
mushrooms can glow??



"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-14-2021, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2021, 12:56 PM by Ghoul. Edited 4 times in total.)

The one and the only reason that he had been willing to leave the depths of the den was due to the fact that he felt overcrowded by his siblings. Being the middle of the bunch, and possibly the neediest, Ghoul would have rather stayed close to their mother's side. She was warm and comforting, as much as she could be in these trying times. Not that his mind could fully understand the situation the older wolves were in.

His downy soft fur bunched up against a cool breeze as his large paws tested out the pliable dirt. All around him it was dark, just like the den, but brighter beneath the full moon's gaze. This would be the first and perhaps few times he would wander far from the den. Being this far away already sent a zip of anxiety through his veins as he worried about Recluse. Was she okay? Was she worried about him? What if he got hungry? Fretting silently to himself, the red-eyed pup looked over to his black and white brother.

Around them, hidden among the trees, large mushrooms sprouted up. In an array of glowing neon colors, he was drawn to them. "What do you think these are?" Ghoul asks quietly to his brother, one ear flicking in the direction of Macabre as he approached the odd fungi.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-14-2021, 09:03 PM
Unlike his brother, Mac didn't feel as tight of a connection with his mother. That's not to say he didn't love her at all - of course he did, as with his littermates - but Ghoul's attachment to her didn't suit him, personally. No, as soon as he was old enough, he wanted to see what the world had to offer, because surely his future duties could extend beyond the reaches of the pack's borders. For now, of course, he and his brothers and sister were given little choice but to entertain themselves safely in pack territory. Hmph. What if he wanted to be a bit bold? After all, didn't they say that exploring was good for a young puppy's development? Well, technically, he thought that. To him, that's all that really mattered.

The mottled boy clambered out the den not long after his brother, observing his nervous expression through the blue-lit darkness. He offered a confident and reassuring smile in return. He didn't really understand why his rose-pelted brother was eager on staying so close to the safety of the den when there was so much to see outside. Then again, feelings of worry and anxiety were relatively foreign to him, though he wasn't immune to even the faintest whisp of nerves. They were venturing into an unknown spot of land, after all..who knew what lay out there?

He followed his brother, though his own form was more excited, and less cautious. The glowing mushrooms looked so cool! He hadn't seen them before. They lit up the base of the trees surrounding them, and his steely cold eyes rested upon the fungi in a wide, childlike wonder. "What do you think these are?" Ghoul asked. Macabre carefully leaned closer to them, speckled nose twitching as he took a sniff. This was the only world the children knew, which to others seemed sad, but to Mac, he just thought of it as perfectly normal.

He offered a shrug, a wide grin settling on his face as he looked at his larger sibling. His lips curled almost unnaturally, and the blue glow of the fungi underneath his face made him appear a bit unsettling. "I don't know, but they look awesome!" He said, turning back to the mushrooms. Something deep within him wanted to tear up the mushroom and rip it apart, but he wasn't so stupid as to attempt that. No, he needed to get a good look at what this thing was before they could attempt to touch it. After all, who knew what these things could do? Not that he was scared. Mac was brave. Super brave.

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-14-2021, 09:56 PM

Beside him, he could feel the energy radiating from Mac. Bubbly, excited, and overall happy to be released from the confines of the den. It made his skin prickle and his nose scrunch up. Emotions were still new to both him and their siblings but Ghoul noticed already that he lacked the expressions his brother made. Pale in both facial features and body, he was content to stay unamused by their surroundings. Even if this was the farthest they'd traveled from the den and their mother, it was nothing more than making him want to return.

Watching in an almost calculating way as Macabre approached the mushrooms and gave them a large sniff, a hint at an almost mischievous smirk tinted his lips. "Well, touch it already," he rasped toward his smaller brother, his red eyes twinkling with what emotion he did feel. While they both weren't stupid, he thought maybe his sibling would be easier to coax into touching the mysterious object. "It probably won't hurt you," Ghoul mentioned as his gaze turned toward the softly pulsating fungi. In truth, even he was drawn toward the thing, but his body stayed still as he resisted the urge.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-14-2021, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2021, 11:01 PM by Macabre. Edited 1 time in total.)
What Ghoul didn't realize was that Mac wasn't just staring at that mushroom. Nah , that would've been boring. Instead, he lowered his haunches, shimmying them a little as if getting ready to pounce. Now, with this weird little pulsating thing looking ever so unassuming, normally Mac would've thought 'fuck it' and just gone for it. However, they both had no clue what it was. Instead, the boy decided to play a prank. An innocent one, and likely quite predictable, but there was no harm in a little scare here and there.

"Try me!" He cackled, launching himself into the air at last. He wasn't a large pup, but he certainly had power contained even beneath his fuzzy, soft coat. It looked as if he might crash into the bioluminescent fungi at last, but he managed to clear the pulsating bunch and roll to a stop, shaking himself off as the fireflies lingered lazily around them. "They're just stupid mushrooms, anyways," He said with a snort. He approached it and offered it a flick with his two digits, grinning from ear to ear. Was that extravagant? Overdramatic? Maybe. But that's the way he liked it. He knew it wasn't Ghoul's style, but he didn't care. Mac did things Mac's way, unless it was his mother telling him what to do. Then it was all business. He turned to his brother after touching it, brushing a few pieces of dirt from his coat. "See? Maybe they don't actually do anything. In that case that's kinda lame."

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 11:24 AM

The devious smile disappeared from his lips just as quickly as it had washed across it as he watched his brother prepare to pounce on the mushrooms. Lifting a brow with a placid expression, he bore no reaction as the two-toned boy leaped into the air. There was a stirring of brush and fireflies as Mac landed on the other side and rolled to a stop. Sitting back on his haunches, Ghoul unsteadily lifted his front paws to clap a few times to cheer for his brother's bravado.

As Mac claimed the mushrooms were stupid, Ghoul looked to him with another lifted brow and flat lips. When the other boy flicked at a large mushroom with his toes, a cloud of neon spores lifted from it and spread out before fading into the air. "Do we even know what a mushroom is?" Ghoul asked in a dull tone, clearly not enthused by his brother's theatrics. Mac could be overwhelming at times, but that's who Mac was and Ghoul was used to it. If they were two sides of a coin, Mac would be the valiant picturesque side and Ghoul would be the boring old face that no one took a second look at.

"If you don't eat it, how do we know it does nothing?" He pressed, red eyes narrowing toward his smaller brother. Now, they both might not be stupid, but out of the two of them, Mac was the reckless one. "I promise I won't tell mom if you do," Ghoul says, his devious smirk twinging back at the corner of his lips as he silently dared his brother to do it.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 12:11 PM
Ghoul seemed unimpressed at Mac’s magnificent feat - an expected response. He knew his larger brother wasn’t easily entertained, but he did his best, anyways. The faint and brief applause made him grin widely in amusement, and upon flicking the mushroom and saying it was stupid, he was met with the rose-toned pup’s flat expression. Do we even know what a mushroom is His brother inquired. The spotted boy watched the neon spores float up into the obsidian expanse of sky for a moment, as if trying to determine what it was based on his observations so far. He felt comfident enough that he had some basic knowledge - after all, you could figure out most things if you just actually did stuff to them, right?

"Well, now we know mushrooms are weird things that sprout around trees, glow in different colors, and apparently, they have some kind of, uh, dust? That floats away, or something like that," Mac said, tilting his head at the thing. Unless it grew ;egs and breathed fire, he really didn’t think much of it. The reckless child needed an exuberant amount of chaos to make him feel any kind of interest. Thus, he still believed this mushroom was kinda lame.

It was then that his brother suggested he eat the mushroom. Now, that was a whole new level. Flicking it didn’t do all that much, but at least they knew more about it than before. Now, consuming it meant it could have an effect on him. He paused to consider Ghoul’s inquiry, turning to him with his wide grin. "You have a point there," He said. He noticed the larger sibling’s own devious smirk, and a fire of a challenge lit up in his eyes. Now this could be fun! He didn’t pause to think what could happen if he ate it, only that he wanted to give the ‘stupid mushrooms’ another chance. Heck, maybe he’d gain some powers from it. Ooh, maybe he’d glow in the dark!

With a wicked and playful grin, he nodded at his brother’s promise not to tell his mom. "You know I’m no tattletale, brother," He said, a soft giggle bubbling from his lips as he used his long nails to carve a chink from the mushroom they’d been inspecting. It hit the ground with a soggy thump, and he eyed in closely. He glanced at his sibling’s red eyes with his own mischievous grey ones. "Y’know, maybe the mushrooms affect each wolf differently," He said. He grabbed his own piece of mushroom, but carved out a smaller, almost negligable chunk for his brother. He’d eat the larger chunk, because he was nice and he’d take the fall if something bad happened to him. He pushed the piece towards Ghoul with a quirk of his brow, as if inviting him to eat it too if he wasn’t scared.

With that, Mac grabbed the chunk and tossed it into his mouth, wondering what it would do. It certainly wasn’t the worst thing he’d tasted, but not the best. His expression wrinkled a bit, but he swallowed it back, and feeling nothing at the moment, he flashed his brother a wide grin. "See? I’m still in one piece. Kinda expected there to be something more, though." Little did he know, there likely would be something more, indeed..

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 12:45 PM

Words dribbled from Mac's mouth in a scientific way as he explained what they physically saw of the mushroom. A curt nod from Ghoul agreed with Mac's findings as he met his brother's steely gaze. Both pairs of eyes were alit with something mischievous as they planned to do something that mother surely would not approve of. As Mac confirmed that he too was no tattletale, Ghoul watched the fine curve of Mac's nail carve two pieces of mushroom from the top of a large glowing one.

Both pieces plopped onto the ground in a thud as his brother hypothesized that each wolf might be affected differently. Looking up from their experiment, Ghoul lifted his own brow in question. Maybe his brother was right. If it did affect everyone differently, it surely meant they both needed to try it. But what would mother think? Would she approve of this doing of theirs? Before he could deny the offer, Mac had swallowed his larger piece in a swell of disgust. Ok, so not the expression Ghoul was looking for.

Pausing for a moment as he assessed his brother's wide toothy grin, he was hesitant. Being the reserved and calculated one, he didn't really make rash decisions. Yet, Mac had eaten his piece and Ghoul was no baby. Reaching out his own pale claw to pick up his much smaller piece of mushroom, the pup popped it into his mouth. Instantly, the bitter taste enveloped his tongue and he fought to swallow. The mushroom hit his stomach as he fought back to keep it down. Scrunching his own facial features, he was pleasantly surprised that nothing had happened yet.

"Well, do we wait now to see if it does something?" He asked as he looked back to his brother.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 05:55 PM
Mac watched with great interest as his rose-pelted brother picked up the smaller piece and popped it into his mouth. He was eagerly scanning for any signs of what he was convinced were superpowers. Still, after the larger brother consumed the piece in its entirety, there didn’t seem to be any immediate effect. The speckled boy seemed almost a tad disappointed, glancing at the broken up mushroom beside them. It glowed as brightly as it had before, too. It was just..normal. About as normal as this reality was to the both of them. He didn’t even feel anything, either, and whatever hope of him growing wings or horns or breathing fire faded away into childish daydreams.

”Well, do we wait now to see if it does something?” Ghoul had asked him. The boy’s grey eyes glanced over to him as he thought, still trying to observe any possible changes in his body. She shrugged, standing up to shake himself off. ”Yeah, I guess so,” He said. He turned his head side to side to check his body for any signs of the mushroom’s effects, even checking each paw and his tail. When nothing was found, he asked his brother, ”Do you feel anything yet?”

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill



11-18-2021, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2021, 06:31 PM by NPC. Edited 2 times in total.)
F̷̢̢̢̨̨̢̛̛̬̜̩̹͇̝̗̪̜͙͕̝̫̟̥͖̯̱̰̹̗̺̜͈̰͚͎̜̘̩̠̱̱͈̜̭̀̍̇̋͊̉̂̈̑̓̉̄̈́͗̑͗̓̽͋̾̍͛͗͛̏̐̑͐̒̔͋̕͘͘͜͝͠͠͝͠͝ͅͅÍ̷̡̢̞̘͖͙̮̺̝̼͉͈̼̣͕̲̜̤̦̦͚̗̃̊̕͝ͅR̵̨̨̳̭͚̻̱̥̮͓̫̤̺̱͕̹͚̲͕̼̙̯̟̻̠̖͙̘̦̀́̊̒͑͊͋̏́͑̈́̔̌̈́̒́̂̑̃̅͗̅̄͆̍͆̃̓̾̀̾̒̎̾̓̿̅̏͊̕̕͝ͅȨ̸̡̛̤̬͇͍̬̗̙̠͔̓̅̄͊̀̃͐͐̄̏̈̍͗̓̋̏̀̈́̉̐͊́̄̅͘͠F̸̡̡̢̣͔͎̭̳̱̙͖͍̣̳̣͓̰̠̳̜̲̣̠̖̖͉̘̗͙̖̼̜̖̞͙͇̲̫̺̻͙̥͈̬̤̬̩͒ͅͅĻ̸̳̟̘̫̺͓̺̊̋͑̈́͊̇̽̏̒̔̉̊̽̇̉̔̑̉̔͋̈́̈́̃̐̽͘͝͝͝Y̵̡̡̛̛̦͙̬͙̮̘̺̗͕̜̜͙̟͍̺͙̖̫͕̩̆͊̊̈́͛͛̈́̌͊̀̾̿̄̅̏̿̽̑̌͂̇̋̎̐́̑̈́͂͊͒̏̕̚͘͜͝ͅ ̷̨̢̢̢̨̛̣͓̭̘̯̜̗͔͇̜̟͕͙̬̘͖̠̫̫͚̩̠̬̠͍̦̰̯̈́̂̄̂̐̆̀̅́͘͘͜S̷̡̧̡̛̬͕̫̮͖̹̣̖͓̥̹͓̹̹͉̩̠̩̻̠̝͕͐͐̈͒́̈́̄̿́͊̉͊͐̈̆͒̈́̈́̍͊̊́̾̾̄̕̕̚͠ͅͅḨ̵̪͍͓͍̓̎̽͐̐̇͊̈́̊̐̓̎̄̔̋͐̔̏̽͐̿̑̏̏̅͐̆͂̂͒͆̒̄̉̏̈́͌̒̉̎̆͘̕͝͝Ŏ̵̢̧̢̗̬̰̣̹̘̰̥̗̥̦̫̙͈̞̣̘̞̯̟̱̖̀̏͝ͅͅP̵̨͚̟͚͇͎̣̝̞̈́P̶̨̛̛̘̣͍͎̱̙̲͚͚̼̟̈̀̍͆̍̎́͐̈́͐̐̓̆͂̃́̋̍͆͠E̵̢̨̧͍͕͖͍̰̹̦͕̼̺̤̙͉̫̝̠͇̯͙̬̩͉̱͍̔̓̉͋́́̆͐̇̈́̔́̂̓̄͋̈͗͘͝- Ghoul

You feel something crawling beneath your skin.

You gain:
  • Mushrooms (x5)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...

You blink, and you're face to face with a figure who seems as if it's clipping through d̴̰͚͖̮͙̥̥̙̥̬̬̼̙̟̤͖̘̺̩͓̙̣͙͇̤͓̰͕̺͉̳̰̰̺̠̠̟͓̘̭̘̿̈́͛̈́̇̈͗́́͂͌̓̈͛́̀̿̽̓̈́̈͘͜͝͝į̸̡͔̖͈͕͙̺͈̺͔͇͍̭͖̖̟̙͚̠̯̻̘̼̙͇̮̬̳̹̼̣̻͖͉̪̾̀̆̔̉̽͋̄̇̄͂̈́ͅͅm̶̧̢̱̯̲̻̳̞̦͚͖͎̼̹͙̩̹̟͕̥͉̤̭̠͔͎̜̪̲͈̰̼͙̟̱̺̯̼̐̿͛͑͛̅̍́̇̔̎̀̾̉̒͋̾̒̿͛̀̕͠͠͝è̸̢̡̧̥͓̩͉͉̙̺̫̦͍̮̤͙̩̭̹̬̰̭̮̫̹͉̦͔̘͛̈́̍̓̒͌͊͌̌̍̽̓̏̎͘̚͜͝n̴̢̧̝͕͇͚͉̩̱̫̭͇̬̹͎̈ͅś̷̨̨̡̖̩͚̖̱͇͇͔̪̺͎̮̤̻̹̯͔̺̰̯͉͔̼̗̙͈̯͙̮̳̤̹̳̹̝̝̦̻̃̇̌́͒̊̓͋̌̍̐̕͜͝͝ͅi̸̧̧̨̧̭̳̦̲̣̜̼̙̅͛̓͊͆͌̔̿̋͆̑̍̏̔̏̓̌̕̕̕̕͠͝o̴̧̢̦̗̘͔͕̮̼̣̬̥̠̱͚̱̣̩̭̟̺̲̠͕̹͓̲̜̙̝͇͓̩͚̦̿̇̽ņ̶̧̢̢̛̥̣͎̦̬̫͍̪̣̣̦̜̹̝͖͚̟͕̮̫̣͉̗̘̼͎͕͈͉̇͂̊̒̅͛̄̄̅́͂̍͌̌̀̀͂̎̍̆̉̈́̐͋͂̍̈́̽̌̽͘̕͘͘͘͜͜͠ͅs̸̢̧͚̖̟̞̲̥͔̣̼̰̥͔̲̟̮̟̹̠̱̩̬̹͉̯͇̣̭̦̪̱̣͉̭̖͖͚͊̃͋̐͑͌͋̊̕͝ͅ. In front of him, a small wooden stand, which thankfully looks firmly placed in your dimension. On the table lay three items, with their prices beside them. "Choose if you ḑ̴̛̠̲̰̪͎̮̻͕̝̻͉͇̳̙̗̬̤̖̙͚̰̲̑̆̎͆̉̉̈́̍̂̑͂̽͐̽̔͌̈̈́̓̒̂̅͘͘͜ͅą̵̪͙̦̖̮̮͈͖͇̭̗͈̖̫̲̗̜͍̀̾̾̎͂̈́̓͗̎̎̿͋͛̒̑̅̐́̔́̓̕̚͠ͅŗ̵̧̧̛͉̝̰͉̖̯̘̜͉͍̥̟̖̫̤̪͖̬͇͖͓̪̩̫̊̍͂̄͘͜ę̴̡̢̧̢̳̲̹̬̻̫̦̣̣̠̳̼͍͇̜̓͌́̚͜͝, and if you can a̵̘̜͇̱̽̌̇̅̐̏͗̑̂̽̊͆̏̒͝f̵̨̨̜̭̬̠̞̫̮̲̺̼̝̻̟͖̯̼͚͕̻̤̤͉͉̯̈́̾̈́͐͝f̷̟͓͖͔͕͎̥̖̝̞͈͆́̏̀͐̌̈̀̓̎͒̾̃̊̏͛̍͗͜ơ̷̡͓͙͓͚͙̪̖̻̣̞̹̻̻͇̫͓̟̹̔͌̑̈́͛̀̀̀̑̚͝r̷̢͈̝̝̲̼̦̺̜͔̲̳̀̈́ḑ̵̣̜̤̲̹̠͖̪͖͔̗̫̮͎̼̯͎͕̫̭̣͈̥̏ͅit," the figure says. You can't bring yourself to look away without some effort. You are keenly aware of his gaze. He does not seem like he's in the negotiating mood...

  • Grow Potion- 1 /
    This bottle is shaped like an upside down pear and within it swirls a sparkly gold liquid. The label shows a crudely drawn image of two wolves of vastly different sizes, with a green checkmark over the largest one.
  • Deer Dad's Blessing- 3 /
    Lets you become more like your favorite deer dad!
  • Ghost Bath Bomb- 2 /
    It’s a see-through orb. The seller assures you it’s good for styling your ears or tail exactly how you’ve always wanted.



11-18-2021, 06:33 PM
F̷̢̢̢̨̨̢̛̛̬̜̩̹͇̝̗̪̜͙͕̝̫̟̥͖̯̱̰̹̗̺̜͈̰͚͎̜̘̩̠̱̱͈̜̭̀̍̇̋͊̉̂̈̑̓̉̄̈́͗̑͗̓̽͋̾̍͛͗͛̏̐̑͐̒̔͋̕͘͘͜͝͠͠͝͠͝ͅͅÍ̷̡̢̞̘͖͙̮̺̝̼͉͈̼̣͕̲̜̤̦̦͚̗̃̊̕͝ͅR̵̨̨̳̭͚̻̱̥̮͓̫̤̺̱͕̹͚̲͕̼̙̯̟̻̠̖͙̘̦̀́̊̒͑͊͋̏́͑̈́̔̌̈́̒́̂̑̃̅͗̅̄͆̍͆̃̓̾̀̾̒̎̾̓̿̅̏͊̕̕͝ͅȨ̸̡̛̤̬͇͍̬̗̙̠͔̓̅̄͊̀̃͐͐̄̏̈̍͗̓̋̏̀̈́̉̐͊́̄̅͘͠F̸̡̡̢̣͔͎̭̳̱̙͖͍̣̳̣͓̰̠̳̜̲̣̠̖̖͉̘̗͙̖̼̜̖̞͙͇̲̫̺̻͙̥͈̬̤̬̩͒ͅͅĻ̸̳̟̘̫̺͓̺̊̋͑̈́͊̇̽̏̒̔̉̊̽̇̉̔̑̉̔͋̈́̈́̃̐̽͘͝͝͝Y̵̡̡̛̛̦͙̬͙̮̘̺̗͕̜̜͙̟͍̺͙̖̫͕̩̆͊̊̈́͛͛̈́̌͊̀̾̿̄̅̏̿̽̑̌͂̇̋̎̐́̑̈́͂͊͒̏̕̚͘͜͝ͅ ̷̨̢̢̢̨̛̣͓̭̘̯̜̗͔͇̜̟͕͙̬̘͖̠̫̫͚̩̠̬̠͍̦̰̯̈́̂̄̂̐̆̀̅́͘͘͜S̷̡̧̡̛̬͕̫̮͖̹̣̖͓̥̹͓̹̹͉̩̠̩̻̠̝͕͐͐̈͒́̈́̄̿́͊̉͊͐̈̆͒̈́̈́̍͊̊́̾̾̄̕̕̚͠ͅͅḨ̵̪͍͓͍̓̎̽͐̐̇͊̈́̊̐̓̎̄̔̋͐̔̏̽͐̿̑̏̏̅͐̆͂̂͒͆̒̄̉̏̈́͌̒̉̎̆͘̕͝͝Ŏ̵̢̧̢̗̬̰̣̹̘̰̥̗̥̦̫̙͈̞̣̘̞̯̟̱̖̀̏͝ͅͅP̵̨͚̟͚͇͎̣̝̞̈́P̶̨̛̛̘̣͍͎̱̙̲͚͚̼̟̈̀̍͆̍̎́͐̈́͐̐̓̆͂̃́̋̍͆͠E̵̢̨̧͍͕͖͍̰̹̦͕̼̺̤̙͉̫̝̠͇̯͙̬̩͉̱͍̔̓̉͋́́̆͐̇̈́̔́̂̓̄͋̈͗͘͝- Macabre

You suddenly lose consciousness. You awaken just a few minutes later, but you're gripped by a deep fear you can't seem to shake.

You gain:
  • Mushrooms (x5)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...

You blink, and you're face to face with a figure who seems as if it's clipping through d̴̰͚͖̮͙̥̥̙̥̬̬̼̙̟̤͖̘̺̩͓̙̣͙͇̤͓̰͕̺͉̳̰̰̺̠̠̟͓̘̭̘̿̈́͛̈́̇̈͗́́͂͌̓̈͛́̀̿̽̓̈́̈͘͜͝͝į̸̡͔̖͈͕͙̺͈̺͔͇͍̭͖̖̟̙͚̠̯̻̘̼̙͇̮̬̳̹̼̣̻͖͉̪̾̀̆̔̉̽͋̄̇̄͂̈́ͅͅm̶̧̢̱̯̲̻̳̞̦͚͖͎̼̹͙̩̹̟͕̥͉̤̭̠͔͎̜̪̲͈̰̼͙̟̱̺̯̼̐̿͛͑͛̅̍́̇̔̎̀̾̉̒͋̾̒̿͛̀̕͠͠͝è̸̢̡̧̥͓̩͉͉̙̺̫̦͍̮̤͙̩̭̹̬̰̭̮̫̹͉̦͔̘͛̈́̍̓̒͌͊͌̌̍̽̓̏̎͘̚͜͝n̴̢̧̝͕͇͚͉̩̱̫̭͇̬̹͎̈ͅś̷̨̨̡̖̩͚̖̱͇͇͔̪̺͎̮̤̻̹̯͔̺̰̯͉͔̼̗̙͈̯͙̮̳̤̹̳̹̝̝̦̻̃̇̌́͒̊̓͋̌̍̐̕͜͝͝ͅi̸̧̧̨̧̭̳̦̲̣̜̼̙̅͛̓͊͆͌̔̿̋͆̑̍̏̔̏̓̌̕̕̕̕͠͝o̴̧̢̦̗̘͔͕̮̼̣̬̥̠̱͚̱̣̩̭̟̺̲̠͕̹͓̲̜̙̝͇͓̩͚̦̿̇̽ņ̶̧̢̢̛̥̣͎̦̬̫͍̪̣̣̦̜̹̝͖͚̟͕̮̫̣͉̗̘̼͎͕͈͉̇͂̊̒̅͛̄̄̅́͂̍͌̌̀̀͂̎̍̆̉̈́̐͋͂̍̈́̽̌̽͘̕͘͘͘͜͜͠ͅs̸̢̧͚̖̟̞̲̥͔̣̼̰̥͔̲̟̮̟̹̠̱̩̬̹͉̯͇̣̭̦̪̱̣͉̭̖͖͚͊̃͋̐͑͌͋̊̕͝ͅ. In front of him, a small wooden stand, which thankfully looks firmly placed in your dimension. On the table lay three items, with their prices beside them. "Choose if you ḑ̴̛̠̲̰̪͎̮̻͕̝̻͉͇̳̙̗̬̤̖̙͚̰̲̑̆̎͆̉̉̈́̍̂̑͂̽͐̽̔͌̈̈́̓̒̂̅͘͘͜ͅą̵̪͙̦̖̮̮͈͖͇̭̗͈̖̫̲̗̜͍̀̾̾̎͂̈́̓͗̎̎̿͋͛̒̑̅̐́̔́̓̕̚͠ͅŗ̵̧̧̛͉̝̰͉̖̯̘̜͉͍̥̟̖̫̤̪͖̬͇͖͓̪̩̫̊̍͂̄͘͜ę̴̡̢̧̢̳̲̹̬̻̫̦̣̣̠̳̼͍͇̜̓͌́̚͜͝, and if you can a̵̘̜͇̱̽̌̇̅̐̏͗̑̂̽̊͆̏̒͝f̵̨̨̜̭̬̠̞̫̮̲̺̼̝̻̟͖̯̼͚͕̻̤̤͉͉̯̈́̾̈́͐͝f̷̟͓͖͔͕͎̥̖̝̞͈͆́̏̀͐̌̈̀̓̎͒̾̃̊̏͛̍͗͜ơ̷̡͓͙͓͚͙̪̖̻̣̞̹̻̻͇̫͓̟̹̔͌̑̈́͛̀̀̀̑̚͝r̷̢͈̝̝̲̼̦̺̜͔̲̳̀̈́ḑ̵̣̜̤̲̹̠͖̪͖͔̗̫̮͎̼̯͎͕̫̭̣͈̥̏ͅit," the figure says. You can't bring yourself to look away without some effort. You are keenly aware of his gaze. He does not seem like he's in the negotiating mood...

  • Firefly Fone- 1 /
    It’s actually just a bunch of fireflies in the shape of a phone. Use it in any thread (and post in Maintenance) to summon the Firefly Shoppe to your location.
  • Grow Potion- 1 /
    This bottle is shaped like an upside down pear and within it swirls a sparkly gold liquid. The label shows a crudely drawn image of two wolves of vastly different sizes, with a green checkmark over the largest one.
  • Coat Hanger- 3 /
    It’s just an everyday coat hanger, but you are a wolf, and you do not know that.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 07:09 PM
Whatever disappointment Mac began to feel about not gaining any special powers began to fade. Seems like nothing would happen, at this rate, and he offered a small ‘hmph’ in disappointment. He soon felt off, in a way he couldn’t describe. Uh oh. In fact, he felt very unwell. The speckled child’s limbs began to tremble below him, and black began to conceal his vision. He felt like his brain was bobbing on open water, and the colors around him, including his sibling, blurred all together. A sudden wave of panic overcame his typical arrogant composure as he barely slurred out to his brother, "Ghoul..I don’t feel so good.." And collapsed on the earth, his mind blanking for several minutes.

After a brief period of time had passed, the boy blinked his eyes, finding himself in the same spot as before. What had happened? He brought himself to his feet again, a bit shaken. Mac glanced around in a surprisingly worried manner, finally setting his eyes upon his rose-pelted brother. "Ghoul..?" He murmured, rubbing his head with one paw. His confidence withere as he felt a sudden fear within him grow, like a tangled weed deep within his bones. He fought to control his breathing, unable to shake off the terror that had leeched into his very form. Why was he so afraid? It was so out of character to him, but he couldn’t stop panicking. Before he could succumb to the panic, though, the shaken child felt a presence appear behind him.

"Wh-What the-" He choked out, wanting to demand who the guy was, but that damn terror latched on to him, clutching his throat with a vice grip. He swallowed nervously as the creature, some strange firefly-decked entity in a tattered cloak, showed its wares upon a wooden table. The speckled child warily approached, finding in his possession five mushroom that seemingly appeared from thin air. The creature explained what his items were, and what price, and though terrified, Mac scanned each item over. Whjch one, which one? After much deliberation, which calmed him down somewhat, he pointed at the firefly-shaped phone. Not that he knew it was a phone. "Could I take that one..please?" He scolded himself mentally for sounding so cowardly, but the anxiety remained even as he grabbed one mushroom and placed it on the table. He stepped back, wondering what would happen.

OOC; Mac is purchasing the Firefly Fone.

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 07:24 PM

Ghoul as well believed that nothing would come from them ingesting the mushrooms. It was as if their little snack really was harmless. That was until something began to make his skin itch horribly. His lips curled up in disgust as he looked around him. The fireflies were nowhere close and no matter where he looked at him, he couldn't find anything. Why did it feel like it was under his skin? "Mac..." he whined as he began to itch at his skin.

In the next moment, his brother was passed out beside him, having cried out. Ghoul's eyes grow wide with fear as he looks over to his limp brother. "Mac!" he chirps, standing up quickly before a pair of eyes makes his skin crawl again. Freezing in place, the large pup slowly looks up to the figure who was leaning down over him. The cloaked figure stared at him intensely as it spoke. The image of the figure flickered as if it weren't really here and confusion scrawled across his face. What in the world?

His attention suddenly drew toward the small table where three items lay. Shivering with fear and still feeling as if something was crawling under his skin, he examines the items. Silence settles over him as he thinks carefully. The grow potion was tempting. Be bigger than his sister? Oh, she'd hate that. The bath bomb was also tempting, but he hated baths. Settling on the Deer Dad's Blessing, Ghoul finally looks back up to the stranger. Hesitant, he points a paw toward the item he wishes. "I would like the Deer Dad's Blessing, please," Ghoul adds on at the end. This seemed like an appropriate time to be polite.

Gingerly picking up the item, he stares back at the figure. "What are you?" He whispers, intensely curious and in awe.



11-18-2021, 07:31 PM
Firefly Shoppe- Macabre

The cowardly wolf approaches the table and currency is quickly exchanged. "It is yours." The hooded figure agrees. He disappears without a further word, leaving you as you were with a new phone between your paws.  

You gain:
  • Firefly Fone - It’s actually just a bunch of fireflies in the shape of a phone. Use it in any thread (and post in Maintenance) to summon the Firefly Shoppe to your location.

You lose:
  • Currency (1x)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...



11-18-2021, 07:36 PM
Firefly Shoppe- Ghoul

The polite young wolf stepped forward to make his purchase and the hooded figure confirmed it with a simple nod. The blessing vanished from the table, appearing between Ghouls paws and in the shopkeeper's hand was now a trio of mushrooms. "i have been called many things, young wolf -" He packed up his table and wares with a mere wave of his 'hand'. "- and many things have been called me." With no further words spoken, the figure vanished, leaving you as you were with your new purchase.

You gain:
  • Deer Dad's Blessing-  - Lets you become more like your favorite deer dad!

You lose:
  • Currency (3x)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
11-22-2021, 09:24 PM

With the firefly cloaked figure disappearing before his very eyes with a very mysterious answer, Ghoul blinked. His brother had also magically disappeared and he was now left alone with this... object. What even did it do? Squinting hard at the blessing, his lips pursed as he questioned whether he should use it or not. After all, them eating the mushroom hadn't really done anything. But the weird figure in the robe had been awfully ominous. Sitting down on his rump with the grass smushed beneath him, he thought about it for a few more minutes. Finally decided he would use it, he looked at the object that he had no idea what it really was and closed his eyes. Please show me how to use this. The pup thought to himself, willing Deer Dad's Blessing into use.



11-30-2021, 06:00 PM
Deer Dad's Blessing
Be Blessed, and go in Peace

You focus on the object. Blinking, you find that you are now running free in the meadows. Long legs thum drum against the ground, his hooves gripping into the soft soil. The sweet grass rolls along the hills in the gentle breeze. A large buck with striking, crystalline antlers and mossy fur slows. It is time to rest. The herd stops and takes a moment to eat while the buck looks into the horizon. He is your leader, and in his presence, you are safe.

You blink again and you are yourself once more.

You gain:
  • Post-Acceptance Minor Deer Mutation- Any deer-themed minor mutation will do! Post in maintenance for it! Takes 1 OOC season to take effect. Subject to staff approval.