
Spa day


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-05-2021, 06:47 PM

So much had happened in such a short time. Modesty couldn’t believe it had only been a few short weeks since she had first met Ophelia. She should really let the girl know what had happened, so if she went looking for her at Ashen she wouldn’t think the Abraxas had forgotten her. Would she still be allowed to visit now she wasn’t a member of an allied pack? It was a lot to consider, but boy was she feeling too run down to figure it out right now. It wasn’t sightly for a wolf as young as she was to have bags under her eyes and her skin was feeling… loose on her body. Never mind that these were just the tolls of loner life, the girl had only known the shrine and now… Now? Well she could only think that it must have come down to a lack of care on her part. If she was going to visit the Armada wolf, damnit she was going to look her best!

She just needed to find some good mud.


We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-06-2021, 05:25 PM

Today was the day, he was going to go harvest those chicken-of-the-woods growing near the heart of the mangrove, they should be ready by now, and with the colder weather beginning to set itself upon the lands, he didn't want them to die. With a basket hanging from his jaws, the healer set off in search of his quarry. Nimble paws carried him with practiced ease over the gnarled roots of the mangrove trees, and it felt like no time at all before he was coming up on the fungus covered tree. The lichens and mosses growing over its higher boughs were of little interest today, but the thick orange mushrooms clustered in the fork of a low branch looked ripe. Setting the basket down between one of the the natural hollows formed in the roots of this tree, he reared up onto his hind limbs and braced his forepaws against the trunk. Tapping the top of the largest mushroom, it gave a hollow sounding thunk in response that promised a ripened prize. Careful as could be, he tipped his head to one side and slipped the thick cap between his jaws until he felt the bark of the trunk brushing his whiskers. A gentle twist of his neck, and it snapped free with a quiet tearing sound. He dropped it into his basket with a goofy, broad grin on his face. Perfect! Now to grab a few more, and dry them in the afternoon sun while he got a few more chores done.

The process was monotonous, once he settled into the rhythm. Stand up, hold the cap in his teeth, twist his head, peel the ripened fruit away. He didn't need too many, and part of him hoped if he left a few behind they would continue to fruit until the cold winds breached this deep into the mangrove and killed them off. Only time would tell. With a half filled basket of goodies, he began to scamper back towards the edge of the mangrove and the warm clearing at his den site. At least, he was hoping to. However, a bright flash of violet and mauve caught his eye from the corner of his vision, and the swamp dweller was forced to a standstill. When he turned to look, it seemed to have moved. Definitely not flowers, then. Off he went in a new direction, following the moving shape adorned in brilliant hues. It was only when he was a bit too close for comfort that he realized it was a wolf. An extraordinarily large wolf. Leaning against the thin trunk of a mangrove tree, he watched the stranger move along. She couldn't have been much older than him, but she was certainly large enough to pick him up and carry him off. Her pelt looked a bit disheveled, and her posture spoke of a less than gleeful demeanour. Slowly, he lowered his basket of mushrooms down to the space between his forepaws, hoping it would stay pinned between his legs, and that that would be enough to hold it steady for now.

"Ya look like you're havin' a rough day." he stated simply, perched on the roots and ready for a quick getaway- with or without his mushrooms. Verdant gaze pinned the dark coloured fae with a decidedly blank stare, waiting to gauge her reaction.

"speech" thinking "others"


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-10-2021, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2021, 05:04 PM by Modesty. Edited 2 times in total.)

As the voice came to her, the girl perked up. Her tail waved a friendly greeting and she managed to rustle up a smile for the stranger.  He was so small! She stifled a squee! as she took in their earthy tones and vibrant greens, and that nubby tail. Her feet shifted excitedly. Ophie was the only wolf her own age she had met other than her siblings and cousins. It was kinda exciting to know there were more of them out there, and this one was so cute! “Others have had worse, I’m sure. I’m just looking for some good mud. My friend said it’s good for your skin… or something and I want to look my best when I go and visit her!” She glanced about quickly, there was lots of mud around, so much in fact that she was struggling to figure out where to start. “I’m not from around here though, so I don’t know which mud is the best. Are you from around here?” She offered the other wolf a hopeful smile. Maybe he could point her in the right direction?


We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-24-2021, 06:17 PM

Almost as soon as he made his presence known, her demeanour shifted. The large fae perked right up, tail rising to flag happily over her hips and lips curving into a smile. His own bobbed tail wiggled to mirror her delight, lichen-coloured auds shoved forward with great interest. While he couldn't quite match her level of excitement, he had no issues going with the flow of the conversation. “Others have had worse, I’m sure. I’m just looking for some good mud. My friend said it’s good for your skin… or something and I want to look my best when I go and visit her!” she explained, and the yearling didn't hesitate to raise a brow dubiously. He spent a whole lot of time in the muck, shouldn't he know that? Or... perhaps he never considered it. His skin was always well hydrated, after all. Not a flake or itch since the day he was born. The young wolf tracked her two-toned gaze as it cut to her surroundings, and the waterlogged soil that surrounded them. She certainly had picked a good spot to find some mud. “I’m not from around here though, so I don’t know which mud is the best. Are you from around here?” she then asked.

A bright smile claimed his features, the young healer bobbing his head affirmatively. "Born an' raised in this mangrove, actually." he quipped and then lifted his basket of mushrooms so he could rise up on his back legs and hang it from a short branch overhead. They would be safer there than at ground level, until he could come back for them. "You'd probably be fine to lounge in whatever mud ya find, but ya might want to pick a spot where there's less algae." he offered with a small shrug, and then tipped his head lightly towards the shoreline. Certain spots got less movement with the ebb and flow of tides, and there tended to be more algae or debris. Usually at the bends in the waterline, and straightaways were clearer. A few graceful steps across the thin roots of the mangrove trees, and then he leapt to the shore. Claws dragged scores into the soft earth as he found himself landing on a slope- sometimes the light played tricks, and you couldn't see the inclines. Once he had his footing, the swamp dweller picked his way towards a choice spot. Some sunlight managed to filter through the canopy- it was less dense closer to the edges of the water. The mud wasn't freezing cold underfoot, and perfect for wallowing. "Like right here, this is a good spot." he commented, swiping the roughened pad of his paw across the surface and finding the slow movement of the substrate back into place to meet his standards. Thick enough to stick, thin enough to easily cover yourself.

With a sweep of his muddied paw, he launched some mud towards her and giggled. Might as well give her a helping paw with getting herself thoroughly coated! Nimble paws sent him skittering towards the waterline, ready to find himself pursued by the massive damsel. Verdant gaze lifted to track her movements, eyes wide and jaws agape in a little goblin grin.

"speech" thinking "others"


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-01-2021, 05:16 PM

When the other wolf returned her friendly stance, her eyes all but squinted with her happy smile. People were just so much friendlier than they had been in Ashen. No wonder her mother had wanted them to get out and see the beauty of creation!

She showed some interest in the basket as it was lifted into the tree but really, plants were more Pontifex’s thing than hers. When he mentioned this was where he was born, she took a sniff of the air and couldn’t help but exclaim “Wow! We were almost neighbours! My friend lives in the Armada but I was born in Ashen! We’ve left now though.” Her tone wasn’t terribly sad. She very much enjoyed being out and about much more.

She took the other wolf’s advise to heart, where there was less algae made a lot of sense when he put it like that. She watched as her new friend scrambled (just a little) and moved to follow, her weight helping to sink her into the sucking mud, her movements far less graceful that she might have hoped if she was wanting to make an impression.

She could feel the difference as they approached, the sun was warming the mud and it seemed to squelch even easier through her toes. Her eyes lit up, it really was perfect! She hadn’t expected the gob of mud to come flying at her face, catching her straight between the eyes. Thankfully she had managed to close them in time, and when they opened again, shock was painted on her face, jaw dropped like some sort of swampy fly catcher.

Still, she managed to laugh, if that was how he wanted to play it then fine! First she threw herself onto her side, rolling to make sure her back was thoroughly coated, and all the way over. The mud slid and rolled down her sides, her legs, and dripped from her chest. Next she pushed herself back up onto her paws, giggles filling the air as she moved to pursue her latest friend. If she ever got close enough, she would attempt to wrap the other wolf up in a tackle hug, making sure they ended up as thoroughly muddy as she now was. After all, it was good for you.


We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky