
Family is Family I guess




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-24-2021, 11:17 PM

Misery had no love for Kali.  Was that horrible?  She was his sister, they grew up together and apparently that tended to have sibling love.  Honestly if she got up and left he wouldn’t bother to miss her.  What a bad brother.  On the other hand if she were ever in real trouble he would try to save her.  Not due to any feelings but simply because they did have a connection.  Family, annoying or loved, was family.  

Kali just wasn’t fun in the way Wendigo was, and even Carnage offered up more fun.  Oh well, not many wolves measured up to Misery’s standards.  He could only fault her so much for not seeming good enough to Misery, very few earned that status.  Those who were good enough today could fail another day and lose their respect.  Life was all about the game and those who couldn’t properly enjoy his game and the risks that came with it just weren’t his type.

Misery howled for his sister as he found a spot between two rocks to lie down.  The dark sky and snow topped rocks were perfect for the black and silver coloration of the wolf.  If Kali didn’t notice him then the he would use the chance to start the fight with a mock-assassination attempt.  She was considerably larger than him and this would help throw out that advantage.

Speech:"Want to play? "



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
09-29-2021, 12:03 AM

Kali and her siblings could be considered almost anything but cuddly or close. They each tended to do their own things when they wanted to, and those things typically interfered with what the others wanted to do. They were completely at odds with each other and sometimes she wondered how they could even be related to each other. Still, she knew she would never let anything happen to them. Well, unless it was her doing something to them. Sometimes she needed to remind them who was boss, and if they got a knick or cut, well that was a them problem.

It was because of their distant relationships that, when Misery called for her, her bicolored gaze squinted in suspicion. Whatever he wanted she didn’t trust, so she took her companions along with her to be sure. As she entered the area of the call, she looked around for his smaller form but couldn’t seem to point him out. Abbaddon’s tongue flickered out into the air and his hood flared, head slithering up to her ear to warn her but it was too late. Misery had leapt out from his hiding spot to try and blindside her. She let out a displeased growl, attempting to dodge to the side but she wasn’t quite quick enough to succeed. He landed on her hind quarters, the force buckling her legs and sending her to the ground. Abbaddon rose into a striking position, blue mouth open to release a hiss and Abigor came running forward, jaws also open in an attempt to grab onto her brother’s hind leg. She knew Abbaddon would never bite the boy, and Abigor knew not to seriously hurt it. It didn’t mean his teeth wouldn’t hurt. While the pair distracted her brother she rose to her paws, turning with a wrinkled nose in a defensive position. “You’re going to have to do better than that,” she replied snarkily.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-30-2021, 09:58 PM

The snake was the issue.  Misery never lost sight of his prey and watched how it was that worthless pile of scales that told her his general direction.  Misery hadn’t wasted time in his surprise attack when it was obvious the snake had spotted him.  Later he’d have to think through how to handle the snake.  

Misery looked down at his sister with a smug grin, eyes quickly darting up as her companions rushed in.  The black and silver wolf watched the pets in disdain. If her dumb lizard wanted to bite him so be it.  He was confident it knew not to do any real damage.  Misery really should consider getting himself a pet someday.  

Misery cocked a brow at his sister’s words and then hung his head as if in defeat, “You’re right,” the boy said grieviously, “I wasn’t good enough,” then he slowly lifted up his gaze, devilishly dark grin aimed at her, “to dodge your pet.  Of course, had I really been trying you’d already be as good as dead.  I lunged in to tackle you but in a real fight it would have already delivered a maiming wound.” That disdainful gaze given back to the lizard and the snake wasn’t even good enough to earn a look.  Misery hadn't known if he could get away in time from the attack, not trying to dodge had been the best way to save face.  Of all his siblings Kali was the most annoying in ego, so it was his job to try and keep her grounded.

“So, sis,” Misery moved his attention back to Kali, “Do you feel brave enough to fight me without your little guardians?  Perhaps they are the only thing keeping you safe though?” There was no hiding the mocking tone in the concerned question.  

Speech:"Want to play? "



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-02-2021, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2021, 07:45 PM by Kali. Edited 1 time in total.)

Misery retorted back to her and she openly rolled her bi-colored gaze. Clearly he was licking his wounds after failing to sneak up on her and succeed in his cowardly ambush. And, he was going so far as to try and mock her for using her companions! The gold-swathed girl gave him a look that bordered on pity, her bottom lip even sticking out as her brows drew together. “Oh, poor Misery, you’re jealous, aren’t you? Maybe your little trick would have actually been successful if you had companions, too! You see, companions don’t make you weak. In fact, they make you even stronger! But you wouldn’t know that, would you?” she replied, her words drawn out. “How about I do you the favor of making you practice against someone with them, hm? Seeing as it’s something you’ll have to get used to.” Her words weren’t really a question. He had started it and she wasn’t going to let it go until she had him squashed beneath her pretty paws. As far as she was concerned, he was the one with the ego and she needed to put him in his place.

Without another word, the girl bolted forward, jaws gaping open in an attempt to grab the boy by the scruff and shove him to the ground in submission. Abigor was at her heels attempting to grab onto her brother’s leg and help in bringing him down, while Abbadon would slither from her neck onto the other’s wrapping tightly around his neck in a constricting motion. The pair were extensions of herself, so of course they took affront to his comments as well. She’d instructed them not to hurt him, but if they happened to draw a little blood now...well she may just turn a blind eye.

Kali vs Misery for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Large
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Komodo Dragon Coat
Companion 1: Black-necked spitting cobra, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Nile monitor, Male - Battle
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Navigator




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-11-2021, 11:05 PM

Companions make you stronger huh?  It was true in numerous ways but it was also a weakness.  If she was reliant on her pets she was in trouble if they weren’t with her when trouble found her.  What if they were elsewhere or even dead?  The only thing he could give his sister credit for was that she wasn’t so dumb as to give up the advantage.  Arrogance or sense of fair play could make some agree to fight without companions and that would shift odds in a way Misery preferred.  Oh well.  Misery would have to figure out how to handle her snake in the future if he wanted to try this again.

Three on one weren’t the best of odds but they were all right in front of him instead of the surrounding.  Misery aimed to jump back and his sister got some of his scruff but not nearly enough to have control, as Misery jerked his head away and had plans to try and shake the snake off as it couldn’t have gotten a good hold while going between them in such a short time but he had another issue right there, that dumb lizard.  As Misery’s neck jerked out of the hold of his sisters he jerked it down to aim a bite at Abigor,  the attack was hard and fast, if it connected solidly enough Misery hoped to be apologizing later for accidentally hurting it more than he was supposed to.  He couldn’t seriously hurt his sister but getting one of her pets to fear him seemed a good idea.  Also if he scored the bite he had no intention of letting go, curious to see if it would stop Kali from trying anything else.

Winning the fight would be great if he managed to but learning his sister’s priorities of winning and the safety of her pets was even more important.  Pets were also a disadvantage in something you might want to protect also.

Misery vs Kali for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Expert Intellectual




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2021, 11:24 PM

Misery ducked just as she went for his scruff, leaving her with a mouthful of the tips of the fur in question. She wanted to stick her tongue out in distaste and drag her sibling to get a bath or something, because surely he didn’t clean as often as he should have. He and Wendigo were probably too busy playing in the mud or lava to have good cleaning habits like she did. Abaddon was flung from the boy’s neck, his long, melanistic body landing on the ground with a thud and he rose up, hood flaring and fangs bared once again as he gave a warning hiss, distinctly displeased with his treatment.

Suddenly, he was ripping himself from her grasp, leaving behind bits of fur stuck between her teeth, and she watched in horror as he went to bite Abigor. He landed, teeth sinking into her companion’s shoulder to which he replied with a pained hiss. The large lizard’s thick tail whipped around to start battering his attacker. Monitor lizards were known to be quite adept at using their tails as defense mechanisms and had even blinded them on multiple occasions. Perhaps he wasn’t aiming to blind him in that moment, but his whip-like tail wapped to and fro, attempting to strike the boy hard enough in the face to make him let go.

Kali released a low growl, launching herself forward with outstretched paws intending to rake her claws across his muzzle, forcing him to release her companion. While she didn’t like him hurting them, she surely wasn’t going to back down from the fight. She loved them dearly as her closest friends, but their relationship was still that of a master and minions. They were there to help her do her bidding and nothing more, and her brother had miscalculated to think she would ever form a further attachment than that.

Kali vs Misery for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Large
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Komodo Dragon Coat
Companion 1: Black-necked spitting cobra, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Nile monitor, Male - Battle
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Navigator




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2021, 11:48 PM
Misery hadn’t realized quite how hard the overly large lizard could hit with that tail.  It was a flaw in his plans of revenge.  This wasn’t a fight in his mind of who bested who to gain strength but a warning to his sister about her choosing to not play by rules he wanted to set.  If he held on to the tail-whipping Abigor he could make the threat more obvious or even seriously injure it.  Certainly, he was angry enough to bite through its neck but from the first lash of the tail he was fairly certain it wasn’t worth it to keep holding Misery.

The boy lacked the spirited need to win a physical fight.  He liked winning but head to head fight wasn’t the only way to win. The snake was getting the least of his attention, not that he wanted to ignore it but he could only give so much attention to all 3 attackers at once.  Misery had already been struck by the whiplike tail twice as he sunk his teeth in just a bit deeper as if in rebuke with plans to let go but suddenly Kali was in his face, slashing at his muzzle and Misery’s jaw tightened by instinct, sinking teeth into the muscles of Abigon’s neck, where blood started to leak.  It had also stopped him from letting go and Misery dropped the damn thing like a bowl of lava after that.  His face had been lashed and scratched more than enough times damn it!  

Misery lunged in for some fast and hard snaps at his sister.  If he connected he’d try to get her off balance and pin her to the ground.  He didn’t care if he pinner her down or not though, mostly he was ready to be done with the match.  Stupid lizard.  Misery hoped it died, he’d handle the lecture he’d get for it.  Misery was pretty calm even when irritated most of the time but at the moment he was angry.  How dare a scaley thing hurt his face, how dare his sister add to the damage!  

Misery vs Kali for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Expert Intellectual


The Judge


10-16-2021, 06:28 AM

And the winner is...


Kali must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Attack Roll: 12
Defense Roll: 53
Agility Roll: 2
Perception Roll: 16
Total: 83
Attack[12] + 20% Bonus[2.40]: 14.40
Defense[53] + 15% Bonus[7.95]: 60.95
Agility[2] + 5% Bonus[0.10]: 2.10
Perception[16] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 16.00
Total[93.45] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 93.45

Attack Roll: 47
Defense Roll: 2
Agility Roll: 40
Perception Roll: 85
Total: 174
Attack[47] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 47.00
Defense[2] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 2.00
Agility[40] + 10% Bonus[4.00]: 44.00
Perception[85] + 20% Bonus[17.00]: 102.00
Total[195.00] + 10% Bonus[19.50]: 214.50