted this man more than she did right now and that was certainly saying something for the sexual beings that they were. It didn't take long before their victim's heart finally stopped beating and Alastor pulled himself free, flinging their toy to the side, used and broken and no longer needed for their purposes. She didn't even spare the corpse a glance as she was pulled out from between them, her aqua gaze instead fixed on the animalistic obsidian gaze of her mate.

His growl sent a heady shiver through the lust drunk woman, his paw catching her neck making her gasp until the faint sound was cut off as he threw her head into the rock wall and pressed down onto her throat until he completely choking her. Her large paw rested on his foreleg, but she didn't try to fight or resist him. Instead her eyes fluttered and rolled back, her hips squirming with desperate need as she was dominated by her mate and held there while she reaped what she had sown with keeping him pent up for so long. Everything she had built up in him was being released onto her all in one fell swoop and it was everything she had hoped for. His mouth claimed his and her tongue tasted his, giving into him and all of his violent desires. Slowly her pounding heart made the sound of blood rushing through her ears drown out anything else while her mind grew fuzzy and her lungs ached for air that was being kept from her. Her squirming and twitching slowed and things started to grow distant as she very nearly slipped into unconsciousness. At the last second before she was lost to the darkness his paw lifted away from her throat and she was able to pull in a gasp of air as she laid limp against the wall, panting and giving her body the oxygen it craved.

She was his. Completely his to use and have as he pleased. There were many, many times when she had been the dominant feature in their mating, but not tonight. This night was all for her demon to unleash everything that he was and let out that beast that simmered under the surface, imbuing all of this power and strength into their children to be. She gasped again as he turned and positioned her how he wanted, slamming her chest into the rock wall as he pulled her up against him. The cold of the stone wall contrasted against the hot warmth of Alastor as he completely surrounded her and filled her, joining them together in the most wild and ruthless mating she had ever experienced. Her teeth gritted together and her head tipped back with a low groan as his jaws found the curve where her neck and shoulder met, tearing into her skin and filling his mouth with her blood. Her claws scratched and clawed at the rock she was being pushed into, making no effort to hide the cries that filled the cavern around them, only barely noticing how the glinting, sparkling stones shifted into a darker, red hue from the moonlight as the moon was shifted into a blood moon, an ominous omen for the terror they were creating. They would bring the strongest souls the Ancients had to offer from their union, birthing the start of their family in the only way that truly felt fitting for this pair of ruthless, blood thirsty wolves.

-- fade for the making of babies --

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-23-2021, 01:25 AM

Alastor knew he wouldn't be content releasing himself upon Manea just once. The pent up dire brute took his mate, and he took her hard and violent, borderline violating her up against the cave wall as they baptized their new marriage in blood and sex. While he ravaged her and unleashed everything she'd built up in him, Alastor listened with maddened glee to the sounds his mate made, listening to her cry and sing and moan and scream for him. So distracted was he with their passion and pleasure that he hadn't noticed the blood moon shifting the colors of the crystals in the cave walls, and as the blood moon reached its peak, so too did he, howling as he filled his love with every intention of filling her belly with his puppies. He had slumped against her, pinning her body to the wall while he panted and tried to catch his breath. Once he had, the giant of a wolf had pulled Manea down to the ground with him, pinned her body beneath his, and taken her again—and then again, and again.

When Alastor did finally collapse to the bedding they'd spread out across the cave floor, the Mendacium man felt completely and utterly spent. His pink tongue hung from his open black muzzle as he panted hard, heart pounding in his chest almost painfully hard. He was covered in a small assortment of scratches and bites from where Manea had managed to get her teeth and claws into him during their wild mating, but it was nothing compared to the blood he'd drawn from her. Alastor scooped up Manea in his arms, holding his mate's limp, exhausted body across his chest while he set to work licking and cleaning each and every wound he'd left on her. With all of his animalistic desires and lusts slaked for the time being, Alastor was once more in control of himself and could tend to Manea the way her husband should.

"That's what you get for keeping me pent up for so long," he commented without a hint of remorse in his voice, a sly grin sitting pretty on his lips. He continued to lick over her wounds to keep them clean and stem the flowing blood from the fresher or deeper ones. They'd definitely need to patch themselves up once they could move again, but by the Ancients, had it been amazing! "I think it's safe to say you're probably pretty pregnant by now, hmm?" That grin on his face grew a little wider while he squeezed Manea in his arms. "Although I think we should keep trying, you know, just to be completely sure!" Chuckling to himself, the dark-furred brute began to cover her forehead in tender little kisses while his paws roamed over her body, keeping her held to him at all times. Manea was his, all his, as if the plethora of bites and scratches and his scent all over her in all of her crevices didn't claim her enough.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
