
The fallen

Carnage I


5 Years

11-10-2021, 02:59 PM

The days seemed longer and the surroundings gloomy. Carnage had always felt safe within the pack lands and most days were similar. There was rarely anything out of the blue and she had yet to experience anything unusual. But now, it seemed that her pack mates and rogues were becoming infected, with an ooze dripping from their eyes and ears mostly, it was scary and she wondered if she too would be next. Was it just her species infected? What about the prey? were they too infected? The yearling had grown restless, she would toss and turn within her den, trying to ignoring the rustling around her and with the whistle of the breeze she soon found it impossible. A sigh would slip her ebony lips before she would begrudgingly get herself up. The lady would step out, standing at the mouth of her den. Her icy blue gaze would survey the area quickly, checking to see if anyone else lurked by and felt the unease. As she stood she quickly felt as though something was off, as if she needed to find some answers. With only a moment to consider Carnage would stretch her limbs before quietly sweeping the lands. She stood out clearly against scenery. The days were usually bright and clear, where as today seemed dark and gloomy. The pack lands seemed unusually quiet the babe was half tempted to go seek out her mother to come and investigate with her. Carnage would move slowly, lowering her body slightly as she tried to camoflauge her body within the shrubs bushes and grass the surrounded. Carnage grew to be patient, and rather than continuing to stroll around, she would wait.

Waiting for something to catch her eye, what was everyone doing? were her siblings out to go on an adventure? As she waited... and waited... she soon became hungry and her focus soon switched to finding a bite to eat, the inkling again rising if prey too had been infected and tainted.. She quickly left the pack lands, her walk quickly turning into a run as she went to look for her prey. She would always hunt with the pack or watch and learn, but she wanted to explore a new land and see exactly what she was capable off alone. Unaware of how long she would be away from her pack lands, she would venture into Fenrir's Maw. The land was desolate and she would quickly venture up the mountain, not going too far up until she split off onto what seemed as though a stable trail. As she ventured up the mountain it was begininng to become colder and colder and she would was better camoflauged against the snow and greyish rocks. A Scent would quickly grasp her attention and her eyes would become wide with excitement, her tail would wag eagerly at her heels as she followed the sent of the prey. The wind would bash aggressively against her body and as she continued to follow the trail, it became all the more unsteady. Carnage would almost immediately forget about all the risks, wanting to prove that she could do it all on her own. The girl ventured closer and closer before she would come to a sudden stop. The path would come to a sudden end and she almost fell victim to a sudden pitfall. For a moment Carnage would feel a sense of fear, one of which she were not used to, before quickly turning into anger at her foolishness.

Carnage was growing impatient and would quickly turn back and retrace her steps, focusing on a different direction and picking up the scent of the Dall sheep. she would try to choose her paths carefully and as she chose to go further up the mountain, she would notice a few Dall sheep lingering along the almost linear mountain. She knew she was not yet skilled or steady enough to chase the prey and be successful. The girl would remain focused, she would lower her body and waited for the sheep to venture on a flat trail. Upon further inspection Carnage would notice something... off. She would watch noticeable as one of the sheep appeared unsteady, the girl was confused though would not lose focus. It soon became clear as to what was wrong, the animal appeared sick... a weird ooze would seep from it's eyes and ears and it was adamantly distressed. This particular sheep also seemed to be rather old and weak in comparison to the rest. Carnage questioned if she too would become sick, it looked as though it had mutated or caught some sort of virus. Careful not to become lost in thought, the moment the victim ventured onto the flatter trail Carnage would bound forward, her steps calculated and powerful, she had one goal and one goal only... to kill and figure out if the prey infected was safe to eat. Carnage quickly closed the distance between them and before sheep had a chance to run, Carnage had lunged forward, her teeth sinking into the throat of the victim, her right forelimb hooking over it's neck. She would hold on as if her life depended on it. As she did so she wasn't sure if she was strong enough to hold on and was anxious if the ooze and the unusual growth of 'shrub' along the animal's body was contagious. The prey would become weaker and weaker as it called out for help. Carnage could feel the success looming as the animal finally became limp on the ground.

Blood stained her lips and she would almost immediately go for the sheep's belly, tearing straight through to figure out if it were safe to eat, she would taste it lightly on her lips, cautious and wary to make sure it were safe, it all seemed ok but she couldn't work out if it were contaminated. She owed it to her pack to see if it were safe and if not, what they would have to do going forward. She would play about with the organs a little bit longer, picking and tearing into it, at one point you would think she would wear pieces as souvenirs. As time slipped by she would determine that while the animal's appearance looked wickedly and off... the animal itself was safe to eat ( or it seemed to her )... she would soon find out if she were wrong. She knew she would need to rush back and tell her family her findings, but first, she would eat until her belly was full.
"text text text"