
No Snowflake is the Same


08-02-2013, 11:50 PM

One second the gray form of his friend Cana was there in his line of sight. Then she was gone and he felt her form press against him as she laid down, making him grin once again. Her warmth was a welcome feeling compared to the cold around him. He glanced over at Euro, strangely happy that the cat was there too. He was happy to have his friends with him. It was comforting to have something familiar in this huge swirl of confusion that he was in. He looked to the little healer and gave a slight nod and watched as she ran off.

He looked back to his now shortened leg, lifting it off the ground a few inches before letting it drop again. It was lighter now, shorter... He looked uncomprehendingly to his lost paw, his head resting on the ground. Suddenly he felt cold pieces of something hitting his cheek. He turned his head and looked up at the sky, blinking as he saw the snow. He opened his mouth, letting the flakes hit his tounge. He gave a weak chuckle and whispered, "Cana, look... Snow."



08-03-2013, 11:50 PM
ooc: Forgot about Euro, but lets just say he is sitting a few feet away from them.

Cana watched in silence as the wolf ran off, then focused on the now shortened limb that Bob lifted off the ground then set back down. She wondered what was going on in his head, was he thinking about the attack, how his leg looked now without a paw? What was he thinking? Was he experiencing a lot of paw or was the herb the wolf gave him helping? How did he feel? So many questions were swirling around in the young hound's head,but she couldn't focus on one too long because another would come along and bump it out of the way.

Movement caused her to shake her head, clearing it of the thoughts, refocusing to see Bob looking up at the sky, snowflakes landing in his mouth and on his head, managing to chuckle. She did just as he said, focused her dark gaze one the falling white flake, a smile forming on her lips. ?It is pretty.? She said finally, parting her jaws, sticking her tongue out and watching a few flakes gently land on it then melt away. She just lay there a bit, enjoying the sight of the snow falling, taking a deep breath.

After a few moments though the hound lowered her head and gently poked Bob's ear. ?You really scared me ya know...? Her voice was soft, no playful tone at all, serious. It was like she was a completely different person from the Cana just a few seconds ago, from the Cana he had played with the last time they were together. It showed she could be serious at times, that there was actually apart of her that wasn't all crazy and, kind of stupid. It wouldn't last long though, it never did.

cana talk.
cana think.

Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-04-2013, 02:05 PM

Roberto watched with a little smile on his muzzle as his gray friend enjoyed the snow with him as it fell lightly around them. Before long both of their pelts were speckled with white. Bob rested his head flat on the ground once again, trying to rest a bit. Every move make him feel so tired and his head felt fuzzy and dizzy and he didn't like it. Luckily the roots that the little healer had given him had taken effect so most of the pain had faded away. His leg still felt really weird, the end of his stump aching and burning from time to time. His eyes told him that the paw was gone, that his leg was several inches shorter than it was when he padded into the clearing, but his nerves hadn't quite gotten the message. His brain felt all mixed up. It was like his paw was still there, like he should still be able to move it, but when he tried nothing happened, nothing was there.

The feel of Cana poking at his ear and her voice caught his attention again. He wasn't used to Cana's voice sounding serious instead of its usual playful, silly tone. It was startling to the scrawny brute, making him focus his full attention on her. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you..." he replied, his voice still raspy and strained. He made himself lift his head to rest his amber gaze on her, a hopeful grin crossing his muzzle. "I'm okay now though," he added. He wasn't real sure how okay he really was, but he didn't want to worry his friend. There was no need for anyone to worry about him.

A little shiver ran through him as the snow began to fall a little harder, creating a light blanket over them. The only warmth he felt was where Cana was still pressed against his back. He really, really wanted to go to sleep. He was sooo tired... but something told him falling asleep in the cold wasn't a good idea. Taking a deep breath, he carefully pulled himself up so he was laying on his stomach instead of his side, his newly shortened leg sticking out awkwardly out in front of him. He had to take a few moments to let his head clear again before he glanced to Euro and Cana both, saying softly, "Can we get out of the snow now?"



08-09-2013, 04:36 PM

Bob apologized for scaring Cana, which made the little hound smile but it only lasted a few seconds before becoming worried by his raspy strained voice. He must be tired from what had happened, and once the herbs wore off he would be in pain again. This thought made the girl lift her head and glance over at Euro who sat a few feet away watching, he understood the look his companion gave him and with a nod of his head he stood up, turned and bounded off deeper into the forest in search of more herbs. Cana's attention then went back to the male, smiling a little when he looked to her with a grin on his muzzle. He told her he was okay now, and as much as she wanted to tell him not to lie, she just let him be.

A shiver across his body caused her to lift her head, nose twitching, noticing the thin blanket of snow collecting on their pelts. Slowly his body began to move, moving to lay on his stomach then asked if they could get out of the snow now. Cana nodded, moving quickly but carefully, pushing herself up and standing right beside Roberto, she would support most of his weight f needed. The girl was huge, she could help him without much trouble. ?The wolf said to go under those trees, we should be okay.? She told him, motioning over at a spot under some trees where there was barely any snow.

cana talk.
cana think.

Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-11-2013, 09:49 PM

Bob watched his friend stand next to him, ready to help him out of the snow. He gave a little nod before focusing on the task at hand. Suddenly standing seemed like the hardest thing he had ever done. Taking a deep breath, he gathered his three remaining legs under him and push up, standing on trembling legs. He leaned heavily Cana, looking down at his lost paw that was still laying a short distance away. The reality of his situation was slowly starting to dawn on him as he began to stumble toward the trees but the section of his leg stayed behind. He turned away his eyes, suddenly extremely sad. His ears pinned back against his head and he focused on the task at hand.

It took him several tries to figure out how to hobble along on three paws instead of four. He stumbled several times, but with Cana there to help keep him up he finally made it over to the shelter of the trees. He huddled under one of the fallen logs that had propped itself up against one of the larger pines, making a little makeshift shelter of sorts. He was still cold, but at least they weren't in the snow any more. He looked down at his broken leg sadly, whining quietly. He was tired. Very, very tired. He leaned his head on Cana's shoulder, his eyes half open. "Thank you for helping me."



08-18-2013, 10:15 PM

She tried to help Bob as much as she could, supporting most of his weight, ready to catch him if he were to topple over. Cana would move when Bob did, not moving too fast, just taking it slowly for the male. She would lean her head gently against him when his ears folding back, she would be there for him from now on, would help him whenever, dropping what she was doing. The hound would not mind, she wanted to do it, wanted to be helpful. After a few moments though they got to the sheltered spot, laying down beside the male, trying to wrap around him to give him as much warmth as she could. ?Your welcome Bob, I will be here for you.? She whispered softly, closing her eyes as she leaned into his touch. ?You sleep now, Cana will watch you.? She gently licked his ear with a small smile.

cana talk.
cana think.

Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-23-2013, 12:59 PM

Roberto was grateful for Cana's help. She seemed to take on the role of his guide as they made their way over to the tree line, letting him lean on her the whole way. Once they got settled under the fallen tree his friend huddled around him, warming him up. He smiled and cuddled into her side, letting his eyes close with her final words. "Okay..." he replied, in no condition to fight her on it. He quickly drifted off to deep sleep, the medicine that the little black and white healer working its magic and keeping away his pain.

With a soft, unintentional whimper, Bob woke up several hours later, shaken awake by the flashes of pain that shot up what was left of his arm. His mind was playing tricks with him, making the black male think that his paw was still there when in reality it was long gone, now several feet away covered under a blanket of freshly fallen snow. He opened his eyes, his ears flicking back against his head as he tried to move his leg and felt more of the awful pain. He whined softly again, wondering how long this was going to annoy him and why this had to happen to him.



08-28-2013, 06:15 PM
ooc: Don't have much muse anymore, sorry. /:

Cana fell asleep not long after Bob did, but when it came to him waking up she was still passed out. It was Euro who heard the male's whine, cured up in a ball behind the hound. he would stretch out his body, groaning as he pushed himself up, walking around the two to sit in front of the dark male. "Stay calm, this will help you." He spoke gently, pushing some herbs towards the boy, ones he had collected before the two had dozed off.

-exit cana & euro-

cana talk.
cana think.

Awesome image by Canttina <3