
Black bird, black moon, black sky



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-28-2021, 09:09 PM
She had decided to meditate among the immensely large trees to the south of where her group had set up camp, wanting to be further away so her peaceful morning wasn't interrupted by any of her cousins. They were an interesting bunch to say the least, a few of them being aptly described as feral when provoked, and she liked some more than others but overall they were her family, and she'd do anything to keep them safe, even if they disagreed with her methods. But today she wanted the morning to herself, away from any talking and bustling of tasks that needed to be accomplished. Her mind was heavy with thoughts, and she needed to take some time to breathe and calm everything all down, for she couldn't do her job if she wasn't feeling the sereneness and reverence that was brimming in the world around her.
Iðunn sat down on one of the large tree bows close to the ground, high up enough that she felt safe from any surprise attacks, but not too high that it would be an effort to make her way down. She took a few minutes to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing the scents to fill her nose as she took in the trees and nature around her. The birds had awoken already, and critters were beginning to stir, for the sun had already long crested the horizon, they ashen grey of the morning shifting into a dull yellow and orange.
Her eyes closed then, and she hummed softly under her breath for a short while as her mind slipped into a deep and calm state, and then the noise in her throat slowly quietened down until she was silent. She would sit there for a while, in complete silence and not moving a muscle. Only the occasional twitch of her ears and rise and fall of her chest would indicate that she was even alive as she meditated thoughtlessly.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
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Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
12-29-2021, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2021, 01:08 AM by Gimli. Edited 1 time in total.)

It felt good to be out and about again. He couldn't remember the last time he had been able to travel like this, because not long after his leg had broken and he had washed up on Armada's shores, some weird sort of crystal and mushroom plague had taken over and darkness had enveloped the lands. The dwarf had taken to hiding away in the mountains away from everyone, though at least he found that the tainted prey was still safe to eat...he didn't have the mind to stay longer than he needed to at the Arnada. They had patched him up but otherwise, didn't really serve him any purpose nor did they seem interested in him. Knut hunted what he could to at least replace what he'd eaten during his stay, and replaced the healer's materials that had been used on them, but other than that, Gimli left without even so much as a word to the supposed warlord.

Sirius wasn't as hot as he thought he was, and Gimli got a downright chuckle here and there at the self-proclaimed warlord's hubris. "Warlord...what sor' of title is that! You'd think you'd see actual war from the oaf if he had a title like that, don't ye think Knut?" He exclaimed, turning to his large companion. "I can't lie, it was...underwhelming. The whole damn pack is practically nothing more than a pissing contest! A waste of space in these lands, really." The Norweigan cat turned his nose up at the thought of them, but at least they didn't have to stick around anymore. And if Sirius thought their debt wasn't repaid, he was welcome to try and find him.

While yes, they were appreciative of their help, Gimli still associated the snaggle-toothed oaf with Ashen, and Ashen was where his father and blood relatives had largely ignored him after his father disappeared. Pushing all that from his mind, his leg was good as new and now he had taken to exploring the Northlands, and the first stop would be the woods he heard about that even wolves could scale. Upon approaching, he spotted trees that seemed to tower into the heavens, and it was unlike any other trees he'd seen before. They were huge! Squirrels chattered in the branches, and birds darted up in the foliage, and as Gimli watched them, his eyes found...something that was neither bird nor squirrel. "Oi! Is tha' a wolf up in the tree!?"




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-29-2021, 02:33 AM
Iðunn could hear multiple voices speaking in the distance, but refrained from opening her eyes or responding in any way, trying to return her mind back to the tranquility she had been experiencing only moments before. It was slowly working, and just as she felt herself begin to dip under the surface of awareness, she was snapped back out of it as a voice called down harshly from below. Her eyes opened with a twinge of annoyance, the only indication being a few lashes of her tail tip and the stiff downward turn of her head to look at whoever had spoken. What she saw almost brought forth a laugh. Almost.
Whoever it was, they were absolutely tiny, to the point the large cat beside them was larger, though the wolf was built thicker than any she had ever seen before with a body that size. Back at home they had all been quite large-sized and heavily build, her own delicate frame being a slight oddity among the wolves of her family, but with her larger size it had balanced out fairly well. His loud voice was grating on her ears, and she could smell the earthy scent that radiated from him from where she sat. Her nose wrinkled a little as she toyed with the idea of pretending she couldn't speak the common tongue. Her meditation was well and truly out of reach now, but perhaps it would be enough of a deterrent for him to leave her alone.
"At least you're not still as blind as the day you were born." Her voice was a thick string of Swedish, sharp and to the point as she stared unblinkingly down at the small man, almost owlishly. Other than the downward tilt of her head, and the slight movement of her tail, she had yet to move from her meditative position. He was small, perhaps too small to make his way up the boughs of the tree to where she sat, but the cat definitely had the size and claws to make its way up quite easily. She'd definitely be keeping a close eye on it.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish