
what if the storm ends



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-23-2021, 07:30 AM
Sleep eventually took him, despite everything and his mind refusing the rest he slept for a long time. Recovering physically was easy, recovering metally would take time and he didn’t feel like his heart would ever recover. When daybreak came after everything Indigo did not feel new and refreshed. He was alone as he blinked open his eyes. Emersyn was likely picking up his slack, patrolling and keeping an eye while he did not. Could not. He grit his teeth as the pain washed over him and he was greeted with the memory of Aslatiel’s words and confession. Of the vision of her cutting him down, tearing out his heart, and spitting on his remains.

He buried his head back into his paws, wanting to return to sleep so he could ignore the terrors that welcomed him to wakefulness. Indigo felt lost, unable to function, like his world was ending. Indigo groaned into his arm as he fought against the storm inside of him.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-23-2021, 12:39 PM

Segin didn't really know the scope of what had happened, didn't really understand what was going on around him. He could feel the tension, see the heart ache, but he didn't feel like it was his place to question it. He tried to do what he could to keep everyone's spirits up, but there was something about seeing Indigo hurting that broke something in him. Maybe it was because he had found himself with Indigo's help or maybe it was just because of how much he cared for the larger man, but either way it hurt so much to see Indigo in this state. He tried to give him some space, but after he was done with his usual scouting in the morning and he came back to the den to find Indigo still there hiding away from the world he couldn't keep himself from walking over to where he was laying.

He settled in beside Indigo, wiggling his way under the violet man's arm, crawling into his embrace and pressing himself to the larger man's chest. He didn't have a lot of skills in this world. He was an okay healer and he was a decent navigator, but love and comfort were some of the only things he really had to offer. He reached his forelegs around Indigo's neck as he made it impossible for Indigo to ignore him, silently pressing into him and hugging him tight. He didn't need to know what had happened to know that he was in pain and he could just be a silent comfort to lean on if that's what he needed, but he could also be an open ear if that's what would help. Either way he was here for him the same way that Indigo had been there for him when they crossed paths in that cave.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-24-2021, 04:16 PM
Too much time had passed since Aslatiel had been a part of his daily life, but she was always there in spirit. He knew that she was somewhere, counting down the days until they saw each other again just like he was. That loss maybe hurt the most of all. He wouldn’t see her again, he wasn’t a part of her life, and he hurt so much for it. Indigo was broken from the inside out and he showed it. He took longer than everyone else to get up to chores and scouting. He knew they would be better off moving on sooner rather than later, but he couldn’t make himself give the word. He couldn’t leave yet, what if she had changed her mind? What if it was all a mistake and she was going to come back?

He had long cried himself out, otherwise the emotions might have been flooding over his eyes as he replayed her words again and again. For a moment, he thought that Duchess had returned and he was about to roll over when Segin’s sweet scent filled his nose and the man’s warm presence soothed him. Unlike how stiff he had been with Duchess, Segin coaxed a desperate embrace from him. Indigo held on tightly to him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and his toes into his fur.

”Segin,” he sobbed softly into mottled fur as he lost control again, the pain washing over him like the first moment. He could hardly stand it, his chest ached to the point he had trouble breathing. He didn’t know how he could go on like this.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-24-2021, 04:41 PM

Segin felt Indigo wrap him up in his strong embrace and hold him tight while his face pressed into his fur, those huge shoulders shaking as he sobbed. Segin's already broken heart shattered for him and he held on tighter around his neck as best as he could reach around his mane, cradling his head and just letting him cry as he reached to put gentle kisses and nuzzles all over his cheeks, ears, the top of his head, into his neck, anywhere he could possibly reach. "Oh, Indigo..." he said softly, sadly, doing all he could to hide Indigo away even though he was a fraction of his size. He understood how hard it was to lose someone that he loved, he had felt that pain and even if Aslatiel wasn't completely gone being gone from his life was bad enough.

Eventually he caught Indigo's cheeks between tender paws, lifting his head until Segin could place more loving kisses across his forehead, between his eyes, along his muzzle. All he knew how to do was love and comfort and he poured all of that out for Indigo, giving him everything that he had. Indigo had helped him so much when he needed it most and now it was his turn to attempt to return the favor. "I wish I could take all this pain from you," he whispered against Indigo's skin, holding his head between dark paws, silver eyes finding sapphires in the shadowy darkness of the den. "I want to take it all away and make everything better. We need you. I need you."

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-25-2021, 04:00 PM
Indigo hurt, everything just hurt so bad. He didn’t know what to do, the future seemed so bleak. He had a future, he knew he did. He’d built up a family around him and Duchess… He hated that she went against him but when he felt like everything was lost he was able to imagine the tiny puppies they were going to welcome into the world. His love for them was overshadowed by the grief that overwhelmed him. Segin was here though, if anyone could help him, to keep him afloat, it was Segin. His liferaft. He clung to him like his life depended on keeping Segin close. Understanding could be heard in the mottled man’s words, he knew what Indigo was fighting back because he had suffered through it too. Segin was a different wolf to the near dead man he’d found in the storm. Now Segin was returning the favor, reminding Indigo there was sunshine after the storm.

He lifted his features as Segin cupped his cheeks, and he savored the sweet affection as the man chased his troubles away. He poured his love onto Indigo, withholding nothing as he tried to revive the broken man. Indigo tried not to think, tried not to allow his mind any room but Segin, who was so sweet and so loving. The scent of him, the uninhibited affection he gave him, and his soft words. Were he able to, Segin would take all of his pain. Sapphire met silver eyes as his attention was brought to kind, understanding features. Segin was gentle with him, reminding him softly just how much he was needed. By the band and by Segin personally.

”I need you.” He confessed sorrowfully in return, those words were never truer as he struggled with his very existence. If he didn’t have Segin, if he didn’t have Gypsy, or Emersyn, what would he be doing right now? This would have been the beginning of the end. Aslatiel hated him, how did he live with that? ”How did you go on? How do I do it?” He whispered softly, tears beginning to stream down his eyes once more. He felt broken and lost and his only refuge was the sweet man in his arms.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-26-2021, 01:23 AM

Segin smiled sadly as Indigo said that he needed him as well. All Segin ever really wanted was to be wanted and needed, but in this instance he almost wished that he wasn't needed. Not because he didn't want to be here for Indigo, but because he wished Indigo never had to experience this pain to begin with. His claws moved gently through the damp fur on his cheeks, leaving more delicate, tender kisses across the top of his muzzle and across those tear stained cheeks, pulling as much of that pain away from Indigo's heart as he possibly could. This sweet, gentle giant that had saved them all, had given them all a home and a family, deserved nothing less.

The questions he was asked weren't easy ones to answer. He didn't want Indigo to go down the destructive path he had let himself go down after the death of his beloved brother. "I didn't go on," he answered honestly after a moment, pausing occasionally to kiss away the tears that fell from those perfect sapphire eyes. "I let myself waste away and found attention in all the wrong places just to be able to feel anything that wasn't pain... There was no going on for me. I was alive, but I wasn't living. That old me died back then and when I found you... That's when I was reborn as someone new."

He smiled softly again, bringing his muzzle to Indigo's and leaving a loving kiss on those dark lips that he had enjoyed so many times over. "You... You're stronger than I was. I didn't have wolves that loved me like you do. I know this hurts. I know how unbearable it seems and even after it stops hurting every minute of the day sometimes it'll still come back whenever you're reminded of it, but it'll pass again. It always does." Somewhere as he was speaking tears began to collect in his own silver gaze, but he quickly tried to blink them away, though he wasn't fully successful. "I'm so sorry, Indigo... I'm sorry you have to feel this."

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-30-2021, 01:12 PM
Indigo needed Segin more than he could have ever predicted or guessed at. He couldn’t imagine Aslatiel walking away from him like that and the massive wound she left disabled him. He felt like he had disintegrated and the only reason he was still here was the band that tore he and Aslatiel apart. He was conflicted when it came to Duchess, but Segin was here in his arms. Holding him tightly and reminding him of the love he would forever freely give. Indigo wasn’t alone and he knew Segin and Gypsy would always stay by his side. The mottled man offered him sweet affections and supportive kisses all along his muzzle. He brushed away the tears before he answered Indigo’s question. He kissed away the tears and tried desperately to pull away his pain.

Segin told him what he already knew, what he saw that first night together in the broken man who found his arms. Indigo very much felt the roles were reversed. He felt the heavy pain and terrible sadness that refused to leave him, but Segin was warm and comforting, a sweet ray of sunshine in the devastating storm. Indigo leaned into his kiss, grateful to have the soft affection from sugar lips. Segin lifted him up, the pain was still there, his chest ached and his breathing came labored. He had Segin though, he had all the love the man could give him, unconditionally, and that was a freeing feeling.

”Thank you, Segin.” He wanted to tell him every little kindness he was thankful for, but his voice was hoarse and raw. Indigo held him tighter to his chest, unwilling to let him go. He couldn’t heal his wounds but he offered to be a balm for the pain. He knew wallowing here would help no one, and there was still a job to do. He didn’t have time to feel sorry for himself, but it hurt so bad to keep going. There was no choice. ”I’m.. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.” His ray of sunshine and good will.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.