
I always find my way back



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
11-13-2021, 09:15 PM
Walking the halls of the castle on her own was sometimes a strange thing. Every once in a while she would see something or notice something that would remind her of the past and of Resin. Sometimes it was when she was laying in front of the fire in the room she now shared with Kane, sometimes it was when she happened to walk past the door that led down to the dungeons, sometimes it was when she was out on a patrol and she would remember what it was like to be walking this path with Resin. She hadn't been back to the hot springs or falls where their children were born in a very long time, but she could only imagine how deep the nostalgia would be if she ever went back. It wasn't because she wasn't happy with what her life had become, but there was plenty to reminisce on and plenty to miss about how things had once been.

She was sitting on the balcony of their room, looking out over The Hallow's territory. It was perpetually dark these days, but it was what they had decided was day time and Kane was out hunting. Sometimes she would go with him and was enjoying the chance to rebuild the navigation and tracking skills she had once had honed so well, but today she hung back. There was just something that had her particularly nostalgic—though not entirely in good ways. Being in this room still reminded her sometimes of the incident that had given her the scars that crossed her face or the nights of laying here alone while Resin wandered the castle with the insomnia that was the precursor to what came after. She closed her eyes as a breeze blew through her dark fur, doing her best to chase away the darker thoughts with better ones.

Tamsyn Carpathius



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-13-2021, 09:26 PM

Being back in the land of the living was an opportunity that Resin couldn't squander. There were many wolves on her mind. Many that she would like to meet again and reminisce with, but the top of her list was Tamsyn. She had left her lover alone to raise their children. She had permanently scarred the woman both internally and externally. Guilt had gone with her to the afterlife and it was with her still. So, after leaving the great hall, the specter drifted up the stairs towards the chamber that she and Tamsyn had shared.

There was no reason to open doors, so she didn't. The ghostly figure merely pushed through the wood and was on the other side as though the world was just as ephemeral as she was. She had no substance, but the world had no substance either. Not for the dead woman.

Casting her singular gaze about the room, the motion of the gentle breeze pulled her attention towards the balcony. And there she sat, a pensive look on her face. It pained Resin to know that Tamsyn still held sadness within her. It was written all over the obsidian fae's features. Shifting silent forward, Resin stopped in the doorway, content to drink up the sight of her once love for a moment before she spoke. "Let go of the sadness, Tamsyn." The masked fae's voice held a distant, echo-like quality to it, but it was very much her own, gravelly tones.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
11-13-2021, 09:45 PM
Tamsyn blinked her eyes open with a soft sigh as the breeze passed and a little frown crossed her face. She knew that just sitting and letting her mind drift never did her any good, but she couldn't help but do it anyway. With seven years of life behind her and so many high highs and low lows in those seven years... There was more than enough to keep her mind occupied with memories and what ifs, both good and bad. She had mostly gotten out of the habit of doing this kind of thing until the recent end of winter feast. Sitting there with Artorias as their new Aegis, thinking about how that time the year before Resin had lead the feast and granted her and their children a family name hurt her heart with a longing for things that she could never get back.

"Let go of the sadness, Tamsyn."

As if it was spoken directly from her memories, she heard Resin's voice behind her. The sound made her freeze for a moment, her ears perking to catch it. Immediately logic tried to reason the voice away. She had been thinking of Resin often since the feast and it wasn't like she hadn't imagined hearing Resin's voice before in the days since she passed. But it sounded more real this time and it wasn't a particular phrase she could remember Resin saying before. Hesitantly, as if she was afraid to prove herself wrong, she looked back over her shoulder expecting to find no one there.

But her mint gaze landed on Resin and it felt like her heart might stop. She wasn't really there, not entirely, but even after she blinked a couple of times and shook her head the wispy, translucent figure of her lost love was still standing there in what was once their room. "Resin..." she breathed in disbelief as she got up and turned to face her properly, almost afraid to move closer just in the off chance that she might accidentally disrupt whatever strange thing was making this happen. "Are you really...? But... How...?"

Tamsyn Carpathius



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-13-2021, 09:54 PM

There was no need to blink when you were dead, so Resin was able to witness every single second of the woman before her. The realization dawned on Tamsyn that the voice she'd heard was very much real and slowly the fae turned. The obsidian fae spoke in disbelief and the phantom shook her head. "I don't know," she admitted before moving closer on silent paws. Resin stood before her once lover, her once mate, the woman that she'd given her heart and her name to. Metallic liquid ran ceaselessly from the apparitions lone eye and it dripped onto the floor like molten gold.

Lifting one scarred paw, Resin made as though she would stroke Tamsyn's cheek, but her paw passed clean through as she knew it would. Lowering her paw once more, a look of regret crossed the woman's face. "If only I could touch you one more time..." she spoke wistfully. Her time was in the past, however. Her wants no longer mattered.

"Have you found the happiness that you deserve, Tamsyn?" Before she'd lost her mind completely and before death found her, she had shared her wish for her lover to find happiness after she was dead. Had her wishes been followed? Was Tamsyn able to let go or was she still mourning her?

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
11-13-2021, 10:17 PM
The answer of not knowing how this was possible was as good as any to her. She didn't need to know how, only that it was. The thought crossed her mind that perhaps she was finally losing her mind as well and this was how it began, but she still felt very much conscious of this world and every thing felt tangible around her so she didn't think she was in a dream. Whatever this was or however this came to be could be figured out afterward. For now she just focused on Resin, emotion gripping her chest as she took in her ghostly form as if she was made out of the heavy mists that had been hanging over the lands around them for a whole season at this point. The golden liquid that dripped from her good eye made her gaze flick down for a moment as she watched it drip to the ground only to drift away in a wisp a moment later. So close and yet so very much far away, it almost hurt more than it did to know she was truly gone.

That pain was given a reason as Resin moved toward her to where she was standing out on the balcony and somehow the moonlight made Resin's vague form seem slightly more solid, but only in the way that light could make mist seem more substantial as it reflected off of the water droplets it contained. Resin's familiar paw lifted toward her cheek and Tamsyn leaned her head toward the reaching limb on instinct, her ears falling back against her head when she felt nothing as the suggestion of a paw passed by without actually making contact with her. She whined softly at the desire to touch her again, something she felt deeply as well, but it was something that they wouldn't be gifted with. She should be grateful for this moment, but it was bitter sweet.

When Resin asked if she was able to find happiness a small, sad smile pulled across her lips and she gave a nod. "I believe I have. He's a good man, a widower as well... He's helped me a lot with being happy for the time we had instead of mourning what we've lost." Tears started to well up in her eyes as she stood there across from Resin for the first time in what felt like a lifetime and all she wanted was to reach out and press herself into Resin's fur, but she couldn't. No matter how much she loved Kane and no matter how happy she was to have him in her life she would forever love Resin and seeing her like this just made her selfishly long for more. "I miss you," she said softly, her voice breaking. "I still love you."

Tamsyn Carpathius



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-25-2021, 04:13 PM

The sadness in Tamsyn's face brought sadness to Resin as well and her ethereal form shivered and shook as though the emotion threatened to blink her out of existence. The woman spoke softly, informing her that she thought she'd found the happiness that she deserved. Tam shared a bit about the man and Resin was slightly glad that he had felt loss as well. He should better understand what Tamsyn was going through that way.

Tamsyn's words met the ghostly woman's ears and her brows dipped in sadness. "Forever, Tamsyn." She would love the dark woman forever. In whatever capacity she could manage for as long as she could manage. She loved her right now in this moment just as she had loved her during their time together. Who knew what she would feel when she was sucked back to the land of the dead again. Would she feel anything at all? Could she remember anything from her time with the dead?

"Our children are well?" Dark ears perked as she asked her former lover for an update on their pups. Though... they probably weren't pups anymore. Time had passed simply by the news that Tamsyn had shared about her new lover. Surely that had taken time. She hoped.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]