
never follow a firefly into the forest


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
10-26-2021, 08:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2021, 08:25 AM by Gilgamesh. Edited 1 time in total.)

Come this way.

Buzzing. Buzzing. Buzzing. More buzzing. All he could hear was buzzing. It rang in his ears, through his body, deep into his core. Buzz, buzz, buzz. He couldn't escape the fervent buzzing noise. When did this even begin? He could have sworn that Autumn was a pleasant time for the land of Boreas. Now as the leaves fell and snow scattered across the land, it had brought with it a malevolent thing. Initially, he hadn't questioned it. Distracted by new friends and quandaries of spiritualness, the depth that which this terror brought came out of nowhere, buzz. Having followed Modesty up to the mountain peaks with voices on their tails and Daphne through the forest with that thing they'd killed, he had been able to avoid the buzzing. It had started small at first, quiet and ignorable, but now all he could hear was buzz, buzz, buzz. Was it just buzzing? Was there something else? A whisper maybe? No. Couldn't be. Bugs don't talk. Did they? He didn't know. Couldn't tell.

Follow us.

Buzzing. More buzzing as he tried to keep his ears flat and his eyes half-closed. Blind to the world around him, Gil followed the fireflies without a second thought. They were everywhere and nowhere at the same god damn time. Every time he blinked, more would show up, buzz. When his eyes closed, he would still see them, sitting there, lingering behind his lids, taunting him. How dare they pester him so much? What had he done to them? Lest he forgets, buzz, the time he decided to antagonize them at the lake. Or the time he licked the mushroom in the cave. Were the mushrooms related? They did glow now, had been for some time. He pretended not to notice for the most part.

This way.

The changes, buzz, in Boreas, were indeed frightening, but Gil, buzz, wasn't easily frightened. He was a hardened warrior that knew no fear. He would take on the toughest opponent that ever approached. Buzz. Even as the days drew long and the sun refused to rise, he ignored it. He played it off like nothing, buzz, was happening. As stars streaked across the sky like fingers dragging paint across a canvas, he ignored it. The moon that hung low along the horizon now, staking claim to the sky, was huge, larger than he'd ever seen in his short lifespan so far. How could, buzz, anyone explain that?

That way.

Were they in his ears, buzz, now? But his ears were flat on his head. There was no way for them to get inside of them, right? The incessant buzzing made him draw away from the one wolf he'd grown close to. Gil wouldn't admit it, but he was worried that he would be aggressive toward her. Didn't want that, now did he? Buzz. So he left to an unknown destination. Anywhere that would be buzz away from her. Gritting his teeth, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, he hadn't a clue where he was. His trek had been long, days long, but with the night sky scarring the world as he knew it, he couldn't tell time anymore. Did wolves even keep track of time? Buzz.

Keep going.

Scents of ocean and salt permeated his nose that he wished he could keep closed. What if they could go up into his nostrils? Buzz. No, no, that wasn't possible. Where was he? How did he get here? Were those crystals on those rocks? Hanging in the trees? Buzz. No, couldn't be that either. What was this place? Confused, his yellow eyes snapped open wider now as he tried to get his body to stop moving. His entire being was tense, every muscle rigid as he fought continuing on this dangerous, buzz path to nowhere. How in the world did he end up here? Was this Auster? When did he cross the bridge?

Not much farther.

Looking around, everything was, buzz, different here. When the land wasn't strife with conundrums, buzz, this place might have been pretty. A clearing widened out in front of him as the trees grew around in a wall of protection. Protection? No, that wasn't it. Mushrooms hidden under the brush emanated a soft glow as the crystals on rocks and tree bark pulsed gently. Ugh, crystals. That memory wasn't a fond one. Buzz. His scarred forearm still twinkled in the dusk as the crystal had somehow magically fallen off after procuring randomly in his wound. What had that bear even been? Was it even a bear at all? What had even made the crystal grow in the first place? Was it the bear's, buzz, magic? Did bears have magic? Or was it Daphne's salve she'd put on him? Was she a witch? Gil knew those existed, but he hadn't gotten that sort of vibe from her. Shouldn't trust witches.

Keep going.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. The buzzing was incessant now as the bluish fireflies danced in front of him. Where were they taking him? Did they want him to go somewhere? Anywhere? Why to Auster? Why this grove? The grass felt itchy under his paws as a chilling ocean breeze ruffled his scarred coat. Who was that? Buzz. Someone was there? Whipping his head to the right, he thought, buzz, he had seen someone peeking from behind a tree. When were these horrid creatures going to stop making this noise? Were they making any noise? Gil couldn't tell anymore.

Don't stop now.

Entranced by the two floating, buzz, dots spaced quite suspiciously and evenly apart as if a pair of eyes were watching him from around the tree trunk, a generous shiver rolled down his spine. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" His voice bellowed a booming noise that finally broke his silence. Suddenly, the fireflies scattered, if only for a moment, and the buzzing finally stopped. If only for a moment. A heavy sigh rattles from his chest as he lowered his head toward his ankles. With his tail tucked between his legs, Gil had never felt so defeated before. Why were these fireflies doing this?

Let us show you.

He looked up to the sky before finally opening his eyes to what they, buzz, wanted. "What are you trying to show me?" Gil asks, his voice shaking as his whole body quivered. It was cold, buzz, but not cold enough for him to feel this way. Protected by the grove, it should have been warm here. Glancing around at each individual firefly, his eyes squinted as if trying to really look at them. Buzz. One paw step closer, they would scatter, just out of his reach. "SHOW ME!" He bellowed again, frustrated and crazed by whatever these things were. Floating, dancing, buzzing around him they continued, always just out of reach as if they were trying to get him to see something. He couldn't figure it out. What was it?

Buzz: 1,156



10-28-2021, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2021, 01:19 AM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

You shout at the fireflies and they immediately vanish from sight. You feel an overwhelming sense of dread in their absence, realizing you can still hear the loud buzzing in your ears.

Maybe you shouldn't have done that...


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
10-28-2021, 12:25 PM

The echo of his voice bouncing off the trees forced the bugs to scatter. In one blink of an eye, they were there, and the next, they weren't. Gilgamesh closed his eyes hard this time and upon opening them, they were still gone. Did he really just need to yell at them this whole time and they would've left? Glancing around curiously, he wondered how all of them, the huge floating cloud of blue buzzing fireflies had just disappeared.

In the pit of his stomach, something told him that it wasn't a good thing they were gone. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over him as slowly, the buzzing returned. One ear first and then the other. Buzz. How? How was that possible? Buzz. Making sure to paste his ears to his skull, buzz, Gil tossed his head back and forth to look for them.


From where he stood, nothing. Not a single, damn one of them. Frustratingly frantic, the large mottled man began to search. They had to be here somewhere, buzz. Constant droning in his ear as if one of them were stuck inside of it. Making sure to avoid touching any of the mushrooms of crystals that lay about sporadically, Gil pushed his nose into bushes, what tree limbs he could reach, and even dug a few holes. Buzz. They had to be somewhere. There wasn't any way these mysterious little bugs could still be buzzing in his ears.

"Please," he groaned, finally admitting defeat. Circling back around to the center of the clearing, he stopped and dropped to the ground. Laying his chin upon the soft grass, he pulled his paws up and over his ears. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Still, he heard them, and still, he felt the dread in the pit of his stomach. For once, he wished they would come back. Maybe they could forgive him. "I just want it to stop," Gil whispered through clenched teeth and closed eyes.

He would be willing to do anything to get the buzzing to stop.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



10-28-2021, 07:14 PM
It Continues for Gilgamesh...

Huh? It doesn't seem like anything happened... Well, maybe that's for the best...