
insert generic fishing title here

Seasonal Solo prompt + 1k word award



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
08-11-2021, 07:04 PM
While the seasons came and went, Tyrfing grew. No longer were his head and paws too big for his body, nor did he wear the plump puppy fat that padded him from birth. The yearling was growing tall and strong with layers of thick muscles atop his already large bones. Now that he was beginning to grow into something that wasn't awkward and stumbling, it was even more apparent to the viking-adoring yearling that he needed to shape up and make something of himself.

Already he'd made plans to head off to the battlefield to find some challengers, but before he indulged in his own fitness he had to ensure that the will of the Gods was on his side. It was difficult sometime to find a full understanding of the religion he was born into, especially as the majority of Fireside did not conform to it. He was sure he got the gist of blóts, however, and while he had no one to share the meal with he assumed the Gods would appreciate his sacrifice nonetheless and help guide him to be successful in his coming fights.  

Tyrfing strode past the livestock with purpose, trying not to grin wildly as a few of the younger miniature zebu deliberately moved away from him as he walked past. The energetic pup had spent many an hour harassing Fireside's herds (and he was determined one day to wrangle a bull by it's horns) but today was not for childish play. He gave the cows a wink, carrying onward toward the stream that made their border.

While he knew his goal - today, fish - Tyrfing had not the slightest idea of how to successfully catch one. This wasn't like cows you could lock onto and chase down, and Fin did not think he knew how to swim well enough to outswim a fish. The familiar sound of his companion's rapid wingbeats sounded beside his ear and he gave the hummingbird a grin. He shared a special bond with the bird, who'd he'd affectionately named 'Wings'. It had been no coincidence that they'd found each other so young - Wings was Tyrfing's spirit animal, a fylgja that held a part of his soul. Wings was not always the kindest companion and he was a hard taskmasker, nicknaming the clutzy boy "Fingers" as an insult. Why that was supposed to be insulting, Fin didn't know, but Wings had a wisdom beyond Fin's years and he trusted the knowledge of his fylgja.

"Well?" The bird questioned, disappointed. When Fin remained at the river bank lost in thought and confused, the hummingbird sighed and glided atop the water to peer into it's depths. "There's one beneath me." The skilled flier followed it forward and backwards, utilizing his incredible control over his body to follow the fish's movements and display them to the yearling.

Tyrfing stepped hesitantly into the stream, squinting into the water and trying to catch sight of the fish that was supposedly below the impatient bird. "This is silly." He mumbled, but eventually he gave a hesitant swipe into the water.

"Too slow!" The bird scolded him. "Strike fast, and without hesitation." The hummingbird swept down and flicked the boy's ear, before returning to the settling splash of water and finding the fish once more. "Again."

The yearling sighed, but did as he was bid. He stalked slowly along the river bank, fixing his eyes upon the place below the hovering bird. As quickly as he could he leapt out, shutting his eyes and throwing both paws upon the spot he'd last seen the fish. When he opened them, his paws were empty. Tyrfing let out a groan, shuffling back onto dry land and giving his coat a rough shake. "This is stupid." He complained again, hanging his head.

"You must anticipate where the fish is going and reach it before he does." The bird lectured, flying in aggravated circles above the water. "You can do it, try again." it took a few more moments for Wings to find where the fish had swam off to, but when he steadied his flying Tyrfing knew his companion had been successful.

The yearling crouched forward, taking in a deep steadying breath and sending up a prayer to the Gods that his sight might be true. He watched the fish's movements and how Wings mimicked them with his wings, and then as it swam forward the boy leaped once more, throwing his feline paws down ahead of the creature and feeling the scales catch beneath his claws. "I did it!" He called up to the bird, who only rolled his eyes and nodded. "Thank you, Wings, you're the best friend I could ask for." The hummingbird shrugged and flew off, as was typical for the moody bird. It did not bother Fin to be without him, for he knew his fylgja would never wander too far.

Fin withdrew the fish from the waters and squeezed his paws, piercing it in multiple places until it's wriggling stilled and stopped. Now all was left was for the sacrifice itself, the honoring of his Gods. Tyrfing picked up the fish in his mouth and looked thoroughly confused for a long moment, but eventually he moved into the Range further until he came upon an old stump. It wasn't perfect, and Tyrfing hated doing things less than perfect, but he was embarrassed to ask his mother for guidance and admit that he was lost sometimes on how these things worked.

He placed the fish upon the stump, spending a few moments to lay flat some torn scales and otherwise model the sacrifice so it would look more appealing. It felt wrong to just leave the meal to the sky and the roaming cows, but Tyrfing did not catch the fish out of hunger. He looked down at his prey, then back up to the clouds. "I don't think I'm doing this right but, you can see I'm trying, can't you?" The yearling said aloud. Hopefully it was enough, and with a respectful dip of his head he turned his back to the meal and headed towards the battlefield.

[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.