
LIGHTNING ROUND!!! Saxe drama babies!

Chaos x ??? and Chaos x Paradise



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
10-28-2021, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 12:56 AM by Tealah. Edited 12 times in total.)
Red alert! For a very short time only we have for offer a RARE opportunity! To play a real live SAXE! Chaos is having two extramarital litters sure to be the source of some very exciting drama. But time is short! There is a very limited time to apply for these pups!

Chaos x ????? - deadline November 1

First on tap we have a mystery… a mystery litter that is! One evening as Chaos is exploring the Mysterious Changes (™) he stumbles over a litter that… uh oh… those are obviously his kids! But how? Who is the mysterious woman who left them for him to find? Are they a gift from Firefly Guy?????

This litter is born on the Day of the Dead, during the weirdest creepiest setting imaginable. It's hardly a surprise that so many of them are also weird and creepy, even witchy! Now, being weird and witchy is by no means a requirement, but there is definitely something off about them…

They will be raised in Fireside by Chaos and will be free to harass, creep out, run amok, and otherwise terrorize the inhabitants therein.

The immediate family (in addition to the rest of the extensive Imperialis clan):

Chaos - the dad, of course
Loki - the littermate, probably the middle child, certified weirdo
Omen - mean warrior witch

Twins are a possibility with Loki's or Omen's designs.

Available designs:


These apps will be due the 1st, to be born the 2nd. Any that were interested in this litter but didn't get picked will be welcome at that time to switch their app to the second litter, which we will talk about... now!

Chaos x Paradise - deadline November 5

The second litter comes into the picture by more conventional means, a one-night-stand between Chaos and Paradise. Since Paradise is a member of Aerie and Chaos is already raising one litter by himself but unwilling to give them up, Chaos strikes a deal with Eligos for the litter to be fostered in Aerie with Chaos traveling back and forth between packs to spend time with them until they are old enough to choose where to live.

Hello all! As Tea mentioned, Chaos & Paradise did a thing and now pups are almost here! Just adding quick info for Paradise's side, but it's gonna be pretty brief! First off, she's from the Elementas family. For those who don't know who they were, they were a family of wolves who's coats essentially reflected their element. Fire, wind, water, earth, stars, sky, electricity, dark, light, etc. you name it! Paradise clearly was blessed with a fiery coat, but the Elementas weren't limited to just one element depending on who their parents, were, no! Any child could be born with any coat of any element regardless of who their parents were. (Paradise's sister Amethyst, for example, was purple with green I believe (she represented a gemstone) while her brother bore the fiery tones as her and their father.)

Generally, the Elementas were named after whatever element their coat reflected. While this litter doesn't have any particular naming theme, you're welcome to use an elemental name, or not! Currently we have Raze (played by me) & Havoc (played by Tea). You can choose whether or not you wanna go with names that follow this theme, an elemental theme, or no particular theme at all!

Secondly, these kids will likely be in various spectrums when it comes to alignment. However, lawful good chars are likely not in the cards. While Paradise isn't evil, she's sunk from chaotic good to lawful evil thanks to IC happenings. Despite that, however, she always has loved, encouraged, and adored her children and will do her best to guide them during their younger years and will not abandon them as she had been by both family, and former mate. She won't smother them, but she'll definitely be there for them to the best of her ability. I will do my best to have plenty of threads for the kids as well! Loyalty is a huge thing for Paradise, and she hopes her children will make the best choices they can for themselves ;w;

As Tea also mentioned, we would like to see activity with these guys! I hate having to take back and readopt chars, it's a pain in the butt so please don't make us do it ;-; If you no longer have muse for the pup, please reach out to us! If you set 'em inactive, we will likely reclaim. Please, please, please don't just kill them off because you're bored of them. And as tea also mentioned, no fucked up plots. Not only will Paradise seek revenge, but I'm sure the wrath of the Saxe & Imperialis family will come down on you, too c:

Purchase discounts
25% off orange/yellow colors from Paradise
25% off up to 42" from Chaos

While Paradise herself doesn't have any mutations, it is possible that her lineage did.
Chaos has a variety of mutations available in his lineage, with saber fangs to feline claws being the most common.
Mutations are not required to be considered for a pup <3

These apps will be due the fifth and born the sixth. Any apps from the first litter that weren't chosen can be changed to this one as long as you change it before the fifth!

Available designs:


So that's the fun part, now we get into the details.


Activity. I want you to commit to being active with this pup. Not going to give you a specific number of posts, not going to give you a specific activity requirement. Just be active. Commit to not setting them inactive, not deleting them, etc. I want them to be played. I’m not going to take them back and readopt for inactivity because that is way more work than I want to do, so you need to police yourself here. Be active.
Skills. I’d like very much for people to actively work on skill building with these pups. They have a big active family to do lessons and skill building with as long as you actually participate.
Plots. I’m not down with rape plots for my characters’ babies. I’m not down for incest, underage sex, etc. It has been a problem in the past for Saxes and Chaos isn't going to risk another Neios - there'd be severe consequences for kids who indulge in the crazy. Additionally super sadistic, purely psychopathic, cannibalistic, and rabidly evil wolves may find themselves being put down for the sake of the family. So, to prevent future problems for everyone, please do not plot these things for these babies. There are lots of things you can plot out without those things! Thanks. <3

So because this isn't going to be an adoption with a whole lot of time, I won't require much filled out for it. Just throw up this form and do site minimum and you'll have a profile basically premade if you get accepted!

<b><u>Litter:</b></u> (1 or 2)
<b>Design:</b> (any design provided in this adoption must remain with the adopt and can’t leave the site, ty)
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum, include proposed size and possible mutations)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-28-2021, 06:53 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 08:29 AM by Imperia. Edited 8 times in total.)

Litter: 2
Name: Tien Saxe (Means immortal)
Gender: Female
Design: 9a or 12a
Physical Description:
38 inches(got enough gems up to this size)

8a: This girl is tall but not quite as her father. With only 38 inches tall she would be into the smaller size of the family's range. A pelt of obsidian black coats her whole, solid and without any patch of others colors with the exception of the eye and mask markings which are slightly lighter in color. Sparse, subtle bindle are spotted sometimes when there is enough light. Her eyes are azure blue. She's very simple , nothing too special as she wasn't born with any mutations to give her anything to call her special. Her voice is even in tones, and always comes in a enthusiastic way, unless she isn't in a good mood.

12b: A coat bathed I'm black, she looks quite stunning and matching Halloween's vibes. With a size of 38 inches fall, she isn't the biggest out there, but enough muscle to make up a good opponent in a fight. Eyes are different between each other. With one of blue and the other magenta I'm color. There in the darkness of her fur, there are white tiger like stripes, that add a nice touch to her obsidian Color.


Loyal , Tactical, friendly most of the time, mischievous, dark humorous.

Loyal to no end, Tien is happy to support her family in any ways possible, from finding mischief to defending the pack or whatever they wish her to step into. She would never negotiate her family's well being to no one. Her side will by default the Saxe's. And poor whoever dares to stand on her loved ones way. They will face her wrath and considered enemies for life.

She can be friendly and outgoing with most wolves, joking and not taking anything that serious. But when the situation calls for it she can be serious and treat it with all the importance it needs. But in general she is a social butterfly and will aid others aslong as they won't seek harm to her family in any way.

Like if Halloween's spirit had born with her, she's born a girl who enjoys planking others, sneaking into trouble as she finds joy in watching others get mad. But never will her jokes will be for someone's harm or with lasting impact. Just to get them a laugh.

Her sense of humor isn't what one would call innocent or sweet. She often jokes about things she shouldn't. Death and other stuff are common topics of conversation and jokes about them

Fighting and Intellect
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.


"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
10-28-2021, 03:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2021, 08:18 PM by Avantika. Edited 4 times in total.)
[Image: unknown.png]

"she's the giggle at a funeral"
neutral evil - hunting + intellect - medium size - medium build

Litter: 1
Name: Rhian Saxe
Gender: Female
Design: 4a
Physical Description:

Rhian doesn't look like much of a supernatural girl. She's pretty enough to attract more than a few admirers throughout her lifetime, but they probably won't see any sign of her odd origins. Even in frame and height, she is perfectly average. She's isn't very tall or very short, not very hefty or very slim. She is a perfect balance in appearance, nothing that would really stand out from the crowd.

She has a soft, light greyish-tan base pelt. Her muzzle and nose are fading to darker, with dark gray stripes crossing over her legs. Along her back are similar colors, but these stripes are much wider patches, especially the one swath over her shoulder. White dots, like flakes of snow, scatter over her back.

Her eyes are very light, bright blue, and very expressive, usually sparkling with some joke. All of her body language and expressions are very "loud", for that matter. Even in the rare instances that she isn't talking, you can still see everything that she wants you to hear.


At first glance, Rhian doesn't act like anything disturbing or abnormal. She's actually very friendly, especially as a pup who hasn't learned that not everyone wants to talk to her. Actually, scratch that "especially". She will always yack her head off at people who'd rather not listen. She'll be able to pick up on it more as she ages, but then she just won't care. She will never have much in the way of shame, a natural actor or class clown. She's simply blessed with the ability to make people laugh, even if they're not sure if they're supposed to. She's loud, bold, and has a hell of a temper, but she's not truly scary.

At least, not compared to what she can become.

Rhian will laugh and crack jokes with you, all the while imagining the countless ways she could destroy you. If someone has made themselves her enemy in any way, she will do anything to pay them back. She'll keep grudges, but only until she is satisfied with her win.

Sometimes she'll seem not to exhibit any emotions at all, merely cold, professional codes of conduct mostly learned as a child. She lives her life by these rules, memorized and repeated over and over in her mind. If you could glance into her brain, it might look like a computer's inner workings, all tightly made code, playing out without any human feeling or nuance. This makes her efficient, but it also can betray her if she stumbles upon a situation that she doesn't have a rule set for, leaving her to drown in helpless confusion.

Deep relationships will be difficult for her and may end up a little one-sided, with Rhian wanting to know everything about her friend or partner but not giving away much of herself. Even she herself doesn't know exactly who she is. She can point to the rules she lives by or how she's acted before, but nothing deeper.

Under her hot and cold layers is a deep, heavily guarded core of true rage, sparked at moments when she is stressed or hurt. Rhian is too scared to know the details, but she knows from a young age that she will never truly be able to control it, no matter how hard she tries. She is secretly terrified that this makes her evil or unlovable or dangerous, and she is not so fallen that she won't try to keep it down. "Please," her shame might scream. "Please believe I am good."
Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
10-28-2021, 03:38 PM
Litter: 1
Name: Wicca Saxe
Gender: Non-binary/Agender (Born female) [Also willing to change their gender to female if desired]
Design: 12.a (10.a as backup)
Physical Description:
[Image: 04.png]
Wicca's parentage... Or rather their father will be evident in much of their appearance, though they'll never grow to quite as big as Chaos, Wicca will stand an impressive 40 inches tall as an adult. Though without the impressive musculature of their father. Instead, Wicca will always be a bit of a gangly thing, their limbs, and body always a bit out of balance. Though they are by no means malnourished there will just always be something in their frame that seems a bit too long and thin, unsettling. Their angles seem to jut just a bit more than might seem normal though mostly on first appearance, once you take a closer look they appear much more normal, which almost makes it worse.

While not quite a mini Chaos Wicca is visibly the most their father when it comes to their pelt, coarse and short but a subtle stunner regardless. Swathed in dark colors Wicca's form is mostly black. The majority of their body is this color though broken up by subtle grey stripes that run up from their chest and underbelly and across to their spine, along their tale and subtlest of all ring their forelegs, like the barest hint of spirits racing across the night sky of their pelt. Their face is also marked clearly but not by stripes, no but a slightly lighter shade of dark black that gives Wicca a distinctive skull-like marking, that runs up from their nose and round their eyes, creating a darker "hole" around where their eyes are and running along below them and "dripping" down Wicca's cheeks like tears.

Finally set within the sockets of that dark "skull" are a familiar set of mismatched eyes. The left a sky blue and the right a lovely purple.
Personality: Wicca isn't as odd as some of their other siblings, at least not at first. They even seem a bit like good old dad, friendly and outgoing but talk to them too long and you start to learn that they seem to know too much especially as a child. While some pups may seem wise beyond their years Wicca seems to grasp things a little too early, a little too soon. More than that Wicca hoards secrets and information like a dragon might a shiny stone. When not out and about being a little too aware they are skulking around. One of the things they will master from an early age is to move silently and slink into the shadows, their coat particularly helpful in this matter as they can sink back into darkness easily, and they make a bad habit of popping out at others suddenly.

Wicca has a bit of a morbid fascination with unpleasant things as well, which certainly doesn't help their conversation skills as they're more than willing to get their paws dirty, blood, bile, shit. They don't really seem all that bothered, though they are not particularly violent nor do they go out of their way to seek out things others might avoid, simply when they find it before them their curiosity must be sated. Further, once they feel they've found a button to push that makes others uncomfortable they often feel a deep desire to keep pushing it.

While fully capable of playing a nice totally normal kid, Wicca has little desire too, unless directly asked to by those she is closest to to "tone it down a bit." This is maybe the upside to wading through all their quirks, as anyone who is willing to put up with Wicca's excentricities will find a friendly, helpful if only a tiny bit unsettling friend who wears their heart on their sleeve and is eager and playful in everything they do, eager to be included.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
10-28-2021, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 08:40 PM by Grimshaw. Edited 8 times in total.)

toss a coin to your
litter 1 ─ male ─ neutral ─ medium ─ 36" - 42" ─ fighting / hunting
by skelle.

Appearance ─ Written around the preferred design. If necessary, an appearance will be written around the secondary design.

Body ─ As a puppy, Witcher won't be anything but average. He will be a plump little puppy, but not overly large or heavy and generally just what you would expect. He'll always be considered average in height and weight, his body well toned from training but not weighed down with excessive muscle that would only slow his natural reflexes. His training will begin at an early age, determined to become strong even while he is a pup and that tenacity will never change.

* I plan on this character coming across my recent pup Widow as he ages and developing mutations through redesign passes if possible.

Coat ─ When he's young he won't be anything more than a dark blue-black pup with a smudge of sand here and there. His markings will not define themselves until he is older and his adult coat grows in, but some freckles will even still be slower to arrive than others. He is darker at his points and along his back as well as a bit of guyliner underneath each eye as well as four freckles trapped in a dusting of sand. On his chest, along his side reaching upwards to his hip, and the floof of each butt cheek is tan, freckles mottling the otherwise clean lines. Some faint dark striping can be seen on his back, but only in the right lighting.

Eyes ─ Despite his otherwise rugged appearance, Witcher has been blessed with a pair of soft blue eyes. Don't be fooled, however, for they are often void of emotion.

Personality ─

Imaginative → Demon Slayer ─ When Witcher is born, it will be very clear that he is a strange one. Although he isn't actually seeing anything, he will certainly act as if there is a monster hiding behind every tree, rock, or door and will be so brave to face these monsters, ready to rid the world of them! It won't be just his imagination that makes him strange, for that is a very normal thing for a young child. It will actually be his interest in the dark arts and black magic as a young pup that will be concerning. Like the rest of his litter though, he won't grow out of the strange behavior and instead it will only grow.

As an adult, he will call himself and act upon every meaning of his job as a demon slayer. He will seek out the demons of the world, both inside the hearts and minds of others. Not only does he actively seek out these individuals, he is also available for hire.

Watchful → Protective ─ Due to his constant worry of demons and monsters coming to infiltrate his home, hurt and/or kill his family, etc, he is a very watchful child whenever he isn't actively trying to fend off the invaders. His eyes are always spent scanning, watching, and often jumping up at even the slightest of movements or shadows. Nothing is safe around Witcher, and he is happy with it that way. His watchfulness will never cease, however he will be quite protective over those that he adopts as his own. He is a very reclusive individual, choosing most often to have little ties with others... However, those that do work his way into his heart will have a special place.

Snappy → Cold ─ Witcher lives in a world of his own and often doesn't like it when others intrude and don't play along with his game. He doesn't understand why others aren't more worried about the monster and demon thread, so often could be considered rude or snappy when others try to distract him or otherwise. He isn't quite known for being a friendly pup, but in face lost in his own world. As he ages he starts to believe that he is just special and unlike the others. Instead of giving him an ego and a big head, he is a rather cold man that see's little benefit in socializing or mingling with others, unless for need or desire of course.
Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
10-28-2021, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 12:36 PM by Bog. Edited 7 times in total.)

Litter: 1
Name: Raven Saxe (ravens are viewed as tricksters in many cultures, as well as harbingers)
Gender: Male
Design: 1b OR 3a
Physical Description: 41" - Light build
BUILD: In a word, wiry. Neither especially strong nor particularly graceful, there is a sort of awkward charm to him. Raven takes quite a while to grow out of the gawky teen phase, and he could never be considered especially beautiful. At a glance, there are a lot of sharp points and angles to him. When he moves, one can witness the articulation of each joint as he walks. There's an unsettling elegance to him, where one could see how he might have been a beautiful thing in better circumstances. Instead, the latent elegance in the slope of his shoulders and curve of his cheekbones is outshone by the eeriness present in the birdlike tilt of his head when he listens to you, and the emptiness of his gaze. His paws are almost awkwardly oversized and his legs are long, with a slender torso and narrow hips. The avian curve of his neck moves in unsettling, jerky motions as he rocks and tips his skull during conversation.
COAT: Named for the iridescent shine of those silver banded hairs along the coal and slate blues cloaking his spine, the most prominent feature of an ambiguously dark hued lump of downy fur. As time passes, the mottled hues will shift into more clear patterns that share the subtle shine of the Saxe lineage. The majority of his fur is varying shades of brown, with the majority of his body draped in a dark umber that lightens to mocha along the posterior portions of his thighs and biceps, as well as the proximal area of his neck. Slate blue falls like a cape over the coronal plane of his body, covering the anterior portions of his upper limbs as it moves from the top of his skull to the mid-point of his tail. The more notable markings Raven has are the slashes of chestnut that arc down from the spine and upwards from the sternum, following the gentle curve of the rib cage and stopping at the midpoint of the trunk. Jagged stripes of chestnut also curl around the tarsal bones and the lower half of his tail, breaking up the dark hues of his coat. The downy fur around the pads of his paws are similarly light in colouration, while the claws at the end of each broad paw are a stark ebony. The trunk of his body is harnessed in black, curved stripes climbing from his shadowy underbelly to mirror the lighter stripes on his flanks. Nape, crown, and ruff are blanketed in onyx, while the saggital regions of the hips bear short streaks of black striping.
He wears far more elaborate detail in the elegant markings upon his face, tawny hues framing the fluff of his cheeks to then trail down the underside of his muzzle and throat. Raven's face is a gradient of slate blue from the tips of his ears and crown of his skull, fading to rich oak. His muzzle is stained in kohl, with a bright spot of chestnut brown around his lips and beneath his nose. An uneven, light brown W shape follows along the bottom of the orbits to join in a feathered point between the brows, with the medial points extending slightly to frame the base of his muzzle. Mirrored streaks of black trace the gentle curve of the zygomatic arches, connecting to the outer points of the eye and ebony liner surrounding his mismatched optics, before feathering upward in a jagged streak along his temples.
EYES & VOICE: A near perfect replica of his sire, Raven has mismatched eyes of sapphire and lavender. Almost immediately, one notices the way his pupils are incredibly large, and they do not move naturally in their sockets. The boy is completely blind, but he doesn't let that stop him from doing much of anything. At least he's got those beautiful lashes framing the sightless gems, even if it ends up forcing others to keep looking at those unsettling eyes of his.
Just from looks alone, you might expect a gentle voice to come from that slim throat- but you'd be wrong. He speaks in a singsong croon more often than not, and prone to laughter at the slightest provocation. There's an ambiguous femininity to his voice, the pitch and cadence are higher than your average male. He's also an excellent mimic, developing the skill of throwing his voice and mirroring the speech of others from an early age as a unique way to spook and startle those around him. It makes up for the difficulties of planning an excellent prank or scheme, allowing him to still play a role in the devious plots of his siblings.
ALOOF: It's immediately obvious that despite everything, Raven doesn't pay much heed to anything important. He does what he wants, when he wants to, and doesn't stop to wonder if anyone might get hurt in the process. He acts with little regard for safety, his or others, and only pays attention to what's going to happen next. Prone to wandering into potentially dangerous situations without bothering to check it out, like an unfamiliar cliffside with a steep drop, and just assuming things will work out. There aren't many options, either he dies suddenly, or he can probably figure it out if something happens to him later. In his personal life, this carelessness manifests as an unflappable calmness. Insults and derision slide right off of him, like water off a duck's back. He just sits there with a blank, possibly goofy look on his face, waiting for them to be done with their yammering. As soon as the words peter out, he'll likely just shrug and wander off to do something else. These petty squabbles don't bother him in the least, for some reason.
VENGEFUL: When someone manages to strike a nerve, which is a rare occurrence indeed, Raven has the shortest fuse around. He'll go straight for the throat- metaphorically. Whatever it takes, no one is safe from his wrath. It will simmer subtly under his skin until he manages to find some way to burn their entire life to nothing, and make them understand the gravity of their errors. The Saxe pride flares brightly in these times, and he will risk it all to have his revenge.
WANDERER: A nomadic heart is tethered firmly into his chest, and Raven tries to spend as much time as he can out and about. Even if it's a short walk, or just lounging by a lake he hasn't visited in a while, he doesn't like to stay in the same place for very long. While he will always come back home to visit his loved ones, there might be long stints where he strays from home to explore the world around him. Sure, he can't see the sights, but that's only half of the magic of exploring. Smelling the crisp autumn air in an orchard, or hearing the crash of waves against myriad shorelines, there's beauty and magic in that too. His most trusted friends and family will be able to join him on his forays into the unknown, and he'll delight in showing them new places that he's found.
COLLECTOR: Anything that sparks his interest will be secreted away to a hidden cache somewhere close to home. The criteria for what makes something collectible varies so widely that to anyone but Raven it seems random. Sometimes it is the texture of something, brushing up against his paw unexpectedly while he explores and prompting him to investigate it with furtive, questing touches. Other times, the sound of strange stones or broken glass tumbling down a slope draws him like a moth to flame so that he can bring them home and try to recreate their music on his own.
BIRDLIKE: He is quite aptly named, for the boy unconsciously carries himself with a lot of the quick movements of a bird. Without sight, he relies heavily on his hearing and the sensitivity of his long whiskers. This leads to him tipping his head back and forth quite often, or pivoting it on his neck like an inquisitive jay. Even his stride carries a gentle bounce in each step like the hopping gait of a foraging sparrow, with those delicate joints and carefully placed paws. His uncanny skills in mimicry are not unlike that of a crow or magpie, using awkward contortions of his neck and throat to change the timbre and cadence of his voice for pranks and taunting.
AFFECTIONATE: With those he deems worthy of his love, he lavishes them with it. His siblings are most commonly the victims of his relentless attention, and he finds himself seeking them out quite often just to sit with. For all his oddness and his quirks, he cares deeply for a select few and goes to great lengths to ensure that they're aware of this. While it may not be through traditional means, Raven does his best to make sure they know how much he cares for them. Mostly, he expresses his affection with gifts. Unique little trinkets that he finds while he's out and about, usually ones that make him think of that specific wolf in some sort of way.


"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
10-28-2021, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2021, 04:13 PM by Azure. Edited 1 time in total.)
plz ignore me hi

Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.



Expert Fighter (130)

Novice Intellectual (20)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019Trick 2019
10-31-2021, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 03:41 PM by Winter. Edited 2 times in total.)

Litter: 1
Name: Haunter Saxe
Gender: Male
Design: 13b
Physical Description: Taking after the infamous Saxe line, Haunter is a big beast standing at 42" - 45" tall with thick, hard muscle sitting beneath a short and thick coat. His pelt is a deep purple - almost black (or appearing black) in some areas - though it would be hard to tell depending on the lighting. At night, he definitely looks like his coat is midnight black. But in the day, you can see the purple of his coat a little better, though it's slightly more visible around the mask on his face. The male has a black mask painted upon his face, though it appears to bleed down his muzzle. Black streaks run down the sides of his face, and especially over his silvery-white muzzle. His muzzle is caged in both black and white, though, it only seems to add the haunted and ominous look. He bears the ever-present Imperialis dots beneath his eyes that mark him as having Imperialis lineage, as well as a pair of silvery-white brow dots. One thing that would be hard to notice unless you look really, really well, are the shadow stripes that wrap themselves across his torse. He has one band that wraps across his neck. One that snakes down just behind his front legs. Another that snakes across his ribs to his stomach, and the last shadow marking appears to form a "U" on his flank/thighs. Lastly, eyes of fire peer out from the darkness. Not only does he inherit the purple Saxe coloration, but he also inherited serrated fangs from his father. (other mutations TBD)

Personality: Haunter might appear normal, though there's a chance he might not be. On the outside, he's quiet. Stoic. Perhaps even appears withdrawn from the world around him. But in his head, there's all manner of things happening. From morbid to depressing, to perhaps the most gruesome speak of the things he thinks about might send chills up somebody's spine. Don't let his quiet demeanor fool you, though. He's very much capable of biting back with words just as much as he is with his teeth. Though he prefers to play mind games more than anything. Despite his quietness, however, Haunter can make jokes. Though it is likely they will be some pretty morbid ones. His sense of humor is likely different than most, but it doesn't bother him in the slightest.

Creepy seems to be a common trait so far (though for this, their mother can be blamed), but Haunter can definitely be creepy when he wants to be. Although he is quiet more often than not, he's quite capable of pulling pranks. He'll often likely go around, using the shadows to his advantage and spooking others at night. Not only that, but he even like to prank others by throwing dead and/or disembodied animals into dens, or at other kids just for shits and giggles. He may even go as far as actually wearing animal carcasses just to try and scare someone, pretending to be said animal and making it appear as if it were a puppet and he were the puppeteer. Considering he is fascinated by death, it is likely he will grow a fascination with preserving some of his favorite carcasses and becoming a master puppeteer...not only that, but he may be prone to trying to collect body parts from other wolves.

Despite all his creepy quirks and weird as hell hobbies, Haunter is as loyal as they come. Knowing the importance of his lineage, he gives his all to his pack and family and strives to do well in their name. He doesn't quite like when he's insulted, and will likely try to disembowel you while you're still alive and kicking if only to teach you a lesson you'll never forget (and scar you for life, of course). Highly intelligent, the male is capable of some really good conversation, and may very well know more than he lets on. He's observant, quick with his tongue, mind, and body depending on the scenario he's in. He has a very aggressive fighting style, and it's very likely that when he gets in a fight, it's more often one where he's going to try to take a body part from you to add to his collection.
Winter has a set of ram horns that aren't depicted in all of her art.
She also has a Japanese Macaque & an Osprey companion that are assumed to be with her at all times unless otherwise mentioned.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
11-02-2021, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 12:48 AM by Tealah. Edited 1 time in total.)
Congratulations to DIKUI with RHIAN and VIRGIL with RAVEN! Remember to get your profiles in acceptance before the 9th!

Everyone else, feel free to tweak your apps to fit the second litter, which will be closing on the 5th! Just let me know if you want them to still be considered or not. Remember that all designs are interchangeable (though no "twins" with first litter pups)



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
11-06-2021, 02:41 PM
Congratulations to Cloudynight with Tien!
Be sure to get your app up as soon as possible!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!