
a long-awaited miracle

laeta walks!



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-01-2022, 01:12 PM

Every day that Laeta woke up for the past season - regardless of whether the haunting moonlight shone its way through her window or the welcoming sunlight that replaced it at last - she had grown accustomed to being unable to move. Her eyes would peel open, revealing the same beige walls and dull stone floor. Mel managed to bring in a few rugs and extra blankets to prop her up and create a more interesting atmosphere, but the collection soon lost its luster. Her gaze would trace the same cracks on the peeling paint of the ancient room, she swore she could memorize each individual flaw. The ruby-clawed badger that had become her friend, caretaker, and sworn lifeline had essentially done, well, everything for her, assisting her in the most basic of tasks. When she was forst paralyzed, the woman felt it to be a degrading, embarrassing, and shameful burden. She felt like a burden for some time after, tousling with the spiralling thoughts as the ooze had taken over her as well. Even in moments when she felt she was going to leave this realm, she often wondered if it was best for the pack to leave her be. It was a terrifying grapple with the sheer death grip of these thoughts that Laeta’s strength and willingness, along with the support of her packmates, allowed her to pull through. Sheer luck, fortune, miracles? Perhaps all three. But along with Mel, her companion, the physicians Syanna, Gwynevere, and Deion, and support from friends like Sota with whom she enjoyed his company often, she felt the courage and tenacity to help her find some silver lining. Her pack gave her faith. Her packmates gave her hope. Most of all, despite her paralysis, her pack gave her purpose.


It was all she had ever desired in this world - to be useful. She wanted a place to provide for others as they provided for her. She’d longed for the familial love of a pack that she’d missed in her birth one. A place without judgement or worry about if she’d starve or freeze to death in the harshest weather of northern Boreas. The welcoming lush of life and warmth in Auster and the Hallows had given her a complete rejuvenation of her character, and a place to heal. What a wonderful place. Artorias had accepted her without any discrimination when she was at her lowest, upon that she had to thank him as well. He was an impeccable leader and a strong example for his pack. She had so many others to thank and to give back as well. And she would..

The summer sun shone a little brighter and a little hotter this morning. Before her eyes even fluttered open from the depths of her slumber, Laeta heard her badger companion scuttling about the floor. His clawed nails clicking about gave him away, every time. A soft smile graced her lips as she tilted her chin towards the sun, knowing she’d need to ask Mel for a pillow to sit up. She suddenly felt the urge to stretch her splayed out legs, an urge she’d felt before which brought nothing in terms of movement. She then proceeded to stretch, her atrophied but still functional limbs responding as if her ailment had just..disappeared. Her ruby eyes flew open, her expression in utter shock. "W-What?" She whispered. No way her legs just fucking moved. She thought to lift one forepaw in the air and then drop it. It did, perfectly, although a tad difficult. Her breath hitched in her throat. This was a dream, right? The physicians said it was a broken neck..her paralysis was permanent..

"Lady Laeta? A-Are you alright?" Mel inquired. He hadn’t seen her new discovery, having been busy dusting the rugs. He adjusted his monocle and glanced up at her, brow furrowed.

"Mel.." she croaked. "I can..I can move. Watch." Her gaze welled up with tears. Tears? Why was she crying? Because she could move again? Because she was defying every natural law of this sort of injury? Because she had bested that bastard firefly entity by reversing his spell? Or perhaps it was all of it.

The badger’s beady eyes widened with his own shock, feet shuffling back as the emaciated woman forced all her energy into lifting her head off the bed. Her soft smile widened into a grin of determination and happiness, a true happiness she hadn’t felt in ages. What an amazing feeling to control her body again. "Heavens, Lady Laeta! The forces above h-have given you the mercy you deserve!" Mel exclaimed, his voice quivering.

She rose from the pillows, her neck sore and hard to keep up but otherwise functioning. She had her work cut out for her, with her muscles nearly wasted away from her inability to move for months. Lae finally reached her head over to sweep her gaze over her shrunken form. She was almost shocked to see it, as if she hadn’t been aware of its decline. No matter. She’d get back to being fit in no time, and contributing to the pack as she should. Steadily, the woman began getting off the bed, ignoring Mel’s frantic pleas to allow him to assist her. No. This was her moment. She needed it.

Each scrawny paw touched the floor, and all she had to do was put weight on them. With a grunt, she heaved herself off the bedframe, and suddenly, and ungracefully, found her legs unable to carry her just yet. And like a newborn foal just beginning to walk, the woman crumpled to the floor in a sore, joint-cracking heap. No injuries, no nothing. Just a frustrated sigh from a woman who just wanted to test her legs again. Still, with Mel anxiously trotting beside her, she asked him to nudge her back to her feet again. With another heave of energy, Laeta groaned as she finally wobbled to her four legs, standing rather like said newborn foal. With a deep breath - gods it was so hard, so achy and so strange - and with Mel acting as a crutch for support next to her, the woman walked yes, walked, on wobbly, unsteady legs out of her room to the third-floor corridor. Yeah, she looked like a drunk baby puppy, and Mel squeaked in surprise when she almost lost her balance every other step, but she was moving.

What a sight.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-01-2022, 10:41 PM

Fern had risen before the sun, putting in her daily sword training before returning to the castle for breakfast. After a quick bite, Fern returned to the room that she shares with Rudy. Taking time, the gray girl stows her training armor and wooden sword before moving to poke Puff awake. The small stoat squeaks in displeasure, making a show with an exaggerated stretch and loud yawn. Rolling her ocean hued eyes, Fern again pokes Puff and says, “Hey come on. I let you let you sleep in today. We have work to do.” Puff grumbles her annoyance before nodding and leaving her basket. The small stoat quickly climbs the gray girl’s leg and takes her spot between the wolf’s shoulders. Stretching up the back of Fern’s neck, Puff says, “Alright. Let’s get this patrol over with.”

With a roll of her eyes, Fern leaves the room and starts up the stairs to the third floor, aiming to make her way up to the tower. Since she has started to patrol the borders, Fern has learned that the tower offers a great vantage point to inspect the land before starting. With quick, fluid movements, Fern and Puff make it to the landing on the third floor. As she moves to take the next flight of stairs, a sound causes the gray girl to pause. The sound of nails scrapping on the floor, pulls the curious girl’s attention toward the corridor on the right. Puff speaks up, saying rather loudly, “I thought we have things to do.” Huffing an annoyed sigh, Fern replies in a much softer tone, “I just want to make sure everyone is alright.”

She is still new to the Hallows and has neglected getting to know her packs mates. Training and exploring the blossoming romance between her and Rudy has taken up all of her time. So, when Fern pokes her head around the corner of the hall, she is taken completely taken by surprise at the sight before her. A smaller wolf makes her wobbly way down the corridor, appearing like a new born foal testing its legs. A badger with ruby claws and a monocle stands on one side of the wolf, acting as a brace for the weak and unsteady woman. Fern hurries toward the pair down the hall, calling out, “Hey there. Can I offer you some help? You look a little… shaky.” Offering the duo a smile, the gray girl aims to move to the wolf’s other side and offer her bigger frame to learn against… if she wants the help.

The wolf looks older than Fern but it appears like she is new to walking. The small stoat on Fern’s neck peers over at the smaller wolf and her badger saying, “What happened to you? You don’t look so good. Did that badger have something to do with it?” Gray eyebrows shoot up as Fern quickly speaks up, apologizing for her friend, “Puff! That is not a nice thing to ask! I am really sorry about Puff. She doesn’t seem to have a filter between her brain and mouth!” Chuckling lightly, Fern will go on to say, “My name’s Fern by the way. Are two alright? Can I help you with anything?” The gray girl offers her body for support and is willing to help walk the wolf anywhere she would like to go.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-03-2022, 09:44 PM

Laeta felt every fiber of her being stretched to its limit not even a few bold steps from her bedroom, her limbs quivering beneath her sunken, emaciated body. Mel glanced up concerningly, shifting his weight to allow her to press against him for more support - she wasn’t a large wolf, and he was a rather large badger. He made for a decent crutch, but the woman was approaching her body’s limit. Months of paralysis definitely did a number on her. Another determined step, and the monochromatic wolf slipped, nearly toppling over her badger companion. She splayed her forelimbs out, looking much like a giraffe about to drink (should the visual help).

"Lady Laeta," Mel murmured nervously, "P-Perhaps we should stop for now. Your muscles have wasted away and it will take time for them to build up again." Laeta glanced at him, turning her head for the second time now. It felt odd, but almost refreshing to be able to look someone properly in the eye rather than a strained side eye. "I just want to get to the top of the stairs, Mel," She said, out of breath. Her twig-thin limbs shook intensely as they struggled to keep her weight, her face tense with exertion. She panted, forcing another step forward. Then another. Her whole body was uncoordinated, wobbly, and incredibly starved. Yet, she was moving. It was progress. Mel stowed away his concerns, but continued shuffling next to her with a knitted brow.

It wasn’t long before a voice made itself known, belonging to an unfamiliar she-wolf who had approached rather hurridely. She wasn’t someone Lae knew, but the scent of the pack on her indicated she was a fellow member. She smiled softly, forcing herself to straighten up to meet the friendly face eye-to-eye - something she hadn’t been able to do in ages - the bony woman’s ruby eyes twinkled in curosity. "Oh! I’m fine..thank you. My companion, Mel, is helping me." Mel glanced up at the woman with a smile of his own, adjusting his monocle. He wasn’t strained nor did the weight of the woman leaning against his shorter but mire solid form seem to bother him. It seemed he’d done much extering work before, so being a living crutch was nothing. Still, when the younger girl offered her bigger frame to lean against, almost on cue, Lae’s limbs trembled and buckled beneath her, accidently bumping into her shoulder. "I’m so sorry!" Lae said, offering a slightly embarrassed chuckle as she strained to lift her upper body up again. Mel clambered over to push her neck up, allowing her to wobble to all fours again. She breathed heavily, her ribs showing the heaving of her lungs with each breath she took. It was clear just standing was exhausting for her.

Laeta was not offended at all when the girl’s stoat made a comment about what happened to her, her tired yet bright ruby gaze sweeping over the creature and the wolf as she replied, "Oh, that’s quite alright," She said, the smile still visible on her lips even as she struggled to stand in place. "I was paralyzed from the neck down last season. I was told it was permanent, but just now I found out I could move again. Hence why I’m so wobbly." As the girl introduced herself as Fern, the older woman nodded and said, "Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Fern. I’m Laeta. As for help, well..I just wanted to walk to the stairs." She wanted to guage her limits after being unable to move, walk, run..anything. She was desperate to explore and more, but her body could only do so much. Her joints were significantly less sore thanks to the attentive care of the physicians, but her elbows and hips still uttered a few crunching cracks as she stepped forward, and though Mel was supporting her well on one side, Fern’s presence next to her helped as she wobbled and trembled. Her breaths were heavy, tongue lolling from the exertion, but the fierce determination in her gaze was unable to be let down. She was going to move. Whatever it took.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-03-2022, 10:55 PM

Fern had been quick to move toward the wolf as her slayed legs seemed to be perilously close to collapsing. Luckily, the thin wolf accepts Fern’s help and the gray girl moves to help brace the smaller frame between her and the badger. When the wolf slips and bumps her shoulder, the gray girl offers a chuckle to the monochromatic wolf’s apology, saying, “It is alright. I didn’t feel anything. It will take more than that to knock me down.” Turning her head, Fern’s ocean-hued eyes find the wolf’s ruby gaze and she offers the woman a warm smile. Mel clambers over to help the wolf make it back up to all fours and concern for the smaller wolf has Fern shooting Mel a questioning look, asking if this safe for his friend.

Turning her head back toward the front, Fern chides Puff when the stoat asks her the blunt question. The way the monochromatic wolf just smiles and explains what happened has a grin spreading across Fern’s lips. There is kindness in this wolf and it reminds Fern of her own mother. Suddenly, she feels the overwhelming urge to protect and aid her. Unconsciously, Fern shifts a little closer to the smaller woman’s frame as the introductions are made, offering more support for Laeta and a closer connection for the girl. When Laeta informs Fern that she just wants to make to the stairs, the gray wolf’s eyes turn to gaze the hallway.

There is a determination in Laeta that seems be woven into every fiber of the smaller wolf’s being. She understands that grit and that, no matter the peril it might put her in, Laeta will get to those stairs. Smiling, the gray girl decides that at least she can be with her to try and minimize any damage. With a nod, Fern says, “Well then Laeta, let’s get you to those stairs. Tell you what, let’s make a deal if you can walk all the way to the stairs, we will help you get down to the garden. Then we can all enjoy some breakfast in the sun.” Her smile is bright and full of confidence in the monochromatic wolf.

Fern stands next to the smaller wolf, offering her a brace but also, a friendly shoulder. The gray girl finds herself letting her defenses down with Laeta, the normal walls and distance she puts up for herself falls away as she connects Laeta’s kind determination to her own, dead mother’s. She needs to be with her, step by wobbly step, encouraging and cheering the woman on. With a gentle voice Fern adds, “The only condition is you have to rest when your body tells you. Sitting for a few minutes is better than not reaching your goal. So… shall we?” Ocean-hued eyes glance to Mel, asking his permission as well as Laeta’s. Meanwhile, Puff sits silently on Fern’s back, small paws gripping onto gray fur while looking over the thin wolf with a small smile on her face.

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2022, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2022, 08:20 PM by Laeta. Edited 2 times in total.)

Laeta was grateful for Fern’s charity. The taller grey woman mentioned she didn’t feel a thing when she had bumped into her, and thus she was relieved. It felt good to know that she had yet another supportive packmate to help her in a trying time. Still, nothing could quite beat the feeling of being able to move again, and all the wondrous things that came with it that others took for granted. Walking the packlands. Patrolling. Hunting. Racing. And so much more - and the monochromatic woman was determined to regain her strength to do all that and more. Mel shifted towards her other side, providing a lower-set but still useful crutch. She was supported well on both sides, which would make her journey that much easier on her bones.

The older woman smiled softly as Fern spoke and suggested she could try and help her down to the gardens. If she could get down those stairs (with help, of course) then they’d be able to sit jn the sun and enjoy breakfast, something she hadn’t done on her own four legs since..well, it felt enough like forever to be forever. She sensed Mel’s nervousness about her wobbly condition, and Lae offered her companion a reassuring look before turning to Fern with a weak but eager wag of her tail. Even the wag was a welcome feeling, as it had been paralyzed like the rest of her. "You’ve got a deal," She said, determined.

As they began to take each step, inching closer to the stair’s, Lae felt more confident with each wobbly, uncoordinated step she took. Fern’s lowered shoulder and Mel’s smooth, lumbering gait help support her even as she faltered, stumbled, and shifted unevenly on bone-thin limbs. They looked more like thin, hollow sticks than wolf legs, paired with the pronounced ribs poking through her shiny coat and the spine etching its way under her pelt. She really did look like a walking skeleton enrobed in fur. Still, she mustered just enough strength to shuffle forward towards the stairs. Fern spoke again as she paused, and at the right moment as her breaths became increasingly ragged, and she had only walked about three feet. Fern’s condition was agreeable, and Laeta offered a nod in agreement. "That sounds good to me. I’ll definitely need to rest often," She replied, glancing over to Mel. The badger was worried, brow furrowed, but he had also not yet seen Lae’s capabilities as a moving, four-legged wolf once more. She had more determination than he yet realized. The badger turned his worry into his own determination - to protect the wolf, but also encourage her healing. Walking was part of that. He nodded in agreement as well, with a "Alright then, b-but do be careful on the stairs, my lady!" Laeta chuckled softly, a noise she had not uttered in so long. Her zest for life had been zapped over the past two seasons, and it felt like a rejuvenation of her mind and soul to be on track once more. As she took an inhale, she mustered a few more wobbly, shuffling steps to the top of the third-floor stairs. Glancing at Mel and then Fern, Lae was practically beaming - shaky legs and all. "We shall." With that, with Fern helping her as needed and Mel helping lift her legs as needed for the steps, they would begin to slowly but surely descend the stairs towards the garden.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-12-2022, 02:23 AM

Fern smiles the whole time Laeta walks, giving words of encouragement where needed and a steadying presence as the wolf walks. When the make it to the top of the stairs, the gray girl says, “I think this is a good place to take a small break. Why don’t you rest moment and allow me to grab a few things from my room? It will make our picnic much more pleasant.” If the wolf agrees, the gray girl will assist Laeta to lay on the cool stone, allowing her time to catch her breath and ready her trembling muscles for the coming journey. Once the woman is settled and safe, Fern will make her way down to the second level of the castle and rush to the room she shares with Rudy. Giving instructions to Puff, the girl directs her companion to go to the kitchen and ask for certain foods to be bundled and brought out into the gardens. With a nod of her head, the small stoat scrambles down and bolts out the door.

Next, she grabs a few furs and a pack that she keeps in the corner. Carefully, she folds and ties the furs, and a plush buffalo pelt that will provide Laeta with some extra comfort, to the pack. Grabbing, two bowls for water, the girl stuffs them in a pocket and shoulders the pack, testing the weight a moment before rushing back toward the stairs. Slowing her pace, Fern carefully walks up the stairs toward the spot where she had left the wolf and badger. With a happy voice, the girl says, “Okay Laeta! I have some things here that will make the time outside much more enjoyable. Ready to conquer these stairs?” Ocean-hued eyes dance with joy as she crests the top, moving to help Laeta if she still wishes to still go down to the garden. Once more, Fern will move to stabilize and support the shaky wolf, prepared to take it one stair at a time.

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-16-2022, 07:05 PM

Laeta was given a moment of reprieve at the top of the stairs, slowly and gingerly setting her back end on the stone as Fern rushed back to her room for some items. "Sounds good," She said after the younger woman, watching as she disappeared from view to the rooms one level below. Mel focused on keeping the emaciated wolf steady, as she felt herself sway from the lack of musculature required to keep her even sitting up. It was good to rest, and she paid no mind as Fern’s little stout leapt down the flight of stairs to the main hall. It was a much needed reprieve, something Lae would need to get used to until she had the strength to walk. It was by no means Mel’s fault, nor anybody’s, that she was so thin. Being paralyzed rendered her appetite nearly nonexistant, and food at that time was incredibly dull. Perhaps it was what she was enduring mentally, or the toll of the ooze she’d contracted during the Long Night, or a combination of both. Regardless, now she was beginning to bounce back. Even the thought of a meal motivated her to continue on this journey, a hunger she hadn’t felt in forever.

As Fern returned, her grey figure was a welcome sight to Lae’s eyes. With a warm smile upon seeing her and her provisions, Fern inquired if she was ready to conquer the stairs. "I’m ready if you are," She replied, a genuine happiness smoothing out her voice. Finding the strength within her and a fire of determination like nothing before, Mel shifted against her as she shakily arose, letting Fern provide her support as her wobbly legs conquered each step, one by one. At times, Mel had to assist her by gently grasping the side of her scruff in his teeth, but she didn’t mind. It was how Mel helped carry her around when she was paralyzed after all. Still, the effort of each step centered around Laeta’s bony toes pressing down on each stair, shakily but steadily. A beam of joy crossed her expressions, the slightest glimmer of tears glazing her orbs. To some it might not seem so significant but to those who’d known Laeta’s grave was exhilirating.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2022, 05:32 PM

As Fern makes her back way to Laeta, a bright smile rests on her pale lips. The gray girl is thrilled to meet such a nice wolf and be given the opportunity to join in celebrating Laeta’s accomplishments. The monochromatic woman says she is ready, already moving to stand and Fern is quick to move to her side, reclaiming her previous spot by the wobble wolf’s side. Flashing the dapper badger a huge grin, the gray girl straightens up and says, “Watch out world! Here we come!” Laeta’s beaming, joy-filled expression is matched by Fern as they begin the slow trek. Mel keeps his grip on the smaller wolf’s scruff as they descend, helping to maneuver Laeta’s weak legs into position with each step. The gray girl offers encouraging words, cheering on the woman as they move.

Fern helps move Laeta’s legs when needed, offers her frame to lean against when the smaller wolf needs to rest on a step and she gives Mel reassuring smiles whenever he needs them. When they hit the landing to the second floor, the gray girl announces, “Wow! Those stairs didn’t stand a chance. What’da say to a small rest before we tackle the rest?” Fern wants the woman to catch her breath before continuing onward. Truthfully, the girl wants to carry Laeta the rest of the way, afraid that she might be taxing her already weakened body too much. Yet, every time she looks at Laeta, she sees the indomitable spark held that is held in those ruby red eyes. So, for now, Fern bites her tongue and allows Laeta the joy of making it down the stairs.

The sound of small paws on the stairs below them, has the gray girl casting her ocean-hued gaze down. She catches sight of Puff, who is quickly making her up the stairs. Her long, weasel like body hopping step to step as the stoat makes her way to the trio. Looking to Laeta, Fern says, “Oh, look who decided to join us!” Looking back to her small companion, the gray girl says, “Where you been Puff?” The small creature stops its upward progress to look at them and scoff. Her small voice says, “I decided I was hungry. Went and raided the kitchen while I was waiting. They have some nice meat today. Well… had.” A mischievous grin crosses small lips and the girl rolls her eyes, before shaking her head and turning back to Laeta and Mel.

Once the stoat has rejoined the group, they decide to tackle the last set of stairs. Laeta stands and Fern is quick to retake her spot as Mel does the same. Puff climbs up the gray girl’s leg, clambering onto her back and settling in for the ride. Pointing a small paw at the stairs, the stoat shouts, “Onward!” before giving the wobbly wolf a huge smile. They take their time, resting as needed, helping when Laeta needs them to, and offering encouraging words all along the way. Time passes and the group continues to cheer Latea on, the final goal within her reach.

When white tipped paws touch the floor of the grand foyer, Fern nearly shouts in joy. With a huge, beaming smile, the gray girl says, “You did it Laeta! Nothing can stop you! Way to go Mel!” Eyes dance with joy as Fern looks at the pair. A small voice pipes up from the girl’s back, saying, “Good job Puff! Couldn’t have done without you!” The gray wolf bites her lip, trying to hold in the laugh that begs to escape and bounce loudly off the walls.

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2022, 09:50 PM

The memories Laeta had accrued during hee time at the Hallows were each precious in their own way. This one certainly was one she’d keep in her mind for years to come - the pure kindness of her packmates stepping in to help her in her recovery, and when she was at her lowest those past few months, was something she never thought she’d be able to have. No longer was she the broken-down, sorrowful woman who’d trekked to Auster not that long ago. No, she was a new person now; one that craved each day and the new experiences it brought to her. Laeta wouldn’t take life for granted anymore. There was just too much to it she had yet to desire.

Fern cheered her on as she tackled each step, and though her muscles were at their limits, the pauses they made at the landings helped. It was clear the grey wolf wished to carry her, and she likely could if she wanted - but Laeta was determined. Determined as ever, in those ruby embers that brimmed in her eyes. There was a fire of hope that ignited deep within that she couldn’t let extinguish. She was grateful after the period of respite down the second floor that Fern didn’t try to lift her up. Lae needed this moment, this time to do what she’d been begging for all those she’d been confined to the bed. All she wanted was to break free, and she did. Laeta chuckled as Fern’s mischevious stoat hopped up the stairs, mentioning her little excursion to the dining hall.

The last flight of stairs was tough, but the thin woman felt a second winf rush over her as she gently placed each paw, one after the other, on the stairs. Finally..the last step. The woman’s snow-tipped toes each shakily pressed onto the stone castle floor, and a joyous celebration was had. Fern cheered, and Laeta grinned, beaming as her tail offered a weak but happy wag. Mel released her scruff and simply stood next to her as her brace, smiling as well. "Lady Laeta, I never thought I’d see the day, but you’ve done it!" He said, adjusting his monocle - it was quite clear he was trying not to cry. Laeta turned to Fern, catching her breath as her limbs shook. Oh, she’d definitely done a bit more than her poor legs suspected, but no matter. She was proud. Utterly proud. "Fern..I can’t thank you enough." She turned to the stoat who’d given herself a bit if praise, and she smiled to her, adding, "You were a big help, too, Puff!" She was looking forward to this..with the stairs challenging, but conquerable, what couldn’t she do?


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-01-2022, 02:05 AM

Fern feels the determination rolling off Laeta as they tackle each step and the gray girl continues smiling encouragingly at the smaller wolf. When snow tipped paws touch the foyer, the gray girl almost abandons her spot at Laeta’s side to do a happy dance. Fern feels so much joy and enthusiasm for Laeta and this monumental task that she has conquered. The gray girl cannot contain all of excitement and ocean-hued eyes sparkle with fulfillment. There are no words that can explain how happy this moment is for the girl and so, she smiles brightly at the Laeta and Mel. She beams with joy because Laeta had done the seemingly impossible! And , because Fern had been able to witness it! As they stand in the foyer, Mel and Fern acting as Laeta’s brace, the girl notices that Laeta gives a weak, happy tail wag and her smile grows. Fern’s tail gives an answering wag as she throws the monochrome wolf a wink.

Mel releases the lady’s scruff and smiles, speaking jubilantly while trying not to cry. Then, Laeta turns to her and offers Fern’s her thanks. The smile the girl wears, turns into a sheepish grin as she says, “You did all the hard work Laeta. Thank you for letting me experience this amazing moment.” The gray girl moves her muzzle toward Laeta’s forehead and aims to give the woman a small lick in an attempt to show her happiness and support. Puff speaks and Laeta thanks her too, which makes Fern give into the laugh that she had been trying to hold back. The overwhelming joy she has been feeling, spills over and bounces off the walls around them. When she is done, Fern turns her ocean colored eyes to capture Laeta’s ruby gaze. She says, “Well Laeta, you did it! I think you have earned yourself a ride out into the gardens. The food I had Puff order should be arriving at the spot right about now.”

Giving the triumphant wolf a gently shoulder bump and wink, Fern lowers her body to the floor and offers her frame to Laeta. The small stoat scrambles off Fern’s back to give the wolf plenty of room. As she moves to pass Laeta, Puff stops and pats Laeta’s paw and says, “You did great too!” The stoat gives a wink and leans up toward Laeta as if to tell her a secret. Softly, Puff says, “I made sure to order something extra special for you. Better hurry before the birds get it.” With that, the stoat moves out of the way and smiles.

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.