
so this is it



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-20-2021, 11:18 AM
Siren was out with the deer that morning, the sun only barely rising above the horizon as she wandered through the herd. It was smaller, but filled with her prized possessions. Chimera had provided her dear deer herd, and she wasn’t sure anything about the move here had made her happier than this. A smile played on her delicate lips as her thin frame and bulbous belly waded through the dewy grass. The thought of getting home to the den and allowing Dalila to help dry her pelt was a pleasant one that played in her mind as the first contraction began.

The Queen had felt cramps disrupt her for the past few days, they were uncomfortable and made sleep difficult but they were nothing like this. It took her breath away. She had to pause until it was over, not being brought to her knees or anything but enough to tell her that it was time. She was going to give birth today.

The Klein royalty was indeed nervous about the events she was about to go through. Scared was a better word to describe how she felt as her delicate paws rushed her back to the structure that Chimera made into their palace. She rushed past the massive ficus tree on her way to the cozy room that she shared with her sweet Dalila. Who she hoped was still within. She paused outside and lifted her head to call for Chimera. She wanted him beside her, she wanted to share this once in a lifetime experience with him. He was her protector and provider her strong support, and she needed him beside her as much as she needed Dalila assisting in the birth.

Once her voice went quiet Siren returned to the room. It was full of plush pelts, cushions, and vines that she had planted in a container of dirt near the window. It was a suite, and when she didn’t see Dal in the main room she called out to the woman that she loved. "Dalila?" Worry saturated her tones and revealed just how deeply she needed the mottled she wolf.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-20-2021, 11:49 AM

Dalila was in the separate seating area of the suite that had been turned into the space that she and Siren shared, working on slowly turning a set of bookshelves into a storage area for their herbs. They had been full of old, molded, rotting books, the paper pages not treated well by the humid island air. Just clearing the numerous books had taken some time and now she was working on a way to organize all the various herbs and remedies that she had Siren had accumulated. Some digging in what had once been a large kitchen for the run down resort had revealed some containers of sorts, clear boxes that were various shapes and sizes. Some of them had lids, but some didn't and she gathered up a bunch of them in a big sling of fabric to carry up here and was playing around with how she might use them to store the herbs and keep them separated.

That's what she had been in the middle of when she heard Siren's muffled howl from outside the room, her ear perking as she tried to decipher what was going on. It sounded like she was calling for Chimera which didn't immediately ring any alarm bells in her head so she didn't move away from her work just yet. However, when she heard Siren calling her name worriedly from the other room just a few moments later Dalila dropped what she was doing and skittered over to the open doorway between the sitting area and the bedroom. Right away she figured out what was going on with a gasp and she hurried back over to their herbs, grabbing the little container of motherwort and trillium she had set aside for Siren while she was organizing things. She knew Siren was due literally any day now so she tried to be as prepared as possible.

Running back over to Siren's bedside, she sat down the herbs and gave her lover an encouraging smile, gently nuzzling her cheek. "Don't worry, okay? I'm right here with you. Chimera will be here very soon too." Something told her he'd probably be bringing Aliana with him too, but she didn't know that for certain. She passed over the herbs she had gathered for the delicate woman before she shifted down to start gently pressing her paws along Siren's very swollen stomach to gauge how far along the pups were till they started making their appearance.



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-20-2021, 11:33 PM
Aliana hadn't been with Chimera at the time Siren's call went out. Instead, the monochromatic fae had been out in a small garden in her west wing of the Klein estate, tending to the wildflowers and herbs that she had planted there. She was especially interested in the growth of her contraceptive plants, especially since she'd entered her second birth season. And with her birthday came her passing into full womanhood. Aliana had reached her first heat, the alluring scent her body put out a perfume to attract mates to her to help quench the fire that had started to smolder low in her belly, a constant nagging ache she did her best to ignore.

Instead, she'd done her best to isolate herself, stay out of Chimera's way—which was more easy than she imagined given how busy they all were with setting up their new island home—lest she wind up like Siren or Viper. No sooner had that thought crossed her mind, Ali's ears caught the panicked call of Siren for her brother, and Ali lifted her head in a hurry. There could be only one reason why Siren would call so urgently for Chimera. The pups were coming. Without even thinking about it, the mottled gray and white fae abandoned her gardening and sprinted down the corridors of their home and into the east wing Siren and Dalila had occupied, completely oblivious to the highly noticeable scent trail she left behind herself from her estrus.

Approaching the door she heard voices behind, Aliana rapped a paw against the door before pushing her way inside. Siren was already settled down into a pile of furs that would become her birthing bed, Dalila at her side with some herbs already. "Is it time, Lady Siren?" she asked, smiling with joy for the mother-to-be. When Siren confirmed her suspicions, Ali leapt into action to assist Dalila, starting by grabbing an empty bowl and returning to the gardens to fill it with some cool water. She carefully brought the bowl over to where Siren lay and set it down near the herbs. She would need to stay hydrated, especially given how small Siren was and how large the children inside her would be. Taking her position down by Siren's rear end, Aliana began to prepare swaths of fine cloth to receive the new lives into the world. Only the finest for wolves as regal as the Klein siblings.

She waited, either for the pups to make an appearance or for Siren or Dalila to request something from her, whichever came first. Every so often, Ali's aquamarine eyes would glance up at the door, waiting to see their behemoth king emerge to comfort his sister while they welcomed their children into Fenmyre. She knew him coming would be a guaranteed eventuality depending on where he was on the island, but it didn't prevent her from feeling nervous when she considered what his reaction would be when he smelled her. Maybe if she wa lucky, Siren and the puppies would keep his mind (if not his nose) occupied.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-21-2021, 03:46 PM

As always, Chimera was working. The behemoth was clearing out some of the outlaying structures, preparing them for habitation. At some point he would have to recruit new members. He had a feeling that Viper might try to leave at some point. The woman had grown distant and left their child in the care of Siren most of the time. He couldn't be the only one that hunted for all of them. He couldn't defend this place by himself. So he would have to invite others to the island to help care for it. He didn't like it, but that was just how it was.

Chimera had just pushed a pile of debris out of one wooden hut when he heard the panicked call of Siren. The man's head shot up and he went thundering across the island. His sister wouldn't call for him unless it was important. Having grown so very, very round, he had a feeling that he knew what the howl was about.

Practically sliding past the doorway, the brutes claws scrambled upon the wooden flooring. He pushed through the doors and into Siren's wing. The other women were already there, but he only had eyes for the golden beauty laying upon the furs. Much like he had for Viper, Chimera moved forward and deposited himself behind his sister so that she could recline against him. She was welcome to squeeze or bite or whatever she needed to do to get through the pain that was to come.

A scent hit him like a bite to the face and Chimera's dual toned gaze rose, narrowing harshly when he looked upon Aliana. These fucking women... She was in heat and the scent was rich and hypnotizing. It would be difficult for him to focus on the task at hand. Already his primal side was telling him to take the woman outside and bang her brains out.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-21-2021, 04:48 PM
Dalila answered her call with a swiftness, her look of surprise very quickly overtaken by concentration. She turned right around as Siren made her way to the bed there in the living area. There wasn’t much to do about getting comfortable, that was impossible when she was suffering through another contraction. She lowered her body into the plush furs, feeling discomfort throughout her body and sharp pain in her abdomen. Then Dalila returned to her, sitting close and nuzzling her cheek as she readied her herbs and encouraged the laboring she wolf. There was no resistance as Dalila began to rub her paws over her belly as a rapping knock sounded at the door. She knew it wasn’t Chimera, and however much she liked Aliana for a moment she debated denying her entry. This was a very vulnerable moment for the dainty woman and she wasn’t sure Aliana belonged in the list of wolves she wanted watching her lady bits as she birthed these children.

Siren welcomed her in, but regretted the fact almost immediately at the scent of her heat. Thankfully her first task was to go fetch water and Siren leaned against Dalila when the woman was gone. Another terrible contraction ripped through her tiny body, at least she was progressing. She knew Ali returned, she knew there was water in front of her, but for a long moment nothing existed but the pain within her. She grit her teeth and hissed lightly, enticing of Aliana readying the delivery cloths, and only just realizing Chimera had burst through the door.

Instinctually she leaned back against Chimera, taking in deep breaths as she worked through her body’s endeavors. This was the most difficult task she had ever endured, and she had only just begun. Siren whimpered pitifully against Chimera as the contraction settled for a moment, a small reprieve as she amped up for the real start. Feeling the puppy within her wriggle and fight and find her way into the birth canal was incredibly unpleasant, but the feeling was an obvious sign to push along with the next contraction.

She struggled, but with a little effort the first of the children would be born. A tiny white marked girl. Relief spread over her and another whine left her. "Let me see,” she said weakly, leaning against Chimera, only barely able to focus her dual toned gaze.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-21-2021, 11:44 PM

Dalila glanced back over her shoulder as Aliana entered the room, slightly surprised to see the other woman, but she supposed more than healer was always beneficial in these things and Aliana was certainly more experienced than she was since she had been there for Viper's birth. While Aliana fetched water and cloths, Dalila finished up the brief examination just to make sure the pups were properly in place for the next stages of things and then moved back to where she could gently support Siren again, feeling her lover lean into her as another contraction took over, her ears flicking back with sympathy as she soothingly brushed a paw across her cheek and through her long fur that hung along her back, kissing the top of Siren's crown. However she might have felt about these pups didn't matter she was here to comfort and support Siren and make sure she made it though this okay - that's all that mattered.

She glanced up at Aliana as she got into position, ready to receive the pups, just as a skittering of claws against the wood floor outside signaled Chimera's arrival. Dalila shifted out of the way so she wouldn't be in Chimera's place behind Siren, giving the Queen one more quick kiss to her cheek before moving to stand ready with Aliana as well. She kept an eye on Siren's progress as the contractions progressed, but Siren knew how this was supposed to go already so there wasn't any guiding or encouraging needed. Eventually the first pup was born, a small slate blue little girl with white markings scattered through her pelt.

Aliana received the pup initially, but once she was mostly cleaned off Dalila took over with another fresh cloth to clean away any residual mess before complying with Siren's request and bringing her daughter up to her side and smiling as she held the girl for Siren to see before nestling the girl into the furs at Siren's side. "You're doing so well," she said encouragingly, letting her paws feel across her stomach once more. She had already kind of known that one of the pups was larger than the other from previous examinations, but now that the first was born and she could more distinctly feel the remaining pup the difference was more easily felt. She didn't show her worry though - instead just going to the herbs she had previously prepared and selecting a couple of the motherwort leaves and a bit of trillium to give them to Siren. She had prepared them with a little bit of honey to make them more palatable and offered them up to Siren. "Here, just to keep things rolling smoothly."



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-22-2021, 01:17 AM
Aliana did her best to ignore the looks of surprise and apprehension from Siren and Dalila when she'd arrived to offer her assistance with the queen's birthing. They really shouldn't have been as shocked or apprehensive as they seemed. Outside of Siren, who was the active patient currently, Aliana was the only one who'd had any experience with delivering pups, and Siren was certainly in no position to be handling things herself right now. She'd been the one to save Cerberus' life when he was born. What if something went wrong with either Siren or the children within her? In that case Chimera would have been furious to find out she hadn't been in attendance to help his sister when she could have.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. No sooner had that thought left her mind, the giant monochromatic king of the island came rushing into the room, claws scratching and scrabbling across the worn wood floors. Ali watched him position himself around his tiny sister for comfort and offered him a small smile and bow of her crown in greeting. Siren's contractions were getting more frequent; Chimera had arrived in the nick of time. It was always still surprising for her to see this sweet side of him. It almost made him seem... loving, fatherly. Noble traits in an otherwise unsavory character. She thought about what Siren had said to her once about a wolf's aura, about Chimera's being sinister in nature, and had a hard time believing that was all his essence was when she saw him like this.

Ali glanced up at Chimera and their gazes locked. He was staring at her with such a harsh intensity it made her heart stop. She sucked in an anxious breath, but didn't look away from him. He'd smelled her. Of course he would have in this confined room, but the way he looked at her... It was predatory at best, and at worst... Ali shuddered and pushed the thoughts away as quickly as she could. Holding his stare, she wordlessly motioned with her muzzle back to Siren. Whatever urges he was feeling, Siren had to be their priority. She would help keep him on track if she had to, but Siren and the pups were the important thing to focus on right now. It didn't stop her from dreading what he might try to do to her after the birth was finished though. Maybe if she was fast enough, she'd be able to hightail it to another isolated part of the island, keep her distance from Chimera until he'd settled down and could think rationally again. The island didn't need another litter of puppies, especially not when the pack was still so fresh. Hopefully he'd understand that too.

Aliana watched Siren as she whimpered and struggled in time with her contractions. Dalila helped where she could and Chimera did his best to soothe her. After some painful pushing, Siren birthed her first child into the world: a tiny slate-gray and cream marked girl. She was beautiful to behold, and Aliana received her in the silken cloths as soon as she was free of her mother, helping clear her airways for this first whining cries to be heard. Her colors were... unexpected, given her parents' genes. She supposed she had no way of knowing what traits lay dormant in the incestuous siblings from their own parents, but the math didn't add up at first blush. She would have to reflect on this with more thought later.

"Congratulations, you have a daughter!" She packaged the doubt in the back of her mind for the time being to focus on the small nugget of a wolf in her paws, beaming down at the little life so fresh to the world while she passed her over to Dalila to give to Siren. Aliana then began to set up with a second cloth to receive the next pup, doing her best to keep her nervous eyes away from Chimera all the while.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-22-2021, 03:58 PM

The time soon came for Siren to push and Chimera held the small woman's weight against him, allowing her to push and pull him about as she needed to. His attention was all for her and when the first pup slid free, the man didn't spare it a glance. He only wanted Siren the be okay. She was his priority. Aliana claimed that their child was a girl and Chimera only laid eyes upon it as the pup was placed at its mothers stomach. One who didn't know of their lineage might think that this pup looked nothing like either of them, but Deathbelle was covered in spots and speckles. Chimera was black and white, but his stripes were of a similar shade of slate blue. He didn't doubt for a moment that this was his child.

Nosing against Siren's cheek, the brute silently encouraged her to consume the herbs that Dalila presented to her. He placed his paw over one of her smaller appendages and gave soft little rumbles of nothing into her ear. He would be here for her. Whatever she needed, he was here with her.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2021, 06:54 PM
Aliana was experienced and more importantly cared about Siren so the tiny Queen had no real reason to feel as she did. She welcomed her into the room, knowing that she made the decision in her own and her children’s best interest. Not just listening to the hormones that turned her whole life upside down. Really though, Dalila’s sweet features pulled her away from any negative thoughts. She treasured the moments their eyes met and her delicate paws ahced to bed held by hers. Even when Chimera appeared one paw was put into Dal’s gentle care when she wasn’t busy offering herbs and comfort.

The first child was received expertly by Aliana and any trepidation about her being here was now far and away as she offered her the most perfect little girl pup. After such a struggle the puppy was the most amazing thing she had ever seen before and even her tired eyes had to behold her tiny form. Caramel ears reveled in the sounds of her needy mewl and the soft warmth of her at her side as she began to suckle. Her breathing smoothed for a moment, her body resting for only a few moments as the next puppy was moved into position.

Her daughter had been birthed with relative ease, much easier than even Siren was expecting. As the next slipped into her pelvis Siren knew this would be the struggle of her lifetime. For the first time since labor started the Queen feared for her life. Chimera nuzzled her cheek, offering his support and his affections at exactly the right moment. She took the herbs from Dal and again pressed into Chimera as her body rippled. Her legs swam and she cried out as blinding pain took over.

Her jaws found Chimera’s arm and her teeth sank into his flesh as she screamed into him. Tears streamed down her face and she was sure that she was being ripped in half. Struggling, screaming, and crying as she willed her second puppy free. That same rhythm repeated for much much longer than she struggled with her first born. In the moments before she finally exhausted herself and gave up, the second pup was finally born.

This time Siren had no energy to seek out the sight of him, she closed her eyes and whimpered softly against Chimera, tears staining her cheeks even through the herbs that Dal had given her. Siren’s haunches were covered in blood, and the boy was struggling to take his first breath after being stuck for so long.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-23-2021, 02:48 PM

She already knew that the second pup would be far more difficult than the first and she spared Aliana a glance after Siren had taken the herbs she offered, a bit of a silent warning while trying not to worry Siren too much. However, without her added worry or not, the second pup caused plenty of pain and trouble on their own. Almost immediately as the contractions began again and the pup made its way into position to enter the world, Siren cried out with the pain of it all. Dalila's ears flicked back and her brows pulled together as she moved to help support Siren's delicate body and keep her from flailing too much, supporting one of her hind legs to help relieve even a bit of the strain and give this pup as free of an opening as they could manage. No amount of herbs could have fully relieved this struggle, but she was grateful they had such a stock of them to help Siren's poor body through this awful moment.

There wasn't much more they could do besides wait and encourage, her free paw resting on Siren's stomach and following the progress of the pup while her screams filled the room. The heavy bleeding began even before they saw the crown of the pup in question and she gave Ali a worried glance, she nodded for Ali to briefly take over holding Siren's leg and hip for just a moment and she darted as quickly as her paws could carry her into the other room. She quickly gathered more supplies from their stores - some cleaned moss, a Yarrow poultice, a bit of ginseng root, fresh cloths and furs, and a jar containing water that had trillium distilled into it for cleaning wounds. With her new supplies gathered she ran back into the room, retaking her place at Siren's side just as she saw the massive pup's head just begin to make its appearance.

Once the pale pup was in Ali's paws she left the pup's care to her and focused her work on Siren who had fallen still, utterly exhausted from the torture she had been put through. Ali hurried out of the way to start tending to the pup that had been put through an ordeal to be born as well and Dalila got to work to help stop the bleeding. She used fresh towels to start cleaning away some of the blood, putting gentle pressure on the tears she could see with some of the moss to help stem the bleeding. With that in place she took the bit of ginseng root and chewed it so that it would be in a paste and easier for her to swallow, coming around to face her with the paste on her paw and giving her a gentle smile as she brushed her cheek with her free paw to get her attention and then held the ginseng root up in front of her muzzle to lick clean. She didn't want to give her any more pain meds since she already had as much trillium as she dared give someone her size, but this would at least help restore her energy a bit and keep shock at bay. "Just a little ginseng. Rest and relax, okay?" She'd need a bit of a boost to make it through passing the afterbirth at least.

With that done she hurried back to working on Siren's lower half and right about then she heard the first cries from the other pup. Her ears flicked toward the sound as she gave a little sigh of relief. Well, at least the boy had made it through this after all. After some time had passed and the birth was finally well and done, after she had cleaned the tears she could see with some of the trillium water, applied the yarrow poultice, and had cleaned up as much of the blood as she could manage without giving Siren a full bath... She finally allowed herself to sit back on her haunches with a heavy sigh, glancing at Aliana with a thankful smile. She was glad Ali had been here to see to the boy since it felt like all she could do to care for Siren in that moment and as long as Chimera was convinced these pups were his then he likely would have had her head if the boy had died. Maybe not as much as if Siren had died in comparison, but even still... It was a huge relief to be on the other side of this with everyone in tact.



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-23-2021, 05:20 PM
Poor dainty Siren was given very little reprieve between the birth of her first child and the coming of the second. It seemed as soon as Dalila placed the small slate girl at her mother's stomach, the contractions returned in full force. Siren's cries of pain were much more intense this time, and with ears folded in worry, Aliana realized that this pup would likely bear a more striking resemblance to its sire in terms of size. Siren thrashed in agony and Dalila tried to keep her steady and hold her leg and hip to alleviate some of the pain and stress birthing such a massive pup from such a tiny lady. Blood began to spill from Siren before the pup made its appearance, and Ali's heart dropped. Siren was in danger, the child was in danger. They had to act quickly!

Ali exchanged a scared look with Dalila, but instantly and silently took over supporting Siren's leg and hips while Dalila scrambled to gather some more supplies. Ali tried to sop up the blood with the cloth she had to keep Siren clean, but it was futile. She silently hoped this was just from delivering the pup and not an indication of something more serious happening within Siren's womb. She'd never had to operate on a wolf before, and the notion of having to perform a lifesaving surgery on the queen of her pack as her first patient scared her to death. "Keep breathing, my Lady. You're almost there," she spoke softly, trying to comfort Siren through the suffering while also keeping a countdown in her head for how long the pup was stuck without air for. Dalila returned a few minutes later with some more concoctions and cloths, taking back over while Ali began to prepare to receive the second puppy.

After what felt like an eternity of watching Siren scream and bite into Chimera's leg, a bloody scream and white crown appeared, followed by the rest of the pup's body. He was a sizable one, significantly larger than his sister, and struggling to get breath into his lungs, no doubt from getting stuck in the birth canal for longer than he should have been. Ali swaddled the boy in the cloth immediately, gentle paws wiping away the blood and viscera from his face to clear his airways. Gods, not again... Why is it always the boys...?! "I've got you, little one," Ali whispered and lay down with the pup in her paws, turning the child gently in his swaddling cloth so he was on his belly and she could lick and rub his back to stimulate his lungs. The pup gagged, gagged again, then spit up the blockage in his throat. Ali wasted no time in checking the boy's mouth and cleaning out what she could from his maw and nose. The pup heaved, then swallowed a deep breath and began mewling and crying. Another sigh of relief. That made two for two.

Aliana glanced up at Siren and Dalila, the latter already cleaning Siren up and trying to stop the bleeding from her injuries. Ali looked up at Chimera, approaching cautiously with the boy and settling him down beside his sister at their exhausted mother's stomach to feed. "Congratulations, you have a son as well!" she said to the new parents, offering them both a small smile before she stepped off to the side to give them some space. She waited and watched Siren recover until Dalila looked at her with a thankful smile. Ali dipped her head in silent acknowledgement; she had been happy to help the wolves that had saved her from a lifetime of slavery. Doing her best to avoid eye contact with Chimera so she might slip away unnoticed, Ali waited until the three wolves were focused elsewhere before wordlessly turning and sneaking out of the room to give the Klein family their privacy.

Ali made it a few paces down the corridor before she let herself come undone, the stress of the birthing process taking its toll. She'd kept herself calm and composed throughout, but the thought of how things could have easily turned out terrified her. What if she had failed? What if one of the pups or Siren hadn't made it? What would Chimera do to her for her failure? What was he going to do to her now that he undoubtedly knew she was in heat? Swallowing hard, Aliana hurried back to her wing of the building, wondering if it would even be worth it to try and hide from Chimera when he inevitably came to find her.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-25-2021, 10:10 AM

No matter how much he had enjoyed seeing Siren round with his children, Chimera would never wish this upon her again. Whatever had to be done to ensure that she wouldn't get pregnant, it needed to be done. The pain that he could see on her face and in her screams, it was unbearable. If ever Chimera had felt fear, then it was right this moment. He feared losing his sister, his lover. He feared that his purpose for living would disappear and leave him an empty wraith. If Siren died while bearing his children... he would have nothing. And as such, he would take everything from the world around him as well. Dalila and Aliana didn't even realize how close they both were to death at this very moment.

Small teeth sank into Chimera's foreleg as Siren bit him, screaming through her pain. This bite pulled him from his apocalyptic thoughts and he growled at the two women. "Do whatever you need to save her life." He was giving them permission to kill the child lodged within her if they needed to. Siren was much more important. Siren was everything. She was the reason. His reason.

Just as he said this, the child slid free from its mother. Aliana quickly got to work on the bloodied pup while Chimera turned his full attention to the exhausted woman in his arms. There was so much blood... "Fix it," he demanded of Dalila, still growling. He then went to gently stroking Siren's shoulders and back. He placed soft kisses upon her face and ears, murmuring sweet things to her. "You've done it, love. Soon you can rest. I'll be here with you."

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-29-2021, 07:21 PM
Soft gasps of air left her as the ordeal finally came to a close. Siren’s eyes were closed and her tiny frame leaned against Chimera. Everything was suddenly peaceful, after the agony she had just been through. Dual toned eyes fluttered as Dalila returned to her side and offered her affection, she leaned into her and licked the ginger softly from her toes. She did as she was told and relaxed sleepily against Chi. Even after everything and her body craving a deep healing sleep she didn’t relax or truly breath until the sounds of the second puppy’s voice filled the room. That was when the Queen truly relaxed against her brother’s side. She didn’t fully understand anything else really going on. Not Dalila at her haunches cleaning the aftermath, nor the two brand new puppies suckling at her breast, not exactly what Chimera said earlier. The whole birth was a painful blur.

Chimera’s soft touch against her shoulders and his gentle voice in her ear brought her dual toned gaze blinking open. It was over, it was over and she could sleep but.. Siren softed slightly, lifting her head so that she could catch a glimpse of the massive boy that was placed at her side. He was suckling eagerly now, there was no sign of the distress he went through. They were perfect, they were both perfect and every pain was worth the effort of this moment.

"I did it,” She whispered back and lay back against him, closing her eyes. Sleep tugged at her, exhaustion filled her limbs. "Thank you.” She told everyone in the room, even if she couldn’t look at them. There was so much more she wanted to say and tell them how she felt, but Siren was already half asleep.

"Siren Primrose Klein"