
flat laid palms & sweet nothings

invitation to the underground market!



2 Years
08-01-2021, 12:11 AM

Arguably one of the furthest points on his journey, it had only seemed smartest to start here. The scouts had been working overtime searching for the limits of where he might be able to go and offer up an invitation to the local regency. This pack seemed to sit on the boundary of where he could safely travel and still return to their landing site within a few weeks. He intended to follow the boundary line of packs that seemed to hold a line along the southern edge of the continent, with only a gap to pass through to the southern continent. Grasses that were certainly taller than he was waved softly in the gentle fall breeze, cool air tickling through the silken tresses of his coat. Before departing, he had been warned of the penalties for dallying too long on his excursion. They were not something the young man was eager to partake in, and so he was making certain to be aware of his time spent with each pack.

Having settled himself within a respectful distance of a recent border marker, the wraith let loose a sonorous summons for the pack's leader. Whether any high ranking members would elect to answer was of little consequence, so long as his message was passed along. Slender limbs folded as the onyx male reclined gently upon his haunches, brimstone gaze roving over the soft waves of the moving grasses. They weren't unlike the sea, and he found himself getting lost in the steady, rhythmic undulations.

ooc. Absinthe is here to offer you an invitation to the Underground Market happening for the month of August! Anyone is welcome to drop in here and harass him, and if you have questions feel free to DM me on Discord!





Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
08-01-2021, 01:13 AM
Aurielle Adravendi

She’d been pushing herself hard, mostly with wall repairs on this particular day. She had doused herself with a strong peppermint oil to tamp down the consequential side effects of her sixth birth season, and though she’d been laying stones that had fallen from the wall that bordered Valhalla’s territories, she’d become adept enough at it that little of the mortar clung to her coat, save for a smudge of it here and there.

However, work of a more business-like vein called, and she rose with a huff from the top of the wall where she’d been laying one of the top-stones with help from Ardyn. He cast her a questioning look but she nodded to the wall. “Go ahead and keep working for now, and catch up when you finish if the visitor’s still here.”

She dropped to the ground on the pack-side of the wall and trotted briskly toward the call, following the inner curve of the stone structure her father had begun as a mere line of rocks as a visible marker to pups and outside wolves.

She veered inward slightly in order to come into sight in such a way that she saw the stranger before he caught sight of her, taking the brief moment to assess him before she stood before him, nodding in greeting as she spoke, words lilting, “You stand at the wall of Valhalla. I am Aurielle Adravendi, Spirit – or Alpha – of Valhalla. What brings you to our borders?”

Gradated sapphire-into-sky blue eyes studied him steadily, taking in the dark coat and bright eyes, her ears lightly perked forward to hear what he had to say. She held herself with quiet dignity, making no effort to appear intimidating or royal. She made enough of a statement with her white coat shimmering in moonstone flashes and glowing with bright blue-white light.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



2 Years
08-01-2021, 02:24 PM

He wasn't left waiting long, and the wraith found himself drawn to the sound of movement. Tracing the gentle movement of tall grasses around a body, a gentle luminescence began to break through the towering foliage as the wolf drew closer. He could tell only that it was a female wolf, based on scent. It didn't make sense for her to be carrying a lantern, as it was unlikely that the closeness of the grasses blocked out the sun entirely. Within a few moments, a pale fae appeared from behind the stone wall that appeared to form the primary boundary line of their territory. The glow suddenly made sense, it was coming from her long fur. By all accounts, he wasn't certain he had seen a wolf quite like this before. A latticework of lavender whorled around one eye, and long fangs poked out from beneath inky lips. He blinked at her for a moment, and then she spoke. “You stand at the wall of Valhalla. I am Aurielle Adravendi, Spirit – or Alpha – of Valhalla. What brings you to our borders?” musical tones hosted a lilting accent he couldn't quite pinpoint, but that was the least of his concerns at the moment.

Inclining his skull politely, the ebon male offered a soft smile. "My Lady, my name is Absinthe, and I am here on behalf of my master." he began, rich baritones rolling easily from an inky tongue. "He wishes to extend an invitation to you and your people, to join us in the north for a market. We have brought wares and finery from our travels, and wish to offer you the opportunity to browse. There is such a variety that something among them must certainly catch your eye, and we welcome trade of your own goods in exchange." he offered the explanation up with the occasional small gesture of his paw, and a small smile to leave the woman at ease. Brimstone gaze met with fathomless cerulean and sapphire, and he moved on with his explanation. "Should you wish to try your luck, there are games of chance and skill available to the public as well, and an arena of small game on which bets are always readily taken."

While he suspected she wasn't the type to bet on the swift death of small animals, it was part of the speech, and he wasn't about to skip over it. Perhaps it was information worth passing off to the rest of her pack, in the event someone else may wish to partake. "We will be settled in the north, at the Caves of the Past, for the rest of the season, whereupon we will move to Auster for the winter. Shall I inform my master of your acceptance, or will you and your people be regrettably absent this time?" he asked the question evenly, with a slight tip of his head.
