
It Feels Better Biting Down


08-05-2013, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2013, 06:55 PM by Liberty.)

Skip a hit don't make a sound

The Valhallan princess wandered aimlessly. Her mind was plagued with wicked thoughts, and after meeting the devil's ghost she had developed an attraction toward darker things. She found herself trailing farther from home with every step, and she was beginning to have no intentions to return. She was sitting high on the throne, and she wanted nothing more than to be alone. Paw pads kissed the earth with a dangerous symphony as she slithered through the newly found territory. There was a lot of prey here, and the land seemed perfect; too perfect. She wouldn't doubt if a pack resided somewhere here, but she didn't care. Her taste for danger drove her forward without a second thought.

Her head cocked to the left as something rustled in the bushes before her. She froze, her front right paw lifted slightly off the ground, and her tail flagging aggressively upward. Her lips curled into a deadly, but silent, snarl, and her gaze iced over as she waited for her prey to emerge. Wither it be a deer, rabbit, or skunk, she would be spewing its blood across the earth today. A small tuff of fur peeked out from the everlasting pool of green, and the bitch wasted no time. She launched herself forward, jaws splayed open to grasp the animal in a deadly trap consisting of razor sharp fangs. squeeeee! The animal had turned out to be a small hare, and Liberty's fangs had managed to grasp the back of its neck, and with one vicious swing to the right she had snapped its neck. The animal hung limp from her jaws, and she did not release it. She allowed its crimson warmth to seep into her mouth and down her muzzle and neck. The white patches on her face turned from ivory to crimson as she clenched her jaws around her prey, which caused her fangs to puncture vital veins. A laugh bubbled within her chest as blood trickled down her throat. If only her mother could see her now.

Breathe so deep I thought I'd drown




08-05-2013, 07:09 PM

WARNING - M RATED. (due to gore)
Her paws beat down on the grassy terrain with force. It was the sound of thunder. Her muscles rippled with each step. Her tail whipped behind her for balance. Eyes were slit into slivers. She was after her prey. A Doe. A Deer. A female Deer. Her mouth leaked with drool, a ravaged tongue tingled. A breathtaking growl ripped through the air as she launched. Her claws dug into delicate flesh. Her fangs sunk into golden fur. She whipped around enough to know the devil off balance. She hung to its backside before she darted to finish it off. She grinned as her bloody fangs flicked into the animal's throat. She panted as the Deer's life dwindles away. It's legs twitched and it's eyes slowly shut. She backed away in delight. She was happy with her catch, but she heard pawsteps within the distance.

Her yellow eyes feasted upon a grey woman tackled down a Hare. She tilted her head and smirked. Oh how delightful that one looked. She admired the woman's curvs and silver fur. The way she brought down the critter and blood soaked her pristine white fur. Canttina let forth what was nearly a purr, but more of a growl. She was torn between woman and prey. Though, she decided she would fancy up before introducing herself. The behemoth dove into the belly of the Deer. Her jaws snapped and her whole head was engulfed by flesh. She came up for breath before she dove back in. She tore the guts and flesh of the animal. Tufts of fur and gut coated her head, back, and torso. She nearly moaned in pleasure, she enjoyed the taste but the feel of the flesh within her toes and mouth was much better.

When she got her fill the women flopped down and rolled within the mess. She groaned softly before she got up She was now covered head to toe in guts and blood. She smirked, blood dripped from her lips. She looked back to the pristine darling and slithered her way towards her. She cocked her head to the side and let forth gentle vocals. " Aren't you just lovely. "

" speech "


08-06-2013, 02:22 PM

Claws dug deeply into the earth beneath her as she savored every last moment of her kill. Her eyes closed, and the balls rolled back within their sockets as the metallic tasting life line dripped down her throat. She did not intend on eating this animal, she simply wanted to kill. Not for sport, but for release. She inhaled deeply, then exhaled a long sigh. The hare dropped from her mouth without much thought, and as it fell a thick stream of blood dripped from her open mouth. She didn't have any use for it now, so she would leave it for the scavengers to fight over.

Her eyes opened, and her ears fell forward. She could sense another creature out there, and as she inhaled the scent it was all too clear; it was another wolf. The aroma of another kill wafted across her nostrils, and she couldn't help but savor the taste. Within a few moments she could hear the quiet sounds of bones breaking, flesh tearing, and blood slurping. She figured whoever it was had just caught a marvelous catch. Her eyes hungrily drifted back down toward the hare. Now she was starting to get hungry. She was just about to reach down and grab a bite when the perpetrator came into view. Her head rose back up, and her tail flagged level with her spine. It was necessarily an aggressive posture, but it was a defensive one, one that said I wont be afraid to attack you if provoked.

The bitch was covered in blood as if she had wallowed within the bowels of her kill. Liberty's lips curled into a smirk, reveling the bottoms of her two front canines. What an interesting creature this gal was. "I could say the same about you." Her words trailed off toward the end. Her iced gaze set on the females for a moment, but drifted back down toward her hare. She really wanted a bite, but she would see what this female had to offer first. Protectively she placed her right paw on the hare's tattered body. This kill was hers, and she wouldn't let this bitch steal it.




08-10-2013, 04:55 PM

Oh how Canttina loved little girlies. The curves and cockiness. The way they looked at everything with only the thickest of attitudes. The demoness saw through it, they were all little whimpies. This silver canine stared at the face of death. The blood soaked woman was a image of horror. Her whole body was littered with various scars and maw marks. Her shoulders lacked fur in places and there were indents where flesh didn't heal correctly. She was a vision of a pup's nightmare. The woman enjoyed the darkness thoroughly. She thrived on death, doom, lust, and destruction. Though, she loved to play with her lovlies. Playing with her food before and after she ends their life.

The demoness cocked her head to the side with a sickening smile. Her teeth were tainted with a soft tint of crimson and yellow. A ravaged tongue slithered across her bloody muzzle. The little silver woman stared at Canttina. A soft voice filled her ears. The earthy pelted demoness giggled with a whip of her head. A crack was heard from her neck. She moaned softly, " That one was for the books. " She laughed some more before she rolled her marred shoulders. Her eyes flicked the silver woman's without emotion. She watched as the woman stepped over her meal. " Do not worry my lovely. My belly is full. I ravaged the bellows a lovely Doe. " Her lips cracked a smirk, fangs came into view. " How rude of me. " She looked away quickly, " My name is.. " The demones paused for a few moments before she looked back at the woman. " Canttina. "

" speech "