
Like shooting stars



11 Years
Athena I
08-12-2013, 09:32 AM

"Stupid snow storm..." she grumbled, looking back over her shoulder at the steadily falling snow. She had been on her way back to the Red Forest when the snow suddenly began to fall and quickly picked up into a blizzard of sorts. One of the hazards of living in the north, she supposed. Luckily she had come across this cave in the mountain side to wait it out in. Not really any colder, but it was an improvement upon being out in the thick of the snow. She sighed and turned her gaze back toward the inside of the cave, peering into the darkness. She padded forward slowly, her paw steps quiet against the stone floor. Her cold amethyst gaze looked up at the walls around her, eyes tracing the lines and shapes that seemed to cover the cave walls. They all looked very old and she couldn't figure out what they were or who would have made them. She didn't dwell on the mystery for very long. She had too many things going on in her present to worry about things from the past.

She found a dip in the ground off to the side of the cave lined with dried grasses. It looked like someone might have used this cave for a den at some point, but with a curious sniff she could tell that any scent from the former owner had long since died away. Taking advantage of her find, she lowered herself to the ground, settling onto her side and pulling her legs up against her as she curled up in the makeshift bed, trying to get comfortable despite he growing stomach. She was just a few days shy to the halfway point in her pregnancy and it showed in her stretched frame. A sigh passed her lips and she curled her head around to rest on her forepaws. Her body formed a ball of thick white fur, a bright spot in the middle of this shadowy cave.



08-12-2013, 09:31 PM

Curse the damn snow, its summer, why in the hell is there snow? Grumbling, he carried a limp hare in his jaws, the brown colour contrasting that of his pallid pelt. Languid strides, at the ground with every heartbeat, as he raced through the icy winds. Snow lashed at him, attacking his thick white coat with greed, demanding for his very life. Ahead, a tall figure, stood out, nearing it, he realized it was the side of a mountain, searching for any cave or crevice, he looked eagerly, the snow dampening his fur and his recent kill.

Ducking his massive form, he stepped into the first opening in the rocks he found, and laid his rabbit on the floor. Scent flooded his nostrils, but he ignored it for the moment taking time to shake his pelt, ridding it from the icy waters. As he shook, his eyes slowly adjusted, and he prowled forward, grabbing his dinner in eager jaws. The smell, was the sweet smell of a fea, and it drew him towards her. There, her white pelt contrasted against the dank light of the cave, pausing close to her. He would lower his jaws to the floor, resting the hare on the ground.

?Well, well, what do we have here??

The sultry voice would leave his jaw, vocalizing his inner interest, has his eyes lapped up every curve to her pregnant body, enjoying how it nearly burned his demonic gaze. Just who was she and why was a fea in her state alone to the likes of him?




11 Years
Athena I
08-12-2013, 11:24 PM

Alena was very nearly asleep when the smooth voice of a brute reached her, pulling her back to consciousness. Her ears twitched and she blinked her violet gaze open, lifting her eyes to look at the newcomer. The unique markings that scrolled across his face caught her attention, giving her a pleasant surprise to ease the irritation she felt from being woken up. At the brute's feet was a rabbit that Alena assumed was supposed to be his dinner.

Alena uncurled herself out of her makeshift bed, pulling herself into a sitting position. "I could say the same thing to you," she replied, her voice touched with amusement. She was a fairly easy going wolf when she wanted to be and as of now she had no reason not to be. "I'm Alena. And you are...?"

Even if she was more vulnerable in her current state, Alena was never one to be daunted by anything. She wasn't fearless, no, that would be too reckless of her. But she would consider herself very brave for a fea her size, confidence in her abilities to defend herself radiating from her as she held herself calmly, her shoulders relaxed and ears turned toward the brute, cool amethyst gaze taking in his appearance and storing it away in her memories.



08-15-2013, 12:13 AM

The ivory temptress found herself to her feet quickly, and he again took note of her pregnant state. Interesting. She went on to introduce herself as Alena, and he blinked, accepting the title, and his head would tilt ever so slightly, as she asked for his name. He would watch her for a moment, his tail flicking idly as he debated his reply, the smell of his hare wafting in the air, bringing his hunger back to mind, before he would finally answer her.

?Creedance Voltaire.?

The answer to her question would be short and sweet, but an answer none the less, a new question would spring on his maw.

?Why, Alena, is a pretty young thing as yourself all alone, when such bad things lurk about, especially in your state?? He asked with a pointed look at her stomach.




11 Years
Athena I
08-23-2013, 12:34 AM

She stored the new brute's name away in her memories as he finally voiced his name. It was an interesting name, to go along with the interesting patterns that swirled across his features. Her ears turned to listen to his next question, noticing the look to her swelling stomach. "I live with Amenti in the Red Forest and I was on my way back there when that snow storm picked up," she replied, giving a similarly pointed look to the entrance of the cave where the snow continued to fall heavily. Even though it was summer, there was no way to know what the weather would bring up here in the north.

Her violet gaze drifted down to the rabbit that sat on the floor between them, the scent of it reaching her nose as it slowly filled the cave. Pulling her eyes back up to his two-toned ones she asked with a smirk, "So, are you going to eat that?" She was feeling particularly sarcastic and snarky today. She wasn't sure why, but she was sure the hormones that were currently raging through her had something to do with it. Her moods had turned from one to another on a dime lately without warning and this was just another in a long list for the assassin.



09-06-2013, 09:10 AM

Amenti. A pack name that he had not heard voiced, interesting. Cerulean and Amber eyes studied her ivory bodice, lingering again on the gentle swell of her pregnant body. The sight was a wash of emotions for him, he felt disgusted by the sight of the pups that would stir in her belly, and at the same time, a surge of protectiveness, that he found odd. Glancing down at the hare, his stomache rumbled, he was conflicted. Glancing between the hare, and the expecting mother, he sighed. His neck would reach, and jaws would close around the hair gently, and he would toss it towards her.

"Here. You need it more than I."

The words would be quiet, not a whisper but not near his full commanding tone. His haunches would lower, scraping the ground as he settled, to wait out the storm, so that he could find himself some more supper.

"Who is the father, Alena?" He would ask curiously, though he was well aware this question could be considered rude. He didn't care about rudeness.
