
Hold on To your fluorescent View


08-18-2013, 06:27 PM

His large form paced forward over the ebony colored sand, his gargantuan paws leaving beautiful track behind. His golden pelt was outlined gorgeously against the impossibly dark ground. A smirk lay gently on his features as he took in the dark landscape easily. The moon was quite full above his head, meaning he could see much better now than he ever could in the day light. This black sand was something he had never experienced, and it held his curiosity firmly.
He felt his toes dig into the loose earth, as he bent his head to take in the aroma of the odd particles. His whiskers pulled back at the slight scent of sulfer. Volcanic rock it seemed. He could feel a sneeze welling up in his amber nose, it's energy welling and attempting to explode. He took in a quick gasp as the the sudden explosion took over his calm facade. His body lifted from the ground as his sneeze erupted.

Once his thick limbs were once again placed on the ground he shook his head to rid himself of the remnants. His eyes glancing around to reveal any lurking glances. When he was sure of his solitude a paw was brought to his mouth, long salmon tongue poking out to clean the not so dirty paw. Doing his best to hide his embarrassment at the unexpected detonation.



08-18-2013, 07:33 PM

There weren't many places the young girl hadn't yet explored but for some reason this place had passed her by. It was lovely, a bit of a sheltered paradise otherwise untouched by the outside world. It had been a bit of a trek to get through the lava rock and down to the crisp black sands but it had well be worth it. The small female had spent the day there and even as the moon rose she lay at the edge of the sand, leaning against of the the jutting formations. She had always loved the sea, something about it calmed her especially on a night like tonight when the waves lapped languidly at the shore. Sharp yellow eyes were turned towards the reflection of the moon on the waters as huge ears flittered to and fro, always alert to sudden company.

The sneeze made her almost leap out of her skin, jumping to her paws instantly and eyes sweeping around quickly. The source of the sound was startling, a big wolf with a flat face, short fur and a long narrow tail. Immediately her head tipped curiously, paws setting her off towards the strange creature without even thinking about the harm it may cause her. She had been taught about bears, rodents that could kill her and such but never about the big cats that might live in the area. So her sense of caution was thrown out the window. The creature sat and lifted a paw, beginning to lick it and she burst into a bouncy lope. "Hello there!" Her voice was pleasant and easy, a wide grin stretching across her face.

She slowed as she approached, tail waving happily behind her even as she realized just how big this creature was. "Whatcha doin?" It was a simple question, asked as she calm to a halt a little ways in front of him, head tipped and eyes darting over the creatures whole form.



08-18-2013, 09:57 PM

He should have realized he was not alone on the moonlit beach, her foot steps were incredibly audible as she approached his gargantuan form. "Hello there! Whatcha doin?" He did not sense any fear coming from the young wolf, her eyes were a lit with curiosity though. From the amount of cats he had seen there was incredible doubt that he was the first Lord she had laid eyes on. An amused smile fell upon his golden features as she looked him over. Enjoying the beach, young volf. His deep voice carried over the sandy area.
He wondered why such a young thing would be so far away from those that cared for her. Maybe there were more where she came from. Vhat about you? Vhat brings you to this place? His russian lineage was audible in most of his lyrics. What was thing pup up to?



08-18-2013, 10:17 PM

He didn't seem aggressive and didn't make any sudden movements as she approached, all good signs it seemed. He even seemed amused but as he spoke a startled look came over her. His voice didn't sound like any other she had heard before. She took another step towards him and then giggled, her already tiny frame seeming even smaller in his shadow. "Sah, do you speak another language?" Curiosity laced her tones as she looked directly at the cats mouth. Her own accent was almost none existent at this point, having had no one to speak her language with since her mother had passed and having been thrown into the english language quite abruptly.

What brought her here? She tipped her head curiously and then plopped herself down on her haunches and lifted her forepaws off the ground so she was balanced on her haunches. "Why enjoying the beach much like yourself! I go where my paws take me and stay as long as I like!" She giggled as she motioned around at the beach with her forpaws before dropping her forepaws back down to the ground. "I'm Kangi, whats your name?" She was probably talking way too much but there was so much she wanted to ask him!



08-18-2013, 10:37 PM

Her curiosity was amusing, as she spoke her question he realized why. There were not many who travelled from the lands of Siberia. Я говорю российского дорогого волка He smiled as the words slid easily from his lips. There was incredible doubt that she would be able to understand him so he also offered, I speak Russian little volf. His chest rumbled with a purr as pleasure took a hold of him. It was oddly nice to be able to tell of his home.
She plopped in front of him and let herself completely fall back onto her hind legs. She was quite exposed at that moment, had he been a more blood thirsty cat he would have sprang then. She was too delightful for that though. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kangi. The great Prince Vask Ivanov greets you. He pushed his head lower and swpt his paw out in front of him, bowing to the youngster hoping it would cause her joy.



08-18-2013, 11:29 PM

Her jaw unhinged as a foreign language flowed from his tongue and then she squealed in delight, jumping up and down as he spoke. Russian? She had never heard of the language before, how many language's were out there? Maybe she would never know but she could hope to one day learn a few."T?haŋni waŋ??la iy?pi iy?hi ?ni!" she exclaimed, her language flowing from her tongue perfectly. It had been some time since she had spoken her language to another wolf rather then herself, something about it was exhilarating. She was smiling broadly now, staring up at him expectantly.

Once again her jaw seemed to hit the floor as he introduced himself as a prince. "Holy crap are you serious?!?!" She asked, in awe now. Suddenly she hopped again, backwards this time. Dropping into a deep bow she curled one paw under her chest and stretched the other out easily until her nose almost touched the ground. "Where's your kingdom my prince?" She asked as she stood once more, head tipped curiously to the side now.



08-19-2013, 12:05 AM

The she wolf would roll unfamiliar words from her muzzle as the unknown language was spoken. It was interesting to see the excited smile on her face, it was so easy to amuse her. That's beautiful Kangi! He thought he had heard the language once before in his studies, for the cats of the north held much knowledge. To his dismay though, he could not recollect its origins.
She became ecstatic a moment later, he was almost taken aback at her fervor. He stood tall for her then, taking his full height. He pushed his hackles up to increase his already behemoth frame. Vhy, Russia of course! The Siberian Tundras to be exact. My brother, Yury still lives there, the Emperor of the frozen desserts. He wished to paint her an accurate picture of his homeland. In Siberia, it's much like this Alacritis. Lots of different types of land all in one. That is vhy I come here, I am coming to claim my own Empire! His voice boomed over the beach, it's echo reflecting off of the obsidian cliffs.
