
Can You Catch The Fog?


08-02-2013, 11:56 PM

Silent as the fog that rolls in during the night, a white figure stood at the borders. It moved with an unearthly grace, seeming to float along the grounds. An epiphany of fog itself only that embodied in the being of a predator. Silent as the moon and stars above it, it traveled the lines the owners of this land claimed. Like the land, it took could not leave. Forever stuck in this place until her curse was broken. Sooner or later it would come, like the sun rising to warm the lands and chasing the chilling fog away. Each movement was taken with precise measurements. One had to with limited sight. White wolfess was permently blind in one eye, while with other was a deep forest green, at times referred to as an emerald color. It was an unknown fact whether she was born is way or not.

Stopping the white creature took it's time to san the lands with one good eye. So this is where she would live from now on? Isardis had managed to sway her here with him with smooth words. What else would she do? After all she didn't even know who she was. She cold not remember, every thing seemed to be stolen away from her. With not knowing anyone that might be looking for her or needing her, she had followed silently. Plus he had force claimed her, giving no choice really. She wondered where that albino of a ale was. Something about him was, charming? Captivating? She wasn't too sure. Eyes raised to the night sky, why could she not sleep? It would seem she was not the type to dwell during the daylight much but thrive under the night skies. Perhaps it had something to do with who she had once been. With a soft huff muzzle parted and she called out to the charming man in a low howl. It was not commanding, but a simple questioning if he too was out and about.




08-03-2013, 12:49 AM

She would meander his kingdom with undeniable elegance, ever-hungry gaze following her from his loitering remoteness; watching with satisfaction as the woman would parade so aimlessly, so oblivious to her new requirements, new purpose. Her alluring beauty would radiate the navy skies that encased her, that attempted to drown her in a world of eerie darkness; only to fail, to be forced athwart by the luminance of her alabaster plumage. She were almost as incapable of night-bound disguise as the man himself, who would now saunter towards her; poise seething from his pores as self worth would leave a path of gold-dust in his wake, chasing so desperately after him.

He would not grant the woman her liberty, instead invading her boundaries with unhesitant conceit, sauntering towards her as if an exemption of gravity, seamlessness evident within every stride. ?You are as aware of your splendour as I am, miss seraph,? tongue would roll forth with effortless ease, ?It would seem.? Conclusion would be accompanied by the lashing of eager tongue, body straying barely an inch from her side as lips would twitch with rising folly; a cunning smirk rolling fervently with the depths of his intentions.


08-03-2013, 01:55 AM

Like two fallen stars, they glowed in the darkness, chasing away those seemingly unrelenting shadows. The earth around them, as he grew closer seemed to light in their presence. As if together they had the light of the moon with them. One sharp eye watched his approach, feeling this luring pull to him. Was it simply because he was another wolf, one who had claimed her? Or was it more, with the fact she found him appealing? His orbs seemed to burn into her as she watched him, keeping her good eye on him. In no way would she let others on her blind unless they had acquired her highest trust. Voice, rich with smooth words and an easy tone. He sure was confident. But then again why would he not be? Was he, not after all the king here? Did he not claim her for his own purposes? Ears twisted back respectfully but not much else changed in her stance.

He stood no more than a mere inch from her own body, their bodies heating that tiny space between them quickly. She turned her head to keep him in her sights; slightly uneasy with the way he orbited around to be on her side. She watched the grim play on his muzzle, and sense his proud and confident air. While she remained blank. She was not sure how she was to react. If it was not for the heat her body gave off nor the movement of her sides as she breathed, it might have been possible for him to be speaking with a ghost. At last her jaws parted, her tone Irish and strong. "Aware or not does not matter to a being who is much like fog. Always there but never able to be grasped." She replied softly. Her voice like a whisper to draw in the weak, to mesmerize, and captivate. Slowly she blink, blind eye opening first. If one took a close look they could see there were no scars on her body, no stories that told who she might be. No possibility to explain the blind eye. One could only assume she had been born that way. " You must be surely aware that you are like the sun to the lands and its inhibitors. Question is...will you burn it or guide it?" She added.




08-04-2013, 02:19 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2013, 02:21 AM by Isardis.)

Her stance would barely alter, a mild twitching of disapproval scathing his lungs; aching, longing to encourage forth some form of anxious reaction, a reminder of his supremacy and merit. She would freeze, her body hovering as still as the breezeless landscape that swathed them, and perhaps one of the last traces of frost as the winter world around them began to crumble into the depths of summer. Her voice would usher forth with ease, though her language were not one the beast felt familiar with, her word choices notably perplexing; so much to the point of giving in to psychological defeat. However momentarily, the ghouls pride far too great. ?Such enormous self assurance, for such a little lady,? he would chuckle weakly, pleasured by her pride-infused attempts to waver him, to get him thinking; alas she had failed.

?Do you really feel the need for questioning? Have you no faith in me, madam ?fog??? and audaciously he would reach towards her, cherry nose attempting to make contact with the plane of her neck, perhaps daring her to retaliate. ?You see, fog will come and go, but it leaves no great impressions on the lands or fauna adjacent to it- it is but an ornament, a thing of temporary existence. It has no true wealth or value. Must you speak so poorly of yourself? It hardly seems fair,? lips would twitch, itching with delight, coiling within the sickening pleasure his character so hastily expressed. He enjoyed the striking woman, perhaps she were one of his favourite little ornaments as far as appeal was concerned, and apparently she could also be somewhat entertaining.


08-06-2013, 06:16 PM

She wondered if she might have upset him for her lack of reaction towards him. She just simply did not see why she must show him he had full control. Both knew very well who owned these lands, who had claimed her, and who was alpha. There just seemed to be no reason to reinstate that. ?Such enormous self assurance, for such a little lady,? He replied with a soft chuckle. She watched him for a moment before replying. " Self assurance? No, it simply is i do not know who i am." She answered back honestly. She sat her haunches down with tail delicately wrapped over her paws.

?Do you really feel the need for questioning? Have you no faith in me, madam ?fog??? With that a small smirk pulled at her lips and she looked away to stare out over the land. Soon it would warm here and she wondered what summer would look like here. "If I don?t then who will hmm?" She answered his question. She had noticed from the very start her accent was very different and heavy compared to him and others. Another key that she might not be from here. She stored that small fact in the back of her mind. One day she would find out who she was and where she came from. Others were so lucky to have their memories, to know their families, where they came from, to know who they were. She wasn?t even sure what she liked and disliked. She was as neutral has nature, just doing what she had to do to move on. She was glade though that Isardis was here, it have her something else to think about than herself.

His nose was then there on her neck, pure instincts made her pulled her lips back to snarl but she made no noise. She leaned away from him, fixing him with a darning green eye. She would not be easily wooed like others. No, no matter who she might have been, this would not be allowed. She was very prickly when it came to anyone touching her. She didn?t like it, you never knew what they might do to you! But something told her, snarling at the larger male would be a bad idea. She was just left to bear fangs and give a warning. ?You see, fog will come and go, but it leaves no great impressions on the lands or fauna adjacent to it- it is but an ornament, a thing of temporary existence. It has no true wealth or value. Must you speak so poorly of yourself? It hardly seems fair,? Her ears twitched at his words, unsure what to say. She frowned slightly, lips covering her teeth once more. She turned her gaze away from him, body still tensed. "Aye...that is true. It matters not how i see myself.." She muttered out to him.




08-08-2013, 09:45 PM

So effortlessly the snow-queen would be thrown back to reality, plucked from the sky and dropped mercilessly to the sod beneath her; her brilliance stained to that of earthen brown, her ribs so easily crushed by her Kings wits. Perhaps it was a feeble sign of weakness, or perhaps it simply made her brighter than the rest? A chuckle would usher free from coral jaws, bemused by her efforts to draw away from him, denying him the touch he so craved. ?So easily thrown down, madam fog,? his spine would twist, tail batting aimlessly at tapered hocks, ?Never fear, soon your body will breathe new life and purpose to the kingdom. Something greater than any fog can achieve, my pallid dove,? a bemused chuckle would conclude the angel?s speech, a paw reaching forth in yet another attempt to draw the duo closer.

ooc/ sorry it's so short! <3


08-08-2013, 10:29 PM

Like two stars they seemed to be trying to out shine one another. Though it would seem to her that the larger star would always out shine her. He seemed unphased by her warning when he had moved closer. This unsettled her slightly, she needed space, she didn't want to be held down.?So easily thrown down, madam fog,? She scoffed lightly at the remark. "You can not throw something that you can not hold." She responded back with a small corner or her lips drawing upwards. He was interesting, charming, and yet something told her there was danger too. His tail batted at her hocks but she could care less. The only time she got aggressive was when another's jaws came to close for her comfort. ?Never fear, soon your body will breathe new life and purpose to the kingdom. Something greater than any fog can achieve, my pallid dove,? She stared at him as he moved closer. This time she did not move away. Pups? She would bare his pups? The thought sent a shiver of joy through her. Little bundles to call her own? But who would care for her? She could not hunt with enborns. What of protection?

A smile had crossed her features, softening her delicate head more than was possible. But when she thought of all those questions it fell away. "If i bare your pups...who would watch over me and them? And food? Isardis do know the other females could cause a potential threat to them and me. Jealously is a curse placed upon females when it comes to pups. I do hope you are prepared for that." Her voice had gone serious. But she still could not chase the warming thought of having pups one day. She had after all entered her breeding season and surely the King knew this. He was moving fast in expanding the pack. But should they not have ranks first? Order, a routine? To her it felt like a bunch of female trapped in one place but still acting as loners. That would need to change, and soon.




08-08-2013, 10:44 PM

Still, she would refuse to let go of her previous endeavours, once again returning to her later ways and muttering forth some untouchable mumbo-jumbo the king had little interest for. Her statement would go unheard, his attention dwindling as she would proceed to suggest she withheld some sort of other-worldly qualities. So she still had her head in the clouds, eh? An ill-mannered fall would be sure to follow suit, one way or another. Her retort and reference to offspring would encourage an amused snigger, women were always so quick to jump at the thoughts of a family, though Glaciem would not give them the ties they so desired. ?Darling, I can assure you if anybody so much as touches my spawn, I will personally cleave the blood-ways from their gullet and hang their own scalp about their skinless shoulders,? his voice would be eerily void of emotion, a bemused smirk still tweaking his cherry lips, ?As for your sustenance, any wise King will prolong the life of his progeny no matter the circumstances, soon I will bring my son to care for you; and other men will be sure to follow suit. It is not of your concern, and I do so hope that a clever banshee such as yourself would know better than to doubt my competence.? Mild suggestion would weave his vocabulary, ruby gaze scathing her empty womb as he draw himself again to her side, breathing profoundly at the bristled fleece that encased her pallid shoulders.


08-08-2013, 11:31 PM

It would seem he was tiring of her antics. Mentally she laughed a it. It would look like she was wearing through his act. She rather enjoyed that, knong she might get another react out of him that wouldnot be all cocky. But she would need to trend carefully. She still had yet to know the limits and what he was like. She did not need to risk her life or get hurt. And if he did plan for her to bare his pups she would need to be in top form. Already she was mentally planning out what she would need. Her worries were answered. ?Darling, I can assure you if anybody so much as touches my spawn, I will personally cleave the blood-ways from their gullet and hang their own scalp about their skinless shoulders,? To someone else it might have been disturbing. But Keita saw reassurance. Should she have pups she would be highly protective over them and kill any one to keep them safe. There wasa hidden cruelity to the white girl. One that only showed in extreme situations. She knewof this for a fact. Should anyone harm family, blood, or friends she would lash out, slowly ripping their skin from their bodies and leavi them to suffer till death.

?As for your sustenance, any wise King will prolong the life of his progeny no matter the circumstances, soon I will bring my son to care for you; and other men will be sure to follow suit. It is not of your concern, and I do so hope that a clever banshee such as yourself would know better than to doubt my competence.? She sighed softly and sat her rump back down on the earth. At least to would seem he planned for this pack for have at least a few males. She minded not so long as someone aided her when the time came. But it would only be one she trusted to bring her food. No one would be already near her den with young ones. "No my King..I am but a female with normal concerns that is all." She replied. She left cold air being sucked being sucked away from her shoulders, forcing her body to relax.




08-18-2013, 11:59 PM

Contrary to the angel?s presumptions, the delicate dame seemed unwavered by his reassuring orifice of hostility; her pretty features remaining near identical, somewhat void and neutral as they had before his comforting statement. Perhaps she was a vixen of wit after all, Isardis had long learnt to appreciate a tolerance of reality within his women. Though Keita was but a brood, her only requirement to provide him with children, the albino still found a sense of appeal within the workings of her mind. ?A petite female with average intellect, yes; but my dear, you are now the foundation of what is soon to be the greatest Kingdom in all of Alacritis. You deserve no less than to be supported as such, soon you will realize, my little white dove,? ears would flicker alongside the twitching of pleasured smirk, and jaws would come to press at the womans nape, inscisors aiming to groom fondly, possessively at the folds of her tender flesh.


08-19-2013, 12:18 AM

She mentally smiled, seemed maybe Isardis and her would have some things in common. Her eye searched his, wondering if he wished to know why she seemed so unphased by his explaination on how one would be dealt should they mean harm.?A petite female with average intellect, yes; but my dear, you are now the foundation of what is soon to be the greatest Kingdom in all of Alacritis. You deserve no less than to be supported as such, soon you will realize, my little white dove,? She would smile as his teeth would find her flesh to groom it. In turn she moved her head to return the favor onto his chest, adding a few caressing licks.

"Aye..great it will be with so many pups to build its blood line and strength. But King, do know..if someone harms my pups are any other female, i will not hesitate to slowly rip the skin off their body, feed it to the crows and leave them to suffer the elements of nature till they die." There was a certain cold tone to her voice as she spoke. A certain note that said she spoke with very bit of truth in her. That she would do just as she said. The thought sent a thrilling shiver down her spine. She gently nipped his shoulder before licking it to pull her out of the killing state of mind. She would focus on properly grooming her King's proud chest.
