

Jupiter I


7 Years
08-12-2013, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2013, 02:54 PM by Jupiter I.)

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

A deep breath cycled deeply through the queen's lungs as she took in the morning air. Rain had drenched the territory overnight and now an almost eerie mist hovered over the planes of the river, swirling with its movements to make its own minute currents. Her children, usually up early, had exhausted themselves the day before and were still asleep in her den. She was grateful for it, as well--the rain had swollen the river and she didn't want them to risk a swim in the strong currents. They were getting so much bigger--and so quickly--that she was sure they could handle it soon, but as a worried mother, she didn't want to take that risk.

She plunged into the water with sure and powerful strokes, pushing her body across the river. She was carried a good thirty yards downstream before she hit the bank and when she did, she emerged looking like a wet rat of a wolf. Stepping onto the familiar bank of sand she'd managed to reach, she hopped upon the large fallen log after shaking thoroughly off beside it. The woman settled down upon the large structure, staring down at the open, sandy spot below. It seemed like so, so long ago that she'd first called the pack here for the first meeting of Ludicael--and the second when felines had plagued their lands.

Jaws gaped wide and salmon tongue rolled as the Sol yawned, shaking her fur a little after she lowered her dial once more. Thoughts meandered through her mind, particularly troubled at some points but thoughtful at others. There were decisions to be made for Ludicael, and she decided that today would be the day things were done.

With that, she raised her muzzle to the sky and called two of Ludicael's members--Cherokee and Song.

? --/-- words ?

[ o o c ; ]
sorry to spring this on you and to change the thread, but this was ready and available and i'm lazy. XD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


08-18-2013, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2013, 03:53 PM by Cherokee.)

He was a father. He was officially a father now. A father to five beautiful little babies. Four girls; Novel, Canta, Fal'Dara and Lakota. And of course, his little man Dhiren. They were all wonderful, adorable little bundles of joy, loved and cared for equally by their loving parents. The pups' first two weeks of life were relatively peaceful, their time spend in the den consisting of only sleeping and eating, with the occasional waddling on unsteady puppy legs. It was all preparation for their first time outside of the den, a time Cherokee felt that was getting closer with each passing day.

He was out that morning, gathering some breakfast for his family, his wife and children back at the den, safe and sound. A young deer was on the menu today, the ebony man already hot on the trail of the delectable morsel when a summon erupted into the atmosphere; Jupiter. His alpha was requesting his presence, and that of his wife, and the man was not once to deny the queen when he was called. Abandoning the hunt, figuring he could always scrounge up something later, he turned in the direction of the call, powerful limbs propelling the man towards his queen, paws drumming steadily against the earth. He was sure Song had heard the call as well and was perhaps attending to the children to make sure they would stay put so that she come meet up with the queen as well. She was only requesting their presence and he didn't think it would be very appropriate to bring the children along, as good as it would be to have their queen meet them. Mismatched gaze spotted the fire traced queen resting against a log up ahead, pace slowing down to moderate jog as he approached, limbs pulling him to a complete stop, chest heaving with the exertion. My queen. Came humble words, crown tipping down in respect, audits alert for the entrance of his wife.

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08-18-2013, 03:22 PM

Her brood was nestled nicely in their nest like den, every one of them quite asleep. She didn't see them waking for a while so she thought it safe to answer the call of her Sol. Cherokee had retreated earlier to find them some breakfast, though she tried to convince him that they were still much too tiny for big wolf food. After their big breakfast there would be no reason for the tiny pups to sleep the rest of the morning away. They were relatively far away from most of the larger inlets so she had no fear of a wet pup.
She smiled at the call that was beckoned to them, Jupiter wanted them with her. Sometime she would be able to meet her litter soon, much faster than Song wished really. It would not be long until her little babies were all grown up, so she did her best to enjoy them while they remained small.
Pale paws carried her not so far away to where Jupiter and Cherokee now stood, an odd glance was quickly covered by a respectful nod as Song took in the Sol's appearance. She was quite wet. Song just smiled, the water was a fun thing to play in after a rain. Battling the currents and feeling the cool water rush over you.. She mentally shook the thoughts from her head and gave a slight bow to the alpha. "Good, Morning Jupiter." She beamed, "And hello, love." She found her way next to the ebony wolf, her muzzle pushed against his own in a greeting for him.
Her attention was not on him for very long as her gaze and audits were brought back to Jupiter's attention. Something she had not thought of, why had they been called anyway?


Jupiter I


7 Years
08-18-2013, 03:49 PM

Jupiter surveyed the area in silence, expression neutral as she awaited their arrival, lids lowered to hide celestial optics away from the world, as if it could make her mind any more private.

The gentle sound of pawsteps upon the sandy portion of the bank drew her eyes open once more and she looked upon the familiar form of Cherokee. Her gaze traveled over the dark brute with a smile touching her lips and she nodded to him. "Cherokee," she said in response to his respectful greeting. Not long after the arrival of the man, his mate came forth as well. She couldn't keep her smile from widening a bit at the relationship the two seemed to share--it was the kind that almost every young girl dreamed about at one naive point or another in their lives. Jupiter, too, had once shared that wish. But now, she had children, and the possibility of love was not in her grasp.

As the woman arrived, she carried herself off of the log, straightening after taking the impact of the jump. "How are the pups?" she inquired good-naturedly, settling upon her haunches. "And most importantly, parenthood?" She glanced between the both of them with a chuckle.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


08-18-2013, 04:00 PM

As expected, his wife didn't take long to make her appearance, pup-less as he had thought. Their little darlings were probably sound asleep in their den, safe from any kind of intruders. Ludicael was a very peaceful place to live and now that they were born and getting bigger ever day, the new father didn't fret about them so much. In no my time at all they would become yearlings and soon after that they would become young adults, setting out into the world to make their own lives. But that was a long way off, something that wouldn't happen for a very long time. For now, he would just enjoy his time with his children as pups, because it was a very precious time, one that went by quicker than a blink of an eye.

Song called out a respectful greeting to their Sol before coming to stand at his side, a loving nuzzle being presented to the dark man. A loving smile curled ebony lips, mismatched eyes full of unbrindled love as he pressed his muzzle into the crook of her neck, a brief greeting before he turned his attention back to their queen, ears perking with attention as she questioned how parenthood was going along. They are marvelous. Absolutely lovely and beautiful in their own way. It has probably been easier than what it should've been, but we're just taking it one day at a time. Aren't we my little angel? He spared a glance at his wife, nudging her gently with his shoulder, encouraging her to throw in her own two cents.

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08-18-2013, 04:30 PM

Jupiter slid gracefully from her perch as the ivory dove arrived, her words flowing from celestial lips as she sat. The questions were welcomed, Song could never tire of telling about her children. "How are the pups? "And most importantly, parenthood?" Song couldn't help the smile that graced her features, it was a soft and caring one, one only for the love of their children. She couldn't imagine being with out them now that they were actually physically in her grasp. The long nights and tiring work was all worth it to be able to help them grow.
She was so happy for Cherokee's presence, with his help it was completely possible to give them the wonderful life that they deserved. "They are marvelous. Absolutely lovely and beautiful in their own way. It has probably been easier than what it should've been, but we're just taking it one day at a time. Aren't we my little angel?' She couldn't agree with Cherokee any more. "We can't do anything else. But I'm enjoying motherhood much more than I thought. Though they came into the world with quite the trouble." She thought back to the day that they had been born, the thunder a lightning and the awful exhaustion. She was so glad that it was over.
Her curiosity was becoming more insistant. Jupiter did not want them there just to speak of children. Had that been the case she would have found herself at their doorstep. She ahd something else in mind. "But, my dear Sol, I know you have not brought us here to just speak of families." She tilted her head to the side in curiosity.


Jupiter I


7 Years
08-18-2013, 04:52 PM

As she watched the two, ears forth as she listened attentively, she realized that she had never had the feeling of motherhood that Song boasted of. Jupiter loved her children with every bit of her heart--that much was certain--but she had never had the time to bask in their presence. It was always 'Jupiter here' and 'Jupiter there', especially after the death match. Her thoughts had wandered darkly for too long and now she was paying for it. Ludicael had idled and she felt the greatest of guilt.

She shook her head with a sad, regretful chuckle when Song mentioned the difficulty of the birth. "So I heard from Mercury. I apologize, m'dear--I would have been there if my own little Aegira hadn't gotten herself into some... trouble." The incident made her sigh and she shook her head again, briskly this time, moving on quickly. "Watch out for them; they get wily at about two seasons," she joked.

The curiosity radiating off of Song was nearly visible and Jupiter could have stolen the question from her lips and spoke it in unison should she have felt the need. The words upon her ears brought endlessly sweet relief to her but at the same time brought a bitter sadness. Before her thoughts got the best of her, she replied.

"I have not been of sorts--not since the deathmatch and not since the birth. The pack is slipping in activity and every day it pains me. I am considering withdrawing from my position as Sol soon and should I not decide otherwise, I would like to hand the pack to either one of you or both of you." She paused to gauge their reactions, but would move on regardless. "I understand the burden of children and you are free to decline. The step-down will not be immediate and may not happen at all should my pondering steer me in a different direction. But should you accept, I will do everything in my power to be where you cannot." She shifted, cool countenance breaking to a bit of nervousness as she looked between the two of them, chest heavy with a mixture of guilt and hope.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


08-18-2013, 06:32 PM

He wasn't exactly sure why their Sol had called them to meet this day, but the man had a feeling that it had to do more with just asking how the pups were doing and how they were getting along. If she wanted to find that out, she could've easily come find their den and visited them there, but instead she called them out. But for what? He wasn't going to start prying into whatever reasons lay behind his queen's summoning. Clearly there was a purpose to this meeting and it would come to light all on its own. Of that he was sure of. It was just a matter of when it would come to the surface.

A good natured smile curled his inky lips as Jupiter mentioned her daughter having gotten into some trouble. That was to be expected of children. He just hoped that his own children wouldn't be so bad as to get themselves into life-threatening situations. His wife threw in her own thoughts, causing the man to beam with pride. Song was turning out to be a great mother, just as he had always believed she would be. His children couldn't have gotten any luckier with Song as their mother. But it seemed Song too could sense that this meeting wasn't purely a friendly chit-chat, but unlike him, she wasn't afraid to voice her thoughts. He spared a glance to his little angel beside him before allowing his mismatched gaze to settle on Jupiter, ears attentive as he listened to her speak. I have not been of sorts--not since the deathmatch and not since the birth. The pack is slipping in activity and every day it pains me. I am considering withdrawing from my position as Sol soon and should I not decide otherwise, I would like to hand the pack to either one of you or both of you. H-hand the pack to them? Did he just hear that right?

He stared at his queen with wide ivory jade and silver eyes, unable to believe what he was hearing. I understand the burden of children and you are free to decline. The step-down will not be immediate and may not happen at all should my pondering steer me in a different direction. But should you accept, I will do everything in my power to be where you cannot. Jupiter wanted to hand them the Kingdom. To himself and his wife. What on earth had stirred the fiery to choose the two of them as the ones to pass on her throne too? She fought tooth and claw for this land, but now she was thinking about handing it over to the pair. Cherokee never in a million years would've expected something like this to happen. My queen, should one day soon you decide that you can no longer lead us, I will gladly step up and take care of Ludicael. This land has quickly become my treasured home and I will do everything in my power to care for it as it should be cared for should my wife and I take over His heart stuttered in his chest as the words flowed from his dark jaws, crown turning towards his wife, his mismatched gaze meeting her own as he waited to see what she had to say on the matter.

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08-18-2013, 07:02 PM

She was glad to know that Jupiter kept up on the events that were happening in her life. Mercury was quite the assistant to the Sol. She was not looking forward to the her young growing up and getting into trouble, it was quite unavoidable she knew from experience. She hated to think about what she put her mother through in her time growing up.
She was suddenly stopped in her tracks, jaws slightly agape she took in the words that Jupiter offered her. And all she could do was stand and look stunned as Cherokee took the lead in speaking. His words would reflect her sentiments, ad she was glad of it. "My Sol, I don't know what to think. Of course we would do anything you ask of us. If that includes stepping into your paws steps then so be it. What Cherokee said is true, we would perform the task to the best of our abilities." She stood proudly next to her husband, unsure of why this offer had been made, but she was excited about it.


Jupiter I


7 Years
08-19-2013, 07:02 PM

As the shock leaped across their faces in unison, the Sol had to restrain herself from stepping forward to catch them in case they fell. The two recovered, though, and quickly replied, a stutter here and there as the shock still coursed through their thoughts. A smile heavily upturned her obsidian lips, audits pressing further forward to drink in the silence, ensuring that they were done talking before she brought herself to speak. The lowest of chuckles rumbled from her larynx.

"As I said, loves, it is not a guaranteed. Everywhere I go, I seem to find your scent in Ludicael. In the meantime, both of you deserve a little more authority in the pack. That being said, for now I'd like to promote you both to the rank of Celeste. It's below the rank of Borealis but it'll allow you a little more freedom--I'll allow for the both of you to accept wolves into the pack, as I trust your judgement." She flicked an ear, her good-natured grin still present. If they can choose each other so well, I'm sure they can choose members.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


08-19-2013, 07:25 PM

He had never imagined himself ever having any kind of position of power; ever. He wasn't the type of man who would ever hold a position of power. He was much too humble for that. He didn't need a position of power in a pack, he just wanted to be a part of a family, that was his only wish. And that's exactly what he'd gotten in Ludicael, that and so much more. There wasn't a better alpha in all of Alacritia than Jupiter. His opinion was a little biased since she was of course his Sol, but she was a marvelous leader, willing to fight for what she strove to build. That was an honorable leader. And he was beyond honored to serve beneath her.

Whether he took over or the queen decided that she could handle the throne, Cherokee would be happy to help in the pack with whatever he could. especially now that he had children to look after. He needed to know for himself that Ludicael was running smoothly. As I said, loves, it is not a guaranteed. Everywhere I go, I seem to find your scent in Ludicael. In the meantime, both of you deserve a little more authority in the pack. That being said, for now I'd like to promote you both to the rank of Celeste. It's below the rank of Borealis but it'll allow you a little more freedom--I'll allow for the both of you to accept wolves into the pack, as I trust your judgement. They weren't going to take over the pack anytime soon, but they were now going to be able to help in building it. What an honor. Thank you very much my Sol, I am humbled by this promotion. I will continue to do my best to ensure Ludicael flourishes. A bow of gratitude was presented to his queen, mismatched gaze dancing over to his wife, wanting to see how she would take the news of their new promotion.

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09-02-2013, 06:42 PM

She was excited about being given more responsibility in their pack, glad she could prove herself to the alpha who had so graciously brought her into the pack. Song quite enjoyed being able to call the she wolf her pack member. She knew that she had chosen the right mate, the words that fell from his lips only encouraging the thought. He was so perfect. The smile that danced across her features only grew more bright at the wonderful thoughts of him. She was feeling just as humbled as he was. "I'm still incredibly honored, Jupiter. I'm glad to be able to offer my services to a wolf such as you." Her gaze wandered from the respectful look she gave her queen to the quick loving glance she would share with Cherokee. Life could not get much better.
