
Christmas Came Early

Lillith ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
09-29-2021, 03:25 PM

In the days following after the jaguar attack in the lands just south of the Hallows, Romulus had been a little more careful about the daily excursions he took with Lillith while his injuries healed. While not severe, they had been deep enough to require stitches from the practiced paws of Gwynevere to make sure they healed properly. The jaguar's claws had been far more deadly than he'd given them credit for, and it just served as yet another reminder of how easily he could have wound up watching the little silver Adravendi girl die right before his eyes. It was a sobering realization that their lives were fragile—Lil's especially—and everything he'd built here had so nearly been snatched away from him.

When they'd gotten him back to the castle and deposited the jaguar carcass, he'd reported the danger to Ulric, feeling more than a little useless when the Adravendi patriarch began to gather up the Knights to go make sure there were no other cats lingering around their territory. He knew he had to let his wounds heal, but what good was he to anyone if he couldn't go out and finish the job? Armadas always handled their own affairs, but this felt too much like submitting and giving up. It felt weak, and Roman hated the emotion. He'd been dour since the entire experience, feeling like he'd let Lillith down. It was why he hadn't snuck into her room for cuddles and kisses since the attack, instead hiding his self-deprecation behind the guise of wanting to let her rest. Truthfully, he just couldn't look at her without feeling guilty.

It was still up in the air whether the three perfect cuts running down the left side of his face would become scars or not, but they had at least closed enough that Roman didn't have to keep them bandaged and looking like a mummy anymore. Still caught up in his emotions around nearly losing Lillith and failing to protect her, the steel and blue Armada wolf meandered slowly down the castle corridors, listening to songbirds sing in the gardens outside in the early morning. He found his way back to Lillith's room, trying to figure out how to apologize to her for not being able to protect her the way he should have while he lifted his paw to rap gently against the wooden frame. After a beat, he lifted the latch and peeked in through the open door. "Lil? Are you awake?" he asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to disturb her if she was still asleep.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-29-2021, 03:55 PM
Gwynevere had seen to Romulus better than she could, and as soon as he was asleep Lil returned to the jaguar carcass to process it. Lilith definitely would have noticed Roman’s disappearance if she weren’t working on something special. She didn’t think about how much this might have shook Roman, or how much his self confidence was hit. He put up a great front before her and Lillith believed that he was recovering fine. Of course she visited him, but all of her time was spent sleeping and finishing her gift.

Lillith skinned the jaguar carcass, but she wasn’t even sure what she was going to do until she was finished preserving the hide. For a few days she worked, making a cape like armor for Roman that was similar to her armor. The main difference being she thought keeping the head and face for a hood would make his more intimidating. Her project was spread all over her bedroom, but the finished product was displayed on the massive wood table in her bedroom.

She was planning on waking up early and doing a couple finishing touches before she gave it to Roman later that day, but she slept in longer than anticipated. She was only lightly asleep when Roman’s deep voice filled the room. "Hmm?” Garnet gaze fluttered open and her slender form lifted from her warm bed. She found Romulus peeking into her room. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she looked up to him. "Oh! Good morning, Romulus.” She rolled her paws over the edge of her bed, "How are you feeling?” Hopefully he didn’t notice his gift yet.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
09-30-2021, 01:43 AM

Th sleepy, groggy voice of Lillith came from over on her bed, and Romulus realized he must have just woken her up. He flinched and folded his ears to his head, remorseful to have woken her up unnecessarily. Steely silver eyes caught her graceful, lithe form rising from her bed with the elegance of a porcelain princess, stealing his breath and making him feel all the more unworthy of her when she greeted him with a cheery voice. He managed to put on a brave face as he slid into her room though, gently nudging the door shut behind him while he meandered over to her bedside at his own pace.

"Good morning, Lil. You didn't have to get up on my account, I can come back later," he said when he drew near to where she was laying with her snow white paws hanging from the edge of her bed. He gave her a little smile, sitting down slightly off center from her while he met her ruby eyes with a trepidatious gaze. He hadn't paid any mind to the tools or materials she had lying out in the open in her room, far too distracted with thinking about how he was supposed to apologize to Lillith for almost getting her killed. "I'm fine, thanks. Nothing hurts anymore, Gwyn says the skin's healed well and the stitches can come out soon." Of that, he was thankful. He was more than ready to put this entire embarrassing situation behind him. He just hoped that Lillith had a thing for scars if his face never fully healed.

Realizing that they were just sitting in quiet then, Roman realized he had to just get his apology over with. There was no point in putting it off any longer. "I, uh... I wanted to apologize to you, like properly apologize," he began, stumbling as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself. His cheeks had turned hot with an embarrassed flush, ears folded so flat to his skull it almost looked like he didn't have any. "What happened with the jaguar should never have happened. I should've been more alert, or faster or stronger to keep you from getting hurt. I failed you and I failed to protect you, and I'm really, really sorry, Lil..." He swallowed down the lump in his throat and averted his gaze from Lillith's, feeling like an absolute fool for getting himself so torn up and still having failed to keep Lillith safe. Not to mention all the fights he'd lost lately coupled with this instance just made him feel... useless. What sort of man couldn't even protect his lady? It was like a joke... he was the joke.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-01-2021, 05:48 AM
She was blinking open her eyes and banishing her sleep when Roman nosed his way through the door. She watched his moon lit form as he paced towards her, a sleepy grin playing on her features. He returned her greeting pleasantly enough, but he didn’t withhold an apology for waking her. "Don’t be sorry, I meant to be up earlier than this,” Lil assured him as he sat close beside her bed, missing entirely the skinned out cat and supplies strewn everywhere. Garnet gaze watched him as he told her he had recovered pretty well, there wasn’t anymore pain. His stitches were coming out.

"That’s good though right?” She asked with a slight tilt of her head before he looked up to her and spoke again, breaking the quiet between them. He wanted to apologize. Lillith's confusion was plain on her features as he began to speak. She could barely see the red blush over his cheeks and her own ears fell when he explained. Lilith finally realized what he was always doing for her. She didn’t believe at all there was any blame to put on her dear friend, more than friend. This was the boy she loved, he had saved her from that jaguar, this wasn’t his fault.

"Roman, no!” She whispered passionately, lifting one pale ivory paw to lift his chin to look up at her. She gazed deeply into his hurt silver gaze, her lips pursed into a line. "Roman.” she started again, trying to convey how serious she was about what she was about to say. "You saved me. Neither of us saw that sneak attack coming, you showed me your strength and bravery. You didn’t fail at all, I’m still here because of you.” She told him softly. "You’re my hero, Roman.” Her voice was even softer as she concluded. Not knowing what his reaction was Lillith leaned forward to leave a sweet kiss against his lips to prove her point. She pulled away after an innocent peck, "I love you.” She said the words again, and they felt just as magic as they had the very first time.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-01-2021, 05:04 PM

Lillith interjected almost immediately, cutting him off before he could get too far into his self-deprecating apology for failing to protect her. Silver eyes blinked in surprise when she caught his cheek with a dainty alabaster paw, forcing him to look her in the eye when he truly wanted to look everywhere but right at the fair maiden he'd let down so grievously. His heart wrenched and sank when he saw the genuine appreciation and severity in her eyes, speaking of how he'd saved her life. Lillith called him her hero, and honestly he felt like anything but a hero. All his life, he'd heard the stories of the might of the Armada family, the strength of their bloodline and the power of their family. It was hard for the young wolf to feel like a hero when he'd been seconds away from watching the girl who held his heart get her skull crushed in by a jaguar.

Romulus listened to her words, but the self-doubt and skepticism still lingered in his gaze despite her fervent reassurances. It wasn't until Lillith brought her lips forward to capture his in a sweet gentle kiss did Roman's defenses begin to crack. No crumble, but a fracture had definitely appeared in his walls. He kissed her back, feeling his heart skip a beat or two, and for a brief moment he felt a little more heroic. She said those three words once more, and Romulus felt his heart nearly leap out of his chest. No matter how often he heard them, they felt as impactful as they had that wintry day in the snow. "I love you too. Thank you, Lil," he spoke softly once their lips had parted, and though he smiled, there was still some self-doubt clouding his usually clear eyes.

"I just... I should've been better for you. I said I'd keep you safe, but you still got hurt on my watch. I guess that's what I'm sorry for. That I couldn't..." Couldn't be perfect. He turned his eyes down again, not wanting to let Lillith see just how much he hated that he couldn't be perfect for her.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-01-2021, 07:37 PM
She finally knew how he felt when she was on the receiving end of a pep talk. She’d not soon forget the way he pressed how wonderful he thought she was. Her flaws were not flaws when she was been through so much. Lillith didn’t see any of his negative thoughts in this boy that she held so dear. He could blame himself, but there were dangers out in the world and she didn’t out her protection on anyone but herself. But now Roman saved her multiple times now. From a Jaguar and a Saber cat.

Her words did little to put that fighting shine back into his eyes, but she said what she felt. Words meant nothing, but actions did. He kissed her back when she leaned forward against his slate lips. She could feel his hesitation, but it wasn’t anything compared to the love she felt. There was shame still remaining in him, she could feel it in his words and the way his gaze lowered from hers.

"All I got was a scratch, thanks to you.” She whispered, aiming to press her forehead against his. "Roman, we were partners fighting that jaguar away. I know you want to keep me safe but… I.. I.. don’t want to be protected, I want to fight at your side.” She struggled with her words, but again. Actions always spoke louder.

Lillith slid off the bed and kissed his cheek before hurrying over to where hsi gift lay. Quickly she put on her own Jaguar pelt, almost like a scarf around her neck, then she picked up the very nearly finished caped armor. Lil sat back on her haunches, using her dainty front paws to lift the head and display the body. "I.. Made you something.” She told him softly, taking her turn to be unable to meet his gaze. Her chest fluttered and nerves fluttered in her belly, worried about how he’d react to her gift after what she had said.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-02-2021, 12:22 PM

Lillith was tenacious in her attempts to reassure him and make him feel better. Her efforts were appreciated, but it didn't change the fact of what had happened. Had he been a second slower, he'd be planning a funeral instead of sharing a kiss with her. He'd only barely managed to beat the jaguar, and even then it had come down to a circumstantial twist of fate and left him with numerous claw lacerations. He'd lost every single fight he'd had since he arrived in Auster, and while he was so proud of Lillith for being able to defend herself against him twice, those losses coupled with his defeat to her big brother definitely bruised his ego.

Romulus didn't resist or pull away when Lillith leaned her forehead against his, her ruby eyes now the only thing in his vision. Lillith reiterated their relationship was a partnership, that she wasn't looking to be protected and wanted to fight alongside him, even if it meant her getting hurt. Roman's ears flattened shamefully to his head. He knew she was right, that he was coddling her the way her father had done before, exactly the way she didn't want to be treated. It went against everything they'd been working on together. Guilt started to gnaw at his chest when he realized what he was doing; he didn't mean to undermine Lil or make her feel like some damsel in distress. She was so much more than that and even if it meant her sometimes getting hurt, so long as she was okay at the end of the day, then everything was all right.

Before he could respond, however, Lillith was kissing his cheek and sliding off her bed to move over to her work table. He followed her with curious eyes, having ignored everything else in her room up until now. She slipped on her jaguar pelt like a scarf, confusing him further until she explained that she had made him something. Roman trotted closer, gazing with stunned awe at the gorgeous jaguar cloak Lil lifted to present him with. She had skinned and preserved the coat of the big cat he'd killed, turning it into armor similar to her own. Big paws carried him up to the girl, stopping only once he was close enough to handle the fur himself. She had done a tremendous job keeping it pristine, the fur soft yet dense and protective.

As he lifted the head that had become a hood and stared into the blank amber eyes of the cat he'd slain, he noted the small puncture in the back of its head. The place where he'd driven the bone fragment to kill it. His heart swelled to realize all the work Lil had put into this gift for him, all of the thought and consideration and love—so, so much love. "Lil... it's magnificent!" he said with an awed gasp. He looked to her, then frowned when he realized she was avoiding his gaze now. Abandoning the cloak, he aimed to catch her chin with a gentle paw and guide her eyes back up to meet his, the light of love finally beginning to shine in those silver pools once more. "You're far too good for a renegade like me," he said with a roguish smirk, then slowly guided her ivory lips up to his in a slow, affectionate kiss, pouring all of his adoration and love into the singular gesture to show her just how thankful he was to have her as his.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-02-2021, 05:19 PM
She gave him no time to consider her words before she was shifting their conversation. She knew he felt bad, but Lil wasn’t about to dwell on his self depreciation. The girl loved him, everything about him including his imperfections. He wasn’t perfect, and she was so far from that goalpost. They were imperfect together, and that was everything Lillith wanted. She gathered up the boy’s attention with a kiss as she led him over to her work table. Lilith tried not to look to closely, a little nervous about his reaction after he’d revealed his insecurities to her. The girl couldn’t help but look as silence filled the room for a moment. She was heartened by the look of awe on his face.

The cape was nowhere near a perfect example of armor, but Lillith had poured her heart into the project. Her limbs shook slightly, relife and nerves all in one as Roman admired the pelt of the cat they had overcome. His praise was all she needed, but Lil’s attention was all his as he lifted her chin. She looked deeply into his liquid silver gaze with her garnet faceted eyes. Lilith felt nothing but the love and adoration that had been building since the day they met. She felt incomplete without Romulus around. Despite their youth and short friendship there was real love growing between them. He cared deeply for her and Lillith mirrored the emotion, she wanted to be his partner.

He tried to argue that she was far too good for a wolf like him, he only got away with it because of his gentle touch against her chin and his lips pressed to hers. Lillith closed her eyes, able to feel the love that Romulus had for her as he poured himself into their sweet kiss. His unneeded apology, her gift, everything was forgotten and all that mastered was her lips against his. Lil dropped the armor from her paws, forgetting it as she wrapped her arms around Roman’s silver furred neck. Nothing mattered as long as they had this, each other, relatively safe and sound.

She pulled away just slightly to answer him, happily getting lost in their kiss. "Just right, I’d argue.” She retorted with a grin, leaning forward again and pressing her nose to his as she looked up into his tarnished gaze.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-05-2021, 03:21 PM

The beautiful jaguar cloak Lillith had made for him was forgotten. His self-doubts and guilty heart were forgotten. All that mattered in this moment was the silver-snow girl and her lips on his, consuming his every thought. When Lillith's arms came up to wrap around his neck, he lifted a foreleg to wind around her side, tugging the slender fae tighter to his body, kissing her with all the love and passion he felt for her. She was so sweet to him, always looking out for him and making Romulus feel like the greatest wolf in the world. Perhaps it wasn't circumstance that the two had met that balmy summer day, but a twist of fate that wove their stories together. The Armada was meant to find the Adravendi. If one believed such a thing.

The aching urges inside his core gnawed at his self restraint, and Roman found it increasingly difficult to keep from pulling Lillith even closer to him and escalating. Go easy with her, he reminded himself, holding himself back from his primal desires to show her just how much he loved her and wanted her. It wasn't easy, but he managed somehow. After a few blissful moments, their lips parted, and Roman gave a soft sigh of delight, silver eyes opening slowly to find shimmering rubies staring back at him. He smirked and chuckled low under his breath at her retort, responding only with another slow kiss before breaking away once more. He had to be careful. He didn't want to overwhelm Lil and he couldn't trust himself to behave if they kept this up.

Forcing himself to release his hold on her, Romulus gently pulled himself away from her embrace just enough to slip the jaguar cloak over his body. With a flick of his paw, he tossed the hood up over his head, grinning proudly as he struck a formidable pose for his girlfriend. "How do I look? Rugged and manly enough for your tastes?" he teased with a wink and a flash of his teeth in his rakish grin. He was hamming it up a bit, but that's who he was. Roman as nothing if not bombastic and dramatic.
