
What A Waste!



7 Years
07-17-2013, 01:23 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Beauty surrounded her, but the lovely she-wolf could hardly see it. Her thoughts were clouded from the world she lived in and prevented any of it from registering, though on any other day she might have enjoyed the view. It was lovely; rolling hills of green grasses that were sporting strong new growths thanks to spring, scattered over with different colored blooms from the flowers that had taken root here and thrived in this sort of temperate climate. She may even have tried to pluck one from its stem and attempted to set it somewhere upon her head so that it peeked out from behind one ear, delicate and pretty enough to compliment her strong beauty.

Sour thoughts, however, were spoiling it all. She lay somewhere in the midst of all the flowers, letting the grasses and their tall stems hide her shapely frame from view. Her hind legs and tail stretched outward away from her with her forepaws curled close, neck stretched out along the ground so that her cheek could rest against the earth without effort. The she-wolf's lips were curved downward at their edges while her eyes stared around half lidded, seemingly unimpressed with everything and nothing all at once.

Five years. Soon, in barely half a year's time, she would be five years of age, staring at the crest of the hill that marked the halfway point of her life. And what did she have to show for those five years? Nothing, that's what! She had had so many dreams, so many possibilities, about her future that she had looked forward to, and hoped to see come to fruition, and yet not a one had come close. She was nothing more than a mere member in a pack, a childless widow, tarnished goods that, even though she kept her past a secret, were still left on the wayside. It was sad. It was pathetic.

It was disappointing.

A huff left her nose as she rolled her head a little to one side upon the ground, her golden eyes scanning upward at the tops of the grasses that stretched around her. There, nestled in their midst, stood a pretty yellow thing, not quite a daisy but just as bright and chipper. Its delicate petals stretched wide around its middle, inviting sunlight and warmth, oblivious to the fact its chipper quality might be offending the wolf in its presence. Tahlia did not want chipper right now; now was more suited for shadows and brooding - which only made her current location, out in the middle of a meadow in daylight, quite odd but she was more than willing to overlook this fact. Ears splaying back momentarily, the moody wolf lifted her head enough to reach upward with a paw and swipe downward upon the flower's stem, bending it in half and firmly pinning it to the ground beneath her paw. There. Offensive little thing gone. And yet she hardly felt satisfied.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


07-18-2013, 11:53 PM


If there was one thing Amenti would know Tyberius for (other than being a liar and a sneak), it would be that he never stuck around the pack lands for long. He couldn't even stick to the Northern region of Alacritis, let alone the Red Forest. It was just an annoying part of dealing with Tyberius. He came and went as he pleased, feeling himself indispensable to the pack. Medusa would not drop him - so far, he was the only spy the pack had - and for now, she'd have to deal with his disappearing.

He'd wandered even farther from 'home' this time, ending up in the South. The weather here was much different, almost perfect if a wolf liked nice weather. Tyberius wasn't one of those wolves, preferring snow over flowers, but he could deal for now. There was a rather good chance that he would run into his brother in such a lovely place but he gave his sibling no thought at all. It was as if the dark-furred, scarred male had been erased from his mind.

The present was more on his mind than anything else as he limped through the plains. A huff of breath from somewhere on his left surprised him into stopping, and after a few minutes, he decided to investigate. Tyberius would have moved right past the she-wolf if she hadn't crushed something underfoot. From what he could see, there was no prey there. He'd have to assume it was an insect or a flower for now, until he knew better.

Being his usual gentleman-like self, he asked, "What are you doing here?" It was bold and nowhere out of the ordinary for him, although she might be a little taken aback by such a rude greeting. She was probably well-entitled to be where she was but that didn't matter to Tyberius. He was bored and she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

TAG: tahlia! WORDS: 324 NOTES: none.



7 Years
07-21-2013, 05:36 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ears perked upon her head as the moody russet and black she-wolf lifted her head from the ground to glance out through the grasses, spying through the tall blades the stranger who had addressed her. She had been quite enjoying her solitude, able to delve into all those thoughts that she typically had to keep pinned down because of duty and responsibility and privacy. Here, she had been free to express them clearly upon her face, not mindful of holding up the ever present mask of propriety that was expected of someone with her upbringing and status.

And to have that all spoiled was rather irritating. Her brow furrowed gently as she stared at him, unimpressed with his bland tone and careless address. As far as strangers went, his lack of etiquette ranked him somewhere below where she considered herself and therefore not entitled the same customary good attitude that she typically exuded. "I hardly think that is any concern of yours," she answered curtly, golden eyes skimming across his frame in a moment of inspection. Nearing her own height, lacking the muscle of a warrior, his stance somewhat off compared to what she would have expected: this was no dire threat to be worried about.

Her inspection complete, Tahlia drew herself smoothly to her paws, staring evenly and pointedly at the strange male, noticing only when she had gained her complete height and therefore a better view of him that he seemed to be missing something. Oh. For a second she stared, realizing her rudeness a moment too late. Blinking, she shifted her attention to meet his green eyes and tried again to address him. "I could easily ask the same of you."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


07-21-2013, 11:06 PM


The female had snapped back and it delighted him. His rudeness had gotten under her skin already, but it could simply have been something else she was thinking of, since her demeanor changed suddenly. Or maybe it was because he was missing a leg. Either way, he was going to try to get her back to that angry side. Seeing others spill emotions was more thrilling to him than anything else.

"Ooh, testy today, are we?" he said, his face twisting into a smile. "I hardly think that's any way to talk to a stranger, therefore, I won't be answering your question. Why are you so far from home, old woman? Shouldn't you have an escort?" A chuckle resounded within him as he watched her for a reaction. The female wasn't much older than he was but he was going to milk it for all it was worth, like he had with that other female in the North. He wanted to see what made her tick and age was the first thing he went for. Tyberius looked her over, seeing if there was anything he could readily use against her. It didn't seem like there was anything in particular, no scars, no blind eyes. He sighed. He'd have to be a bit more creative this time.

"Maybe you're too repulsive for anyone to want to accompany you. I'd run too if I had to go somewhere with you," he said in a sing-song manner, his tail wagging.

It didn't matter that she was well-built. He wasn't interested at all in her, nor in the fact that she could easily take him down. Tyberius was the fly on her hide, buzzing annoyingly. He waited, wondering what she would do and say next.

TAG: tahlia! WORDS: 291 NOTES: i hope she gets mad and beats him up. xD



7 Years
07-23-2013, 01:48 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The smile was enough alone to set the typically cordial wolf's temper flaring. Oh, how she wished to swipe it from his face with one deft claw. He hardly deserved to look at her so, with such condescension and wrongful humor. But she could tell by the words that he spoke, by his tone and his manner, that he was not here to make friends. He was here to goad another into losing their temper, into falling prey to his desires of seeing them writhe and squirm with hatred and rage. And sadly, she wished to. Tahlia was a proper lady, yes, but her pride was not something that could be bruised without repentance and apology. On top of the fact this wolf hardly seemed any larger than she did, and lacked a necessary appendage for proper balance, she found herself feeling more and more inclined to rush forward and at the very least shove him onto his rump or give him a smarting nip for his insolence.

But if he tried to strike back - If he should bite me - there was the strong possibility of a scar. With such a high consideration of herself and especially her looks, Tahlia was not inclined to add any marring features to her appearance if it could be helped. Which, ultimately, cut out the option of attack as a viable choice. She would need to think of something else, something less damaging if possible.

Of course, she hadn't counted on him picking that single trait and source of pride to crack his jokes. The semblance of contempt about her face fell away in a rush of breath from her lungs, her jaw slackening with the surprise of it. Had she heard right? Old woman?! That was uncalled for on so many levels! Tahlia was not old in the least; perhaps a little middle aged or nearing there but definitely not old. And she certainly didn't look it! She still sported a strong, supple frame made of sinewy muscle without an ounce of grey fur to her name. And who did he think he was to critcize her appearance? He was missing a leg! If she wanted to, she could have bowled him over without even that much effort.

"You would be blessed beyond measure to be seen anywhere with me, you insolent tripod," she growled, dark hackles rising with warning. Well. There went her efforts trying to keep a level head. She only wished she was more inclined to back up the threat she very much wished to make, to defend her own honor without worry of marring the single thing she still had going for her: her looks. "You have no room to talk."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


07-23-2013, 02:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2013, 02:40 PM by Vladimir.)
OOC:slightly mature language

Wander did he do as the brute neared the scent of two other wolves. Dark gray ears perked up as he heard a conversation going about. Oh what fun would it be to bud in and include himself. It had been quite a while since Vladimir had ran into any other wolf. Obviously he wasn't the sort of company that was appreciated due to his smart ass mouth. Yet Vlad tried to teach himself manners. But to no avail he had no one to teach him. His parents were somewhere off....he still didn't know. And the longer he was gone from his family the older he aged. Vladimir had reached three years, and he felt as if he was in his prime. Sky blue eyes averted to his right as the conversation sounded more like bickering! Only what fun this would be indeed! Yet as he drew near there was a masculine voice and a femenine voice. The masculine voice said to the dame vile words of how she should have an escort and called her an old woman. The dame echoed his words in what sounded like surprise. She then said in reply to the brute that he would be considered to be blessed to be seen with her. Anger ared in Vladimir's gut. Who was this man to be calling women old?!?! Where was his respect?!?!? Now Vlad knew he was a smart ass and had a smart mout himself but never would be dare mock a woman!

Leaping out of the foliage did the handsome brute let out an annoyed growl at the man.

"And I thought I was the one with the smart ass mouth! Look at you sir! Calling a woman old! Can't you see the dame is in her prime? You should be ashamed for your rudeness towards the lady. Where is your respect?!?! And to me, a rather handsome man myself, she looks beautiful. And all the women in this land. Who are you to judge?" he said as he crept closer to the male. He took step by step slowly as his eyes narrowed.

Vladimir's tail swayed behind him as he walked or advanced. He did not care what this male had to say in return, no words would he care about.

"And I mysel would gladly accompany this dame! You are wrong sir!!! Didn't your mother ever teach you anything?!?! I bet she wouldn't like what words are coming out of your mouth towards this lady. If she doesn't care then what a whore of a mother you must have. Now....if you're even a gentleman at all you would apologize to this fair femme! And if not....then scramble back to the hole you came from! he spat.

Vlad stood a foot few feet before the man. His fur on end as a low growl emiitted from his throat. The rumble kept a good tone as he waited for a reply. And if the brute would even make a move towards him the male would regret it. This is what annoyed Vlad, who was he to be talking as he was to the dame? It was very uncalled for and again no way to treat a female. At least this time Vladimir took his smart ass mouth to good use. Maybe he was getting better....he hoped so.

So stand there did he do....waiting for a reply or a retort. A sneer would come across his handsome face as he stood there. The brute felt confident and could care less about what the brute before him had to say about him if he did.

OOC:hope you guys don't mind me budding in :3/ ignore phone errors.


07-26-2013, 11:08 PM
mature language.


Tyberius watched her reaction with glee. He'd hit the mark, all right. She was fuming and it was worth telling her these horrible things to see her blood pressure rise. Yes, he was horrible. Yes, he enjoyed it.

He was certain that she would respond and was rather pleased when she did. It looked to him as if she'd tried to keep herself contained but could not. Pity she couldn't keep her trap shut. I might have left her alone. Most wolves couldn't handle when someone pointed out their flaws. A few moments passed, then he was sure that she would not attack him. She obviously wanted to but something was holding her back.

All the better then.

Her words would have stung a little if he would have allowed himself to think of how he'd lost that leg. He'd lost more than just his leg but that didn't matter now. If she knew that she'd gotten to him, she wouldn't stop. Tyberius knew that better than anyone. His mother's memory was slipping away more and more every day so it might not have mattered much to him at all. "'Insolent tripod'. Pretty good for a spur-of-the-moment retort, hag." He'd meant to continue on but another wolf bounded onto the scene, completely ruining his fun.

The male wolf went on and on about the she-wolf's beauty, then went on to tell him that he'd best apologize. Tyberius yawned, his eyes closing for the briefest of moments, then opening again to observe the wolf. When the male's words trailed off into growling, the cripple spoke. "Whoa there, hero. Come back later if you want to get laid - I got here first. Besides, my whore mother's face was torn off years ago. Nothing but the worms bother her anymore." He rolled his eyes, then turned his gaze back to the female.

TAG: tahlia/vladimir! WORDS: 310 NOTES: none.



7 Years
07-27-2013, 01:29 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She continued to growl and stand her ground against the three-legged wolf who had deemed himself the bringer of offense and anger with his actions and words, still seething and stinging from the slights he had given her. Old woman. Pah! Not even close. But even her carefully chosen retort seemed to have little effect on him. That smug smile was ever present, resolute in its position and unrelenting even against her own barbs. Drat him. Couldn't he show the slightest bit of offense for her own words so that she could at least take comfort from that, from knowing that her would-be attacker still had his own soft spots to be picked at like the rest of them?

No suck luck. Rather than grow defensive or let his humorous facade crack, he made light of her insult, and even furthered his own by calling her a hag. Her anger bubbled up within her again, her lips beginning to curl back from her teeth as her anger became even more noticeable, the rumbling growl in the back of her throat punctuating itself loudly as her legs tensed themselves, for all appearances looking ready to leap though she knew better than to. She couldn't risk injury over this. Not even a single scar would have been acceptable, as much as she wanted to put him in his place.

Help came out of nowhere, or so she presumed it was help. Very briefly her growling, irritated attention shifted toward the grey and white male, assuming at first that he might have been an accomplice to the first, but she couldn't have been more wrong. The wolf was not a familiar one to her, nor did his scent hold even the slightest familiarity, but it was obvious from his speech that he was meant to be a rescuer. It was also obvious that his manners were somewhat skewed. She could tell that he meant to be a defender of her honor, but she was hardly impressed with his way of going about it. Words were obviously not the way to get to the self-important irritation who walked on three legs. He needed a good knocking over, a reminder that he was in no position to criticize anyone else so long as he lived.

She did not let her guard down even as this other attempted to stand in for her against Tyberius. Her hackles continued to stand up though her growl did subside, listening with a look of disdain upon her face as the defending grey male finished his long winded attempt at getting the other to back off. As expected, it did next to nothing except deter the three-legged wolf's attention from her briefly. Again he acted as if the insults directed toward him had made no impact, brushing them off so casually that Tahlia had to wonder if there was any sense of pride to him at all. Could he possibly be just a sniveling excuse for a life who's sole purpose was to cause distress and upset in others? "The same could be arranged for you shortly if you wish to keep this up," she growled, another threat that she hoped he might take into consideration. Of course, she still didn't particularly want to jump in and do the dirty work herself, but with another here to possibly be her muscle why not make use of him if only in words?

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


07-27-2013, 02:54 PM
Vlad stood before the Exscuse of a wolf as he let out a snarl. This man before him really was a then in a way he was like Vlad. But Vladimir would never tease a woman like that. He wouldn't even say those words! Such disrespect, it made him want to hit the brute. The male spat towards the male before him. Sky blue eyes settled on the wolf as he listened to his retort. A smile crept across his lips as he listened, it was rather amusing. But them he caught something, something about his mother. Maybe he could use it somehow...

"Ohoho I believe not. I'm not that sort of brute. But I do wonder why you're so...troubled. You poor thing look at that leg." he said in a sarcastic voice.

Dark gray ears turned back towards the dame as she yelled putnanretort as well.

"Your mother, hm. Is that why you're leg is gone? Did she get her face ripped off as you got your leg ripped off? Was there a fight? A war? Did you get attacked? There's something inside you that you're keeping in. It's making you...sour."

Stepping closer yet not too close Vlad stuck out his tail and lowered his head to cover his neck from an attack.

And if not, then lets see if you fight with tooth and claw as good as you do with your words!" he said with his ears pinned against his head.

Vladimir began to growl once more as a deep rumble emitted from his throat. Sharp white canines showed as he bared his teeth in a snarl. Fur was still on end as he swayed his tail back and forth. Vlad started to circle around the man as he remained in the defensive position.

"Either apologize, leave, open up, or come and get it!" he snarled.

Vladimir was a good brute and was still a bit reckless. Sure this probably wasn necessary but then....maybe it was a teensy tiny bit. After all, he was tired of wolves like this man before him. They always had something mean to say. What was their problem anyway? Vladimir wondered what he would do after this. Maybe he would continue on his wandering ad go find somewhere to relax. Maybe a beach, maybe somwhere to snooze. But after, after this. If the brute decided to attack Vlad knew he would get a few scratches....yet so would the brute. If he got hurt so what, just sleep for a few days then bingo up and at em. But this male had to be out in his place. He was way out of line!

Still circling around the man Vlad would continue to do so. He let our snarls and growls as he bared his teeth. Sky blue eyes never left the man before him...and they never will until a reply reaches his ears. If he knew what was best for everyone this male would run. And if he was too stubborn things would have to go the hard way, so be it.

OOC:ignore phone post errors


07-28-2013, 06:44 PM

mature language.

The female no longer held much interest in his eyes. She was angry but she had reached her limit - there was no danger of her attacking him. If she was going to do that, she would have done it already. Tyberius was sure that the only further reactions he was going to get out of her were shock, outrage, and growling. Frankly, he was getting bored of that.

The male, however, drew his attention. Clearly he has some sort of hero complex, Tyberius thought, his eyes now turned toward the gray male. The male commented on his lost limb but that no longer held any power over him. Tyberius had been living with three legs for years now and was used to its ill effects. The male tried to pry, openly questioning how he'd lost the leg and hoping to connect it to Claudia's passing. The brute would never know how right he was. Tyberius had been prepared for this, however, and merely shook his head. "Born this way, baby." His tone betrayed a bit of the anger that was building up inside, but he hoped that the sarcasm would cover most of it. He knew that he was in no condition to spar again so soon. The side of his face was still sore from the beating the cream-colored female had given him and he wasn't keen for that to occur again. This time, it wouldn't be a spar. He'd be lucky if he got away with the rest of his limbs still connected.

Sour? Tyberius wasn't certain that his injury had made him this way. It was more likely something in his brain that had gone wrong, fizzled out, making him a reckless asshole. The male began circling him with teeth bared, snarls escaping him.

Apparently, the hero wasn't going to let this go.

"Well, I don't take orders. I think you'll survive another day without an apology," he began, turning his gaze to the female. Returning his gaze to the male, he continued. "I don't intend on leaving, so that's out. I'm not sure what you mean by 'open up', it sounds sexual. You're not that good-looking, buddy. And... I'm not coming to 'get it', so you're out of options. Guess it's time for you to pack up and leave. Do not pass Go, do not collect one-hundred dollars. You lose. Thanks for playing." He flicked his tail irritably, his ears turned backward. He'd only wanted to play his game, and now look what had happened.

It was likely that the male would leap on him and tear him down. Tyberius was getting used to the fact that he was nothing more than a punching bag for larger wolves. He was of medium frame but he was almost ten pounds underweight. Coupled with his missing limb, he was an easy victim. The conjured-up story made him smirk. He wasn't weak, nor was he a victim. He played his games and won them, if there wasn't some other wolf to come along and mess everything up.

TAG: tahlia, vladimir! . WORDS: 509 . NOTES: none.



7 Years
08-03-2013, 01:55 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Still bristling with rage, Tahlia listened to the banter as it occurred, none too impressed with either side. The threats were quickly giving way to barbed jibes meant to sting and anger, and the whole of the situation began to feel completely useless. The quiet she had had here in which to think was absolutely gone. And now that these two knew her whereabouts and the location she had sought she thought it unlikely to be able to return here even after a short period to reclaim the plain as solely her own again. Worse yet, a part of her loathed the thought of the troublesome wolf getting the oh-so-wonderful idea of trailing her scent since it was plentiful here. Even if she attempted to leave, she would likely not get far. Though maybe just far enough. He does only have three legs. It was tricky either way she looked at it, but one thing was certain: her patience for the whole situation was beginning to run thin.

"He is hardly worth the bother. A simple nudge and he would be knocked over," she stated none too kindly to the grey wolf that had arrived in her defense, her dark golden eyes fixed on her three-legged harasser. Only partly were her words chosen in spite, hoping they somehow might dig a little deeper than the open jabs that Vladimir had made. But it was mostly just a fact; Tyberius did not have the same sort of balance that both she and Vlad had. He may have learned to live with it growing up, could fend for himself on most occasions, but in her eyes he would always be weaker and easily unbalanced.

Which made what Vladimir proposed all the more ridiculous. Why bother at all when it was not truly worth it? Her own slight had lessened its sting as the other two addressed one another, her hurt pride ebbing slowly away. It was still present as a part of her that wished to see his tail bitten and a yelp created because of his insolence, but the way they were going about it was simply getting tiring. And, if she was being at all honest with herself, the fact the conversation was drifting away from herself made it all the less appealing.

"Stand aside," she instructed with a warning growl, her words directed toward Vladimir as she proceeded to step forward, lowering her head and turning her ears back. It was not that Tahlia wished to engage in battle - she was still reluctant to place herself in any situations that might earn her a scar or two - but with her patience wearing thin her options were starting to run out. "If you are finished running your mouth, I suggest you leave. I can be civil for only so long before something must be done about it, and you are dancing upon that line presently."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


08-03-2013, 11:24 PM
The sneer lay perfectly upon the young man's face. Is this what he really sounded like sometimes? Like this sorry scumbag that he lay his eyes on? Changes were about to come and they would start here and right now! No more family, what family?!?! He wouldn't worry about them anymore. The brute was two now! He didn't need anyone and still doesn't! No sisters of his! And no parents wherever the hell they are! Vlad tried to change his ways for his parents but now he was going to change for himself! And what if he failed...? If at first you don't succeed.....pack your bags. But where was he going to go? Maybe keep on roaming around these lands searching for a real friend who will accept him for who he is. This male before him probably had problems of his own. Heck, they all did! Dark gray ears pressed against his skull once more as the man replied. He said he was born without his leg...then what would explain the looks of the stub?

As the wolf before him continued talking about looks and sexual things Vlad was narrowing his sky blue gaze. Vladimir hadn't mentioned anything sexual at all. It was the wolf who referred to it as so who opened up that field. He looked white confident telling Vlad he had lost...lost what? And what were dollars?

With a small smile the man replied.

"I didn't refer to anything I said as..'sexual', did I? It was you who opened up that field entirely to this conversation. And my looks are none of your concern. I'm white confident and happy with how I look. I take no care in what others think about me. And I believe I was never a player in this game. Why have a smaller game inside a bigger game? We're all pieces of this giant's called life bud. And no one loses at life. All you have to do is live it. And judging by the way your leg looks at the stump it doesn't look as if you were born like that. But then who am I to guess anymore. You probably think I'm some annoying prick. Heck, you may not have even listened to anything I had just said. We all win bud......." He said before stepping closer to the male and bring his muzzle to his ear to whisper something.

Vladimir stood there for a moment before proceeding to talk or whisper into the wolf's ear.

" only live...once..." he said before turning away and back towards the dame.

His ears perked up as she spoke. She talked of how he was hardly worth the bother. She said one push probably knock him over and such.

Sky blue eyes stared down at the ground for a moment before Vladimir realized something....something very important. It was only a moment until the femme growled at him to stand aside before she almost went nose to nose before the stranger. She spoke of how he was dancing on some line or whatever.

Looking back up at the two the young brute leapt forward and stopped a foot away from the two.

"WAIT!" he said before he hoped anything else would happen.

"This is our shove would knock him over, like you said. But wolves like us are those who did this. We were the ones who knocked him over and probably made him so used to being 'neglected.' Can't you see? All he needs is a friend...a real one. I know I have also given into this fight but now I have realized what the right thing is. This is why we're all screwed; because we can't be nice to each other! But now I want to try that a moment too late....better late than never. If you push him over he will probably fall and you will receive the satisfaction of seeing him fall. If you don't push him over and if we all walk away we will receive the thought of knowing we did the right thing in the end, all of us." he said while looking back and forth between the male and the dame.

Vladimir knew he must sound like a hypocrite maybe but he realized what he should do let it go.

Looking back up at the three legged wolf the young male opened his maw up to speak once more to him.

"I'm sorry for the unkind words I have said to you. It was also none of my business to ask about your leg. We all have our own problems don't we, ours just aren't as visible as yours. But trust me...we do...I do." He said in a normal tone

Taking a few steps back the wolf gave the two wolves before him some space. He was ready to walk away from this but at the same time something held him back. This three legged man was a lot like him in a way. If Vladimir was right and if he just needed a friend...maybe he could be that friend for him. But finished with his words the young brute stoodnatbabrespectablendistance from the two awaiting whatever answer they would have. Whether it be nasty or in a kind manner.

OOC:ignore phone post errors/hope it's ok I threw in yolo ;)


08-04-2013, 09:56 PM

He was growing tired of this game. His opponents weren't playing as they should and that ruined it for him. It had started off fun but the male had turned it into something more, something Tyberius was no longer interested in.

The male started to speak before Tyberius could speak his parting words. He shut his mouth, his teeth snapping together to silence his reply. Tyberius rolled his eyes at the male, following the rude gesture with a loud yawn. This was not worth the effort he was putting into it. Not at all. The game was no longer fun, and he was finished with the whole ordeal. He started listening to the one-sided conversation when the male said that Tyberius probably hadn't listened to him. He was intending on replying with yes, that he hadn't been paying attention and that he was about to take his leave, but then the male did the unexpected.

It all happened so fast that he couldn't move away - the wolf moved closer to him to whisper in his ear, words that he didn't understand. He backed up a pace and snapped at the air near the male's face, clearly disliking the closeness. A growl rumbled in his chest, directed toward the male, but the silver brute had already moved away.

The female finally snapped, her ears flattening to her skull as she spat words laced with venom. Her reaction perked a little bit of excitement in his chest, although for the most part, he was ready to go back to Amenti. Maybe she'll just knock me over and let me leave, he thought apathetically, making no moves of his own. Instead, his gaze drifted to the treeline on the other side of the plain.

Again the brute interrupted, speaking about friendship and whatnot. Tyberius wasn't sure of the female's feelings toward the male but even the cripple was finding the brute's interjections annoying. Tyberius was seriously beginning to to think the male before him was insane, or at least addled. He'd gone from defensive and knightly to calm and friendly in the matter of about ten seconds and even though Tyberius did the same, he found it utterly strange coming from another. He raised an eyebrow at the male before replying with, "Some wolves never cease to amaze." With nothing more to say, he turned to leave the way he came, ignoring the female all together. Odds were that she wouldn't leap at him now. Sir Kindness will hold her back, he thought smugly as he limped away.

TAG: tahlia, vladimir! . WORDS: 426 . NOTES: feel free to catch up to him if you have more to say!



7 Years
08-09-2013, 01:54 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her patience was wearing considerably thin and perhaps it showed. It was not like her, really, to be so willing to get up in arms about someone spoiling her good day by being a huge pain in her side, particularly to threaten to handle his insolence herself. She had wished that the grey male who had leaped into the fray in her defense might have been more willing to toss around a bit of his weight, at least enough to make the other back down and reconsider being a bother to her, but all he had managed to do was irritate her too with the way he seemed to run his mouth. He seemed to have plenty to say, not all of it helpful to her or even relevant at this point, although that could have been because of how seriously she was considering just ending this whole thing now. It wasn't worth it. Any of it.

But rather than back her up, rather than continue to take her side as he had through this entire argument, he decided to switch sides at the last moment, intervening when she managed to step around him and place herself on a more even plain with the aggravating, three-legged male. The look she gave Vladimir as she turned her head to stare at him was incredulous. How could he! He had been just as determined as she to see him repent for his transgressions and now he was saying they needed to be nice to him? I most certainly think not, she countered within her mind though kept the words to herself, her lip just slightly curling back with distaste at the mere suggestion. It was this ruffian who had slighted her to begin with; he needed to be put in his place for it, regardless of whatever had befallen in his history to turn him into the pathetic thing that he was now.

There was no time for her to vocalize these thoughts aloud, however. To her great surprise, her would-be harasser was beginning to seem out of sorts, growing - was it really be true? - annoyed with Vlad's statements. Tahlia took more pleasure from this than she ought to, the narrowing about her eyes reminiscent of that that happened when she smiled, though she allowed so such expression to stretch upon her lips. Instead they were set in a relaxed line, watching as the three-legged Tyberius left them with one remark and turned to limp away. She watched him go, taking those few seconds to bask in having seen him leave first, before her attention shifted and her dark golden eyes moved to take in the now chivalrous grey wolf. "I hope you will forgive me, but this place no longer holds the same appeal that it had when I was first here alone."

And neither truly caring if he had more he might have wished to say to her or whether her leaving so soon would be considered rude, Tahlia moved to forge her own path out of the prairie, path set toward the Range where she knew herself to be safe from harassers and the like.

-Exit Tahlia-

OOC: Sorry for her sudden departure. Tahlia's just ready to run from what happened while she can. x3

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


08-10-2013, 11:37 AM
OOC:mature language.(just his personality at the moment)

Sky blue eyes witnessed the turn of events he had helped create. This fact it sucked ass. He knew he did the right thing in his mind; but did he really have to run into these two old curmudgeons? Everyone sucks, he sucks, the world sucks. Or was that just his view of life. He had a life right? He was traveling the lands, wandering! Jeez...Vlad had a brief moment ofnthoughtbwhere he actually wanted some company. Maybe a real friend, or more? Dark gray ears pressed against his head. No one ever liked spending their time with him and they still don't. What would ever make someone like him let alone love him? Vladimir payed no attention to the dame as she flees after the three legged walking dick go as well. Now what? What was he doing again? Oh yeah, go somewhere where he can try to relax or whatever. Psht, this is the "life" laying around basking in the sunlight. With a small sigh he looked around. Vlad wished someone else was here that would understand him. Maybe this is why he acts in such an absurd manner. Maybe he just doesn't give a damn anymore. But Vladimir knew he does, but covers it up?

Trying to take whatever energy or dignity he had left Vlad started to make his way to wherever he was going. Maybe he should find his family or attempt to. Heck, like they would want him anymore. They were shitting on him right? Or maybe he could forget about them for now and let them find him. Maybe he should go find a real friend first! Someone whonactuallyncares right? Then again...who would? No one had so far but there's a first for everything right?

"Shit..." he mustered as he walked on his way.

That's all he could think about now. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Come one and all! Why not put a sign on his forehead saying shit on me. Ohoho he didn't need a sign for that, everyone already does it anyways. With one last breath the young man started into a run and let his paws carry him to wherever he was going.

-exit Vladimir-end of thread-

OOC:ignore phone post errors