
Night Stalker


08-14-2013, 01:19 AM
The man stalked the lands of Glaciem. The moon shone on his pelt as he sought out the many scents that mingled together. He had heard that the old leader of this land was gone, chased out and beaten. And that a new ruler had taken his place. His paws carried him silently through the snow, stalking across the land. He wanted to see with his own eyes just exactly who this new ruler was. Uisge had been a rogue for quite some time now, courting females for single nights and leaving before they woke. Though he often had companionship from whores, he wanted something more. He needed to fill the void inside him, the one that sought to follow a powerful leader, and be in a strong pack...and maybe some day, have an important position within the most powerful pack in all of Alacritis and prove his worth to the Alpha. Maybe one day, he would even run his own pack and become a powerful ruler himself. Ah, but those were far off dreams...for now, he was willing to do whatever was necessary to rise through the ranks.



08-14-2013, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 02:12 AM by Isardis.)

The beast was an image of oddity as he strode the emerald landscape that encased his mottled form, intermingling russets and blistering pallid establishing a depiction of no less than notable rarity, a sight of curiosity as The King would saunter his season-shifting kingdom. Defensiveness would be somewhat evident within his expressions, though still the albino ghoul would sway with undeniable elegance, guiding his brawly chassis to the potentially unwelcomed company of what threatened to be a trespasser.

Isardis would withhold no self-restraint towards those that dared challenge the borders of his realm, though still a hopefulness would twinkle faintly behind his ruby gaze; swirling with a potentially sinister intention as the pallid male would roll over his thoughts. Perhaps this fashioned male could be of use to him? Wry smirk would crease the corners of cherry lips as the man would waltz, threatening to cease, though continuing about the motionless form of his visitor; perhaps acting upon endless circulations of warning. ?What brings such a strapping titan to my borders, hm?? a weak chuckle would revibrate from shuddering jaws, ?I do so hope you come with innocent purpose, I don?t fancy a brawl with one of such? stature.? Though lyrics would fall sarcastic, dripping from cherry lips with daring falseness.


08-15-2013, 01:38 AM
The dark souled male turned at the scent and sound of another. Blue eyes sought out the red ones of the white one now before him. He stood calmly and held himself tall without faltering. Perked ears catching the words of the white one as they dripped from his tongue. His eyes narrowed just the slightest, interpreting the words of the white demon before him. He stared at him, searching, taking him apart mentally to see what kind of person this one was. The red of his eyes were something he hadn't seen before, rare though they were, easy they were to decipher still. His lips rose into the smallest of smiles, knowing that this may be the one he was seeking.

"An bhfuil t? ag magadh orm, pale amh?in?"(Do you mock me, pale one?) He replied in a cool and calm tone. He wondered if this one would understand him, it had been a while since he had spoken any english and so he would often use his own dialect. His english wasn't perfect, but it was also something he rarely used since he preferred to do things swiftly and silently where speech was not needed. After all, it wasn't like he was going to tell his victim that they were about to die. And the whores? well, they could care less for words and small talk. They were used for one purpose only, and that was to satisfy his needs.



08-21-2013, 09:55 PM

The russet would do no more than gape; motionless as the faintest suggestion of pleasure would begin to twitch his ebony lips. Perhaps he had found some form of brittle bliss within The Kings arrival? Body language seemed virtually void, and undoubtedly lacked any suggestion of sinister intent. Good, if the man wanted to keep his skin he?d refrain from any idiocy. Foreign language would ooze from his lips, calm in nature though still somewhat unsettling; did the beast bare the knowledge of... how do you say, normal wolf tongue? What was this oddity he drooled of? Harks would flicker backwards, confusion becoming evident as the King?s patience would slowly decline, ?I would suggest you address a King with the revere of universal lingo, surely that is common sense- or do you lack that too?? tongue was sharp, though not aggressive just yet; the beast had received his warning.

ooc- so sorry for the wait! <3


08-23-2013, 08:34 PM
Russet maw pulled into a smug smirk, pearly whites showing just barely enough to entice a sparkle onto his features. So, this was the supposed king of the new Glaciem...impressive. Sapphire eyes observed the pearl before him, Silently observing. He remained in his cool mannered position, a slightly bored but intrigued expression on his face. So, this one didn't understand his language? Fair enough then. Gave him the opportunities to mock when one didn't understand, at the same time give nothing to be mocked about. He had the best of three worlds, multilingual was he and indeed it would surprise many. Especially this gloating fool, he seemed smart...but perhaps much too egotistical for his own good. But it did draw to the male, for he was similar in nature.

At last, he would reply to the creature before him, "It seems as if you are the one that lacks the trait of courtesy. Mock and be mocked, stranger. I am Uisge, a spy from far away lands. I've come to see who the new king of Glaciem is, and it seems I have found my treasure. So, what has become of the past king of these lands? And how strong do you think you are?"

Sure, his questions were bold. But he wasn't afraid of the one standing before him. His latter question was to see whether or not this one was worthy of serving. Depending on his answer, then Uisge's decision would be made. Serve the supposedly powerful king, leave and find someone stronger to follow, or perhaps...if he wasn't as strong as he said, then chance at taking this pack from him. The last thought fancied him, but he figured it would be best to rise up first and become stronger...and then take a pack for his own. Creamy pillars stood firm and relaxed, waiting a response/ "Cal ? a s?a resposta, unha p?lida?" He breathed to himself.


08-25-2013, 07:58 AM
alone; a solitary, female predator?lush curves and toned porcelain flesh, her lithe bodice, seething; twisting, in its arachnid grace and sensuous power as she moved towards the opposing men. it were wanderlust, wanderlust and infinite hunger, that accompanied Renesme in her wild, esoteric affairs. she moved beneath the brisk chill of the night, the moons light rippling along the contours of her spine ever so slight; as it would hungrily slide along her hips, tracing her slender legs in a shiver of promiscuous delight. her silhouette, glistening beneath the blackening darkness in its sultry endeavour; like a veil, caressing her curves in a mysterious glow. her eyes were hollow, soothing; void of empathy; soft, obsidian lashes fluttering above her smooth cheekbones, as she soaked in the immense scenery. Before finally standing slightly behind her king, amused with how the opposing male was so very confidant.
