
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-22-2021, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2021, 01:47 AM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Now that they were fully settled into their new camp he felt more free to focus on other things. He had spent quite a lot of time with Duchess since they began their travels since the both of them were equally interested in scouting and exploring, but with all the tension that had been around the band lately - and specifically around Duchess - after Aslatiel's visit he felt like he needed to break away from her for a bit and enjoy some time with the other members of his purple family. He hadn't gotten to spend any time alone with Emersyn since the first day they spent together out on the plains when they were still living in The Hallows and as much as he loved seeing her in their day to day lives and doing things around the camp with her he wanted to pull her away for a little time to themselves.

Segin packed a few supplies in a satchel and then went to Emersyn, taking away whatever she was doing and putting it to the side. "Come on! You're coming with me!" he demanded with a grin, his tail wagging behind him as he reached up to kiss her cheek. "We're going to go relax and I'm not taking no for an answer!" With that he led her away form the falls and out toward a cliff side he had spotted during some of his scouting, walking through the field dotted with flowers till they got close enough to the cliff to be able to see the ocean clearly from where they were. It was a clear, pleasant day which had become a bit of a rarity with all the rain that had been going on so he didn't want them to miss out. It was later in the after noon, nearing evening, so the air was brisk, but not uncomfortable. He settled down onto his stomach after he slid the satchel off of his neck and then grinned up at Emersyn again, patting the grass beside him.

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
07-22-2021, 01:14 AM
Emersyn had been feeling more than a little on edge lately since the pack had arrived at the waterfalls just outside several packs' lands. Beyond being situated between three clusters of wolves she knew nothing about, there was the tense meeting with Indigo's sister Asla, as well as Duchess' extremely odd and concerning behavior. Just the other night, she had caught the small purple girl slipping out on her own and had been about to chase her down when she saw Indigo go after her and allowed the man to do so instead. She didn't exactly like how Duchess was behaving around Indigo, or around Segin now for that matter either, but they were all grown adults (though sometimes she questioned that) and could do as they pleased. Either way, things had been feeling tense in the band since their inception and departure from the Hallows castle. Em had been working nearly nonstop to make sure the pack was safe and everyone was accounted for and not trying to get themselves killed. That in of itself was a full time job.

This day, she had been killing time sitting beside the stream that ran from the falls while she kept and eye on their goat herd, idly tossing rocks into the water. Just as she picked up another rock, Segin came trotting up briskly and snatched the stone from her paw, tossing it away and commanding her to follow him in the most cheery way, all smiles all the time. His lips met her cheek in a kiss and he declared they were going to relax, all before Em had the chance to say or do anything. "Uhh... okay?" she replied, too much in a state of shock to really argue with him on it. Everyone was off doing their own thing any way, and there hadn't been any traces of danger she'd found; perhaps she could afford some time to unwind. Emersyn rose to her paws and followed the smaller brute eastward away from their camp, all the while wondering where they were going and what he had planned for them. Relaxing wasn't exactly something Em had done a lot of in her life, so this would be uncharted territory for her.

The pair of wolves arrived at a beautiful scenic cliff with verdant grass and wildflowers as far as the eye could see. From the cliff, the eastern sea could be seen turning a dark navy as the sun drifted from afternoon toward evening, still sparkling where the sun's rays managed to hit it. There was a pleasant coastal breeze that kept the air cool, but not chilly. Em watched with a raised brow as Segin got himself comfortable on his stomach and patted the grass beside him, looking up to her expectantly. "You certainly know how to pick a location," she commented with a smile, coming over to flop across the grass beside Segin, so close their fur was just beginning to brush against each other's. She was still getting used to the idea of having other wolves near her, but dammit she was trying! "Special occasion, or are you just being sweet to me again?" She fixed him with a softer, warmer gaze along with her smile. Segin was such a gentle sweetheart; he really was the heart and soul of their little family.




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-24-2021, 04:21 PM
He grinned proudly when she complimented the location he had picked, his tail wagging through the grass and flowers behind him. "Thanks! I saw it when I was out scouting the other day and I thought it was too good of a place to pass up for a little picnic." As she got laid down beside him he started pulling out a few things from the bag he had packed for them. He naturally leaned into her as their sides brushed, not even thinking twice about brushing his tail against her thigh. He cared for everyone in the band in one way or another, but Emersyn was extra special to him. Indigo probably still had top spot in his list of favorites and loves, but Emersyn was a very, very close second. He looked up to her two toned eyes when she asked if it was a special occasion or if he was being sweet and he returned her smile with a small shrug. "Just being sweet I guess. I wanted to spend time with you," he answered honestly, leaning up to affectionately nuzzle her neck.

Turning back to the supplies he brought, be pulled out a little bundle of berries he had gathered the other day, unfolding the cloth to reveal some strawberries and blueberries. He also laid out a couple pieces of dried meats in case Emersyn was hungry and finally sat a bottle beside their treats. "I've been experimenting with making some wines like they had at The Hallows," he said with a smirk. "I thought maybe you'd help me taste test it and see if it's any good?" He didn't think it was half bad, but he was only one pallet out of many so he wanted to get all of their opinions. Besides, what could possibly be better than snacking on some berries and drinking some wine while watching a sunset?

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
07-24-2021, 04:55 PM
Segin responded with his usual bright, cheery demeanor, telling her how he'd found this spot and wanted to have a picnic here amidst nuzzles to her neck. She did have to admit that it was the perfect picnic spot. Not too hot, not too cool, just the right amount of sun and breeze, a beautiful view... Emersyn didn't often let her imagination run free, but if she did, this is what she would probably think of. She watched him with a curious gaze while Segin began to produce a small meal from his satchel along with a bottle of wine. She felt him shift to lean his side more readily into hers, and Em couldn't help but smirk at the affectionate little wolf. She was still getting used to the whole "physical affection" thing, but Segin was making it easier for her all the time. When his fluffy tail brushed over her thigh, Em gave a little twitch and glanced down at their hind ends with a knowing smirk to Segin, who was still not paying attention as he emptied the satchel he'd brought.

As Segin unveiled their picnic, Em's duo-toned eyes lit up with excitement. "You know, I've never had strawberries before," she remarked, picking up a strawberry and turning it around in her paw. She popped the berry into her mouth and chewed experimentally. The sweet rush of sugary juices coated her tongue, and Em's eyes opened wide with delight at the taste. "They're good!" As Segin explained how he'd taken up winemaking as a hobby, she gave him an impressed sideways glance and took the bottle by the neck, popping the cork with a single claw. "Well, look at you go, you little sommelier," she teased the brute at her side, giving the fumes from the bottle an experimental sniff. It didn't smell rancid at the least.

At his request, she took a sampling swig from the bottle, swishing the dark fluid . The taste of sweet fermented grapes ran over her tastebuds, and although the initial bitterness of alcohol made her body give a little shiver, the flavor was nice and fruity. "That's pretty good! Hope it's strong too." She chuckled and took another sip, this one more for enjoyment than studying, and passed the bottle over to him. Picking up another strawberry and popping it into her mouth, Emersyn looked out across the ocean as it sparkled in the sunset and twilight. It reminded her so much of her home, back in those warm, temperate isles, not that she really remembered that much of it. "How are you liking our new life so far? Still happy?" she asked Segin, glancing down to him with a gentle smile while she placed an affectionate lick to his forehead right between his mismatched ears.




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
07-27-2021, 07:34 PM
Segin's expression lit up when Emersyn mentioned how she had never had strawberries before and he watched her curiously as she picked one up to examine it. He was so excited about unknowingly bringing something to their picnic that was a new experience for her so he could see her enjoy it for the first time. The wine was a bit more of a toss up since some wolves liked it and some didn't, but he hadn't met a single wolf that didn't like strawberries! As soon as she started to chew and he saw the delight in her eyes he knew she was no exception. He grinned happily, his tail wagging behind him. "Good! I'm glad you like them! There's plenty so help yourself." Once the attention was turned to his homemade wine, he smiled shyly at her teasing and waited anxiously for her to take a sip. When she didn't react negatively to it right away he figured it must be at least good enough to drink. She confirmed his suspicion and he grinned, happy that his experiment was going over well. "I guess we'll find out if its strong soon enough," he joked with a chuckle before he took the bottle to get a drink himself.

For a moment they were quiet, each of them enjoying the berries and the wine while they looked out at the gorgeous view. He was perfectly content in that moment, leaned into Emersyn's side while the warmth of the wine started to fill his stomach, a little smile lingering on his lips. This was just what he needed and he hoped that it was what she needed too. She always worked so hard and he knew she had been doing even more while Indigo was working through his own personal things. When she spoke, asking him if he was still happy with their life, he lifted his silver gaze to hers, his smile brightening when he looked at her two-toned eyes. "I am," he agreed easily without having to consider it much. Despite the current tension around certain things, it was hard to not be happy living this life in comparison to how his life had once been. His smile grew to a full grin and he giggled softly when she kissed the top of his head, his ears flicking bashfully.

He picked up another of the strawberries with his claws and then lifted it up to her, offering it to her with a smile. "What about you? Are you glad you stayed?" he asked curiously. He knew he had at least partially been the cause for her to stay with them instead of leaving to go back out on her own after she got an injured Indigo back to The Hallows, so he hoped that his recommendation and his insistence that she be part of their family hadn't made her unhappy. He took another drink of the wine as they talked quietly back and forth, passing it to her as they took turns slowly chipping away at the bottle.

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-01-2021, 07:07 PM
Emersyn cast a sweet smile down to little Segin. He was such a genuinely good sweetheart and she was so happy to have a wolf like him in her life. "Thank you, I will," she remarked as she popped another two strawberries into her mouth, chewing happily. She snickered when Segin made a comment about finding out how strong his wine was shortly before downing a swig himself. She'd had wine on a number of occasions before, usually as treats from her former master for winning tournaments. It had ranged from acidic piss to delicious ambrosia, and though Segin's wasn't a perfect first attempt, it was a damn good start! He certainly had a future in wine making, one she'd be happy to be his test audience for. As the two of them lay together with their sides pressed to one another's, watching the sunset and the water, Em took the time to really appreciate the moment and realize what her life had turned into. She might not have had the best start, but for once, her life actually appeared to be shaping up to be something worth living.

While they relaxed and enjoyed their picnic, Em took a piece of dried meat and began to chew on it, washing down each mouthful with a swallow of wine. Each mouthful filled her belly with a slowly growing warmth. She was larger than Segin was and it would take a little more of the alcohol for her to begin feeling the effects, but the more she drank, the more she began to realize that Segin had indeed fermented the wine to be strong. They were only about a quarter of the way through the bottle together and already she could feel a lightheadedness and relaxation that came when she'd usually downed an entire bottle alone. She watched Segin's bright silver eyes with contented joy when he confirmed he was happy with their new band life. "Good. You deserve to be," she remarked, taking another sip of wine and passing the bottle to her companion.

Em blinked in surprise when Segin offered a strawberry up to her lips, a warm flush coming over her cheeks, though whether it was from the wine or shyness she couldn't tell. No one had ever tried to feed her like that before. With her ears folding back and a girly smile on her face, she gently took the strawberry between her teeth and rolled it back into her mouth with her tongue, chewing on it with a contented sigh. Segin asked if she was glad she stayed and Em nodded without a moment of hesitation. "I am. If I'd left, I knew there'd be a good chance I'd be dead, either by the hunters or my own paws." She turned her gaze back to Segin with a little smirk. "Plus there's no way I could ever say no to those adorable puppy eyes you put on. You're far too good at begging, y'know that, Segin?"

She tittered under her breath, bringing a strawberry up to his lips to offer one to him in return, a playful smirk on her face. Once he'd taken the berry, she took the wine bottle back and downed another mouthful, feeling that warmth grow even more within her. "Thank you for doing this for me," she said after a moment, dipping her head to nuzzle the side of his neck in appreciation. "It really means a lot to me." She didn't know if it was the wine or Segin or just her overall improving mental health and comfort around physical touch, but Em was feeling way more affectionate around Segin than she'd ever been with any other wolf before—save for maybe the one night she'd spent with Indigo. But with Segin it was different—it was special because he was special. He was her medicine to a poisoned life and she'd never be able to truly express how much he'd done for her simply by existing.




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-05-2021, 09:44 PM
Segin smiled as Emersyn bashfully took the strawberry from him, constantly surprised by how shy she actually was. She was just such an imposing force in their day to day lives and he knew how skilled she was in fighting and killing so to see her like this it was incredibly adorable. He also often forgot how new physical touch and affection was to her so even though these things felt like second nature to him he never really remembered that they were unusual to her until he saw her react like this. He smiled wider when she immediately agreed that she was glad she had stayed and he especially was too when she mentioned how she probably would have ended up dead if she hadn't. He never would have forgiven himself if he could have gotten her to stay and he hadn't only to have something happen to her. Luckily she had stayed with them and now she was safe and loved in their band together. He grinned and giggled when she mentioned how good at begging he was with his skillful puppy eyes. "It was worth every moment of begging to keep you with us," he insisted, leaning more into her side while his tail brushed her hip, looking up at her affectionately.

He took the strawberry she offered happily, humming happily as he snacked on the sweet berry and watched her take another drink from the bottle of wine. He did the same when she was done, taking longer drinks as his taste buds adjusted to the wine and that warm, pleasant fuzziness started to more firmly set in. He sat the bottle down in front of them again as she thanked him for their little picnic and he smiled sweetly, leaning into her touch as she nuzzled his neck. "Oh you don't have to thank me," he insisted, his face flushing - whether from the wine or from her affections he wasn't sure. "I just really enjoy spending time with you and you deserve to have someone doing nice things for you." He took another drink of their wine before wrapping a paw around her foreleg at her elbow and leaning himself into her, resting his head on the side of her neck with a pleased murr. The more the alcohol settled into his system and the more drunk he became the more touchy he got, although he was pretty affectionate on a regular basis anyway. He just couldn't get close enough to her while his skin was all tingly and buzzy from the wine.

He giggled softly as he nuzzled into her neck, letting his eyes closed while he just enjoyed the warmth of her beside him and the soft feeling of her fur, his heart skipping little beats in his chest. He thought about their time out in the plains by The Hallows castle often and it was easy to let his mind wander there again. He tried to keep them at bay, at least for now, and tried to think of something else to keep him distracted. "If you could have anything in the world," he questioned while reaching for the bottle again, "what would it be? No limitations or conditions, you can have whateeeeeeever you want."

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-06-2021, 06:06 PM
Emersyn smiled at Segin when the cute little brute mentioned how all the begging and pleading was worth it to keep her in their family. He had a knack for making wolves feel good about themselves, and that was a tremendous feat when Em was considered. Up until Indigo had found her and Segin had begun to hang out with her, Emersyn had seen her life as a waste, a dead-end road going nowhere. She wasn't worth the oxygen she took to stay alive, and many a thought of taking her own life had crossed her mind during her months on the run. Segin and Indigo had all but singlehandedly changed her life for the better—and quite literally saved her from herself. She pressed back into him when he leaned into her side, glancing back behind them to catch his tail brushing over her hip. She smirked and met his affectionate gaze, giving him a knowing look. Segin's love language was physical touch, and he spoke fluently to her with his body. It was slow, but she was beginning to learn how to converse back with him in the same way.

While Segin wrapped his paw around her foreleg and held on tight to her, Em allowed herself the opportunity to take the bottle of wine and drink down a few healthy gulps, feeling the buzz of the alcohol begin to push everything else away from her. All that remained was Segin and this moment. The warmth of her alcohol buzz grew stronger, the heady sensation relaxing her all over while she smiled at nothing in particular. It was so rare for her to just smile... but it felt so good to be happy. Truly, genuinely happy. "Well, I'm lucky I have you to do nice things for me," she replied, leaning over to give his ear a little lick. Being physically affectionate felt much easier when she was getting wine drunk, her inhibitions and traumas disappearing from her mind almost entirely by now. She noticed how Segin also became more touchy the drunker he became. She supposed it was a good thing that she let those inhibitions go then, since Segin looked like he wanted to be all over her, and it amused and flattered her.

A quiet murr escaped Emersyn's lips when Segin nuzzled into her neck, leaning her head over to rest her cheek against his forehead, drawing her bushy tail up over his waist. She pressed the end of her snout to his forehead, giving him a little kiss of appreciation and affection while also taking in his scent, bright and floral mixed with his natural musk. He smelled lovely. She loved the feeling of his soft fur mingling with hers and his body pressing warm and heavy against her. It brought her a love and a security she'd never known before him. Segin might not have had the physical stature or prowess to be their protection, but he offered her a kind of safety that no one else did. He kept her safe from the demons in her head, the darkness in her mind, the pain of her past. That was worth more to Em than any amount of large burly bodyguards. Her heart beat a little faster while she gazed down at him, trying to sort out the emotions he was bringing up in her. The one she recognized almost immediately was that tensing in her belly of desire that he'd shown her back in the Hallows, the alcohol in her system helping to propel her thoughts and urges down that path.

Her mental wanderings were interrupted when the smaller purple brute asked if she could have anything in the world, what would she ask for? You. That had been her first initial response, but as the thought about it, she realized how corny that sounded and it made her snicker at herself. No, if Segin wanted a real answer, she'd give him a real answer. Em pursed her lips and gave a thoughtful hum while she pondered his question. "I don't really need more than I have. But If I could have anything in the world, I think I'd want a family. Like I used to have. A nice home somewhere, maybe by the sea again, filled with wolves I love and who love me. But it wouldn't be a facade this time. I'd be real." She hadn't realized just how depressing her answer had sounded, but it was what her heart yearned for the most. Her childhood, in a grand home surrounded by family she thought loved and cared for her... That was the last time she had been happy. It was a fake happiness, but it had been real to puppy Emersyn at the time. To have that but genuine... Em grabbed the bottle of wine and took a deep drink to chase away the ghosts in her memory. Ah, but who was she kidding? Seeing herself with a family, living peacefully? Ridiculous...




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-09-2021, 11:26 PM
Segin had planned this little outing for Emersyn's benefit, wanting to make her take a break and enjoy herself for a little while at least, but the longer they laid here the more he was realizing how much he had needed this too. He thrived off of that physical affection and attention and with Indigo understandably upset at what had happened with his sister it had left a gap in what he normally had as part of his daily life. Taking this time with Emersyn just reminded him of how much he enjoyed being around him and it felt like he was being recharged with every little affection she returned to him. His eyes closed and a grin pulled across his face as he savored her cheek resting against his forehead, her tail brushing his waist, the feeling of her pressing a kiss to his forehead. He wondered how much of her affections were freely given because of the wine and how much of it was because she was getting more comfortable with him. Either way, he could tell a difference between now and how she had been their first time alone together and it made him really happy to see.

He was very much feeling the wine at this point, even as he was taking another drink while he was listening to her answer. Everything felt warm and fuzzy and he had no doubt that if he tried to stand right now he'd wobble like crazy, but he was having the time of his life right now, pressed into Emersyn like this, speaking quietly back and forth while sharing snuggles and kisses. There was really only one thing that would make this even more perfect, something to relieve this steadily building desire that she sparked in him so easily, but for now he just wanted to think about this very honest answer that he was given. He put the bottle back down after taking a long drink, shifting his gaze up to look at her thoughtfully while she talked about wanting to have a family with a nice home filled with loves that loved her. A real family.

He blinked with surprise at that, but it struck a chord deep in his chest that made his expression quickly show the emotion the idea brought to the surface. He remembered the conversation he had with Duchess a while back during one of their exploration trips about wanting pups and it was something he had thought about pretty often since then. He hadn't thought about the when or the how or even the why too much, just the idea of having children and getting to rewrite the script that was created by his own father and be the parent that he never had. He loved the sweet innocence of pups and the thought of having that around him again warmed his heart. Emersyn took the thought even farther than that, growing the idea into a whole family with a real home. He wasn't sure he even understood what a real family looked like, but all at once that's what he wanted more than anything.

Segin reached up to wrap his forelegs around her neck, practically hanging off of her while tears collected in the corners of his eyes, little drunken hiccups sneaking up on him between over emotional sniffles. "I want that toooo," he insisted, pressing his face into her fur as he clung to her. "I've never had a family - not a real family anyway. I had a ton of siblings, but... I never knew my mom and my dad... well..." She already knew the story, she didn't need to hear it again and he certainly didn't want to tell it again either. "But we could do it! We could have a real family!" He lifted his head so that he could tip his muzzle up toward hers, giving her chin a sweet kiss. "Lets have a family, Em. Lets do it, we can make our dreams come true!"

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-16-2021, 01:32 AM
Emersyn had been feeling quite silly with her response to his question. After all, who just asked for a family when given the option to have anything in the world? She reached for the bottle of wine, which was now over halfway empty, and caught the emotional look on Segin's face while she brought the bottle to her lips. She didn't know what was going on inside the littler brute's head, but she seemed to have hit a nerve in him with her answer. She swallowed down a long, healthy gulp of the wine to try and chase away the awkwardness her honesty had left her feeling. Segin, however, wouldn't let that go so easily. Completely unexpectedly, Em found his forelegs wrapping around her neck while he clung to her, all but hanging off of her while those emotional tears built up in the corners of his handsome silver eyes. He sniffled them back, then he began to give alcohol-induced hiccups, bringing an amused smile back to Em's face. Segin was reeeeeally feeling the effects of the wine, it seemed! Not that she wasn't too, if her spinning head and flustered heat radiating inside of her were any indication.

Segin declared his desire for a family and a home too just before his face disappeared into her dusty violet fur. Em gave a light laugh while she watched her ridiculous band mate throw himself all over her in an emotional fit. Sometimes Segin was a lot to handle, but she loved him all the more for his passion and his big heart. Segin lamented his lack of a real family, and although he didn't speak much on it, he didn't have to. Em knew the horrors he had faced to get to where he was today. But then the smaller brute beamed up at her with bright, excited eyes and said they could have a real family, lifting himself closer until she felt his lips leave soft kisses on her chin. Emersyn couldn't help but grin and laugh at his enthusiasm when he continued to try and urge her on, claiming they could have a family and make their dreams come true. Segin's constant optimism was infectious, and the little ray of sunshine was exactly what she needed in her life.

"We could have a family!" she agreed with his claim, leaning closer to plant her lips firmly to his in a deeply affectionate kiss. "You're such a sweetheart, Segin, and I love you for everything you are. You make me feel like the greatest fae in the world, y'know that? If I was gonna have a family with anyone, I'd want it to be with you. You'd be such a good father!" Em wasn't sure how much of her talking was the wine speaking, or if it was the wine giving her the confidence to say what was on her mind and in her heart. Segin and Indigo were the only two brutes she'd ever mated with, so perhaps that was biasing her opinions on who would be a good partner in making a family some day, but her scale did tip in favor of Segin. Any fae would be lucky to have someone like him to raise a family with. Her tail wagged behind her, unintentionally brushing over his hip and thigh as it betrayed her enthusiasm for the topic they were discussing.




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-23-2021, 01:45 AM
Segin beamed up at Emersyn with happy tears collecting in his eyes as she agreed with his demands that they start a family, blinking away the mistiness in his eyes with a giddy giggle after he returned her affectionate kiss. As she went on to tell him all the sweetest things he had ever heard about how she loved him for everything he was and how great he made her feel and how good of a father he'd be... It all made a lump of emotion form in his throat and his tail beat the ground like crazy, their wagging tails brushing over each other and entwining with their excitement. "You are the greatest fae in the world, Em! A-And if I'm going to have a family I want it to be with you too!" There was no doubt that the wine was making his emotions even more free and lose than usual, but he still meant every word. If Em had come to him yesterday and told him that she really wanted to start a family and wanted him to be the father he would have done it in a heart beat. Of course he might have been a little less clingy and gushy about it than he was now, but... The truth was still the truth.

He held her face between his paws and kissed her deeply, his silver gaze slipping closed with a murr, his lips moving against hers while his tongue found hers and he tasted the inside of her mouth. He wasn't exactly someone that was ever reserved or hesitant with his affections anyway, but with his head swimming with the wine and his body tingling from the tipsiness it gave him he was even more forward and affectionate than he would have been normally. His paws slipped up around the back of her neck after a few moments, making out with her with a quiet moan as he practically rolled onto his back and had himself hanging off of her with his eagerness to give her every ounce of affection and love she deserved. It was never hard to spark up that desire and need in his belly, but Em did it so easily and that was especially true in this moment. He wanted her so badly whether he was going to give her the family she wanted or not.

His lips parted from hers after a while with a soft gasp, grinning and panting up at her with a wide grin on his lips. "I need you, Em... I need to have a family with you..." he said against her lips before finally letting go of her neck and not so gracefully rolling to his paws. He wobbled his way around behind her, settling himself over her back with his hips pressing into hers and hooking his forelegs around her hips, nuzzling into her scruff with a soft groan, already panting lightly from his desire and the heavy making out and feeling her soft fur against some very sensitive parts of him.

Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-26-2021, 01:20 PM
Segin was drunk. That much was blatantly obvious from the way the smaller violet and black brute was hanging around her neck. But Emersyn was drunk too, so it was fine. She smiled and giggled when Segin's tail began to bump against her hip and entwine with hers as it wagged out of control, the happy brute showing all of his joy and affection in spades. He emphatically declared her to be the greatest fae in the world, and proclaimed that he would want to start a family with her too. The warmth in her heart and the heat in her belly flared up, and with the alcohol removing all of her social barriers and emotional walls, Em began to let a few happy tears fall down her face. Segin was one of only two wolves who had ever made her feel beautiful and valued and loved, and it was certainly having an affect on her. He made her feel like despite her past and her traumas, she would still be a good mother and a good lover or partner. Segin probably had no idea what he was doing for the dusty violet fae, but they were incredible the feelings she was feeling in this moment.

She felt Segin's paws take her face in his gentle hold and guide his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply as the larger fae murred in drunken delight. She tasted Segin's tongue in her maw, along with the flavor of the wine as hers roamed around his mouth in turn. She was so thankful that Segin was so outwardly affectionate and physical in his loving; it made it that much easier for Em to fall into the motions she wanted to perform with him. Intoxicated, Emersyn showed none of the resistance or hesitancy she had during their first time in the Hallows, her body eager to respond to his as they made out in the twilight. Emersyn draped a paw around Segin's back to hold him to her and support him as he hung from her neck, his paws winding around her neck to cling to her as their tongues danced between their connected muzzles. The heat inside her grew almost unbearable, demanding relief in the ways only Segin could provide. Desire was still a new thing for her, but in this moment, it was consuming her, and she wanted Segin like she'd never wanted anyone else.

When their lips did finally part, Emersyn gasped for breath, mismatched blue eyes flickering open through heavy lids to peer at Segin with the most heated bedroom eyes she could give. She grinned back, a tremor shaking her body when Segin said he wanted her and needed to have a family with her. Not wanted—needed. She didn't respond right away as she watched the lovely brute slip away to rise to wobbly legs and maneuver around behind her. Em felt his weight on her back, felt his forelegs hook around her hips and secure his grip as he groaned and panted. Em's heart missed beats as excited anticipation grew within her, knowing what was coming from her brute next.

"Whatcha trying to do back there, Segin...?" she asked with a coy, heated voice and a lustful stare and grin at him from over her shoulder as he tried to position himself to properly mount her. She hadn't moved for him yet, her tail still very much in his way while she watched him try to drunkenly get situated on top of her. She wanted to hear the words from his sweet lips before she gave in and let him have what they both so desperately wanted.




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
09-02-2021, 12:09 AM
Segin was rolling his hips into her rump eagerly, gripping onto her with only one thing on his mind, panting and gasping with little murrs and moans while that heated desire built tiger and higher. There was no thoughts of if they should start a family or if this was the right time to have a family. He wasn't even cognizant enough to consider the fact that she wasn't even in heat and it was very unlikely that she would even get pregnant to begin with. All he knew and all he could think of was the fact that she wanted to have a family of her own and he wanted to give it to her. He needed her more desperately than he needed anyone else before now and while he didn't know how much the large amount of wine he had consumed had to do with it he just knew he just had to have her right then and there.

When she looked back at him with a question about what he was trying to do he returned her grin, pressing himself more firmly against her rump in response, his forelegs holding tighter around her hips. "I'm trying to give you a family, Em...! I need to have a family with you... I need all of you..." he replied between his panting while he nibbled and nuzzled into her scruff and along the back of her neck. He adored her inside and out and with his mind clouded and fuzzy with his drunkenness it was very easy to have a singular, devoted focus to one thing. In this case it happened to be his new dedication to making this dream of hers come true and to give himself the family he never had. He whined desperately as he tried to nudge her tail out of the way and it was only once it was gone and he was able to sink into her that he gasped with pleasured delight and lost himself to all of these amazing sensations while he set to work giving them everything they wanted and needed.


Segin Epsilon



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
09-03-2021, 06:07 PM
Watching Segin on top of her with his hips thrusting and rolling towards her only to find no purchase as he gave her his all was just too damn adorable! Emersyn giggled a soft, uncharacteristically girly giggle while he jostled her rump with each buck of his hips, feeling him against her bushy tail that was denying him the access he so desperately wanted. He grinned and pushed himself more firmly against her ass, squeezing his surprisingly strong forelegs around her hips in the process. Segin explained that he was trying to give her the family she wanted, that he needed her and to have a family with her. Realizing he was talking about giving her his pups sent a fluttering heat through her belly and made her heart stutter. This, this was the ultimate form of desire, to have a male want you so desperately that he wanted to give you his children, have you carry them, bear them, raise them. Little pieces of him and her.

Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was something instinctual deep down inside her, but Em was incredibly turned on by Segin's declaration and desires. Feeling him against her, on top of her, his warm breath on her neck and his paws around her waist... He truly was the greatest little sweetheart she'd ever met, and Em was realizing quickly that she loved him. He cared for her, cared about her, went out of his way to treat her right and do these lovely things for her—and to her. Perhaps when her mind was clear again she would reassess, be logical, but for tonight Emersyn wanted nothing more than to feel. Segin wanted to make her dreams come true and have a family with her? Then as unlikely as that might be with her out of her heat season, she would let him.

Segin whined for her to grant him entrance, and Em moved her tail in time with his movements. She was rewarded by the feeling of Segin sinking himself into her, drawing an equally pleased gasp and sigh of pleasure. Dual-hued eyes rolled back behind lavender lids, and Emersyn gave herself up to the world of carnal pleasure and emotions Segin had welcomed her into with a chorus of impassioned moans and cries. For the rest of the night, Em would think no more; she would only feel.

- fade -
