
And You Are?



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-22-2021, 11:01 PM

Autumn has fallen, causing the breeze to cool and trees to change color. When Fern had awoken in Rudy’s room, tucked comfortably against his body, the gray girl thought today couldn’t get any better. However, when they had finally decided to leave the warm furs, Fern had caught sight of the changing leaves and begged Rudy to go on a walk with her. Thankfully, Rudy didn’t need too much convincing and the pair find themselves taking a leisurely stroll through wildberry grove. Bright aqua eyes dart from Rudy to beautiful sights around them and Fern is quick to point out every little thing, “Look! Those leaves are Red! Rudy look there! That tree looks like it is on fire!”

It is as if Fern is seeing the world for the first time. She feels giddy, happy, and fit to burst as the pair wander lazily through the grove. Reddy circles slowly above them, sharp eyes keeping watch for any danger. Fern turns to Rudy and points at rather pretty berry bush whose leaves have changed from green to dark red. Excitedly she says, “Rudy look at this! Have you ever seen something so amazing in your life?” Bright aqua eyes look at the mottled gray wolf that has stolen her heart and she wags happily.

Just as she is about to point something else out, a scream pierces the air, startling the joyful girl. Reddy’s cry follows the unknown shriek and Fern looks to the place where the hawk had been not long ago. It is empty and the screeches are becoming more frequent. Looking to Rudy, eyes meeting for a brief moment, Fern takes off toward the screams from an unknown source. As she runs, Fern readies herself for fight.

"Rudyard & Fern"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-22-2021, 11:56 PM

Rudy can only be amused as they walk around the berry bushes as he watches Fern find one bit of nature and then another worthy of being pointed out.  Where Rudy searched for threats she was searching for beauty.  It made Rudy think back to when he’d first come out here as a pup.  He had wanted to run around and see everything as the pack went to see their new home.  Every scent was an adventure, every bush a place that could hide some amazing secret.

Now, it was where were the predators hiding.  The predators or any other type of threat.  He was watching the land now through Fern’s eyes, being reminded of what beauty was.   She asked if he’d ever seen something as amazing as the bush of berries and Rudy moved to stand next to her, looking carefully at the berry bush.  He tilted his head so that it happened to be his forehead was pressed into her coat but, it was to help get a better look at the berry bush! “Hmm,” Rudy seemed to ponder the bush for a moment then pulled his head up to look at Fern, “I found something more amazing,” Rudy says grinning at Fern.  “Lots of beautiful bushes here, but, you’re by far the most amazing sight here.”

Rudy wasn’t going to get time to flirt more as Reddy had gone hunting.  Dang, it!  Good thing Reddy was such a loyal and helpful bird cause this was really bad timing for it to go distracting Fern.  Rudy wasn’t worried, he imagined Reddy had just caught himself a meal but Fern went to go defend so Rudy loped along after her.  He’d tell her later about what a great hunter Reddy was!  Of course, he’d feel like an ass if he was wrong and Reddy did need him.

Rudyard Carpathius


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-23-2021, 12:55 AM

Her excitement builds as Rudy moves to stand next to her and the berry bush. He tilts his head so that his forehead presses into her coat and Fern giggles. His drawn-out contemplation has Fern stifling more giggles and when Rudy compliments her, she feels heat flood her cheeks. Oh goodness, he thinks she is pretty? Sheepishly, heart thundering in her chest, Fern reaches up to kisses his grinning lips. However, the sharp scream puts the brakes on any more romantic thought from the gray girl’s head. Before long she is running toward the sound, the blissful autumn morning turned into a frantic race against time.

As she nears the area where the screams of an unknown animal and the screeches of Reddy originate from, Fern hears a voice speak up, “Stupid feather brain! Get away! This rabbit is mine!” Confusion builds as a small female voice pipes up, cursing the screeching hawk. Bursting onto the scene, Fern’s confusion is doubled when she spies a small stoat wrestling with Reddy over the body of rabbit. Both are on the ground and trying to make the other flee. The stoat speaks up, saying, “Let go feathers! I killed this rabbit fair and square! You only stunned it!” Fern clears her throat and the stoat and hawk both turn their heads toward her. Lifting an eyebrow, she says, “Uh… hello?”

"Rudyard & Fern"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-23-2021, 11:37 PM

Rudy jogs up behind Fern his own ears perking up at the sounds and spots the pair, grinning and mouth open to tell Reddy to ‘get that thing’ but swallows the comment as Fern seems to have a different opinion on the matter.  

Reddy was determined to win the meat.  So what if the stoat killed it? It could only do so because Reddy had injured it.  He cursed the stoat out with threats of the creature being his second meal.  When Fern cleared her throat the bird's head swiveled to her. The hawk carefully kept his talons over the corpse, glaring at the stoat even if not actively fighting.  

Rudy sat down behind and to one side of Fern looking amused, “Reddy is very loyal and a great fighter.  However, I am not bold enough to try and steal his food.”  It was only proper that Rudy stick up for his friend after all.  “I doubt he likes being called feathers either.”

To that Reddy gave a high-pitched note of agreeance.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-26-2021, 03:40 PM

Looking from the stoat to the hawk, Fern furrows her brows in confusion. Rudy takes a seat behind her speaking up about Reddy and his food. Nodding in agreement, Fern says, “Excuse me miss, but I think you should let go of Reddy’s food. And name calling is never nice.” The stoat gives the gray girl an incredulous look, saying, “Yeah well, if feather brain over here didn’t try and steal my food maybe I would have been nicer!” With that she shoots a glare at Reddy and sticks her tongue out. The hawk calmly looks back at the stoat, unwilling to give up the kill and ready to play the waiting game. Fern clears her throat and says, “Now, now, no need for that. Why don’t you let Reddy have his kill and we can help you find something to eat?”

Casting a glance back toward Rudy, Fern raises an eyebrow to ask if he is alright with that. Eyes turn back to the stoat and she offers the creature a warm smile. Small eyes dart around as the stoat tries to decide what to do. Finally, with an exasperated huff the stoat lets go of the dead rabbit and backs away. Reddy screeches his thanks to Fern and takes off with the kill. The stoat watches the hawk fly off before turning toward Fern and Rudy. “You really going to help me catch some food? It was hard enough trying to catch that rabbit. I… am really hungry.” Fern nods saying, “I understand. I will help you catch something but you have to promise me something.” The stoat raises an eyebrow, curious what Fern wants.

Smiling softly, Ferns says, “No more name calling.” The stoat tips her small head back and laughs, shaking her skull as she says ,“Alright, deal. My name’s Puff! Maybe we can catch a bigger rabbit?” Puff runs over to Fern as she nods, scrambling up the gray girl’s leg to sit between her shoulders and stretch up the back of wolf’s neck. Puff asks, “And what are your names?” Fern, stunned from the stoat climbing up onto her back, stammers out, “I’m Fern. And that is Rudy.” Pointing a paw toward her companion, Fern gives Rudy a puzzled look asking, ‘What just happened?’. Puff gently grips the fur on Fern’s neck and says, “Well Fern and Rudy, pleasure to meet ya. Now, can we find some food?”

"Rudyard & Fern"


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-27-2021, 06:53 PM
Rudy gave a shrug and nod at Fern’s silent question of them hunting for the stoat.  Why not?  Fern needed hunting practice and a rabbit was more than enough for the little guy. The conversation played on and eventually, the stoat gave up.  Good thing.  Rudy knew Reddy was mot likely to bite the stoat than give up the kill.

Reddy gave a lesson angry squawk at the stoat before flying off, somehow in the flap of his wings you could sense irritation that the small creature had tried to claim Reddy’s kill.

“Well,” Rudy turned about and started a slow walk, though he paused his stride a moment to make sure Fern was coming with her passenger.  The way I see it, this is a hunt for all three of us.  We help you get the food but you get to do your part also,” a quirked brow to Puff.  “After all, you only partly helped on that rabbit right?  So we partially help you now.”  Besides, if it was hard for the stoat to hunt then it needed practice.  If it was staying with Fern it might as well learn.

Rudy would take the two a short ways farther in, scenting plenty of rabbits but finally spotting one.  “There we go,” his voice lower now. His head turned to the two of them.  “You,” he pointed to the stoat, “go far around,” Rudy nodded to the brush, “Hide in there, get to the other side of the rabbit and wait.  When Fern nods you will scare the rabbit.”

That was Puff’s directions then he looked to Fern, “You are going to wait about here until he’s in position.  Rudy nodded to one side somewhere to the left and in between them.  I’m going to be on the side between you too.  If the rabbit comes near me I’ll make it run back to one of you.  I’ll herd it if necessary but you two work on teamwork and training.”  If they needed Rudy could change the plan and be more active in the hunt but a short training session made sense to him.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 01:59 AM

The stunned Fern watches Rudy start to slowly walk away, unable to fully comprehend what is going on. When pause to look back at her, it clicks that he wants the gray girl and stoat to follow. She moves quickly catching up with Rudy, Fern falls into step beside him, listening as Rudy talks with the strange stoat named Puff. From her perch, the small animal looks over at Rudy, saying, “I can help! I am good at hiding and surprising rabbits! And, I would say I helped more than just partially but I will accept your partial help now.” Fern shakes her head, looking to Rudy with a quirked eyebrow and small smile. This little creature has quite the personality and Fern is starting to like her. They continue to walk in silence, aqua eyes gazing around for signs of rabbits.

Rudy is the first to spot one, and the trio pull up short. Looking to the gray boy, Fern listens to his directions and the stoat does the same. Once Puff has her orders, the small stoat says, “Roger that.” Without another word, the small creature scrambles down Fern and carefully works her way over to brush she had been assigned. When his golden eyes find her, Fern cracks a wide grin, listening to instructions. Once he is done, the gray girl whispers, “You got it… fearless leader.” Quickly reaching up, she plants a kiss on his cheek, whispering quietly into his ear, “Did you ever think that today would go like this?”

Stepping back, eyes dancing with mirth and happiness, Fern dips her head to him and allows Rudy to get into position. Looking toward the area where the rabbit forages, Fern hunkers down, preparing for the chase to come. Looking to Rudy, making sure the gray boy is ready, Fern than turns her attention to stoat. Small eyes peek out from the brush and Fern nods to her. With a lot of strange noises and squeaking, Puff jumps from her hiding place, startling the rabbit and beginning the hunt.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.