
Ghost Tales



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-05-2021, 10:07 PM
Ricin and Chade had the pleasure of enjoying a hot spring the day prior, since then each had a chance to sleep, and now they were traveling on again.  Chade imagined the dangers hiding in every shadow and there were so many shadows here.  Still, he also could hear sounds that suggested prey, scents that brought with it memories of the taste of the prey should he catch it.  There was so many dangers out here but bit by little bit the two brothers were learning how to survive against the odds.  

Chade had given up on trying to decide what time of day or night it was.  In this forest, he could barely even see the moon and maybe it was his imagination, but it felt like fireflies were a bit less prolific in the area.  Maybe they preferred the moon or maybe there were just too many animals that ate bugs in here?

The fog was rolling in and even as they moved the two blue pups found their sight becoming further limited.  There came a point Chade stopped as the fog became almost a solid wall ahead of them. “I think we need to stop for now,” Chade tried to speak like a confident leader instead of an uncertain child.  “That fog could be dangerous.”
The boy glanced towards Ricin, “I guess we could go back a little way and I could try hunting.”

“What’s this I found?” spoke an amused voice from within the depths of the fog.

Chade’s head spun around, hackles coming up and his spiky fuzz on his forehead spiking up like a little mohawk.  Growling softly he spoke up, “Who are you? Why are you hiding?”

The voice chuckled and in disbelief Chade’s jaw practically dropped at the sight of part of the fog taking on the shape of a wolf and moving forward. “What are two children doing here alone?”


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"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-07-2021, 01:45 AM
The brothers had enjoyed the forest’s secret hot spring and the comfortable sleep that had followed. There had been contentment and peace for a time but it was short lived as they find themselves, once more, on the move. The forest seems to grow darker with each step they take. Noticing the lack of fireflies and the strange sounds that call out to the passing brothers, set Ricin on edge. When the fog starts to roll in, the lighter brother moves ahead of Chade slightly, knowing that his brother will cover Ricin’s blind spots without needing to be asked.

Growing up, Ricin had hated that he had to rely on someone else to see things where he could not but things had changed when the brothers bonded. Quickly Chade had learned where Ricin’s limited peripheral vision started and stopped, adapting his movements to cover those areas when needed. Ricin knows he can count on his brother to protect him and that is all he needs. As they move further, Ricin realizes just how limited the visibility has become as the fog thickens and rolls through the forest. Feeling Chade’s pace slow and stop, Ricin follows suit and listens to his brother’s suggestion.

Crimson eyes study the wall of fog around them as his ears listen to his brother. Ricin says, “Yeah, I don’t think going any further would be wise. Who knows what pitfalls and traps we might fall into. Don’t need one of us hurt right now.” Throwing a smirk toward Chade, Ricin tries to play off his last words as a joke but he knows they are anything but. If he falls into a trap and hurts himself, Ricin would become a hindrance to his brother. The only option for his brother’s survival would be to leave him. Ricin’s worst fear is to be left for dead after all his brother had done to keep him alive.

The suggestion of hunting sounds like a good idea and Ricin nods his agreement when an amused voice calls out from the depths of the fog. Ricin and Chade spin around, falling into the familiar pattern of attack the brother’s have adopted. Chade now stands in front of Ricin and the lighter brother shrinks, getting lower to the ground and trying to appear small and weak. Chade’s hackles rise as he draws himself up to his full height and the thickened spike of fur sticks up, drawing attention away from his brother.

It is a ploy, if an attacker rushes toward Chade, Ricin will spring from his spot to attack flailing legs, trying to offer Chade openings in the battle. When his brother asks who the voice is, he receives a chuckle as the answer. The fog boils, taking on a life of its own as it swirls and reaches fingers out toward them. Tendrils quickly retract, collapsing on themselves as the shape of wolf appears within its depths and walks out toward the awestruck brothers. It moves gracefully across the ground, trailing wisps of fog behind it.

The fog shaped wolf asks what they are doing out here alone and Ricin watches his brother continue to stare in disbelief. For once, Ricin takes the initiative and stands up from behind Chade. Moving around to stand by his brother’s side, Ricin says, “We were just out enjoying the uh…” Casting a look around before looking toward to wolf to finish his thought, “scenery.” He tries to make humor in the tense situation and it seems to work as the wispy wolf chuckles again.

A wide smile appears as he continues, “Name’s Ricin and that’s my brother” gesturing a paw toward his brother, “Chade. He’s the brawn and I’m brains of this operation.” Ricin carefully weighs his options before speaking each time, deciding what to share and what to try and hide for now. Name’s seem important and he doubts this wolf could do anything harmful with them. His attempt to dodge the fog’s question about what they are doing out here alone does not go unnoticed by the wolf. Its head tilts and says, “My, my little Ricin. Such a conversationalist. However, you did not answer my question. What are two children doing out here alone?”

Ricin darts his eyes toward Chade before saying, “We are always alone.” If Chade wants to tell the wispy wolf their reason, Ricin will allow him. For now, he falls silent and looks toward the strange wolf with a smile.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-07-2021, 02:12 AM

“I uh, don’t believe in, uh, ghosts.” Chade was already doubting the words as he said them.  So, until a minute ago he hadn’t believed in ghosts.  Truth be told he never gave it much thought.  However, if ghosts were real why hadn’t dad visited them before?  Did ghosts have conditions to keep or something?

“No? Well, I guess you can ignore me then.” Saying that the ghost wolf laid down.  “weren’t you going hunting?”

Chade was more than happy to let Ricin speak up as he was still trying to decide what you say to a ghost.  He watched Ricin interact with it surprised he seemed so ok with it.  Chade took the time to get over his own shock so he could join in.  There came a point where Ricin looked towards him for an opinion before he pointed out they were alone.  Chade didn’t know if it was wise but he also didn’t know if it was smart.  Could ghosts do anything or have reason to do anything to them.

“I see,” the ghost wolf mused softly, “What strong children alive on their own.” The eyes flicked to Chade, “your brother seems to believe I’m real, so will you trust him then?

Chade furrowed his brow, “neither of us trust you but, yes I trust my brother.  You haven’t told us your name. Why are you here anyway?  We told you.” Sorta, kinda.  They told him they were alone and that sort of was like saying why, right?

“I’m not sure why I am here,” The old ghost looked up to the moon then at the fireflies and growths about the place, “it seems times have changed since I’ve been about but at least the moon is bright.  The moon is eternal you see so as long as its in the sky then everything will go back to right in time.  I always sought it out for guidance.”

“But, the moon doesn’t talk and you never said your name,” Chade stubbornly pointed out with a glance to Ricin for verification they weren’t missing something.

“Call my Auntie Vela hmm?” she chuckles then, “and the moon only talks to those who listen to it.  The earth, moon, everything has a spirit to it.  Do you really think such eternal things don’t have spirits?  That’s rather rude to them.  Be polite to them and they will be polite to you.”  Not that there was any blood shared between her and the pups but if they were alone perhaps they'd like talking to 'Aunt Vela'

[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-09-2021, 03:36 PM
An easy smile rests on Ricin’s lips as he listens to his brother and the ghost converse. The information this ‘Aunt Vela’ shares is taken and stowed neatly away for further questions. When Chade lags in the conversation, Ricin easily picks it back up. Dipping his head in respect, Ricin says, “It is a pleasure to meet you Auntie Vela. It appears my brother and I have differing opinions on ghosts and spirits.” Casting his brother a look, Ricin tries to relay to Chade that the lighter boy is unsure of what he believes but maybe this specter has useful information.

Moving closer to the fog-shaped wolf, Ricin mirrors her stance and lays upon the cool grass in front of her. Once comfortable, the boy asks, “So, Auntie Vela, how do you know that all those things have spirits too? How did you first hear the moon speak?” His head tilts questioningly to the side as his crimson eyes burn bright with curiosity. The wispy wolf laughs softly looking at Ricin and says, “Ah, youth. Always so curious. Trying to understand the incomprehensible.” A shrug of ghostly shoulders accompanies her next words, “There is not ‘one’ instance that lead me to know these truths. Nor was there a time where I suddenly heard the moon. I was born knowing those truths in my soul. As for the moon… she has talked to me from the moment I could hear.”

With that she tilts her head back to look up at the glowing moon. As Auntie Vela looks to away, Ricin casts a wary look toward Chade, showing his brother that he is unsure if he truly believes this wolf. However, as his gaze turns away from the phantom wolf toward his brother, Ricin’s attention is drawn, instead, to the clearing around them. Rays of moonlight have penetrated the thick fog and darkness, driving the encroaching black away and creating a pool of soft, silver light around the three of them. Head turns every which way, watching as the rolling fog pass around the pool of light. Jaw drops as Ricin looks back to the ghost to see her looking into his eyes. A knowing smile spreads across her ethereal lip as Ricin pumps his jaw, trying to get his brain to catch up with his voice. Finally, Ricin whispers, “How?”

A gentle, melodious laugh dances around the brothers as Vela sings her pleasure at Ricin’s disbelief. After a few moments, the pleasant sound falls away and is replaced by Vela’s voice, “Ah, I see now. You will believe whatever suits the situation. Hmm?” Her voice is kind and filled with humor, disarming the untrusting brother and causing a genuinely happy smile to appear. Something tells him to trust this spirit and he does. Any tension left in his frame bleeds away and Ricin finds himself living in the moment and enjoying time with this wolf.

Tail thumps the ground lightly as he laughs at himself, saying, “Well, when you are alone in the world, you learn to be… adaptable.” Throwing a wink at the wispy wolf, Ricin voice suddenly takes on a serious tone as he asks, “Auntie Vela, will you teach me to talk to the moon?” Eyes gleam with curiosity and eagerness as crimson eyes look from Vela to Chade wondering if his brother wants to learn the mysteries of the moon with him.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-10-2021, 04:19 PM
Ricin took up the chat as Chade watched the ghost closely.  Apparently, he couldn’t believe ghosts didn’t exist any longer.  There was no doubting what his eyes saw, ears heard but had no scent at all to it.  The darker blue pup wanted to tell Ricin not to lay down but didn’t want to correct him in front of the wolf spirit.  Besides, maybe Chade was wrong and it was safe to lie down.  Chade didn’t like not knowing what to do or say and that was pretty much all he felt at this moment.  He preferred making quick decisions and how could he decide if he didn’t understand.

Chade shook his head at Ricin asking about the moon speaking.  Chade had to acknowledge ghosts did exist but there was no way the moon talked.  Chade looked up to the giant bright moon and acknowledged it as simply impossible.  The boy stayed silent as the lady spoke but then moved to one side as he stepped closer towards the dense part of the fog that hid everything from sight.  He had to test something that he’d regret not doing regardless of what happened!  Auntie was talking about having always known about spirits and how she’d heard the moon speak or some sort of stuff.  It reminded him of those fictional stories dad used to tell them.  Made up stuff but fun to listen to and imagine.  Chade assumed that was all this ghost was doing as well.  Maybe ghosts got bored?

Chade is just about to touch what seems like the tail of the ghost wolf when he hears Ricin asks how and he pauses the swat.  Chade looks about at the light, glancing up, “Ah c’mon Ry,” Chade points up with the paw that he’d been about to swipe with as if innocent of his near act, “Just the clouds messing with the light.” Chade refused to be fooled, obviously the more close-minded of the two.  “I don’t buy it,” he spoke flatly.

She goes back to talking to Ricin and Chade goes back to his plan.  A paw sticks through what should be a ghost-tail and sure enough finds nothing solid.  Growing bolder he walks through the foggy wolve, grinning at Ricin as he steps out the other side to walk back to where his brother lay near the ghost wolf.  Chade wasn’t going to lay down but he did sit at least.  “The moon’s big Auntie Vela, if it spoke everyone everywhere would hear it.  There’s no way it talks a lot, well, ever.”  Chade said this with a nod of his head as if this clarified it all.

The ghost hadn’t bothered watching Chade’s antics prior but now adds on, “So, you believe in ghosts now I take it?”  Assuming walking through her was good enough. “As to your point,” the old wolf says in her gentle nature, “Not all things talk the way we do.  Does the food have to touch your tongue to make you aware of how good it will taste, even things you have never tasted?  Did you have to learn a name and speak with every scent you smell to already know what source it comes from?  Do you wait for the dark clouds to realize rain is coming?”

“I learned the scent of things by experience,” Chade guardedly states but he had never thought about the food nor the weather and while there was surely an answer it was hard to think up on the spot.

“I see,” Vela responds with an amused smile, “It is something you two will have to decide to believe or not on your own.  If you are open to the idea though there are ways to make it easier to hear the moon and the other spirits.  There are ways to talk to them without necessarily using words.”  The ghost sighed a bit at that, “However, I am no longer part of this world and its not for I to pass on the ways of my family and generation.  Listen well if you want to share in a bond between the moon or other spirits.  Respect needs to be shown to spirits, to earth, stars, and the moon if you wish their aid, or even how to assist your own soul when needed.  The soul, more than any part of you, can feel the effects of such spirits.”

Chade was quiet, scowling as if he’d already decided to not believe.  He was only being quiet so Ricin could enjoy it.  Well, ok, maybe some part of him was a little curious.  Maybe he’d test whatever way she came up with just to prove to himself that she was wrong.  There was still a small soft part of his mind that had to wonder, what if he was wrong?

“The spirits watch for those who believe in them and offer respect.  Ceremonies and rituals are the way my family taught me.  Actions that were repeated at certain points in the year or when certain events came up.  We celebrated the birth of new life in the world.  When a mother had pups we always had a ceremony to ask that the moon always watches over our children to grant them wisdom and blessings.  Once a year rituals were held to ask the earth to always provide us with plentiful food.”  Vela looked up at the moon, smiling and she stood up, “My family is gone, I can tell.  All our ways are likely gone as well.  I suggest you both think for a while, question the land or moon how to show respect and to get its blessings.  You must open yourself up to the belief or you will be too closed up from the world to hear its answers.”

Chade stood up as she did, “Wait, where are you going?”

“I don’t belong here and so I should go back where I belong,” the ghost spoke.  Auntie Vela looked between them, “Was there something else you wanted to know before I left?  I have given you what I can.”

“Say Hi to our dad if you see him?” Chade hadn’t planned it but like a softly whispered plea.  Did ghosts see other ghosts?


[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-19-2021, 01:57 PM
Eyes follow Chade as he circles the ghost wolf. The darker brother acts as if Vela can hurt them but something tells Ricin that she means them no harm. Auntie Vela’s ghostly eyes pull the lighter pup’s gaze back toward her. A smile pulls the edges of her wispy lips upward and the space where her eyes are seems to flash for moment. Brows furrow in confusion and he opens his mouth to question her when he hears Auntie Vela’s voice in his head. ‘Do not blame your brother for being so cautious young one. In your short years you both have seen much death. He only wishes for you to remain safe.’

Mouth still hanging open, Ricin’s eyes turn to look at his brother, sadness and guilt welling up inside him. Memories resurface, tugging his emotions every which way. Yet, through everything, there had always been one constant, Chade. Jaws slowly close as Ricin battles with his failures and shortcomings. As Chade speaks with Auntie Vela, Ricin continues to watch his brother. The emotions threaten to drown the lighter pup as memories keep assaulting him until the calm voice of Auntie Vela once more enters his mind. ‘Little one, do not fret the past. Things cannot be changed and there is a reason you and your brother survived.’

Crimson gaze finally leaves Chade and roams over to Auntie Vela, surprised to see her lips moving even while her voice speaks inside his head. ‘Seek out the moon, Ricin. She will teach you how to forge a stronger bond with your brother. Complete the ceremony and pledge your lives to each other. Even in the most turbulent of times, you will always find each other.’ The ghost finishes speaking to Chade and Auntie Vela stands. The darker pup follows suit quickly but Ricin remains laying on his belly.

Auntie Vela asks if there is anything else they wanted to know before she leaves and Chade asks her to say hi to their dad. Ricin slowly stands, eyes darting between his brother and Auntie Vela. Clearing his throat, the lighter-hued pup asks, “Will we see you again Auntie Vela?” A knowing smile spreads across wispy lips as she says, “Yes. And even when you don’t see me, I will be here.” A wink is thrown their way as she turns to leave and Ricin blurts out, “I will do as you said!” Her only answer is dip of head as she retreats into the fog.

Sorrow grips his heart as Ricin turns toward Chade, trying to organize his thoughts before sharing what all that Auntie Vela had told him.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-19-2021, 03:31 PM

Chade’s main focus had been on the ghost wolf so he had missed the looks of guilt then surprise on his brother’s face.  The desire to see her again and her response seemed odd things to the boy.  The talk had been interesting but what did they need with a ghost?   Still, Chade hoped she did see their dad.  It was a nice thing to imagine.

As she had said she didn’t belong here and Chade had no desire to focus on one who was dead.  Ry wanted to do as she said?  He made sure the ghost appeared to be gone before speaking to his lighter-colored brother.  “Soooo, what are you agreeing we are gonna do?”  Ry had made it something he would do but if Ricin was determined to do these nutty rituals then Chade would do them also.  Admittedly, there was a piece of him that was curious for all that most of him doubted  “Why do you trust someone who’s been dead?  Sure, I don’t think she could hurt us, but why are you sure she wasn’t just making all that stuff up?”

Chade believed in the physical.  It didn’t mean he trusted everything but he acknowledged the reality of it.  Clearly, he had to believe ghosts existed now but that didn’t mean he trusted their words and he trusted them less than a living wolf's words.  Who knew what ghosts were interested in?  Not that there was any harm in the two doing something strange like trying to talk to a moon but what would be the point other than looking silly?  Again, that didn’t stop a small hidden part of him from wanting to see if he was wrong.

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