
Blur the Lines



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-31-2021, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2021, 06:09 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)
The days following Chimera's return from his work trip had seen Ali's life and routines return back to normalcy. She had still tended to his home and maintained the island while he was away, but she had returned to doing it on a daily basis. While he'd been gone, she'd tried to keep as out of the den and away from Viper as much as she could. The crazy woman didn't seem to want to have anything to do with her, nor did she give her any orders or commands when she was in charge, so Ali just tried to make herself as scarce as possible. When she had been in the den cleaning, she was always struck by just how quiet everything was without Chimera or his dogs. Her life with Chimera might not have been sunshine and flowers, but it had been hers. Her life was never going to be anything spectacular; fate had made sure of that from the day she was born. But what she had was good, and it was hers. Chimera gave her shelter, kept her fed, made sure the island was safe. The slavers before him had kept her in a cage, fed her only what she needed to stay healthy and maintain her appearance. Before that were the parents that had never even wanted her...

In her time alone, Aliana found her thoughts wandering to her owner, trying to imagine where in the wide world he was and what he was up to. She knew he held a high rank in the pack, so what sort of important business could he be up to? More than anything though, Ali hoped he'd return safe and return soon. Her existence was build around him, and without Chi she just felt rudderless. Her mind had often wandered to the monochromatic Klein prince following their interactions when he'd helped her with the beehive. She couldn't get the memories of him holding her against him in the rain, surrounding her tiny self in all of him. Occasionally when she'd be cleaning the furs in his bed chamber, Ali found herself fantasizing what it would be like sleeping in here with him the way they had under the trees. She always beat her imagination back into submission, reminding herself of her place, and how there would never be a chance of a prince like him ever desiring her in such a way. He'd made a mistake when he was asleep, that had been it. Nothing more.

Once Chimera had come home, Ali intended to put even more effort into keeping him happy to show how thankful she was that he'd come back safe. She'd gone out to their food stores to find a nice treat to welcome him home with and selected a couple of plump pheasants. She carried the game birds with her while she wandered the forest just to the north of their dens, picking some wild rosemary and thyme to season the birds with. While she gathered her herbs, a low, feline growl made her blood run cold in her veins. She turned on her heels, scouring the area for any signs of danger—but she couldn't see anything. The growl came again, and this time Ali realized it was above her. Wide, aquamarine eyes turned up to spot a young jaguar on a tree limb just overhead. The cat bared its fangs, eyeing the birds on Ali's back, then lunged down for her with a vicious snarl.

Aliana gasped and managed to dive out of the way just in time, able to hold onto the pheasants with her teeth, but suddenly left defenseless—not that she had any fighting skills to speak of to begin with. The jaguar spun and hissed as it squared off with the wolf smaller than itself. Ali tried to back up a couple paces, but the cat just continued its slow circle of her, eyes locked to her. She had no means of escape. Ali's heart raced with fear, and knowing she had no chance of getting away if the cat decided it wanted her instead of the game birds, she dropped the pheasants and gave a panicked cry for Chimera a second before the jaguar went for the small fae with claws bared for blood.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-31-2021, 07:48 AM

Chimera didn't have much time between his return from the north and his departure to head back north for the raid. What time he did have, he spent on the island preparing the freshwater stream so that the women of the island could easily access it. First hed had to cut away all of the thorns that had surrounded it. The man was riddled with prick marks and his white pelt was dotted with blood. He'd been pulling weeds and placing stone around the spring to make it look nicer. Women liked nice looking things. He'd even gone so far as to plant flowers. Fucking flowers. By the time he was done, the stream had turned into a little watery oasis. They would no longer have to float barrels of water over to the island from the mainland. They were entirely self sufficient.

Having just finished his work, Chimera heard the panicked call of Aliana. Without even one negative or snarky though, Chimera pushed off, his giant body crashing through the foliage. He ran quickly, head lowered to make himself more aerodynamic and to also not clothesline himself on the vines that sometimes stretched between trees. Through the gaps in the greenery, he could see flashes of golden fur and grey fur as well. The spots gave the feline away and Chimera willed his limbs to move faster. He knew what a jaguar could do with their powerful jaws. One bite to the back of the slave woman's head and she would be dead.

Not even slowing, Chimera burst from the trees and slammed his wide chest into the cat that was atop the woman. The force of the impact ripped the jaguar away and sent both it and Chimera flying. The feline bounced across the ground, but Chi had kept his footing somehow. As soon as his paws touched down with a semblance of balance, he was on the jaguar. Luckily or unluckily, he'd trapped the cat on its back. Claws dug into his flesh as his teeth sank into the spotted beasts face and throat. The cat had powerful jaws, but it didn't have Chimera's teeth. Rows of jagged ivories lanced through the feline's flesh and soon it wasn't fighting to kill, but fighting to escape. Too little, too late. An artery had been severed and the flailing cat quickly bled out.

As usual, Chimera was bloody when he approached Aliana. Leaving the cat behind, he came to the grey woman's side. With a gentleness that was very unlike him, Chimera helped the woman to her paws and inspected her for damage. The cat hadn't killed her and hadn't managed to bite into her skull, so he assumed she would be okay, but he would ask anyway. "Are you alright?"


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
07-31-2021, 01:08 PM
The jaguar collided with Aliana so hard that the tiny fae was thrown from her feet, landing on her back with the murderous feline atop of her. She yelped as sharp claws bit into her shoulders, the cat using its superior weight to pin her down as lethal fangs came for her face and throat. Ali pressed her paws to the jaguar's chest and neck, pushing with all her might. She wasn't strong enough to dislodge the predator, but she was able to just barely hold it back, feeling snaps at her fur far too close for comfort. She grunted and struggled, doing all she could to buy herself as many precious seconds as she could while she growled in an attempt to make herself appear threatening, though its effect was entirely lost on the dainty woman who was currently on her back. Just as she was beginning to feel her muscles weaken beneath the continued strain of holding the cat at bay, the weight of her attacker disappeared in a blur of black and white.

Ali gasped while she hurried to right herself, watching Chimera tumble and scuffle about with the jaguar. Between the snarls and growls it was hard to tell what was happening, but the fight lasted only about a minute before Chimera had the jaguar on the ground with his wicked teeth tearing its throat to shreds. The feline gave a panicked yowl that faded into a choking gurgle as it died beneath the behemoth's paws, and just like that she had been saved. Ali panted, each hard breath trying to pull more air into her lungs while her head spun. She looked up at Chi with wide eyes when he approached her soaked in the jaguar's blood, but it wasn't his appearance that panicked her. In fact, she felt far safer knowing he was here now and had saved her life. Ali slowly got control of her breathing again while he helped her to her paws with a gentle kindness uncharacteristic of him and asked if she was all right. Ali took a moment to look herself over, finding only pricks of blood on her shoulders where the cat's claws held her to the ground. Otherwise, she was unharmed.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you." She looked at her shoulders again; they'd be fine after she covered the bleeding enough for them to clot. Her worried aquamarine eyes turned to Chimera then, looking over his body and noting that some of the blood covering him was his own from where the jaguar's claws had rent into his flesh. Her ears folded back, taking a slow step closer to him. "Are you all right...?" she asked him in turn, peering up to catch his gaze. If he was hurt, she wanted to tend to him. He’d saved her life, it was the least she could do for him.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-09-2021, 05:37 PM

The woman was adamant that she was fine, but Chimera looked her over anyway. He noted the pricks in her shoulders and thankfully they weren't very deep. She would be fine, but had he been a second later, she may have been killed. "I'm sorry," he spoke, a low gnarr pulling from his chest. Thinking about how he'd failed to rid the island of such a predator incensed the brute. All other beasts had been chased off or killed, but that one cat had slipped through his grasp. The massive man would be on double duty for the next several days, scouring his island for any remaining dangers. No one broke his things but him.

Aliana took a step towards him, her ashen brow etched in concern as she questioned him in turn. The brute's gaze shifted, looking at the deeper wounds in his own flesh. "I'm fine," he replied in kind. Physically he was fine. The scratches would heal. He was angry though. Angry that his slave woman, his gift from Siren, had almost been killed. His things. His property. Heat began to fill the man as his anger boiled to the surface. It needed to be released in one way or another, so action needed to be taken.

With another low growl, Chimera moved towards the woman. With one thickly corded foreleg, he scooped her up and turned. Now, anyone that knew Chimera also knew that he was a sick fuck. He took what he wanted when he wanted it. The situation didn't matter. Nor did the scenery. The black and white behemoth slammed the fae down on her stomach, but he slammed her down on top of the dead jaguar. The corpse would make it easier to keep her slender form propped up so that he could do to her what she had been made for.

Stepping up behind the cloud dappled woman, Chimera hooked both paws around her shapely hip bones. Already he was hard and ready. With a guttural snarl and one hard, rough thrust, he sank home. As he fucked the woman, reminding the world that she belonged to no one save him, Chi sank his teeth into the flesh at the back of her neck, hurting her more than the cat had. Tomorrow he would start his hunt, fulfilling the goal of making himself the only predator on the island. Today, he would remind the slave woman that her life belonged to him, and only he could decide to end it.

--fade or something--


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-09-2021, 07:18 PM
Chimera's low, growling apology took her by surprise, and the reaction was evident on Ali's face. She blinked her eyes and furrowed her brow; what did he have to apologize for? "You saved me, you have nothing to be sorry for." Her protests fell on deaf ears while Chimera inspected the extent of her injuries anyway. Despite the pricks in her shoulders where the jaguar's claws had found flesh, she was unharmed. She really didn't understand Chimera's guilt, seeing the anger in his eyes. He had saved her life, she was beyond grateful for that. Why was he sorry? Because the jaguar had invaded the island in the first place? Ali knew Chi was as mortal a wolf as anyone else and she didn't blame him. But he clearly did.

He mimicked her words in kind that he was fine, and although his wounds were worse than hers, they were far from serious and would heal with a simply bandaging and cleaning. She gazed up at the rage etched on Chimera's face, the softness of her eyes peering up into pink and milky white, hoping to help show him that she really was okay and he didn't need to be angry at himself. A dainty white paw lifted to reach for his chest, but before she could make contact with the behemoth, her owner growled in a flash of sharp shark-like teeth and closed the gap between them in a single smooth stride. "C-Chimera...?!" Ali gasped when she felt his powerful foreleg scoop her petite body up like she weighed nothing. She had used his name, more out of startled reflex than disobedience. Her heart raced in her chest, beating fast and strong while Chimera manhandled her to his desires.

Before she could realize what was happening, Aliana found herself being turned and slammed down onto the bloody corpse of the jaguar with a soft, feminine grunt. The jaguar's plush pelt rubbed up against her stomach while Chimera held her down to the carcass, feeling massive paws hook around her voluptuous hips as he mounted her roughly from behind. Her bushy tail twitched anxiously as she realized what was about to happen and was quick to flick out of his way, exposing herself to him lest he try to forcibly remove her tail from what he desired. Ali didn't dare to look back at the black, white, and slate brute, instead digging her claws into the cooling flesh of the jaguar to try and steady herself to receive him inside her body.

She could feel him, feel his arousal against her shapely rump, and then he sank into her. Ali cried out and tore at the jaguar's body while Chimera claimed her in the way Chimera always did. He was hard, he was rough, he was aggressive. Feminine cries and whines and grunts slipped from her as he had her in his preferred way, fucking her as if he were claiming her for the first time all over again. Aliana tried her best to keep her sounds in check, but it was impossible with Chimera hitting parts of her that demanded the sounds, demanded her reactions. She should have known he would bite her; that was one of Chimera's favorite things to do to her, but it still came as a shock when she felt those dagger-like teeth slip through the flesh on the back of her neck, feeling the hot gush of her blood leave her body and fill his mouth with her taste. She screamed, partly from pain, partly from other sensations the brute was rousing and stirring within her. Pinned between his muscular pistoning body and the corpse of his latest kill, Aliana gave herself up to Chimera's desires and demands, losing herself as he took her and claimed her as only he ever could.

- fade but Chimera totally fucks her silly -


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-11-2021, 05:42 PM

Aliana gave in because she had absolutely no choice. Even if she had screamed and cried and begged him to stop, he wouldn't have. Why? Because she belonged to him. She was an item. A possession. Possessions didn't get to dictate how they were used by their master and the slave woman was no different. She could have screamed for help and, at that moment, Chimera would have torn anyone to shreds that would have dared to force themselves between the man and his toy.

Chimera had taken her hard, rough, bloody. He wanted her to remember this. He had saved her life because it belonged to him. Never would she, or should she, forget that. She was his. HIS. Chimera would dismember anyone or anything that thought otherwise. He'd proven that much.

Once he was through with her, Chimera pulled away. There was still a low growl in his tones as he spoke to the girl. "Go find Siren. Have her patch you up." With that, she was dismissed. Forgotten.

A pale pink eye stared hard upon the dead jaguar. The pelt was too good to waste. Once he was sure that the slave woman had done his bidding and left, Chimera began to strip the pelt from the cat. The rest of it would be left to the scavengers, but he had an idea for the skin. Yet another reminder to the slave girl just whom she belonged to.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-11-2021, 11:58 PM
After spending a few months in Chimera's ownership, one would think Aliana would grow used to the manner in which Chimera treated her, the way he bit her, the way he fucked her, but she hadn't. Life with Chimera was like a roller coaster, a constantly changing and unexpected shift and roll and loop as she was taken for a ride. Some days could be smooth, peaceful, quiet—but really those days were just the climb before the fall whenever something would set his temper off, or he'd just get into a dominant mood and let his aggression out. Sometimes Ali thought he did what he did simply because he was bored and he could. Whatever the reason, Chimera had become increasingly more aggressive and violent towards her, perhaps from frustrations within his own personal affairs, or maybe to release some of his pent up aggression that fighting and hunting had left him with. Either way, the results were always the same: deep bites and hard poundings.

Chimera had been exceptionally savage with her this time. He bit her neck, he clawed at her hips, he ravaged her inside as badly as he did outside. Pain and discomfort mixed with adrenaline and pleasure as Aliana was forced to take everything he gave her. By the time he was done, Ali lay sprawled across the jaguar's corpse, covered in her blood and Chimera's fluids, almost every part of her body numb or tingling. Her mind reeled, swirled, spun, the world just a blur of dancing colors before her eyes as she panted hard to try and catch her breath. Of all the ways Chimera had claimed her, this had been the most brutal. The behemoth brute had thoroughly staked his claim over her, a physical reminder that she belonged to him in every conceivable sense. He had saved her life, but he was also demonstrating how he could break her if he desired it. The jaguar had not been the most threatening predator on this island.

Aquamarine eyes blinked a few times to try and reorient her vision while parts of her throbbed with pain that was thankfully dulled by her incoherent brain. Her paws, which had been gripping onto the jaguar's body in reaction to the force of Chimera's hips slamming into hers, gradually relaxed their hold. Heavy, ragged panting began to settle down to breathless gasps, her body hanging limp where Chimera left her lying. His command to go find Siren to get seen to didn't register in her consciousness, but her brain and body responded on autopilot, shifting to rise unsteadily to her paws as she slid and stumbled off of the jaguar. Her hind legs almost gave out immediately as soon as she hit the ground, but Ali bore the pain with a soft yelp and gritted teeth. She would obey her master's order, more out of her sense of survival than duty this time. Chimera had slaughtered the jaguar, ravaged her bloody, bitten her in the back of her neck so hard she could still feel blood seeping through her fur. She didn't dare see what would happen if she tried to disobey him.

As strong as she tried to be, the pain deep inside her nether regions and the aching sting in the back of her neck that radiated throughout her body was clearly seen in the way she limped off, unable to keep a steady gait all the way back to the dens. She didn't try to clean herself up at all; she simply didn't have the strength to. She would seek out Siren to make sure her wounds were taken care of so she wouldn't bleed out, then she would tend to herself. That had been Chimera's bidding, and everything she did was at the behest and the pleasure of Chimera. Always for Chimera.

- exit Aliana -


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.