
I like long walks on the beach



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-20-2021, 05:01 AM
Lillith found her paws after falling into the sand, but just barely as Romulus leapt after her. He had not suffered from another pause in hesitation this time. Lilith looked up with her getnet gaze to find Romulus filling her sights and senses. She was sure that she was about to lose this little spar, he was about to wrap her in his arms and land on the sand and that would be her loss. Lillith wasn’t one to give up very quickly though and at the last possible moment she struggled. Somehow, even with her breath lost, she leapt up so Roman crashed into the sand where she had been.

She hadn’t meant to, but when her paws fell back down it was right on top of Roman. Her small frame came crashing down on top of his head. As promised she was making him eat sand, even if that hadn’t been her true intention. "Roman!” She exclaimed with obvious guilt as she hurried off of him, slipping onto the sand and lifting his silver features with ivory paws. Garnet gaze found silver as she suddenly erupted into a massive grin. She could hardly even believe it, but she had just won their spar, fair and square.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-20-2021, 06:43 PM

No matter how much he attempted to overwhelm her, lithe little Lillith just kept wriggling out of his clutches! What should have been an easy pin ended up with Lillith leaping straight into the air as he came down, colliding into the beach face first. But that hadn't been enough of an embarrassing defeat alone, oh no. No sooner had he hit the ground, he felt Lillith's weight, light as it was, come crashing down onto his head. All at once, darkness consumed Romulus' vision as he was buried in the sand, his open jaws earning him the mouthful of sand Lil had promised he'd end up eating. Turned out she was right! While wholly unharmed, Roman did end up sprawled out across the beach with his head buried in the soft golden sands, pinned underneath Lillith until she scrambled off of him.

For a long moment he lay there completely still, contemplating playing dead just to hide his bruised ego from having been outwitted so thoroughly and maybe give Lil a bit of a scare, but he decided that was probably more mean than funny. Romulus pulled his head from the sand with a cough, spitting out bits of sand from between his teeth while the rest of his silver-furred face was caked with the grainy substance. He peered up at her, silver eyes meeting her startled rubies, but then saw the wide-eyed realization form in them and a grin split her lips when she realized she'd won.

Still sputtering with sand on his tongue, Roman flopped over onto his back, belly up and tipped his head back to expose his throat in a dramatic display, the Armada wolf gave an exaggerated sigh of defeat. "Please kill me now, merciful victor, so I may never know the taste of sand again in my life!"




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-20-2021, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2021, 07:43 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
She still couldn’t really breathe, but it was because of the way she landed and not because her lungs were struggling from the effects of her illness. She hadn’t overdone anything, Lillith felt good. She felt victorious. That wasn’t an emotion she was familiar with, not at all. She always felt like she hadn’t done as much as she could or she was held back by her weak lungs. That feeling was almost overshadowed by worry as Roman almost took too long to free himself from the sand and look back up to her. Immediately upon looking at him when he did she felt guilty.

"Oh, Roman! I’m so sorry!” She apologized with concern as he spit out sand, and had it covering his face. He lifted himself up and flopped onto his back dramatically, offering up his throat for the final blow to end his eternal embarrassment and remove any chance of enjoying sand ever again. Lillith shuffled forward hesitantly and gently dusted a bit of sand from his silvery pelt. "You know I couldn’t let you win.” She teased him with a shy smile as she lowered her belly into the sand next to him, not quite touching but close.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-20-2021, 09:24 PM

Lillith's shy gentleness took Roman by surprise. He had expected jubilation from her, celebration for her well earned victory, but instead he got hesitant care from her as she brushed the loose sand from his steel-blue coat. Her touch left little tingles of static across his fur. He gazed up at her in sheer wonder; had he heard her right? She was apologizing to him?! Lillith was far too sweet and kind to exist in this world. She mentioned how she couldn't let him win, and he agreed with her, but she wasn't reveling enough for his liking.

"And you didn't... and that's why you should be celebrating more!" Giving her a wicked grin, Romulus swiftly rolled back over toward her and closed the thin strip of space between them, going to throw his forelegs around her sides, paws seeking out her sides with quick dancing claws to tickle her. If she wouldn't grin from ear to ear and laugh triumphantly, then he was going to make her laugh for the victory she deserved! "C'mon, champion, let's see that winner's smile!"




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-21-2021, 04:51 PM
She hadn’t stopped grinning but Lillith was concerned over Romulus and his face full of sand. He had demonstrated earlier falling on the sand didn’t hurt as bad as it looked, but even she could attest that it wasn’t that soft. Garnet gaze shifted from his sand filled fur to the surprised look that settled over his features and she thought for a moment he really had hurt himself. Then he was telling her she should be celebrating her victory more. Lil blushed even as he said it, she had her moments but really Lillith was humble and felt bad about his mouth full of sand.

Then his arms were around her, before she could protest or react she could feel his claws over her ribs as he started to tickle her on purpose! "Ah! Roman!” She squealed and squirmed. Far too preoccupied with the involuntary reaction of giggles and wiggling to realize just how close they were out there on the sand. He did give her a huge grin over her features as she laughed with unbridled mirth. "Quit it!” She demanded between laughs, but didn’t really mean it, especially when she got her own paws on him, two could play this game! If she couldn’t beat him she was gonna join him.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-21-2021, 06:36 PM

There was that wonderful laughter and smile Romulus had been missing! Grinning like a fool, the silver-furred young man mercilessly tickled Lillith until she was squirming and squealing his name, trying to get away from him. Roman held onto her so she couldn't escape him, giving her no quarter to try and break free from his hold. As she squirmed, she began to tug his body closer and closer while he struggled to hold onto her until they were almost entwined on the beach. The feel of her body wriggling in his grasp and her soft fur brushing wildly back and forth through his own coat left delightful tingles all over him, but Romulus was far too focused on tickling Lil into submission to stop and notice.

"Never!" he retorted when she demanded he stop, her words only making him redouble his efforts to tickle her all over. Then the tides shifted, and he felt Lillith's smaller paws against his bare stomach. There was a brief moment of pause as his brain comprehended the danger he was in, and then delicate claws began to dance over his skin, making his muscles tense and flex as she tickled him in return. Roman gasped and wheezed as deep laughter was forced from him, now squirming and kicking hind legs against the sand as both young wolves were locked in a war of attrition of tickles.

Roman tried to resist for as long as possible, but his reactions to Lillith's teasing paws was much more physical with the brute kicking and squirming on the sand with her in his arms. Finally he had to relent, rolling with Lillith in his grasp so the smaller girl's weight was atop of him and he threw his paws up in surrender, still giggling as she tickled him until she realized she had won for a second time. "O-okay! Okay! You got me! I give!" he said between fits of laughter, grinning widely up at the silver and snow fae on top of him with shimmering steel eyes.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-21-2021, 07:05 PM
Closer and closer he held her as she tried to struggle away. She’d been smart to stay out of his grasp like this when they were really sparring, she had no hope of overpowering him. Still, she knew he meant no harm and didn’t suddenly find herself in a claustrophobic episode. Lillith was comfortable despite how little space was left between them. She was far too occupied with the way he traced her ribs so frustratingly. He vowed he would never stop, but that was the same time that she managed to position her paws against his ribcage and belly.

In similar response he began to laugh deeply as she forced the reaction on him with her ginger touch. She was still laughing and kicking as well, crying she was doing it so hard. Gasping for breath and still half trying to fend him off half trying to return fire. She felt like she was about to die when Roman finally ceased his efforts. She hiccuped in surprise as he rolled both of them, resulting with her being perched on his chest and belly.

He relented verbally as well, giving up and declaring her winner as he finally ceased his tickles. Lilith was already having trouble catching her breath, even more so now. She panted lightly through a bright grin. So caught up in the subsequent tickle fight that she was only now realizing the position she was in. Draped quite perfectly down the length of Roman’s body. Garnet gaze widened slightly as she caught his liquid silver eyes and he beamed up at her.

"I’ve got you twice now,” she breathed while starting to begin the downward spiral of the second part of the day. Her smile wouldn’t shrink ever, but her ears and eyes were starting to droop. Not that she was near ready to admit it to herself or out loud. She liked being out here with Romulus, and being close like this was uncomfortable but in a good way. A way that didn’t make her want to leave her perch. With her paws placed perfectly on his chest, and his smiling face so close to hers.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-21-2021, 07:55 PM

Romulus reveled in the brightness of Lillith's dazzling smile, the way her beautiful eyes shone brighter than rubies, how her fur felt like silver-laced silk from an exotic land. Both wolves lay breathing hard, bathed in sunlight and smelling of saltwater and one another. As the adrenaline faded away and the moment came down from its high, Romulus began to take notice of how she felt perched on top of him, her lithe body draped across his like a fine sheet, subtle feminine curves fitting to his adventure-toned body like a puzzle piece. His heart pounded against his chest, beating strong and steady, pumping warmth to parts of him she now covered. He stared deeply into Lillith's eyes, losing himself to the rouge-colored world within. Seeing her silhouetted against the bright blue sky with golden sunlight making her fur sparkle... she was incredible.

His roguish grin returned to his face when she made a comment of how she'd beaten him twice now. "Yeah, you did..." he began, bringing a paw up to stroke along her cheek before using it to keep her steady while he lifted his head up just enough to be able to place a quick lick to the end of her muzzle. "But I just got you, so now we're two-to-one." He noticed the fatigue beginning to make itself known on her face, her ears drooping atop her crown. The day had gotten away from them a bit, and now in the mid-afternoon, it was looking like Lillith might need to take a rest. "Looks like someone could use a nap. You wanna head back up to the castle, or stay here on the beach?" Whichever she chose, he knew he was staying with her. Whether they fell asleep in the sun on the beach or he carried her back to her room and snuggled with her in either of their beds, he was going to be there with the wolf that had bewitched him so wholly.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-22-2021, 05:15 AM
The pair of them settled down considerably as the adrenaline wore off and they figured out who the winner of their tickle fight really was. Lillith was relaxing against him far more than she would ever expect, but he was also the main cause of the fluttering in her chest. The tension that remained in her joints as she worried in the back of her head if she was making him uncomfortable or putting an elbow in the wrong place, was drowned when his untarnished silver eyes found her garnet gaze. Her smile was light and carefree, the tiredness was obvious but her features were bright.

He lifted a dark paw to her cheek as he agreed that she had indeed bested him twice. Surprise took her, not expecting the soft touch nor the sudden feeling of his tongue against her lips. Her ruby eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly, but Roman knew what he had done. Lillith felt her cheeks flush and she averted her gaze shyly, he didn’t hesitate to vocalize his observation. She was too obviously feeling the effects of their day, it was a good thing he didn’t really follow through with climbing a mountain today.

Roman called her out, but Lillith wasn’t ready to throw in the towel quite yet. A mischievous grin played on her features, "You are looking pretty tired,” she told him teasingly. Almost reluctantly, but with relief as well, Lil carefully lifted herself from his body. "Let's go find a bit of shade and relax.” She finally decided. Lilith wanted to think she wouldn’t actually need to nap, but who was she kidding. If he snuggled up beside her she would be out like a light.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-22-2021, 05:31 PM

The effects were immediate and all too amusing the moment his tongue his her snout. The way Lillith's eyes went wide and jaw went slack would have been enough to make him snicker, had her shy blush not absolutely melted his heart. He laughed lightly, a soft sound almost drowned out by the lapping waves. Mission accomplished! She grinned back at him with an equally teasing manner and commented on how he looked tired and suggested they go find a shady spot to relax in. Nodding his head to the suggestion, Roman waited (with only a little disappointment) for Lillith to climb off of him before he rolled to his paws and shook off his coat to free it of sand. Peering up and down the beach, he spotted a small cove sheltered by a large rock outcropping where the higher terrain of the plains extended out toward the sea, casting the pool of water and the semicircular beach around it in shade.

"That spot looks pretty good," he suggested and motioned so Lillith could follow him towards it. He led the way down the beach, walking leisurely by her side so she could lean into him if she needed to. He wouldn't insist on carrying her or underestimating her ability to do things herself, but he wouldn't let her fall either. Together, the two made their way out of the hot afternoon sun and into the cooler shaded area around the cove. The temperature difference was immediately noticeable and much more relaxing here, with the softer, gentler lapping of the water in the cove against the shore making a tranquil milieu for the two young wolves.

Romulus picked out a spot on soft sand a few yards from the water so that they could enjoy the sound of the waves while relaxing in the shade. The larger boy stretched out his legs, then slowly flopped down to the sand with a soft grunt. His muscles had suddenly felt more tired and heavy than he'd realized; perhaps an afternoon nap was in order for the two of them. They had both had quite a physically active day. Rolling to his side, Roman grinned up at Lillith and patted a paw on the sand beside him, inviting her to lie down and snuggle so he could curl his larger frame around hers.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-22-2021, 07:24 PM
She barely hid the yawn that left her maw as she pulled herself from Roman’s chest and released him to his own paws she they could relocate elsewhere. He easily took the lead and Lillith followed him towards a private little cove. She didn’t realize as she started doing it, but she was leaning against his shoulder. Comfortably and without thinking. She was more tired than she realized, but a long walk, a long swim, and a spar had been more than enough even on her best days.

As they crossed into the shade she could already feel herself breathing better and relaxing more. She held her own weigh but remained close to Roman. This area just seemed more peaceful than she shore. The sound of the seabirds was quieted, and the gentle sound of the ocean echoed quietly off the rock. She smiled softly up at Roman after her garnet gaze swept the landscape and she wasn’t sure she could have been any happier.

He made it a few steps away from her, deciding on a comfortable place near the blue waves. He flopped down and rolled to his side, looking more now like he was indeed the one ready for a nap. She grinned at his crooked smile as he invited her closer. She spent the whole morning close beside him in different scenarios and she still hesitated slightly before closing the distance between them.

Romulus was irresistible though, and she lowered her silver and ivory form into the sand beside him, fitting perfectly in the crook of his arm and against his belly. She leaned against him shyly, but relaxed into his embrace. He’d already proved to her that he wanted to see nothing but her happiness and she trusted him as much as the members of her own family. But physical affection had never been easy for her. She was getting better with Roman though, the proof being how easily she fell asleep in his arms.
