
Show Me What I Can Not See



08-01-2013, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2013, 07:01 PM by Imena.)

Days had passed now since her paws had crossed the borders of Valhalla. She had met Cormalin, Erani, and Demonio. But that was it on her list. She wonered who else might be in this pack, if there were any pups. She didn't even know her alphas yet. She needed to get to know the members of this pack that she would be caring for. She knew things were still busy after a flood that happened before she had joined the pack. Some areas still showed evidence of the flood. Now that summer was upon them, the heat would dry it all up. But for now, the heat would not come till later. The sun was just rising, a beautiful orange and pink sunrise. The dark shaded female sat on the small rise of land watching the sun, deep in thought. She needed to know her pack and knew that Erani was waiting to teach her.

Could she keep her sorrow under control? To bottle it up and make it undetectable? She hoped she could, it was still not time to tell them her story, retelling it would just be like rubbing salt in a wound. She didn't need it, nor did she think she could handle it. She might be able to heal other, be a pup's protector, but she could not heal her emotional and mental wounds. Only a certain someone could do that, if he was able to come close enough to her. For now though she would need to face the fact she was slowly letting her pack down by isolating herself from them. Sky blue eyes closed as head hung down. Deep breathes were took to build the courage she needed to face Erani and the alphas. She justed needed to remain calm. For long moments she sat there, locking away any emotion the others might find concerning. Just as the sun reached it peek on brillant glory of shedding it's first rays of the day down on the earth. A golden warm glow touched the shadows that had been there due to the night. A soft sommoning howl passed through the lips of Imena, calling forth Erani and the alphas. She would not mind if other high ranking wolves came, like Cormalin. The more she knew of who held rank over her the better, more so if the pack slowly would trickle in to show themselves. But something told her that Erani and the alphas would only show.

Now she waited, running over the things she might say to them. It was time Erani knew more about her and her skills. She needed to know her Alphas and the pack's state of being, how many members there were, who their allies were and enemies. If pups were in this pack, any thing of those likes she wished to know. For the pack and herself, it was time for her to step up and prove to be a great healer and den mother.




08-05-2013, 09:32 AM
The call of a new potential member? That was nearly the sound of the howl, but Chrysanthe didn't catch the scent of a total stranger. The alpha was curious, and immediately set off toward the lupine that had called for her. She was not the only one that had been called either - Erani was being called for as well. Perhaps another member of her family was here? It was growing quickly, the Adravendi was impressed about it herself. Yet as she drew closer to the other wolf, she realized she didn't smell faintly of Erani and Cormalin's family either. The alpha recognized her as a Valhallan though, she had been living here among their wolves long enough to smell like she belonged here.

"Hello there." She said simply upon entering the other female's sight. She was a small dark female, who seemed for a moment to be nervous about something. "You are Valhallan, yet I don't believe we have had the chance to speak until now." Chrysanthe's words were a bit more gentle than they would have been with a stranger. This female had been taken in by Cormalin, or perhaps by Thane - either way, she was already accepted, now only left getting to know one of her new members. "I am Chrysanthe, one of this pack's alphas." The female dipped her head in greeting, a warm expression on her face as she introduced herself. Gideon, her mate, ruled beside her - but he would probably show up a bit later if he thought his presence was needed. She commended the male, for attempting to get a better grasp on Valhalla and the way it worked. Including the members within it.



08-05-2013, 11:24 AM

She did not have to wait long before someone arrived. At once the air of an alpha greeted her. It was not overwhelming or frightening but warm and protective. Imena at once took a liking to this wolf. She had been in a pack where dominance was high and brutal. This was a nice change, one she would gladly accept. She would be proud to serive under sn alpha such as this one. First impressions ment so much to wolves. It spoke of who they were and what kind of wolf they were. As the alpha female came closer, the small dark female laid her ears back, head lowered to show respect. She did not show fear nor nervousness but simple warmth to the other. "Greetings my Alpha. No we have not. Cormalin was the one who accepted me into the pack. I came to offer my skills as a healer and den mother but only with Erani's permission. I asked for your addience to seek answers about the pack. She explained softly.

She hoped all her questions would get answered. Already she felt relaxed being around this female. Which was rare considering she was an alpha. Females were never really per say friendly towards Imena. She didn't mind it much just used to it. She wondered if all the wolves here in this pack were all so warm and welcoming. It would be a good change for her. She needed the support of a kind pack unlike her last one. To feel the sence of belonging and security. Could this pack be able to offer her all of that?




08-11-2013, 02:25 PM
ooc: when did Imena become a rogue? o: and i guess i can keep this going without erani for now?

Ah, so she had assumed correctly - she would have to commend Cormalin for doing such a lovely job as beta. He... was doing it alone as of late after all. The female would have to track Liberty down to start training her to fill in the other role of Beta, that was, if she wanted to train to take her mother's place.

"We have a few that excel in your craft, but not many are denmothers. We have quite a few pups in Valhalla, your abilities will certainly be tested." She would need the Theta's permission to be an official pack Eta, but Chrysanthe could recommend her to the healer herself if she seemed to excel in the art or had a penchant for learning quickly. So far, she seemed to be an acceptable woman, and one that could become a trustworthy presence here in Valhalla. "Alright, what would you like to know?" The female's tone was simple, gentle enough but not in a way that came off quietly or shy.

If this female had called her here to ask questions, and the alpha would gladly answer any questions that Imena had for her.



08-12-2013, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 08:50 PM by Imena.)
ooc: She never got the Valhalla title or anything...

She sat there respectfully, with ears perked up. She felt like her whole life she had been seeking out an alpha like her. Now that she had found Valhalla and met Chrysanthe, everything felt right. She felt like she belonged here, that this was the place that had been calling her. The mention of pups made her tail wag happily. Oh sweet adorable pups. Her passion was for them. She would do anything for the sake of a pup. "Of course, that is understanable. many? Oh i have soo many questions i'm not sure where to start. I suppose, how many members are in the pack? And do we have pack meetings often?" She replied happily. She guessed she should start with the basic needs of knowledge. Such as how many memebers was she looking at that could possible be in her care one day?

She wondered if Erani would show up or was busy. She did not mind so much, she simply would just have a one on one with the Theta. She would need to start training soon, very soon. She was sure the alpha would like updates on wolves that were training. So it would only make sense she would ask Erani how the training was going. So she could not neglect it.
