
A Little Time For Us



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-17-2021, 09:36 PM

The morning after Bowen's escapade to retrieve the fur of her dead mother, the girl led Haiku out of the castle and to a special place that she'd yet to explore. From others, she'd heard that the place was interesting and that everyone had to see it at least once. Originally she had wanted to bring Artorias, but... Bowen shook the thoughts out of her head. She was terribly confused when it came to Art. He had told his girlfriend that he wanted to sleep with her, his sister. He hadn't told her at all, however. It was shocking. and she hadn't known how to react, so she was simply avoiding her brother for now. Briar was caring for him, so there was no need to constantly check on him. Instead, she spent her time with Haiku.

The pair had indulged in passionate lovemaking. With each session, Haiku was getting more and more sure of himself, much to Bowen's delight. The delicate, sweet looking fae was lecherous. She wanted sex often and in every way possible. Haiku was learning, but he was more than happy to indulge her. Bowen almost felt bad for him, but knowing for a fact that he was attaining pleasure as well soothed the guilt within her. His sounds of ecstasy and the fact that he spent inside of her every time proved that. Bowen was honest and open with Haiku, telling him about her experience with the pirates, what she'd been through, had been forced to do, and had come to enjoy. She shared her sorrow at having left them. Aside from Artorias, Haiku understood her better than anyone else. In time, if they continued spending this time together, he would know her better than anyone.

As they walked, Bowen often leaned against the giant brute, sliding her cheek along his shoulder or flicking her tail along his flanks. She let it be known constantly how much she appreciated him with physical affection. In time they came to the thin strip of land that jutted out into the sea. "I think this is it." Far out in the water, Bowen could see and hear sea birds as they circled and called to one another. Tilting her muzzle upwards, Bowen smiled at her lover and took the lead, stepping out in front of him and making her way down the thin land bridge.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-18-2021, 05:10 AM
Bowen led him from the castle after her return, the boy had spent the whole time she was away from him pacing and worrying. Even worse now that he truly knew Bowen he hated when she wasn’t beside him. When she returned with a busted lip he had hovered maybe a bit too much, but he was new to all of this. The boy was still trying to figure out his boundaries and his own feelings, and how he should react. Bowen was plain in her speech and whatever she desired of him Haiku would deliver as best he could. Including tamping down his own worry, but he didn’t resist looking after her lips with his own healing skills and the kisses her wound deserved. Haiku was glad when she lingered at his side and wanted to be with him, especially now on this trip. He hadn’t been able to really confess how much her missing presence bothered him, but they spoke about everything else under the sun.

She told him about her life while she was a captive, and the stories of the pirates made his young blood boil. He knew she was changed but now he had the why and it sickened him. Not that he showed her. Haiku was the picture of support. When they weren’t talking about their lives apart Haiku helped Bowen in her great need. The affliction that was always on his mind, and very much on hers. She was nearly insatiable, but as much as she needed him the boy was there for her. The guilt that gathered in his mind slowly ebbed away with each time he made love to her. This wasn’t just a simple act to help rid her of tears, he was showing her how much he loved her each time they came together. He was learning quickly, her guidance and teaching building skill to match his confidence. He was learning her body like he was learning her mind and her past.

Besides his own brother there was no other soul who knew him like Bowen did, as much as she confessed to him he returned to her. His life was subtle and subdued in comparison but she listened to him as he did for her. They were always touching, as long as she was in his presence there was always a part of them attached. A tail against a hip, his huge paw over hers, their shoulders as they walked together and she led him on this grand trip. The little triggers that flared her desires were no longer a resistant taboo, she knew as long as he stood beside her she would be taken care of to the best of his abilities, which were increasing every time.

Their walk was nice, but he could sense their destination as the island came into view. Bowen spoke softly, declaring they had indeed arrived. Haiku hadn’t withheld any affection from her since their first night and his first reaction was not to enjoy the sights but to lean down so he could nuzzle her jaw and kiss her cheek. Bowen was determined though, and he easily followed her out onto the sand. The island was beautiful, but he couldn’t pull his gaze from caramel swirled fur. ”You said you’ve never been here before?” He asked softly as he leaned his head against her hip as she walked. Suddenly grateful for the supplies strapped to his back. If they took the whole day to explore he wasn’t going to be ready to return to the castle tonight. Already he was looking forward to staying the night with her out here in the wilderness.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-18-2021, 07:35 AM

Haiku was too good to be true. As they walked and talked, Bowen sharing both the fortunes and misfortunes of her capture and enslavement, he didn't say a single negative thing. He was nothing but supportive and caring and she appreciate that from him immensely. Part of Haiku reminded her of Artorias, but the chocolate colored brute didn't challenge her like her brother did. Haiku simply accepted and sought to make things better. He had told her that he was a healer. He claimed that he wanted to help her. Well, he was making good on those claims. Haiku helped her whenever she needed it in whatever way she needed it. He was becoming an amazing lover and was a very quick study. He didn't mind her subtle instruction and seemed eager to learn as much as he could. That right there proved how much he cared for her.

Casual touches as they walked were nice and Bowen absorbed each and ever bit of affection that Haiku lavished upon her. Had she realized that, in his mind, he was feeling protective, possessive and controlling... part of her would have really liked it. After being in the world with no real safety for such a long time, being cared for and protected was divine. The last thing that Bowen wanted was to take advantage of Haiku, but she definitely allowed him to care for her when he took the initiative.

As they arrived at the bridge that would lead them out to the strange circular island, Haiku took a moment to nuzzle into her cheek. Bowen smiled, leaning into the affection before leading him outwards. He touched her as they walked and she loved the feel of his body against her. As the man questioned her, Bowen shook her head. "No. First time." The speckled brute had suggested that they take supplies and the russet and cream fae had quickly agreed. Together, they had gathered a stockpile of items and Haiku agreed to carry them.

Drifting down the stretch of sandy beach, Bowen moved leisurely, content to just be beside Haiku and enjoy their moments together while she could. After today... there was a good chance that he might not want anything to do with her. Not after she told him about the other love in her life. And that was another thing. Bowen was going to confess her love to Haiku today as well.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-18-2021, 04:12 PM
He’d grown up with quite a variety of wolves and examples to go by. There were untold years worth of history at his disposal. Between just his father and Grandmother Rhythm he had been warned of untold numbers of mistakes to learn from. He’d thrown all past knowledge away because anything that had ever mattered wasn’t important, seeing Bowen’s smile had suddenly become his priority. Most importantly because she deserved it, he couldn’t bear the thought of her feeling like she had his first night in the castle again. He didn’t want her to worry or hurt ever again, that was part of the reason he remained so close. It was why he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her (along with her alluring beauty). He knew she was a capable young woman though, and had been loathe to impose himself when they were barely more than friends with…

Haiku mentally shook the thought from his mind. He knew she was so much more to him than the sex they had. With just a few days together she was his best friend but by now he was falling head over heels for her. Everything about her, her smile was most prized of all, but the sound of her voice, the warmth and softness of her fur, the way she gazed at him, it was so much more than a simple glance. She revealed how broken she was to him, but all Haiku could see was perfection.

Bowen hadn’t ever been here, but she moved with a confidence that said she walked over these sands her whole life. He matched her easy pace, and tore his eyes away from her to begin the search for a camp to set up for the day, or night, or however long she wanted to be alone with him. The future was complicated, but for now he ignored anything beyond their day together. Haiku nuzzled against her hip once more before catching up to her pace, bringing them shoulder to shoulder again. ”As far as islands go, what do you think so far of this one?” He asked her softly as he caught her green tinted eyes from the corner of his blue and lavender gaze. She had seen more of the world than he, and Haiku wouldn’t hide his curiosity.

Nor would he hide his affection. The boy had always been bold in that regard, especially with his family. In all honestly Bowen felt like his family. He was probably diving much too deep, but it felt right. She said that she needed him, but he knew he needed her as well. He leaned over to steal another quick kiss as they walked, an innocent reminder of the much deeper affections they shared.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-19-2021, 07:37 AM

Bowen and Haiku were so easy together. They walked, talked, shared little affections. It all came so naturally. As they moved down the stretch of sand, Haiku nuzzled into her hip, the actions stoking the embers within the young fae. They both knew that they would be having sex on this strange island, but it was a question of whether they were doing it now or later. If he kept that up, they were doing it now. Also, they would most likely be doing it later as well. Bowen was fine with all of it.

As they entered the circle of land, Bowen stared out over the expanse. It was an interesting sight. The black abyss at the center of the water was incredibly evident, as though some great beast had created a doorway from the center of the earth. Bowen was fascinated by it and it took her a while to even peel her eyes away from that hole so that she could look towards Haiku. He'd asked her a question. "All islands are different. The one is pretty unique. There isn't usually this much water in the center, nor is there a huge black hole."

The stolen kiss was met with a smile and Bowen gave Haiku her full attention. She leaned into his side with her full weight, which was barely anything compared to his own. "Thank you for coming here with me, Hero." The girl's soft words were laced with something else. Something that she would get to once they set up camp. She intended to stay here overnight. Time for just the two of them together.

Moving easily across the sand, Bo and Haiku chose a suitable place for their things. Wide palms blocked out the intense light of the sun, crossing over one another like a natural umbrella. Bo laid out a large bear skin upon the sand beneath that patch of shade and settled their other belongings beside it. Sprawling out on her stomach on the fur, Bowen cast Haiku a side-eye and patted the spot beside her with pink pads. She had a lot to talk about, but she wanted to enjoy a bit of rest with him first.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-19-2021, 02:51 PM
Being with Bowen really was easy, they fit together naturally and their friendship didn’t even flinch with the time that passed since they sent their last messages to one another. In helping relieve her he’d become much closer to her. Even if the beginning was purely his desire to dry her tears there was little denying how emotional their relationship was becoming. How quickly he found himself falling for her, because he had no doubt in his mind he was in love. While she was distracted by the unique land he was fully engrossed in her. There was no sight on earth that would compare to watching her overlook the watery portal to infinity.

He finally managed to truly gain her attention when he kissed her pale lips. A grin spread over his features as she leaned against him and looked up into his vibrant gaze. She thanked him for accompanying her out here, but really he considered being her escort quite the privilege. Especially after thinking her gone from his life forever. ”It’s my pleasure, Bowen.” He gave her another nuzzle on the cheek before both continued in search of a place for camp. No matter what they were going to be forced to contend with sand, so when the island provided the perfect sandy oasis the pair easily agreed.

Haiku settled the pack from his back onto the sand and Bowen swiftly got to work unfolding and organizing. He made sure to set aside their evening meal as the caramel drizzled she wolf distracted him with her languid form spread across the bear skin. She beckoned him and the boy couldn’t drop what he was doing fast enough. Haiku sprawled beside her much smaller form, curling slightly around her as he made himself comfortable with a content sigh and soft humm. ”You’re looking a little lonely over here.” He smiled as he teased her softly. There was no secret that Haiku found her attractive and the way he gazed down at her now only enforced that fact.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-19-2021, 03:19 PM

Haiku was so sweet to her. So devoted. Bowen needed that after having been treated so harshly for most of her life so far. The chocolate and snow brute was a breath of fresh air. As he sprawled out beside her, his words brought a soft chuckle from the copper and cream fae. Bowen gently lifted one of Haiku's big forelegs and rolled onto her back on the fur, draping that leg over her body and using the other as a headrest. Huge emerald eyes gazed up at the man lovingly and she raised one paw to gently cup his cheek. "Thank you for being so good to me, Hero." He really was her hero. He had saved her from self destruction just like he'd saved her from that woodchuck oh so long ago.

"There's something that I want to talk to you about, Hero." Bowen began somewhat hesitantly. Confessing certain things to him could change their entire relationship, and not in a good way. She felt the anxiety beating against the inside of her stomach like a trapped bird. Putting it off wouldn't keep the conversation from happening, so she just started talking. "My brother's girlfriend, Briar... she told me that Artorias was attracted to me. In love with me." The girl's gaze drifted to Haiku's face quickly just to see if she could figure out what he felt about it before continuing. "I was shocked and I avoided Art for a while, but not because I was disgusted with him."

Bowen took a big breath and curled in on herself a bit as though shielding her small body from whatever negative thoughts Haiku would have about her. "Haiku," she used his actual name for the first time since she'd returned. "I love Artorias. More than a sister should love her brother. He has a piece of my heart and he always will." Gods, this was so difficult! Bowen felt like he would throw her away from him at any moment, tell her she was disgusting, leave her here in the sand. "We slept together and plan to have as much of a relationship as we can manage."

The vulnerable fae looked away from the giant man above her. "Briar will always be first in his heart." Bowen and Artorias could never love one another fully and they had both accepted that. He would take Briar to mate and would love Bowen when time allowed. Bowen took another deep breath and her voice was a quiet whisper. "I'll never fully belong to him, because there's someone that's first in my heart as well." She didn't want to say it out loud. Not yet. Not until she knew whether or not he hated her. The seconds seemed like days as she waited for the man to respond.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-19-2021, 05:09 PM
Haiku was barely settled before Bowen was shifting him ever so slightly to fit herself against his chest and into his embrace. His huge white marked paw trailed along her belly and held her a little more close to him as she beamed up at him with her vast emerald gaze. She thanked her again, just for being so good to her, but he hadn’t seen any other outcome when they met. He’d never forgotten about her in all the time they were apart. He had worried for so long, he’d tried to hope, but in the end as soon as he let her go he’d found her. She didn’t really need to thank him, not when she mirrored his actions and affection. He never once felt like he was only filling a need, all he’d ever felt from her was gratitude and affection. Before he could say as much she told him there was more that she needed to talk to him about.

He listened quietly, dark ears perked forward and his silver tined blue and lavender gaze searching her features as she began quite a revelation. According to her brother’s girlfriend, Bowen’s brother was in love with her. His heart stopped in the uncertainty as he found himself replaying in his mind that they had made nothing between them official. He was a healer, he had to help his oldest friend, the girl who knew him as her hero. She avoided Artorias, but it wasn’t out of disgust. Haiku had mostly neutral feelings about romantic relationships with a close relative, he was pretty sure he’d never have a relationship like that himself.

What he was more concerned about was what she said next, his heart turned very cold as she admitted how she felt. Haiku felt confusion and hurt at the same time, but he didn’t let her go. She was telling him to be honest with him. He’d just been going along with whatever she had needed, not thinking about what was really going on behind their blissful time together. He didn’t know why she would bring him all the way out here just to break his heart, not that she had given any verbal hint that they were anything more than a couple of old friends.

”Oh, I see.” He said softly as she explained that she loved him, they slept together and she wanted as much of a relationship with him as she could. He remembered mention of his girlfriend, but he wouldn’t interrupt, it wouldn’t matter anyway. She spoke about Briar again though, telling him that she had already claimed the majority of Art’s heart. Haiku still didn’t know what she was getting at. She didn’t have to break up with him when they weren’t even really together. The reality of that hit him hard, but he had promised her and he wasn’t about to let her go. Mostly he was confused but also hurt, not that he could let her see. She should know that she could tell him anything. He’d be here for her… as her friend. Nervously his paw traced her spine, the boy not even thinking about what he was doing as she spoke.

Finally she ended with the note that Artorias couldn’t fully own her heart in return either, because there was someone else who had claimed it. Haiku wanted to hope it was him, but the cold that gripped him wouldn’t allow it. ”Do you… Do you want me to go?” He asked hesitantly. He would never want to get in the way of what was best for her. ”I don’t want to get in your way, or anything.” His own distress was hinted in his voice as he faced the reality that he was going to have to release her.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-24-2021, 05:55 PM

Just as she had feared, her words brought Haiku's ears folding back. She'd made him uncomfortable. His nervous paw on her spine brought little chills zipping through her small frame, but she kept her eyes locked on his handsome face. Her own paw moved to his chest, her claws pulling nervously through his fur. Once she was done explaining, he quietly said that he understood. Both wolves were silent for quite some time and she almost opened her mouth to ask what he was thinking when he began speaking again.

Bowen's viridescent gaze widened and she shook her head. "No!" she said somewhat roughly. Mahogany ears slicked back as she realized just how forcefully she'd spoken. Bo tried again. "No, I don't want you to leave at all. The opposite, in fact." Unable to stay on her back anymore, Bowen rolled to her paws and stood before the resting man. Their difference in size was so great that she could stare him straight in his gorgeous lavender and blue eyes.

"Artorias can never be first in my heart, Haiku." She used his name again, trying to make him understand how serious she was. A gentle breeze blew around them, sending up little specks of sand and fallen leaves. The seabirds flew and called as though nothing had changed in their world, but things were changing in Bowen's and Haiku's world. "He'll never be first... because I love you, Hero." Leaning forward, she pressed her forehead against his, her eyes closing as she did so. "I think I always have. From the very first moment that you saved me, I was yours."

Bowen kept her forehead against that of the big brute, but she continued speaking, her voice soft. "I'll understand if you don't feel the same. I'll understand if me having a relationship with my brother stops whatever you and I could have become, but I needed you to know." Then she pulled back, her emerald eyes open to search his face. "You don't have to decide anything now. It's a lot to take in." One henna colored shoulder rose in a light shrug. "I just... needed you to know."

"Bowen & Haiku"
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-24-2021, 07:19 PM
He wasn’t really sure what to think when Bowen refuted him with such sternness. He was stunned out of the cold ache of his chest as he processed what she said to him. No, no she didn’t want him to leave her. Haiku continued down the road of confusion, searching her features as she told him everything. She didn’t want him to leave. Bowen pulled away from him, moving to sit before him, eye to eye. Haiku watched her, his tri-colored eyes meeting her vibrant verdant gaze. She used his name, not the fond nickname she almost always used. Artorias couldn’t be the one to hold her heart, because she was already in love with him.

Haiku was speechless as she leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his own. The boy closed his eyes tightly, savoring the affection after he’d thought he had lost her and wrapping his young mind around her sweet confession. One dark paw lifted to hold the back of her neck, he pressed into her touch as she told him that she loved him for far longer than their few days together.

Before he could return the sentiment in truth she continued, giving him an out. An understanding that if this was too much for him that he could go and she would understand him. His pale paw trailed down her neck and shoulder as she pulled away and found his eyes again, giving him time if he so desired it of her. "All I know is that I love you, too, Bowen.” He returned softly, uncertain about how he felt about everything but that. The only facet of any of this that was in his control were his own actions, and he would have done absolutely anything to keep a smile on Bowen’s Alabaster features.

Tentatively he reached forward, uncertain how his affections would be received but wanted and needed nothing else besides her lovely lips. Not after he thought he was going to have to say goodbye. Gently and almost innocently the boy pressed his dark lips to her pale ones. Though it was a timid gesture, the emotions that he had returned resided in that simple affection.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-25-2021, 07:23 AM

Bowen could understand Haiku's uncertainty. She could understand that he might be hesitant to feel the same after everything that she'd told him. It wasn't something that a lot of wolves would be able to wrap their mind around but it was so simple for Bowen. She'd been used by so many men. Some against her will, but many by choice. Her own captain had used her and had held her as one of his own, though he had loved his brother above all. First in his heart, he had called the other man. Well, Haiku was first in her heart. Artorias was second. Everyone else fell after.

A strong paw came up to hook behind her and Bowen took that as a positive sign. She released a breath that she hadn't known she held and nuzzled her forehead against Haiku's. She loved him. She loved him and she said it out loud. He knew. There were very few things that Bowen feared and speaking her thoughts out loud wasn't one of them, but she had been nervous when she confessed to Haiku. Very nervous. Part of her was still nervous.

Haiku spoke softly, but he spoke words that made Bowen's heart soar like an albatross. He loved her too! A soft laugh burst free on a wave of relief and joy. Had he denied her, she would have understood, but he was returning her words. He loved her too! The young man pulled his forehead from hers and their eyes met. Bowen didn't even realize that there were tears filling her own green depths.
Haiku's dark lips moved to catch her own and Bowen poured her love into that kiss. It was hesitant on his end, but she wanted him to know that everything was okay. She was here. They were both here.

"I love you, Hero." Bowen spoke softly against his lips, her right paw raising to lovingly stroke his cheek. "I love you so much... and I want to be with you forever." Sitting on her haunches, the russet and cream fae wrapped her arms around Haiku's big chocolate neck. She squeezed him to her in a loving embrace, pressing her soft chest against him as she did so. He was uncertain, but she was far from it. She loved him and that was a certainty.
"Bowen & Haiku"
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-25-2021, 08:34 AM
He could feel the tension seep out of her body as he spoke his similar confession to the sweet girl. Bowen had been worried about what he was going to say, she felt like he did. Afraid to lose the one before them. There were differences and distances between them that stretched untold miles and yet here they were together again. Along with her body relaxing Bowen let loose a relieved giggle and he could feel her smile as it spread over her features. When he pulled away there were tears filling her beautiful gaze. He didn’t know if they were from the stress of her confession or the joy he’d put in her heart. Haiku felt it, like an indescribable high.

The boy felt the electricity of her passionate kiss in return as their lips met. It was a classic visual image of the love that they shared for one another. He could feel it in every subtle movement and that incredible feeling was shown in the way his kiss deepened as she pressed against him. She pulled away only enough to whisper against his lips. I love you. He could have listened to her say those words a thousand times and he wouldn’t have tired of it. He was sure they would forever cause a shiver to run up his spine coupled with his heart clenching.

Haiku grinned against her as she continued, meeting her gaze with adoration as she lifted a dark paw to his white marked cheek. He wasn’t sure he could have loved her more but as she mentioned forever the reality of these confessions truly took hold of him. He wanted to be beside her for the rest of their lives. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Haiku’s white marked arm lifted and wrapped around her shoulder keeping their embrace tight as he felt overwhelmed with the emotions he had for her and the situation they were in.

"Be mine. Be mine forever.” He whispered quietly as he closed his eyes and squeezed her lightly. "You don’t have to decide right now…” He echoed her words earlier, but Haiku would have understood if she didn’t want to be tied to him. "But I love you, Bowen, I love you so much but my words can’t describe the feelings inside.” He went on softly, burying his features into her soft fur.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-01-2021, 07:50 AM

He held her and she held him. Together, they clung to one another as though the opposite body was their life raft. Their lips met and it was so sweet, their kisses full of promises. He didn't answer her question; not outright. Bowen couldn't blame him for that. Haiku would have to share her occasionally with Artorias. It was a heavy request and it would take him some time to decide. Perhaps it wasn't fair of her to ask this of him, but she needed him. Thinking of Haiku during her imprisonment had been one of the lights in the darkness. Having him now... she didn't want to give him up. Ever.

And then he asked her to be his. His forever. Haiku instantly told her that she didn't have to answer yet, but Bowen answered immediately. "Yes! Yours forever, Hero." Bowen kissed his face. "I've always been yours." With delicate paws, the young fae tipped her lovers muzzle upwards so that she could meet his gaze with her own. "Will you stay with me in The Hallows?" It was the first thing that came to mind. Haiku was a pack wolf and Bowen was a pack wolf, but they were different packs and the distance between them was great. She didn't want to be parted from him, but, after just having returned from the dead, Bowen didn't want to part from her family either.

The mixture of the warm day, their bodies pressed together and the heat of the emotion and confessions shared between them had made that desire rise in Bowen like a phoenix. The caramel cream fae pulled her lover into a kiss, her tongue dancing across his in a way that had become so familiar between them. Pulling back just a bit, Bowen gave a soft, breathy purr of need. "I want you, Haiku. Our first time together now that we're promised." Moving to the side, Bowen laid herself out on the giant fur, looking over her shoulder towards the man. "Make me yours. Have me in all ways, Hero."

"Bowen & Haiku"
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-01-2021, 06:20 PM
Having her in his arms again after believing that he had lost her ot the great beyond was a feeling he couldn’t really explain. With every little squeeze of her shoulders it felt like a massive weight was lifted from him. She was alive, Bowen had seen and been through a lot, more than his naive mind could even truly comprehend. They paired with each other well though, he wanted to be the sunshine on her rainy day. Haiku wanted to make sure he was by her side always, there to bring a smile to her face. Whatever she needed. That was why he couldn’t let his selfishness get the better of him. Anything to make her happy, even knowing he’d never have all of her.

He could hardly believe the words that fell from her candy lips as she answered him without hesitation. His forever. Haiku felt his belly warm as he pulled her tighter to him and leaned into her sweet kiss. She said yes, forever. The boy’s mind swam but he knew one thing, he belonged right here with this girl. "And I’ve always been yours.” Always. She had always been his, and Haiku felt that statement to his core. Ever since they were puppies, all of the long nights he spent worrying about her. How many hours Prose had flown trying to find any hint of her. All of it was worth this moment, holding her here and calling her his own.

A smile played over his features as she lifted his chin so verdant gaze could meet his blue and lavender eyes. Then she asked him to stay with her in the Hallows. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but so far there wasn’t much thought of a future beyond these perfect days at her side. "I’d do anything to be beside you.” Leave his family and the only pack he’d ever known in an instant. He knew he was ignorant about many things, but Bowen showed him the world without filters.

He didn’t think very long on his promise, because Bowen leaned forward and kissed him. Just as thrilling as their first kiss Haiku leaned into her affection. Slipping his tongue from white marked lips as he tasted her sugary tongue. His kiss was soft and innocent but Bowen wanted, and needed more from him. Her passion was easy to feel as they moved against one another. The caramel drizzled girl pulled back just enough to whisper to him breathily, stating exactly what her lips told him. Their first time as partners.

A shiver ran up his spine as she said it and pulled away slightly from him to position herself. Petite paws curled beneath her rump and her adoring features gazed alluringly over her white marked shoulders. There was no resisting Bowen’s siren song, he wanted her as much as she showed her desire for him. Haiku shifted slowly, easing himself over her small frame. He nuzzled into her cheek as he wrapped his head around her neck, pressing himself against her hips.

One massive arm steadied his weight to the side of her while the other white marked paw caressed the line of her belly. He spread his toes over her belly and lifted her to better fit against his form. Kissing up her neck, and nibbling along her jaw as he adored her. "All mine.” Haiku whispered in her ear, maybe the words weren’t true but in the moment they were. Haiku made her his own, joining them as one heart and body. Pleasure and love entwined into one.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby