
A future so bright it's dazzling




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-02-2021, 01:04 PM

She had been steadily growing larger day by day, but in the last week or two the changes had really begun to become more noticeable as she moved into the last few weeks of her pregnancy. She was grateful that she was a large wolf so she wasn't quite so disproportionately round as some women tended to be, but she was still very obviously pregnant at this point. Her belly was large and round with their growing pups and it was difficult to avoid at least a little bit of a waddle to her steps. Ever since bringing Irilyth into their lives, she had put the woman's healing knowledge to good use and let her take the lead in monitoring their progress and checking that things were progressing well. From what they could tell there was two large pups making her this way. The fact that there was only two pups did make certain thoughts come to mind - but she wouldn't allow herself to get hopeful. Twins were so incredibly rare in her family and were hardly ever allowed or considered that she pushed the thought away before it could even begin.

After the day that she found Irilyth out on the prairie she had decided to stay here rather than continue to live in the cavern by the beach. This place provided much easier access to prey animals and there wasn't the constant flood of water with the in coming tide to deal with here. She had sent Alastor and Irilyth back to the cavern to fetch the pelts and supplies they had collected the next day and over the next couple of weeks she had spent a good bit of time perfecting the small cave that was their new home. She had dug out the walls a bit more into the hillside, widening the space slightly and evening out the walls. A large pile of plush furs made up a huge bed that covered a large portion of the space, the collection of them only growing with Alastor's frequent hunting and only getting more plush and luxurious to lay on as time passed. She dug out a few "shelves" into the wall along one side, giving them a place to store things - specifically any herbs that Irilyth collected. She encouraged her handmaiden to improve her skills, knowing that having a knowledgeable healer on hand was a helpful thing to have.

Once she had a pair of heavy, oiled skins hanging over the entrance of their home to block out any wind and rain she was satisfied with the shape it had taken. There was perhaps more work to be done and improvements that could be made, but she was getting too large to consider anything that was more intensive than moving and adjusting the furs and supplies around the den. She was currently laying on her side in a thick patch of grass on top of the hill their cave as set into, looking out over the prairie while she basked in the warm sun, leaning on one elbow to keep her upper half upright. A shift and movement from their children wriggling within her made her ears perk and she looked down at her stomach where she could see the subtle movement they made under her violet, swirled fur. An adoring smile pulled across her features and her tail thumped gently agains the ground. She was counting down the days to their birth, so incredibly excited to see what she and Alastor had created.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-02-2021, 06:54 PM

As the days stretched into weeks, the Mendacium couple began to kick their family preparations into high gear. What had started out as a euphoric dream had now become an approaching reality, and as Manea's belly began to swell with their growing children, so too did Alastor's eagerness and excitement. He was so ready to be a dad! Many a night had the dire wolf laid awake imagining what his children would be like, running through a plethora of fantasies of what they might look like, sound like, smell like, be like. It was this enthusiasm that had him running around like crazy, doing everything he could to prepare for the arrival of the little ones and making sure every eventuality he could think of was planned for. He'd doubled his hunting schedule, making sure their new home in the prairie had an abundance of food and amble furs for bedding, blankets, doors, whatever they could need it for. He'd gone with Irilyth to help her gather herbs she would need to assist with prenatal care and during the birth, making sure the shelves Manea had made for storage were always overflowing with goods. He wanted to be ready for anything and everything.

On this day, Alastor had actually been out doing a little something for his wife. He'd seen how much effort she'd put into sprucing up their new home, renovating and resizing, preparing everything she could for a comfortable life on the prairie, and he wanted to give her a little gesture to let her know how much he loved and appreciated her. The dark brute lumbered his way across the plains from the nearby gulley he'd been to a number of times with Irilyth for herbs, carrying with him a small bowl of fresh berries and a very familiar wolf skull on top of his head. Yes, he had gone back to their honeymoon cave to collect Piggy's skull. To him, it was a memento of their wonderful union, and of the conception of their special babies! He'd left Irilyth in the valley to continue her herb gathering, knowing it was only a short sprint over if she needed him. Right now, he wanted to spend a peaceful interlude with his wife before those moments became rare and fleeting when their pups were born.

Alastor spotted his beloved lying atop the hill their den was built into, basking in the warm sunlight like a beautiful angel descended to earth from Somnium. Alastor's eyes crinkled as he grinned widely around the bowl in his mouth, gazing at the splendor she was while he trotted briskly up the hill toward her. His heavy paws rustled the dry grasses beneath them, alerting her to his approach, and he greeted her with a happy chuff in lieu of words. He came up to her, placing the bowl of berries at her paws, then shifting to lie down beside her, turning and curling his body to face her to her pregnancy swollen belly was safely tucked between the two of them. "I thought you might like something sweet to snack on," he said and gestured to the berries. His abyssal eyes turned to her belly then, shining with an emphatic light. "How are they doing today?"

He didn't wait for a response before lifting one giant paw to rest gingerly against her stomach, stroking over the taut skin where his children rested. The grin that never left his face widened to an almost painful degree, his husky black tail thumping against the ground like a whip. It wouldn't be much longer now; the children they had created together in the most marvelous manner were almost here! He thought back on what Irilyth had said during a checkup: two pups grew inside his wife's womb. Two beautiful angels. While it thrilled and delighted him, it did also break his heart knowing that they would have to end the life of one of them before they could even open their eyes. The thought made Alastor's smile falter for a moment, but it was quick to recover as he rubbed his paw over Manea's belly, looking back up into her beautiful aqua eyes to distract him from that train of thought.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-02-2021, 09:57 PM

The sound of paws coming toward her and the deep chuffs coming from her husband pulled her gaze up from where her aqua eyes were fixed on her stomach, grinning when she saw her handsome mate approaching her with what seemed to be a little gift - and also spotting the now familiar tiny skull resting on his head between his ears. Manea bit back a fit of laughter at her silly man and glanced down at the berries he presented her with and her tail gave a few pleased wags, reaching up to give him a grateful kiss. "Thank you, my darling, these are lovely." For someone that could be so brutal and lethal, he also had this softer side of himself that she absolutely adored. This pregnancy had brought even more of that out of him and she was enjoying letting him pamper and fawn over her and their unborn children. She loved the look on his face as he settled beside her, seemingly entranced by her round stomach that rested between them. "They're perfect as usual," she replied with a chuckle, her aqua eyes glimmering with love and affection as she watched him gently stroke across her belly with the biggest grin on his face.

She simply couldn't take him seriously with Piggy's skull sitting on his head like a tiny hat though so before she did anything else she reached over and plucked the skull off of him with a chuckle, giving a little shake of her head. She placed the skull on the ground beside the bowl of berries and then used one of her claws to pierce one of the berries, bringing it up to her lips to eat while she watched Alastor for a moment, snacking on the sweet treat he gave her. She saw his expression flicker for a moment, seeing those gears turn behind his obsidian eyes. Even though he had agreed to her terms and hadn't spoken a word of discontent over the decision since she did her best to reassure him over the Mendacium way of doing things, she knew that he still harbored at least a bit of sadness when it came to having to kill a portion of their children. Even she could admit that it wasn't something that she found great joy in, but it was simply a part of their lives in her mind. It was all she had ever known and a necessary part of ensuring that their child was given every chance possible in this world.

When his gaze shifted back up to hers she smiled, leaning toward him to catch his lips in a tender kiss. They didn't spare time for quiet, gentle moments like this very often, usually far too busy fucking each other's brains out to just lay and snuggle in the sun, but she savored these moments as much as every other minute she was allowed to spend with the man she loved. Her lips broke apart from his when on of the pups wriggled and kicked right where Alastor's paw was resting on her stomach and she blinked open her eyes as she grinned at him brightly, chuckling nuzzling her muzzle against his. "Seems like someone is eager to get out and meet you," she joked, lifting a paw to rest it over his on her stomach, her tail wagging and thumping against the ground as their pups continued to move and kick under their paws.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-02-2021, 10:18 PM

Seemingly able to sense the shift in his emotional state and peer into his mind, Manea kissed him with a tender affection that Alastor was all too happy to give back to her. He also appreciated the quiet, affectionate moments they could have together. As much fun as he had with them fucking like animals and tearing the world apart piece by bloody piece, even demons needed to rest. It was these interludes that allowed him to truly appreciate what his life had become and what he had in it: Manea, his perfect soul mate, his children, their futures to look forward to... A year ago, Alastor had nothing but a hollow promise and a pretty face to chase aimlessly after. Now he stood on the precipice of fatherhood, a married man, looking forward with ambitions of leadership with his wife. Despite all the evil he had done in this world, fate still seemed kind enough to grant him blessings and luxuries like this. Perhaps Manea had been right all along... Perhaps there were Ancient souls that made him better than other wolves, and this was why his life was still working out.

A sudden force against his paw on her stomach made the brute blink in surprise, peering down at Manea's swollen belly with a look of shock on his expression. All this time, he hadn't felt the pups kick like this before, but now he could feel a flurry of movement from within Manea's womb! That wide smile returned to his face, little shocked, amazed chuckles coming from the brute while his tail beat the ground even faster. That had been one of his children! He stared at his and Manea's overlapping paws on her belly, a light misting coming to his eyes as the realization that he was going to be a father overwhelmed him again. "They're restless today! I think they're as eager to get out as we are to see them!" he said between light laughter. His paw rubbed over the one spot where he'd felt one of his children kicking incessantly, the fairly large pup within exceptionally active today. "Soon, my darling. So very soon."

A lingering dread that had plagued his mind as of late crept slowly towards his heart from his demented brain while he felt the squirming of little bodies below his paw. He had helped give life to these small beings. He was a part of them. He was not a normal or well-adjusted wolf. His upbringing and lifetime of torment had left him fractured in many places and the only reference he drew knowledge of fatherhood from he had buried alive beneath a ton of rock. The look of self-doubt darkened his misting eyes while he stared at where their pups lay within his mate, his smile falling from his face. "Manea... Am I going to be a good father?" The question held an uncharacteristic doubt to it, the brute slowly flexing his toes to tickle and trail his claws over Manea's skin and through her swirling purple fur. "You know what I had to learn from... What if... I can't be anything but that...? What if I'm just like him?" Until Manea had come into his life, the only fear Alastor felt in this world was becoming his father. Now he stood on the edge of the unknown, and what if his fate was unavoidable?


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-02-2021, 10:45 PM

The pure joy and excitement that colored her mate's expression made her heart soar. All she had ever wanted was to see that kind of love and devotion from her soul mate and she had gotten that ten fold. She had seen relationships among her family where mates sometimes started passionate and loving but quickly faded once the thought of children came into the mix or sometimes only tolerating one another at best. She hadn't wanted that for herself and luckily Alastor gave her everything she needed, wanted, and more. She gave him her entire heart and had gotten his back in return and now they were laying here, at the cusp of welcoming their perfect family, silly and giggling together while they felt the two pups they had made kick and move. As they got bigger the more active they became, but there was something about Alastor's presence or voice that always made them move and dance even more than usual.

She saw his expression darken and her smile faded as she watched him with a tilt of her head, concern pulling her brows together while she tried to decipher where the sudden shift in his expression came from. His question uncovered the mystery as he asked if he was going to be a good father. She wasn't used to seeing him question anything like this, the sweet emotion in his eyes seeming uncharacteristic and yet so genuinely him at the same time. He really was a gentle soul under this hardened exterior and she felt so lucky to be able to see every side of him, but especially this rare and special moment when he revealed his doubts and fears to her. Her paw slipped away from his while his claws danced lightly over her skin, instead lifting it up to cup his cheek, pulling his gaze over to meet hers as she gave him a sweet smile.

"You are already so loving and devoted to our child and they're not even born yet," she reminded him, giving his nose a tender lick. "You have nothing to fear, my love. You are going to be the perfect father for our pup just like you are the perfect husband and partner for me. Our child will only know love from us and will have the most wonderful role model in their father to show them how to be powerful and silly and ruthless and sweet." She chuckled and glanced down to pluck a berry from the bowl he brought, holding it up to his lips. "Now have a berry, my silly husband, and help me think of names instead of thinking about these doubts rattling around in your head."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-02-2021, 11:19 PM

Alastor wasn't given long to dwell on his inner demons before Manea's soft leonine paw found his cheek and turned his gaze to meet hers, gazing deeply into the love held within those aquamarines in her flawless face. She smiled at him quite sweetly, pointing out how loving and devoted he was to a pup that wasn't even born yet, and that proved that he would be a good father. The corners of his lips twitched upward in a small smile when she licked his nose, then again when she continued to compliment and point out all the reasons why he was going to be great with their child. He blinked a few times, an errant tear slipping down his cheek to evaporate somewhere in his fur while he tried to clear his eyes of the liquid crystals building up in them. It was the only thing Alastor had ever wished for in his life: to not be his father. This was it; this was his chance to prove to himself and to the universe that Alastor Mendacium was a wolf all his own. Damned be his past!

He was disturbed from his thoughts by a berry poking at his lips, looking back to Manea with a playful smirk while he took the berry from her, chewing it gratefully while he held her loving gaze with one of his own. The berry was sweet and delicious, but it paled in comparison to his Manea. "I suppose that is something we should do before they arrive," he agreed with a chuckle, but delayed them by a moment to lean forward and give his wife an appreciative kiss for her support. "Have you had any names in your head, my darling?" He glanced down at her belly again with a contemplative look, giving a low hum under his breath. "I suppose we'll need one for a boy and one for a girl, depending on what we get, won't we?"

Alastor thought for a few moments, occasionally making some syllabic and phonetic sounds with his mouth in an attempt to inspire him towards something, though it mostly just came off as a string of guttural gibberish. "Ah... Auh... Awl... Alyce...? Maybe Alyce for a girl?" He paused to think about it for a moment, then shook his head. "No no no, that's not quite right. Let's see... Ar... Am... I think I like an 'A' name for a girl. Ahv... Ava... Avalyn... Avacyn... Avacyn?" He glanced up to Manea again, raising a curious brow. "Avacyn, maybe? Avacyn Mendacium for a girl?"


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-02-2021, 11:40 PM

She chuckled and returned his kiss before reaching her paw back into the bowl to get another berry for herself. She gave a little shake of her head when he asked if she already had any names in mind. "Not besides some names from my grandparents and great grandparents that we could pick from," she suggested, pausing for a moment while she plucked the berry off of her claw and chewed the sweet fruit. "But I'd like to hear what you can come up with first." She nodded and followed his gaze to her stomach when he asked about picking one name for either gender depending on what their child turned out to be. "That's a good idea. Or at least one that could go either way." It made her wonder even more what their pups would be like. She knew they had two pups currently growing and wiggling in her womb, but were they two girls? Two boys? One of each? The anticipation was killing her and it felt like torture to count down the days until they finally arrived.

Manea brought her gaze back to Alastor while he began to try forming sounds and syllables together to form a name, slowly forming into Alyce as a first suggestion. She hummed softly at the idea and while it wasn't a terrible name it didn't really fit the stature that she imagined for their daughter. If they had a daughter there was a strong possibility that she would eventually become the family's Matriarch. She deserved a name fitting of such a thing, something that rolled nicely off the tongue of the wolves that respected her. Luckily Alastor denied his own idea before she could comment and she let him continue to play around with the name, toying with more "A" sounds. Eventually he landed on Avacyn, looking up at her again as he offered their potential daughter's full name. "Avacyn Mendacium," she repeated back, a grin pulling across her lips. "I think you're on to something, darling. Avacyn is a lovely name."

She hummed thoughtfully after a moment, beginning to ponder a boy's name. "I like the ending of Avacyn so maybe we have something similar for a boy?" They wouldn't need to worry about their children's names being too similar since they would only have the one to name - a small benefit to their beliefs she supposed. She wanted something strong, but still beautiful for their son, something unforgettable for a boy that would no doubt take after his father. "Maybe... Tar... Ber... Faracyn? No... Sir... Saracyn?" That seemed to roll off the tongue the most easily and she tipped her head as she played it through in her mind a few times. "Saracyn Mendacium... I like the idea of that." She grinned again, giving Alastor another light kiss. "Avacyn or Saracyn Mendacium... That's what we'll call our child."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-02-2021, 11:59 PM

Alastor's expression lit up like a lightbulb when Manea expressed her approval at the name Avacyn. It was such a lovely name, but it also sounded like the name of an angel or a warrior princess, both of which he could see his little girl being. His heart swelled in his chest while he tried to picture what his little Avacyn would be like if she was what came to be. Now it was his turn to listen while Manea spitballed ideas for a boy's name. She liked the -cyn suffix, so the continued to work with that. Eventually she landed on Saracyn. Alastor gave a nod of his head with a thoughtful expression on his face. "I like the sound of Saracyn. It sounds like a king's name," he said with a proud smile as he pictured a noble little boy carrying on their family name.

"Avacyn or Saracyn..." he repeated and his smile grew on his lips. Curling around some more, Alastor placed a slow, firm kiss on Manea's pregnant belly, nuzzling his nose against her side. "I can't wait to meet you, Avacyn or Saracyn." A sudden bump against the end of his snoot from within Manea's body made the wolf flinch back with a yip of surprise, wrinkling his nose to rid himself of the strange sensation his child's kick had left on his muzzle. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" he said with a laugh, grinning back at Manea as he returned to lie perfectly parallel with her. "Either that one really likes me or really wants to punch me in the face!" He let out a light laugher, gently patting Manea's stomach with a large paw while they snuggled together, two happy soon-to-be parents rejoicing over their future child.

While they lay snuggling, Alastor caught a glimpse of movement and turned his head to spy Irilyth returning from her trip to the valley with a bundle of fresh herbs. His abyssal eyes followed the svelte, petite woman while she made her was back into the den below them, disappearing from sight. He wrinkled his nose again as even from this distance he could smell her aggravating heat scent, praying the gentle autumn breeze would dissipate it quickly. It was bad enough being around her and not being able to touch her until the contraceptive herbs took effect. He was having too nice of a time with his wife to let his primitive predator brain take over now. "How are you liking your new handmaiden, my queen?" he asked while the subject was in his mind.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-03-2021, 01:07 AM

Manea grinned when Alastor expressed his approval for the name of their potential son. It did sound like a king's name, just as Avacyn sounded like the name of a queen. Their child, no matter whether they turned out to be a boy or a girl, would be royalty in this legacy they were building for their family and they deserved a name that reflected that. Their little prince or princess was just waiting to be born, spending their last weeks developing within her before they made their grand entrance into the world. Alastor made her swoon as he curled in toward her stomach to press a kiss to where their children were resting just below the surface, smiling happily as he nuzzled and spoke to their future child, calling them by the name that would be given to them one day soon. She winced just a bit as one of their pups gave an extra strong kick into her side against Alastor's nose, grinning and chuckling as Alastor pulled back from getting essentially punched in the nose by his own child. "Why not both?" she questioned with a smirk, thinking of all the times their passionate, heated sex had included plenty of bites and scratches and blood. "Taking after their parents already," she teased as he laid with her again and patted her stomach, her tongue flicking across his nose again.

She noticed Irilyth's scent before she actually saw her handmaiden as she approached the den, glancing out across the prairie as the healer returned from one of her herb gathering trips. Her aqua gaze followed the pale woman for a moment till she disappeared out of view to go into their den, looking back at Alastor and noticing the look in his eye with a smirk. She knew how much the smell of Irilyth's heat had been gnawing at him and as her pregnancy progressed it was getting more difficult for her to keep his urges at bay. Part of her considered letting him lose on the girl, but she wanted a bit more time to make sure the contraceptives could fully take effect first - plus making sure Irilyth was still fully in one piece to assist with her birth was important to her as well. She felt confident that Alastor would keep to his word that he wouldn't break the poor girl, but he was also a massive beast of a brute and Irilyth was a tiny little thing in comparison. There was some mild breaking that was probably inevitable. At least Irilyth would be around to keep Alastor entertained while she recovered from giving birth to their pups.

"I adore her," she said with a smirk when Alastor asked how she was liking her handmaiden. "I had missed having a fae to play with and she's certainly been a big help with preparing for these pups to arrive. I'm glad she happened to be a healer as well. Between the two of us there's no issue fighting off predators and hunting down prey and now we'll have Irilyth to patch us up afterward." When she claimed Irilyth on a whim in that cave she hadn't intended to grow quite so attached to the smaller woman, but she was enjoying her skills and her company even beyond the obvious attraction she held for the delicate fae. "You'll be able to fully play with her soon enough," she assured him with a chuckle, stabbing one of the berries in front of her with her claw and plucking it off between her teeth again. "I'm sure you'll be glad to have her around while my body recovers from birthing these giant pups you've given me," she commented, voicing some of her early thoughts and poking fun at him for how large their pups were growing. The fact that they were both large wolves didn't help matters, but the fact that there were only two made it far easier for the pair to grow even larger within her womb than they might have if there were a large litter of pups around them.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-03-2021, 01:26 AM

Alastor was pleased to hear that Manea was happy with her new servant girl. Truth be told, if she hadn't been, Alastor would have simply gone down into the den, had his way with her to rid himself of these itching urges, and then killed her and found a more suitable replacement for his queen. As it were, Irilyth had turned out to be a gift for them. She not only gave Manea a source of entertainment and an outlet she'd been lacking, but she was efficient and helpful around the home, and her skills with herbs and medicines made Alastor feel much better about the home birth they were preparing to have. Were it not for Irilyth, the concern over Manea's pregnancy and birth would have been significantly higher. Knowing there was a trained medic literally living with them helped put Alastor's mind at ease.

But her damned heat was making it frustratingly difficult to coexist within the same space! Not a single day went by where Alastor didn't consider putting his pups in the servant's belly just to douse that damned smell and get some peace and control back in his life. But he knew the consequences of such actions, and while he honestly didn't care if Manea killed any pups he sired outside of their marriage, he didn't suspect Irilyth would do much good if she were pregnant right now as well. The thought did cross his mind that because Manea and Irilyth shared the same season, this would be a yearly recurring event. Alastor didn't know how strong his resolve would be for the rest of his life, and there may come a time when that exact situation of a pregnant queen and a pregnant handmaiden came to be. The demon couldn't exactly be trusted to keep his baser instincts in check all of the time—especially not when such a delicious little fae was living mere feet away from him.

Manea tried to soothe the gnawing animal inside him by reassuring him that he'd get to play with her soon. Soon wasn't good enough. Alastor was a patient wolf in many regards, but he did not enjoy being tempted and forced to wait multiple times within the same season. This all felt like a cruel trick being played on him and he did not appreciate it. He cast a salacious grin to his wife, a familiar fire starting to spark in his eyes. "I'm glad we kept her then, if for nothing other than keeping us all healthy and giving you a fae to play with whenever you desire." It seemed like right now Alastor was still in control, able to hold conversation with his mate at the least. "I fear the poor girl won't ever be prepared to play with me. I'm a different experience than you are, my queen."

He shot her a knowing look when she mentioned him being thankful for having her while Manea recovered after birthing their large puppies. "Oh? Whatever do you mean by that, darling?" he asked, feigning innocence to poke fun back at her and say what was on her mind out loud. "I would also like to point out that you are 50% responsible for the size of our children. My seed is equally as potent as your eggs, my galaxy." He flashed a wide grin to her; he had always known any pups they had would likely be large given their parents' sizes, but with only two growing in this litter, it seemed like having the extra room in Manea's womb afforded them the luxury of space to grow to their fullest and really fill her. He glanced briefly to her swollen belly with a proud smirk; his children were going to be massive.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-05-2021, 12:23 PM

Manea gave a sly grin a chuckled when Alastor mentioned how Irilyth would never truly be ready for the experience that was Alastor and she was certain he was right. He was most certainly a different experience than she was, there was no doubt about that and Irilyth was a far smaller woman than she was. Handling a wolf as massive as Alastor wouldn't be an easy thing at least. "Perhaps not," she commented with a smirk. She knew Irilyth would do it if it was asked of her though. She had been incredibly obedient thus far and she had no doubt that would continue to only grow more true as time went on and Manea proved more and more than she would be provided for here. Irilyth wasn't an irrational woman. She knew where she can get what she needs and the protection she desires. Letting her husband occasionally have his way with her felt like a small price to pay.

She laughed lightly at his pretend innocence at her comment about their impressively sized pups growing within her. She smirked at him as he insisted that she was half of the problem here - which of course she knew she was, but it was too much fun to tease her husband. Manea retuned his grin, watching as he looked toward her swollen stomach with the smirk of a proud father. She leaned in and nipped playfully at his muzzle, her tail wagging gently and thumping the ground. If she was being honest, she wouldn't want anything less for their children, even if it meant that birthing their monstrous children was a horrendous undertaking. Nothing less than imposing, dazzling children would do for the future heirs to their legacy. "They're going to be worth every single moment of pain and agony," she insisted with a chuckle. They had been bred in delightful pain so it strangely felt fitting that they would be coming into the world in the same way.

It was hard to describe how she felt looking at Alastor and watching how overjoyed and proud he was of being a father. The way he obsessed over their soon to be born children was wonderful and made her feel as if she really and truly was the luckiest woman in the world to have a brute that not only fulfilled all of her dreams, desires, and needs, but when above and beyond for their family and filled the role of her husband as if he was made for it. A grin played on her features as she lifted a paw to catch his cheek, pulling his muzzle back toward hers and pressing her lips firmly to his with a murr. Her eyes slid closed as she kissed him deeper, her tongue finding his while she shifted closer to him. It was impossible to press into him the way she once had with her swollen belly between them, but being pregnant certainly hadn't dimmed the attraction he had for her mate. If anything it made her want him more and more.

When her lips finally parted from his she was slightly breathless and her aqua gaze glimmered with love and lust for this man that had given her the world. "I love the way you look when we're talking about our children," she admitted, a little grin pulling at her lips. "The way you look so proud and happy for these pups we created is maybe the most attractive thing you've ever done." That was certainly saying something considering the fact that the very moment she had laid eyes on him when they first met she had wanted all of him. He was by far the most attractive brute in the world in her eyes. No one could compare to her demon. She gave him another softer kiss and grinned, her paw tracing down over his neck with her claws lightly trailing across his skin. "I know more gentle mating isn't exactly your strong suit, my demon, but do you think you could manage for me?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-05-2021, 02:45 PM

A rumbling chuckle left Alastor while Manea nipped at his muzzle with light laughs when he placed blame on both of them for the creation of their wonderful children. No, wait, blame wasn't the right word. They deserved credit—credit for creating what would undoubtedly be the most amazing beings to ever grace this world. His tail wagged along with hers, both wolves looking giddy and simply radiating happiness, traits not usually seen in their darker personalities. Perhaps that was what was most amazing about their love. Despite the horrific and violent carnage they could wreak as a pair, together they simply looked like a happy couple. They belonged together, of that Alastor was certain. He had been born to be her husband and Manea had been made to be his wife. It might have taken some time and tribulation to find her, but now that he had his soul mate, he was complete.

Manea made a passing comment about their children being worth every single moment of pain, bringing a slightly concerned look to Alastor's face on reflex until he remembered that birthing puppies was no easy feat, especially not puppies as big as the two growing inside her currently. Alastor had never witnessed a birth, never been around freshly born pups. He'd only heard about it in passing, and no wolf in the Amarix pack had ever trusted him enough to let them near the children despite his obvious love of them. Not that he could blame them really. "I'll be with you every step of the way. Whatever you need to get through it, you know I'll give you the world." He leaned over to brush his muzzle against hers in a gentle nuzzle. The pain might have been unavoidable, but he would still do his best to give her relief throughout the ordeal. He smirked a little though as he thought about how bloody and painful their conception had been, and how apropos it would be for them to enter the world in the same manner.

Alastor had no idea of the thoughts of admiration and love and desire in Manea's mind while she gazed at him with breathtaking aqua eyes. He held her gaze for a moment, only breaking their eye contact to look down at her pregnancy-swollen belly again as if he could see through her skin to their two glorious children. I will not be him... I will not be him... The mantra echoed in his mind over and over, swearing the vow to himself and whatever accursed gods had created a soul like him. By whatever higher powers existed, Alastor would do right by these children. Nothing would ever harm them, nothing would stand in their way, the world would crumble and bow to their every desire and demand. He would burn the earth and set fire to the ashes once more all for them.

Manea interrupted his thoughts when her leonine paw caught his cheek, turning his muzzle back to her until he felt her lips crush firmly against his. Alastor gave a soft murr of surprise, but quickly settled into their deepening kiss after he'd blinked past the surprise. Black eyes disappeared behind heavy lids while his lips parted to taste Manea's tongue with his own, feeling the familiar ache of desire that Manea created in him growing in his core. Her body shifted closer, her distended belly making it impossible for her to tuck up into her the way she usually did, but it did allow Alastor to instead wrap a large black paw around her waist and keep her held close with their children tucked protectively between them as he made out with his wife.

He had always thought Manea looked beautiful beyond words, but seeing her body change with a radiant feminine beauty as her belly grew with their pups had shown him an even greater beauty Manea could possess. He had never felt more attracted to her than the day he noticed the small bump in her stomach, and that attraction had only burned hotter and more intense as their children filled her womb with every passing day. Deep down, Alastor knew that once their children were born and Manea's body adopted whatever permanent residual effects her pregnancy would have on her, she would be even more beautiful than she had been—although a primal part of him would always want to see her laden with his puppies. Fortunately, that seemed to be her greatest desire in life, so Alastor was more than happy to keep his mate in that beautiful state of pregnancy as often as he could.

Once their kiss broke, Alastor released a heavy, content sigh and gazed deeply into Manea's eyes with a floaty grin on his face. Obsidian eyes mirrored the love and lust for the woman that had given him life and purpose, just as her aqua ones shone with for him. His grin widened and ears folded back bashfully when she commented on how she loved the way he looked when they spoke about their children. "I am so happy and proud to have these pups we've made," he said with a bliss in his voice he'd never felt before. His brows raised with intrigue. "Really? The most attractive thing I've ever done? More than when we slaughtered that huge wolf, or the way we killed that tiny fae?" Alastor was fascinated by Manea's claim. Him being fatherly was the most attractive thing to her, was it? Was that because of how important family and raising children was to her, that this was the hottest thing he'd ever done in her eyes? He returned her softer kiss, his deep voice rumbling with delight while her feline claws trailed down the tender skin of his neck in the most delightful way.

Manea's request brought a bout of surprise to the dark brute; she had never seemed interested in gentle mating or lovemaking before. But for his Manea, he would give her the world, the stars, the moon, everything he could. He gave her a loving grin, laced with just the right amount of lust and desire to reveal the thoughts planted in his mind while he leaned closer and placed a slow, lingering kiss on her lips. "For you, my love, I can manage anything." He slowly dipped his muzzle, trailing his lips and teeth across the edge of her throat with feathery kisses and ginger nips. The paw wrapped around Manea's waist tightened, holding her as close to him as her body would allow. Her large stomach posed a bit of a challenge, but Alastor solved it by gently moving Manea, rising to roll her prone body in his paws until her back was now pressed snugly to his belly. His paws roamed all across her body, from shoulder to hip, moving over her belly and their children with slow circling strokes. He kissed and nibbled along the back of her neck while he shifted their positions to get more comfortable and align his hips with hers, a large paw coming down to hook around her leg and lift it out of the way with her tail. With a low growl that spoke of his love, his desire, and his possessive obsession with her, Alastor slid himself into her until his hips met hers, letting himself settle into a smooth, steady rhythm of their bodies working together to bring both lovers to a peak of passion and pleasure.

- fade -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-07-2021, 02:10 AM

She chuckled and grinned when he compared this sweet, tender moment to the other things that had made her crave him with a never ending passion like kissing that dire wolf together when they first met or slaughtering the pudgy girl while he was fucking her to the point of breaking. Both of those things had indeed been incredibly attractive and made her lust after him in a deep, instinctual way, but the love and pride he had in their growing family touched her in a different kind of way. She wanted a mate that was powerful and ruthless and willing to rip the world apart just because she wished it, but what she had always truly craved was a brute that would love her and their children unconditionally. "Yes, maybe even more than those times," she agreed with a grin, giving his lips another kiss.

She wasn't sure what made her so incredibly lovey and tender today. Maybe it was just a part of being pregnant, maybe it was just how incredibly happy he made her, but she just couldn't get enough of this sweet, passionate, tender moments they were sharing. She returned his grin as well as the slow kiss he offered her, smirking as he told her how he could manage anything for her. She murred and tipped her head to give him better access to her throat as he kissed and nibbled across her skin, leaving a trail of electricity in his wake. His paws pulled her tighter to him, but her large belly got in the way. That wasn't a problem for long as Alastor rolled her over onto her other side to that her back was pressed to his chest and stomach and she grinned as she leaned back into him. He gave her everything she ever wanted and needed, even if it was tender, passionate lovemaking after laying here obsessing over their soon to be children.

She was more than willing to give herself over to him while he kissed and nibbled the back of her neck, humming and murring happily while his paws roaming all across her body only added fuel to that ever present fire and desire she constantly felt for her husband. She helped hook her leg back over his as he lifted it out of the way, shifting her his back into his eagerly and bringing one of her paws to hold the one he and slipped under her to hold her tight against him. She gasped and give growls of desire of her own as his body melded into hers, making them one once again, savoring every single moment of this passionate love they shared together as he built her pleasure higher and higher like only he could.

-- fade --

Manea | Temno | Ciemny