
all a matter of perspective


08-12-2013, 03:12 PM


The snow leopard took a step back and surveyed her work. The cave wasn't terribly high or large, but she could walk around without the front without bumping her head, and the cranny went far enough back into the cliff side to be well sheltered from the northern elements. In the back, off to one side, was a bed of fresh pine branches, their evergreen needles, filling the space with a sweet, spicy aroma. On the other side of the back, a trickle of ground water seeped down the cutaway of rocks, and was begining to pool nicely in the little ring of stones that Silverback had made. Shelter, comfort, water, all that was missing was food, and she was about to set off on a hunt now. She'd only just dragged in the last mouthful of pine boughs from above. Now, everything was set. She couldn't have done better if the expectant occupants were to be her own pups.

She was quite fond of this idea of hers. It catered to every part of her: the huntress, the queen, the predator, the lonely, the slightly sadistic, the helpful. It was all too perfect. She just needed to choose the right wolf. None too young - she wasn't lactating last time she checked. But not too old either - wolves died like flies compared to her and she didn't want to get attached to something only to have it go belly up. Even if she got a yearling, in eight or nine years when it died, she'd only be 12 or 13, that was middle aged for her. She wouldn't focus on that though. The lonely years were behind her! From now on she would have something to cuddle with or groom or talk to or feed or terrorize as she saw fit. It was perfect.

Now for the missing piece. Like a spider, Silverback began her decent towards the Pass and the surrounding slopes of forest. The cliff appeared sheer as ice to any on lookers - and would prove so up close to anything but a cat, a goat or a bird - but the leopardess made it look incredibly easy. That was what she was counting on for this whole plan. What was impassible to a wolf was simple climb for her. She even sprang the last fifty or so feet on her own without a thought - leaping downwards and across the narrow chasm, to ricochet halfway down the opposite wall and then land smoothly at the bottom of the first cliff. Four years old was young adult as far as her kind was concerned. If she was this good now, she'd only get better. A smirk twisted neath her whiskers as she removed herself from open sight and went to lounge in her favored ambush position above the perfect, trap-like pass. Already she'd met with two wolves coming through here. And one she'd even carried up the slopes to the cave to watch the sunrise from. She hadn't thought of her plan back then - but that encounter had started the ball rolling.

Now to let it land home.



08-12-2013, 03:21 PM

His quick paws were carrying him through the north part of the continent, he had explored much of its northern grasp, he decided it was the best to travel during the summer for fear of being trapped by a snow storm. His amber eyes caught the scene of a pass, its narrow throat begging him to explore it.
His paws found their way up the trail, while his nose experienced an interesting scent. A cat lived in the area. He'd not had a chance to meet up with a feline, but he'd seen them from afar. The lynx and the bobcats, maybe one took residence in the area. He shook the cat from his mind, they were always skittish of him, and pushed forward to see what he could see.



08-12-2013, 03:40 PM


The cat was a hunter, she could stalk a chosen prey for days until every advantage was hers and the moment was perfect, but she was not made to dwell upon her patience today. As if in agreement with her plan, the fates were kind to her. They sent her a peace offering in the form of wolf's paw steps, falling softly and echoing laconically through the pass. Usually it was soundless, but usually there was more snow too. The click of claws was soon audible to her bent ears. Through a crack in her stone guard, her snake-like pupils got a look at a young male wolf, who's coloring was absolutely adorable. It was always a wonder to her, why the creative spirits above had given wolves so many different colors and patterns, while giving their better creations a standard pelt for all. Ah well, it was something to be worn with honor and pride. To be groomed and looked after - unlike the mudstained, messy coats of the dogs. This one wouldn't have to deal with that any more however; Once he was her's she intended to keep him in excellent condition.

It came so naturally - these thoughts of toying with another's life. She was a huntress after all, death and life were her's to play with on a daily baisis. And then of course, she was a cat, a slight taste for torture sort of came with the job description. Silverback wasn't about to let her eagerness, obstruct her judgement, however. She waited perfectly stiff and perfectly silent as the wolf came striding right up into the pass. ... Right... below her. She uncurled a spotted paw ever so slightly... waiting for just the right moment.


And there it was. The male slumped against the stone wall like a stone, pole axed by a blunt bat from the she-cat's paw. Silverback felt her fur fluff up with excitement. "Just like fishing!" she rumbled to herself, unable to contain her excitement.

But the next moment, she was stretching her body downwards and closing her teeth around the black and rust tinted scruff. She seemed to be more ghost like than mortal, as she twisted about and began her ascent up the side of the mountain. She took her time, now, being careful to chose good footings and not rush herself, but all the same, she would've made a geared up climber like like a toddler. The only thing in creation that could outrun her in her element was a mountain goat - and then only sometimes.

She knew she hadn't whacked the male wolf hard enough to keep him out for long - she hadn't wanted to give him brain damage or anything! So she hasted coming over the lip of the cave, dragging him the last few steps the center of his new home, and then letting him go. She stepped back to observe him, her tail curling uncontrollably in excitement.

(ooc: permission given to powerplay)



08-12-2013, 03:58 PM

He didn't even know what hit him. He was exploring the new place and suddenly he was aware of absolutely nothing but blackness. He was sure that had the pain not been there he was dead. A headache began to swell in his head as consciousness was returned to him. Had a large rock hit him? He slowly opened his eyes only to find nothing but blurry vision to greet him. That and the strong rocky scent of the cat. It had not been this strong before, what might be going on?
As his vision cleared he realized he was not in the same place he had once been. He was in a cave and not the open pass he had been intrigued by. He didn't want to move his head too much, but the little bit he was able to observe brought chills to his spine. A cat. A big cat. He thought he might pass back out. Oh no. he mumbled, ready to be eaten by the great felid.



08-12-2013, 04:13 PM


Silverback watched her new play thing slowly come back to the land of the living. Look at that adorable, pathetic face, she thought to herself. She rather liked those markings he had neath his eyes, and the copper dusting to his legs and coat. They were no tiger stripes or leopard rosettes, but it was interesting to look at. A pretty bird to keep in a cage. She felt her excitement mounting as unseeing eyes opened. With that blank expression on his fact at first, she decided she could rule out the possibility of explosive attack at the moment. The male was a little shorter than her, but she was thicker and longer, and was easily the more powerful of the two even if that had not been the case.

But it was better for him to not try anything. If she lost her temper, or if he proved too troublesome to be worth it, she'd have to kill him, and though it wouldn't be her first time taking the life of a canine, to choose one as a pet and then have to do it - well, she'd be lying to herself if she said it wouldn't make her terribly sad.

She wasn't really worrying about that now though. She was too excited. Too elated, to have all the pieces finally coming together. To have her new guest in his home. On the outside, she made sure to remain stiff and proud as stone, but every so often a faint gleam lit her eye that spoke of something much more lively going on behind the grey-green windows. But what exactly it was, would take sages to figure out. The light of the gleam only focused and brightened as the male's eyes fell upon her. Immediately they changed to a delicious look of fear. How absolutely adorable! She could barely contain herself, she almost chuckled over him.

His whispered "Oh no" drew a soft purr rumbling out from the depths of her chest. Hardly comforting however. To a wolf it just sounds like a growl, and even if he recognized it for a pleasant sound, it was possible he'd also recognize that mischievious, wicked look the cat's eyes. He looked like he was preparing for the death blow. After all what could he think but that he'd been carried off to the dragon's den to be slowly devoured? Silverback was half tempted to toy with him further, to drink in his fear scent and move slowly forward to crouch over his prone form and perhaps even set her teeth to that lovely, bobbing neck. But no, no, she wasn't that evil. Er, not today anyway.

"I'm not about to eat you," she told him, almost dismissively. It was an attempt to put him out of his misery, whether he believed her or not was his own affair. She worked hard not to let too much excitement bleed into her sultry tones - no doubt that would send his fear crazed imagination to all sorts of torturous places. No, she was just laying the cards on the table. But she took her sweet time. She wanted to see his every reaction.



08-12-2013, 07:46 PM

He really wasn't sure what to think as the cat let a low purr fall from his lips, he didn't know it was a sign of pleasure. It just made him more sure of his doom. The last thing he expected was the words, "I'm not about to eat you," to come from her feline lips. She knew how to speak to him, that was new. His eyes grew wider as he attempted to look at her with minimal movement, who was this leopardess? His eyes blinked in surprise, and his foggy mind let some odd words escape him, Well why not? He probably meant something more along the lines of Well then what? But that didn't happen. Goodness my head. He swooned as a wave of dizzyness washed over him. You should probably eat me before this spinning spoils me.



08-12-2013, 07:58 PM


The male's rather poorly planned question had Silverback raising a brow. Why not? Well because she had something much more fun planned. Poor uncreative, lumbering beasts these wolves could be. He probably had no idea yet. Too busy swimming in his own pain. The she-cat watched, half amused, half annoyed as he groaned. 'Goodness'? What strange treasure had she just dug up out of the earth? And was he really so stupid as to suggest she eat him? Or was that just boldness? Or - as she chose to favor - the pain talking?

"Don't be such a baby, I didn't hit you that hard." At least it was no where near as hard as she could have. But then again, maybe she'd over estimated the force a little with the excitement. Oh well, he'd live. She didn't have too much pity for weaklings, but she did want the male in his right mind so she could talk to him. She gave a slight shake of her broad head and stepped closer to the moaning canine, seeking to wrap her teeth around his scruff again. He wasn't in much of a position or state of mind to resist even if this counted as consciousness. "Come along," she muttered. Her intent was to drag him back a length or two to the back of the cave. She'd have to duck her head there, but it was no hassle. The little stone basin of water she'd managed to rig up was not quite full, but it had enough to for a thirsty canine to sate his pallet, and to help clear up a foggy head. "Drink," she rattled off briskly.



08-12-2013, 08:08 PM

He couldn't do much as the she cat grabbed him, the movement shaking away a bit of his pain. Moving to an upright position seemed rather useful. She moved him unceremoniously to the back of her cavern, allowing him adequate water to drink. The cool water seemed to be exactly what he needed, as the liquid rolled down his parched throat he could feel the fog slip away from him. What was he doing in a cave with such a cat?
He lifted his head to look at her once again, curiosity ablaze in his amber eyes. What did she want with him? She admitted to being the one to have knocked him out, but if she did not intend on eating him why had she done it? What's.. going on? his timid voice slipped from his dark lips.



08-12-2013, 08:25 PM


Flicking a black tipped tail, the leopardess deposited her load beside the water. The wolf whether obeying his own instinct, or her words, drank, and Silverback watched him with the interest of any casual hunter. Oh this was going to be fun! There was something so satisfying about it. There was a part of her that just liked to be there to help, to see the male feel better and keep him out of harms way, but it was rather twisted up by her pride and vanity - and how both were flattered to know that she was in total control of the situation. She could just as easily leave him to starve if she wished. But of course she wouldn't. What would be the point of that?

Her soft, round ears cupped forward as the mutt finally voiced the question that he'd no doubt been wanting to ask since he was hit. Was he just beginning to grasp at the impossibilities of it all? She enjoyed that hint of timidity that belong in his voice. She let it hang in the air a moment, still standing over him, before she finally gave him the answers he sought. "You are mine," she said in utter simplicity. "From now on." She padded back towards the front of the cave as she spoke, aware that her backdrop was the gorgeous mountain range that surrounded Dreamer's Col. "I'll make this as clear and easy to understand, as I can:" Her voice slid through it's paces with gravity and purpose. How many times had she gone over this in her head? "You are in a cave, a good -twelve? fourteen?- stories from the Pass below, and almost as much distance from the top of the mountain. It is all sheer cliff-face, here, you can come see if you wish, just mind your step.-" She wasn't about to loose him. "-Yes, I carried you all the way up here. I am one of the few things in creation that could pull off such a feat. Ergo - you only live at my good will." She fixed her eyes upon him like daggers. Her voice could get quite an edge to it, when she wished, but this was a point she had to drive home. It would avoid any unpleasantness later. "I will bring you food, water, and shelter from the elements, but only so long as you don't get any idiotic ideas into your head." By which she meant escape or rebellion. A little resistance, she wouldn't mind though; it was entertaining. He could chose to the play the game any way he wanted, but she wanted to make sure that the male understood he was playing by her rules now. "There. Was that clear enough?"



08-12-2013, 08:34 PM

The words she spoke to him cut through his reality like butter, he was trapped in her den, his life totally in her fluffy paws. She would keep him as what? Would he be her pet? He didn't know what to do or what to think. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine he would be held captive by a giant cat. With all of his world crashing around him he still couldn't help but looking on the brighter side of things, So I wont have to hunt ever again?
The more laid back side of him enjoyed the idea, but the outcropping was small and he was unsure of something, would he ever be able to run again? Would he even be able to have a family? What would this mean for his future? Living his days in the confines of stone. It seemed like it might be a sad existence. A captive... he looked away from her snake like gaze, what had he gotten himself into?



08-12-2013, 08:49 PM


Silverback awaited his response, half facing him, half watching the cliff. There was shock, cold, perhaps numbing shock etched on his features. His first words on the subject, were almost comical. But Silverback was in earnest and she preferred that her captive have a sense of reality. There was an obvious delay of reaction, but it did come. The weight of it all seemed to settle slowly on him. And he murmured out exactly what he was. Silverback wasn't about to contradict him, or even sugar coat it. She wasn't insane. She knew exactly what she was doing and exactly how hard it was going to be on her chosen ones. The only thing that might've made it less grave in her mind was her prejudice that canines on the whole were a lesser life form.

But other than that? She had no illusions. This wasn't about their comfort, it was about hers. She needed companionship. Solitary or no, her heart yearned for someone to talk to. Had her species been at the numbers it was meant to, by now she would've been mated to at least once, and perhaps be walking around with a pair of fuzzy grey cubs at her side. But that wasn't to be. She'd left her territory to search out another of her kind and she'd found none. Life had been unfair to her, and frankly she didn't care if some others were inconvenienced in order to right that wrong. However, if all went well, Silverback could see herself becoming quite attached to her play things. That was the point after all. If they proved worth the effort, she would do what she could to make their lives not too boring. But that was all after thought.

The dog's gaze slipped away from hers as he fell into thought. The snow leopard once more collected her hind legs and sat, her elongated tail, threading along the ground to hang over the cliff lip into empty space. "It will take time to settle in," she murmured after a long wait. Whether she meant him settling into the cave, or reality settling into his mind, was left open for her interpretation. He would have questions, perhaps insults, perhaps threats, perhaps whines and pleading. Silverback was unlikely to be reached by any of them, but she prepared all the same.



08-14-2013, 12:49 PM

She seemed quite callous to how much she would be denying him, he could feel anger welling up in his chest at her actions. Really though he could do nothing about it. The incredible amount of emotions that were bubbling around in his head. "It will take time to settle in," His amber eyes gazed back at her larger form, there was less fear but more sadness with each passing second.
She would be his only companion, for what he would have to assume would be the rest of his life. Had the situation been different he would have admired her intelligence and beauty, but his mind was clouded with the thought of doom that hung over him. He watched her, and could feel the anger start to lessen, it would make for an even longer captivity if he let the hate consume his heart. A defeated sigh fell from his broken lips as he was able to start the first real conversation with the leopard, Well, if I"m going to be relying on you I may as well keep myself civil. My name is Kypsis,I guess I'm your new pet.



08-14-2013, 01:06 PM


Silverback waited a little more as the male gathered himself. She saw the surprise turn to confusion, and confusion to anger. She smirked slightly behind her whiskers, prepared for an outburst that would be as futile as it was entertaining. But now, the anger boiled away quickly, leaving an empty vessel in it's wake. The male seemed to be taking it all in. The she-cat's rounded ears perked at his sigh, dissecting it for emotion and being perfectly pleased by what she found. This one was wise enough to give in without a fight. Good Good. And better yet, he was taking the first step of introduction. It was just good enough for the leopard to have to analyze it for acting, but she detected none. You can't lie to a feline.

The authority and sternness with which she had addressed before, faded a little as her excitement seemed through. She was almost purring with pleasure at his response. "There," she rumbled lightly, curling about her tail to give him a feather soft tap to the side of the head. "That's an excellent start." She took a step forward. "You see Kypsis, dear, I can be one of two things - a life long friend and confidant, - or the dragoness who's claws you feel every night as you howl for mercy." Those unfeeling grey-green eyes gleamed. "It all depends upon your conduct."

She paused suddenly, cocking her broad head to the side. "Did that sound slightly sexy to you?" She flicked an ear dismissively. "It wasn't meant to. - You see I'm still getting the hang of this whole 'socializing' thing."



08-14-2013, 03:04 PM

.ooc. they're getting shorter I'm sorry

He kept himself from cringing as the leopardess swept her soft tail along the side of his face, her form coming closer to his own as they spoke. Her words telling of his two options in life. He was not one for pain, of that he was certain. I would much prefer to see the life long friend and confidant. Forgive me if I do not seem thrilled yet. Her next statement was an odd one though, a cat... sexy?
He didn't let his surprise show on his face though, Other than the life long imprisonment part you seem to be doing rather well.



08-14-2013, 03:57 PM


He didn't shrink away from her touch, but he didn't like it either, sending another thrill of excitement down her spine. She hadn't realized just how fun it could be to enforce her will upon another creature. And this was was being good enough about the whole thing. He voice his own choice between the two options given, and Silverback's whiskers bowed forward with approval, but then came that snide little remark slid in there. She had let it pass, but the remark he made about her last statement was unacceptable.

"Don't get smart," she murmured, showing just a hint of fang. She should be grateful for the warning, she didn't have to give one. She could've begun the whole 'feeling the claws' thing right then and there. But she was giving him a chance. Perhaps it had been a thoughtless remark to try to lighten his own mood. Well if, she decided that he had better learn quickly that this was no longer about him and what he wanted. His life was for her.

But there was another level to it as well. She wanted company because she wanted someone to talk to. She wanted pair of ears to listen and listen well to whatever it was she had to say - whether it was of a dream she had or a goat she had killed, or -as was more likely- the burden she kept in her heart. She was too proud a creature to pour out her feelings to someone who was not respectful of them, and if he was going to make fun of her, then what was the point of keeping him alive?

"Very well," she said with just a touch of injured dignity, "If you won't listen respectfully to me, then why don't you start." She took a step back, not so much as to make him feel more comfortable, but so that she was. She lowered herself down - not into a full out lay, but into a crouch that she could spring from at any moment. Her elongated tail, wrapped about her paws like a Persian scarf. Her ears trained forward as she looked him over with a critical eye. Whatever else she was, she was also vaguely interested. "I warn you, however," she added as an after thought to avoid unpleasantness, "Don't start weaving it into some sob story, now; I don't wish to be bored."



08-14-2013, 04:15 PM

He knew he was claimed by the leopard, and that she obviously desired him as her own, but he wasn't sure how he'd so easily warm up to the idea. She almost seemed offended that he hadn't been quite as pleased with the situation as she was. He knew he'd have to give in eventually, it would make for further unpleasantness as time went on if he kept trying to fight at it. Well, my dear cat, my life has been pretty uneventful up until the last hour or so. I've been attempting to run around the border of Alacritis. You see, my passion used to be running. He let a glance escape at his long legs, which would probably never be exercised again. I've been on my own for most of my life, no one's ever attempted to get close. I suppose this means I'll never find the she wolf to share my life with. That option was becoming pretty unlikely. I never thought I'd have a she cat as my life's... partner instead. He knew partner was very much the wrong word, but he didn't wish to upset the feline further. He wished he could close his eyes and wake up again on the ground, where she should have left him.



08-14-2013, 04:37 PM


Silverback settled in to listen to the little story. So she had captured a wild, untamed thing who preferred the back of the winds, how lovely. She would rather have a fit pet than a flabby one. He spoke of traveling around and of never finding anyone. Honestly the cat wouldn't have cared much if she'd pulled him out of a family. She couldn't allow herself to take such things into consideration when a greater good like her own happiness was at stake.

His addition of 'partner' at the end, pleased her most excellently. There he was getting the idea, now. Though he was still lacking that adoration that she deserved to be spoken of with. He was a lucky, lucky wolf, though his poor primative mind could not wrap around that fact just yet. He had been selected by chance and a leopard's choice to spend his days in the company of a higher being. Ah well, Silverback couldn't expect miracles. And as far as first days went, this was excellent.

"You needn't worry about having to enetertain me all the time," Silverback explained quite matter-of-factly, "Oft times I'll be out hunting or exploring, but I'll come back on odd days and make sure you don't go hungry or begin pining too violently for me." She'd been quite serious sounding until the last bit. It was half taunt, half truth, but this male had begun to get fresh here and there and she didn't mind being a tad overwhelming with her language. Yes, in time she would expect devotion - or at least a perfect faking of it, but not quite yet. "Now Kypsis, darling, why don't you ask me a question?... - oh and if you can think of no better one that 'what is your name?' I'll go ahead and tell you it's Silverback."



08-18-2013, 02:51 PM

He wasn't sure what she wanted from him, he was a captive after all. There was no reason for him to rejoice at such a dramatic change in his life. His whole world was completely turned upside down and he really had no say in what happened. Did she think herself his savior? No, his mind was going in the opposite direction it should have. None of this had anything to do with him Every move she made was completely for her own benefit. She cared not weather he enjoyed her presence or if he even wanted to be with her.
The question he wished to ask her popped into his head as the thoughts ran through. "Do you think you'll come to care about me? I know you'll care for me, but..." He looked up to her sadly, not quite sure how to articulate the question better. It would be one long terrible existence if she did not one day care about what he might want.



08-19-2013, 07:19 PM

. . .

"Darling," she said gently, but with her way of using the term as a form of possession rather than endearment, "-that depends entirely upon you, and what you chose to make of the situation." She lay down fully now, with her giant forepaws crosses as daintily as lillied hands at a tea party. She didn't mind lowering her belly to the stone. She could afford to. She was completely in control, no matter how sweetly she looked up to the wolf.

She let a proper pause sink in between her words; what she had to say next was important - a bit of a revelation that would help explain the situation - so long as the male was quick minded enough to look for explanations and wasn't too busy stupidly bemoaning his fate. "Do you think that I captured you because I am a mean soul, who hates other creatures? I am hardly so vulgar or so shallow. I seek your company because, as much as it will pain any cat to admit, I enjoy having someone to be around now and again." She shrugged, as though trying to casually brush off any measure of too deep emotion that might've slipped into her words. She didn't want the wolf thinking that she was someone he could weasel his way away from just because she had admitted to having a heart. She'd have no end of trouble if that happened.

But there was honesty in her eyes now as she looked upon him. "So your answer may very well be yes. I hope one day it will be yes." Her speech grew quieter and quieter, and softer and softer, until at the end it was barely more than a whisper. She had been a bit strict and rough of tongue before - and enjoyed it - but now she was begining to have other thoughts. She was quickly growing attached to this pet of hers. She had held herself back, but now she wanted to move close to him again - to stroke his pelt and see how soft it was. From the viewpoint of a fellow predator, wolves were vulgar, but as pets they could be an absolute treasure. Silverback restrained herself though, remaining laying as she was. She was just beginning to make headway with this one, and though she could force herself upon him - she would not. Not yet.



08-27-2013, 11:43 PM

Her words were soft enough, and if he had no hope of her tasting his freedom again he had the slightest bit of something to look forward to. Though it saddened him greatly to have lost the life he once loved, he was not yet ready to give up living just yet. The life with a cat seemed his only option, and at least it would be a rather interesting one. It was an incredibly unique situation he found the misfortune of being in, someday maybe he would smile again.
Her words would give him comfort of an easier life, maybe one he would actually enjoy someday. It was just so hard to let his previous existence go. If I can't hope for my life back, at least I can hope for one of ease. It's hard to let it go, He almost stumbled as he found a way to push her name from his lips. Creating an affectionate feeling for the cat would take some time, Silverback. He let his gaze rest in her own pooled glance. I hope I'll be able to come to care for you. He let a deep breath fill his lungs, what had his miss step caused him?
