
clear my mind



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
10-12-2021, 12:35 AM
1011 words

Magnus wasn't sure what to make of meeting Sirius now grown child and finding someone else that knew him from before. He said interesting things, things that definitely made him question, but it wasn't much to work with. Sure, he mentioned that he had fucked the kids aunt, but he didn't even know where to start with that or how deep it really went. It was confusing, but most of all it was frustrating. That was more information than he had ever gotten out of Sirius, though, but he wondered why. What was the warlord keeping from him? And why? If Sirius was so determined to help him figure out where his memories went, then why lie and withhold the truth? It was truthfully making him grumpy and he needed to take it out on something.

The training grounds was where his three legs hobbled him to today, looking to take out some of his annoyances and aggressions on one or many of the dummies. Even on three legs, he was certain he could do a number on them. As he posted up across from one of the dummies, ready to charge, there was a blue flickering in the distance that caught his attention and distracted him. Whatever he saw didn't appear to be the fireflies he saw on the beach with Azure, but the blue color was the same. This was much closer to the ground, like a rabbit or something else small like that.

Putting aside his interest in decapitating a dummy, he quickly left the training ring and hopped off in the direction of the blue color he'd seen moving through the grass. It was of course some yards away, making it difficult to get to the spot sooner rather than later. Eventually he managed, yet whatever he had seen was already gone. Lowering his nose to the ground where the grass was slightly flattened, he picked up the scent of what he thought was a rabbit but combined with a strange smell that he wasn't quite sure of. Purple eyes looked off in the direction that the scent was headed and Magnus quietly continued on, careful to keep his singular rear leg from making too much noise in the dormant grasses of winter.

Following the scent for some time, it was almost starting to look like he wouldn't find the strange scent. The night was longer than normal as it had been these past few weeks, but it wasn't time that was starting to sway his decision in following the animal. Instead, he didn't want to actually stray too far. Hobbling too far away from the Armada would make his journey back twice as exhausting from all the effort it took to carry his massive size on three legs instead of four. His lone rear leg was growing tired faster than usual too, as if age was starting to catch up with him. Sirius did say that a lot of time had passed, and Magnus was believing him more and more every day. He was starting to feel older, grey hairs lightening around his face and muzzle, but it didn't slow him down... mentally, at least.

A large sigh escaped his lungs as he came to a pause, finally losing interest in the strangely colored animal and making the decision to turn and head back home. He had traveled far enough for something that was probably just a figment of his imagination and now it was time to go home. Maybe he was seeing things and all he really needed to be doing was sleeping. It didn't seem like a bad idea, after all.

So he did exactly that, and upon turning the animal he had been so determined to find moments before sat behind him as if it had been following him the whole time. Of course, that was impossible. He would have known if he was being followed by a silly rabbit, especially one that had strange blue markings.

Although he had experienced the strange, blue glowing fireflies from before, there was nothing that could have prepared him for the spooky shit that was happening now. Why were there blue fireflies? Why was this rabbit all blue and glowy like the fireflies?

Magnus snarled at the animal and swiped a paw at it before thinking. His balance faltered, but he was thankfully quick to catch himself. Had he been paying much attention, he would have realized that his paw had swiped through the animal instead of in front, just a near miss. In his stumble, he hadn't noticed and assumed he had just missed. What a ballsy rabbit, though, regardless.

When that didn't work, as soon as he regained his footing, he bolted towards the rabbit. It seemed to be faster than him, which of course because rabbits were faster, but this was wicked fast. Magnus couldn't remember a rabbit being so fast before, and like that the animal was gone. Hidden amongst the trees that it had ran towards. Even though the animal had fled, however, he suddenly felt that he was being watched from the trees that the rabbit had disappeared into. Scowling, and muttering something about his blasted curiosity, he trudged off towards the trees although he was in no hurry this time. His intentions now were simply to just tell the rabbit to fuck off and find someone else to bother. Like Azure, maybe. Or Sirius wouldn't be a bad idea with the mood he was in.

As he approached and cleared the trees the rabbit had run into, Magnus wasn't surprised to not find anything. He actually expected it. He knew better than to think the rabbit had been following him the whole time he was following it, yet somehow it ended up behind him as if it had taken a giant circle just to fuck with him. Although the rabbit wasn't here, that wasn't stopping him from looking around. Maybe the rabbit would lead him to something else, but dear god he hoped it wasn't more fireflies.



Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



10-12-2021, 01:50 AM

You feel a strange chill in the air. You also find 3 crystals. Maybe these are worth keeping…